Project Q leaks


Actually born in 1904!
22 Jun 2022
Surprise some people don't see Sony's true attention.

They probably order a lot of Dualsense parts and probably want to get rid of those fast. They bundle it with PS5 in the shortage but there still a lot in inventory so they come up with this to well, clear stock. Dualsense Pro is another one of those.

Also they want to test the water to see if market demand handheld devices altogether. If this Q shit bombs, which it certainly will, they got a good excuse to basically not make a handheld altogether in front of shareholders.
I don't think so is out there trying to sabotage itself. That's a childish way to look at it. Releasing an handheld would take a lot of resources of the trams regardless. Even Nintendo is not doing handheld exclusives anymore


21 Jun 2022
Surprise some people don't see Sony's true attention.

They probably order a lot of Dualsense parts and probably want to get rid of those fast. They bundle it with PS5 in the shortage but there still a lot in inventory so they come up with this to well, clear stock. Dualsense Pro is another one of those.

Also they want to test the water to see if market demand handheld devices altogether. If this Q shit bombs, which it certainly will, they got a good excuse to basically not make a handheld altogether in front of shareholders.
Sony already knows there isn't a market for handheld consoles, experienced it with the Vita.

This is the reason of why Project Q is just a PS5 gamepad with a screen instead of a handheld console: because they know there's no place for a handheld that requires games made for it.

They also know that can't afford to split their resources between making games for PS5 and making games for a portable and that it's a better idea to focus on PS5 only.

I believe after official first looks come out a lot of minds will change.
I agree. I think some people, including some of the ones from this thread, will continue hating whatever Sony does outside announcing the games they want to see announced.

But I think some people will like it and will find a market being bought by a portion of the PS5 userbase, maybe around 10%. So it would end selling around 10-15M (what the Vita sold or more) at the end of the generation and Sony will be happy with it.

In addition to this, we'll have to see if it ships using an Android OS or if it was only for during development. Because if it uses Android and has some moderately decent tech specs this is going to be awesome for emulation.
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29 Jun 2023
I still think it is a shit devices that is unnecessary.
The screen, chip, probably cost them like under 2000 to make. Dualsense parts probably the one they are trying to get rid of, cost them nothing.

So overall, if it bombs, they probably aren't gonna lose anything. Selling just 8000 of these already a success in clearing out inventory

My guess is this thing gonna cost 10000, or 99 USD
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29 Jun 2023
If is 10000 , maybe some people will buy it as a mirroring devices and controllers altogether.
The Dualsense itself costs like 7000 so.

Also I hope that Sony will provide a solution rather than having to port forwarding, because Docomo are a bunch of bitches when it comes to tech support.
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
I believe after official first looks come out a lot of minds will change.

Once media get their hands on it, and if the device does what it promises which is an effective and simple way to play your ps5 games comfortably away from your tv, then the tides will change just like the dualsense edge which i still dont think is worth the money, even owning one myself.

The fact that people are mostly harping on the looks is a good sign of this happening because its clear sony is going for comfort and practicality over aesthetics. Which is whats most important really. People don’t just buy things because they look cool or cute, which is why the vita bombed, and the ps5 continues to sell like hot cake.

People saying this Is useless are just mad its not a PSP3. Most people are playing handhelds in their home, or in a hotel or plane, etc. not out in parks and or rooftop parties.

But again, its a sony product and people hate when they do anything that’s new or different so this is just par for the course. But it 100% makes sense why sony or any other platform are not making separate dedicated handhelds anymore.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
People still out here saying Vita proved there isn't a handheld console market? In the landscape of Switch, Deck and a good few others now?

Didn't I read somewhere that PSP/Vita outsold PSVR?

They're not even comparable as no one's asking for a PSP/Vita with its own library of games going forward. A PS4 level digital handheld to provide a stopping gap for developers whom have trouble with PS5, with native downloadability od games, and remote play of PS5. That's about it, it'd get storage and lack of buttons addressed, I'd hope. It'd hold steady against Deck/Others into PS6 gen. Have the gen-behind portable console as a mid-gen refresh sku or something, along side pro and slim.

I'd really like to do this legally and stuff, within PS's ecosystem, but they're too scared to commit and I just don't understand why. They have the IP and digital libraries I want access to (again, PS3 digital PS1 games!) At this rate I can feel it in my bones I'm probably gonna be disappointed in Q, and end up on a ROG Alley at some point.

You're Sony/PS for fuck's sake. Where's the forward thinking grander vision, or sense of style gone?
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Ah, my back!
23 Jun 2022
i think I’d just prefer the Q over a dedicated handheld, as long as it doesn’t have latency problems its a good middle ground, just price it well.

Being able to play spider-man 2 with less lag than a steamdeck for a fraction of the price is much more appealing.