Can we now collectively agree that Jim Ryan was cancer for Playstation?
- Live service bet failed and backfired, with people being laid-off and studios closing
- Closed 4 studios (and nuked most of Japan Studio)
- PC ports that sold peanuts and only served to have people move out of Sony's own ecosystem into a competing platform (competing platform by his own words)
- Missed PS5 sales projections by 4M at a time their main competitor is selling less than last gen
- 2024 with ZERO first party single player games (yeah, they are publishing some, but that's it). The worst year for their single party studios in well over a decade!
- Nothing so far to show for 2025 other than Death Stranding (which is their IP but also a third-party studio)
- Let their relationships with japanese studios degrade to a point where Xbox is actually getting perks that PS doesn't get (looking at Sega here)
Imagine being the market leader and fucking up so much. It's actually impressive how bad this motherfucker was. If he was Xbox's CEO people would be laughing at his piss poor job.