Playstation Studios [OT]: News, hype and rumors about PS Studios and Bungie


Deleted member 417

I believe that Killzone VR could work, but my only concern with that is that I feel like Killzone was always a visual technical showcase. With it being VR, it wouldn't be as visually intensive.

Honestly, they most likely can make 2 Killzone titles. One that is a mainline flagship title that is strictly a traditional FPS with all the the visual bells and whistles. And another a VR title that is like a parrarel story that accompanies the current mainline game or could be a spin off a particular event from the universe or something. I think that would be very cool.

I enjoyed Killzone Shadowfall. I had 100% trophies, it was an impressive launch game, but it had some weird pacing here and there. Multiplayer was fun though.
I agree with most of this, especially how KZ4 was a tech demo (my words) more than it was a proper game.

I slightly disagree with VR games looking worse than flat screen games in the future. There's a possibility that VR becomes more visually impressive than flat screen because VR has the ability to reduce the performance cost in scenes and gameplay. Foveated rendering is just a start and it only takes a few clever tricks before we see visual marvels.

Necessity is the mother of invention. We were all told that 4k@60fps would be impossible on consoles, yet both PS5 and xbox have it due to tricks.

Maybe I'm being an optimistic but I really believe VR is the reset and push forward that we need in gaming.

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
I agree with most of this, especially how KZ4 was a tech demo (my words) more than it was a proper game.

I slightly disagree with VR games looking worse than flat screen games in the future. There's a possibility that VR becomes more visually impressive than flat screen because VR has the ability to reduce the performance cost in scenes and gameplay. Foveated rendering is just a start and it only takes a few clever tricks before we see visual marvels.

Necessity is the mother of invention. We were all told that 4k@60fps would be impossible on consoles, yet both PS5 and xbox have it due to tricks.

Maybe I'm being an optimistic but I really believe VR is the reset and push forward that we need in gaming.
Oh, I am not saying VR doesn't have the potential to reach high quality production values. I was more specifically speaking about PSVR2. As of now it wouldn't be powerful enough I don't think for it to be a technical showcase, but then again maybe I am wrong. I am not a developer.

I could see VR reaching same visuals as now or maybe even better in the next decade though for sure.

As far as pushing the video gaming medium forward I believe that if we are talking about FPS games specifically then yes 100% VR is the next big revolutionary step. FPS games where always about immersion and atmosphere and that's what VR excels at.

But I am not sure how it would be for other genres. Maybe for God games genre it could also work very well and possibly RTS.
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Deleted member 417

Oh, I am not saying VR doesn't have the potential to reach high quality production values. I was more specifically speaking about PSVR2. As of now it wouldn't be powerful enough I don't think for it to be a technical showcase, but then again maybe I am wrong. I am not a developer.

I could see VR reaching same visuals as now or maybe even better in the next decade though for sure.
That's fair
As far as pushing the video gaming medium forward I believe that if we are talking about FPS games specifically then yes 100% VR is the next big revolutionary step. FPS games where always about immersion and atmosphere and that's what VR excels at.

But I am not sure how it would be for other genres. Maybe for God games genre it could also work very well and possibly RTS.

Vr should, hopefully, bring about a renaissance in dead console genres. God games and RTS like you mention but hopefully side strollers and point and click games. Imagine a Broken Sword or Monkey Island where each scene is set on stage of a theatre and you're in the audience. Yeah it's still a '2d' game but it allows a richer, more in depth experience.

It only takes one imaginative dev to create or revolutionise a genre. I can't wait for it to happen.

Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
That's fair

Vr should, hopefully, bring about a renaissance in dead console genres. God games and RTS like you mention but hopefully side strollers and point and click games. Imagine a Broken Sword or Monkey Island where each scene is set on stage of a theatre and you're in the audience. Yeah it's still a '2d' game but it allows a richer, more in depth experience.

It only takes one imaginative dev to create or revolutionise a genre. I can't wait for it to happen.
Yeah I agree on dead genres.

Point n Click in VR however, would be very weird, idk if it would work. This might sound dumb, but imagine Death Strsnding in VR, it would be so trippy. I liked the fantasy of the hands stalking the player and the weird goo monsters. That would be a dope VR experience.

VR is the next massive step though for horror games. Resident Evil 7 and Village VR are a living proof of that. The only issue I see with horror games in VR is that it might cause some deaths due to heart attacks from jump scares lol.
  • thisistheway
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Deleted member 417

Yeah I agree on dead genres.

Point n Click in VR however, would be very weird, idk if it would work. This might sound dumb, but imagine Death Strsnding in VR, it would be so trippy. I liked the fantasy of the hands stalking the player and the weird goo monsters. That would be a dope VR experience.

VR is the next massive step though for horror games. Resident Evil 7 and Village VR are a living proof of that. The only issue I see with horror games in VR is that it might cause some deaths due to heart attacks from jump scares lol.
No way will I be playing horror games in VR. I played Alien Isolation on a DK2 back in 2014/2015 and I shit my pants. I can't imagine what a horror game would be like with today's graphics and dedicated teams. Saying that, I would buy a jump scare horror game to watch my friends and family play it!


21 Jun 2022
Sunset Overdrive gets all the talk as a proof of concept for a decent Spider-Man game. But am I the only guy who enjoyed Insomniac's co-op ability/powers shoot-bang game, FUSE? We can't get an attempt at a proper "GEARS of Sony" from Insomniac?
Arrowhead's next game is a AAA TPS coop shooter. Rumored to be Helldivers 2, it could be Sony's Gears. They also have many other teams working on shooters with many key people who previously worked on key shooter hits like Halo, Destiny, CoD, Apex Legends or Rainbow Six Siege, so I assume Sony will focuse their shoter efforts on these teams who already excelled on them.

Insomniac instead tried different things and they have been particularly successful with Ratchet and Spiderman, so I assume that in addition to with Wolverine (which apparently a bit more GoW-like take in terms of linearity, gore and combat) they'll continue in this line and will keep shooters to the other teams who have been previously way more successful in these genres than them.

I've seen people on twitter massively overhype the potential of a killzone or Socom reboot as one of these 10 live service games Sony want to do. Some even think Sony 1st party ought to abandon the single player games they're so good at in favor of multiplayer only games, which is really dumb imo.
Hermen said that their most successful games are the narrative driven SP only ones, so they'll keep focusing on SP only games, even if in addition to them of that they'll make more MP games than before.

Hermen said they had over 25 games under development at PS Studios. And they have at least 3 under development in Bungie. Meaning that PS Studios and Bungie have minimum 29 games under development. And problably SIE has more 2nd party on top of them like some Asian deals that maybe aren't counted under PS Studios. And maybe some of these over 30 games could be mobile games.

Meaning that the 10 GaaS pretty likely are only around a third of their games under development or less. Maybe less if not counting mobile games. And we also have to consider that some of these GaaS were games like MLB or GT that already had MP. So maybe their GaaS, in addition to their new IPs are GaaS adaptations of IPs that already had MP as they are doing with TLOU.

Meaning, maybe they make a GaaS game of Ghost of Tsushima, Uncharted or one of their racing games they could revive for VR like Wipeout or Motorstorm instead of using new VR IPs that nobody care about them.

They are selling over 20M copies of SP games like TLOU, GoW, Spider-Man, Horizon or Uncharted, so obviously they'll keep betting hard on this type of SP games.
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28 Jun 2022
Thought I had, how do you guys think a Bloodborne 2 reaction would play out if blue point were the ones making it in collaboration with from soft? Like if from soft provided the art direction, themes, new gameplay mechanics and miyazki as a consultant?
  • thinking_hard
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Thought I had, how do you guys think a Bloodborne 2 reaction would play out if blue point were the ones making it in collaboration with from soft? Like art direction, themes, new gameplay mechanics and miyazki as a consultant?
For probably the billionth time this has been explained, Bluepoint is a support and ports studio. They do not have the infrastructure or expertise as yet to make a whole game on their own, and if their revisions to the art and character design of Demon’s Souls are any indication, they should NOT be doing an original sequel to someone else’s work.

Also, From and Kadokawa aren’t about to let an IP they own 50% of be worked on without it being them doing the work.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Thought I had, how do you guys think a Bloodborne 2 reaction would play out if blue point were the ones making it in collaboration with from soft? Like art direction, themes, new gameplay mechanics and miyazki as a consultant?

Personally, I think most people that played Bloodborne and Demons Souls would be very excited by it.

I think there would be a vocal minority online that would be a mix of very ardent Souls fans and then fanboys from PC and Xbox that oppose it and attack it for various reasons....

I can understand some trepidation due to the aesthetic changes Bluepoint made from the original to their own remake of Demons Souls that impacted some of the characters creepiness and overall uniqueness.

But those nitpicks are worth enduring to get a great new game IMO. and Bluepoint has delivered time and time again.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Personally, I think most people that played Bloodborne and Demons Souls would be very excited by it.

I think there would be a vocal minority online that would be a mix of very ardent Souls fans and then fanboys from PC and Xbox that oppose it and attack it for various reasons....

I can understand some trepidation due to the aesthetic changes Bluepoint made from the original to their own remake of Demons Souls that impacted some of the characters creepiness and overall uniqueness.

But those nitpicks are worth enduring to get a great new game IMO. and Bluepoint has delivered time and time again.
Bluepoint has never delivered a game someone else hadn’t already designed.
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21 Jun 2022
Really hoping that like Gears of War, I can play fully solo through the campaign.
Same here.

Thought I had, how do you guys think a Bloodborne 2 reaction would play out if blue point were the ones making it in collaboration with from soft? Like if from soft provided the art direction, themes, new gameplay mechanics and miyazki as a consultant?
I think that as always there will be all kind of opinions. In this case, in addtion to the usual complains -not only from the haters who would complain for everything independently of what they do or don't do-, I think a few people (featuring the usual noisy and annoying fanboy ones) would get skeptical doubting if Bluepoint is able to do it because they think Bluepoint never worked on original games.

But the reality is that most of the Bluepoint lead and senior staff came to Bluepoint from working on games like Metroid Prime series, Donkey Kong or Mario Kart 7 in Retro, from working on games like Diablo II (the original one) or WoW at Blizzard, or from other top Sony studios like Naughty Dog or Insomniac. They are a super talented team very experienced on top original new games (not only GowR).

So If FromSoft and Bluepoint codevelop it, I think it would be smarter to reveal it with a gameplay showcase + ingame cutscenes trailer instead of with a logo teaser. Because I'm super confident that Bluepoint would nail it and if they show gameplay since the start, way less people would be skeptical.

I think most people who played Bloodborne, Demon's Souls remake, plus a huge chunk of new fans who played Elden Ring as their first Souls game, plus some new PS5 users who never played any Souls but saw that Elden Ring was very successful and won a lot of awards would look forward to this game, whose sales I think would be closer than ER than to the rest of the other Souls games. Even if this one obviously would be exclusive.

What's wrong with Sly? I think there's a niche for kids action/stealth gameplay?
Budgets skyrocket every generation but game prices and sales don't. So they have to be very careful with the AAA games they greenlight. Back then Sly wasn't a super seller, and right now Sony has like over half a dozen super selling IPs plus several teams who have been super successful creating new IPs several times, so they could see IPs like Sly too risky.

So instead of focusing on old b tier IPs they'll focus on these active super selling IPs plus new IPs from these top tier teams. In the case of Sucker Punch they got super successful, way more than with any of their previous games, with GoT. So they'll focus on GoT (I'd bet that they are working on a SP GoT2 and in a MP GoT GaaS) and maybe also in a new IP if they grew enough.

I think there's very little chance to see Sly back. I think the most likely chance of getting something is that maybe in the future, after having made these like a dozen announced cinema/tv adaptations being a good portion of them very successful they'll continue making more, so they may adapt some of their old b-tier IPs, which could receive some related game, pretty likely some remastered collection or remake. One of them maybe could be Sly.

Something else that could happen -but pretty unlikely- would be that Sony would open to license some of their IPs to very talented indie teams very passionate about them, maybe after acquiring Devolver or Annapurna. If that happens and there's someone very passionate about Sly and they see it's a good fit and that the development would be cheap enough to be ok with lower sales, that coupd happen.

Other option, also unlikely but still possible, would be that when signing 2nd party games for PSVR2 someone that would fit (maybe the Moss devs?) would pitch them a Sly VR game similar to a previous VR successful game they did (in this case the Moss series).

But the thing is that big corporations like Sony typically aren't confident letting their IPs to external teams, specially if are small, not verry successful or experienced teams. And in the case of the indie teams who make either flat or VR games, they often prefer on their own IPs and ideas and aren't interested on working on someone else IPs or to have a big corporation telling them what to do. So I think it's pretty unlikely.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
its funny to see ps studios open arms to the ones fired yesterday
Do you really want 343i infecting your studios?

@Yurinka , as to Sly, the cartoony art style and past focus on more linear levels means that they can afford a lesser budget. Sony is a home to many large AAA single player story driven games, yes, but they've also always done cartoony, child-friendly, games too. Sly, LBP, Astrobot, Knack, etc. I don't know how SP would feel about sending the IP to someone else but MM let LBP go so it's definitely possible. Would probably impact the quality though.
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21 Jun 2022
Do you really want 343i infecting your studios?

@Yurinka , as to Sly, the cartoony art style and past focus on more linear levels means that they can afford a lesser budget. Sony is a home to many large AAA single player story driven games, yes, but they've also always done cartoony, child-friendly, games too. Sly, LBP, Astrobot, Knack, etc. I don't know how SP would feel about sending the IP to someone else but MM let LBP go so it's definitely possible. Would probably impact the quality though.
Yes, but for kid friendly 1st party stuff they now seem that are getting rid of Knacks and Slys and focusing on more successful IPs: Ratchet, Astrobot, or LBP/Sackboy. Regarding to send Sly to someone else, it wouldn't be the first time: the most recent game and the trilogy collection were developed by Sanzaru, not by SP.

Now I remember that half a year ago SP said this to debunk some rumors that were around then:
"With our focus on our current project, we have no plans to revisit inFAMOUS or Sly Cooper right now, and no other studio is currently working on projects related to those franchises either"


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Yes, but for kid friendly 1st party stuff they now seem that are getting rid of Knacks and Slys and focusing on more successful IPs: Ratchet, Astrobot, or LBP/Sackboy. Regarding to send Sly to someone else, it wouldn't be the first time: the most recent game and the trilogy collection were developed by Sanzaru, not by SP.

Now I remember that half a year ago SP said this to debunk some rumors that were around then:
"With our focus on our current project, we have no plans to revisit inFAMOUS or Sly Cooper right now, and no other studio is currently working on projects related to those franchises either"
If it wasn’t for how insanely good Ghost of Tsushima is, I’d be very sad about no more InFamous.

InFamous 2 was one of the best games I’ve ever played, and it had some great storytelling in it, too.
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Elder Legend

CEO of Gaming Instincts (Industry Veteran)
10 Jan 2023
Our PlayStation writer decided to talk about what he wants from PlayStation 5 in 2023 -

With titles such as Horizon Forbidden West and God of War Ragnarok making strides to support the PlayStation 5 in 2022, there are high expectations for the console this new year. Now we look at 2023 and dream about what we want most from the gaming giant. It should be noted that the following are not reported facts; they are simply what I hope to see from PlayStation as the year progresses.
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