PS "exclusive" Helldivers II will require PS Plus Membership (online paywall) while releasing on PC Day & Date, with online play being free!

  • Thread starter Deleted member 223
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Fair or Unfair? Should the online PayWall die?

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25 Mar 2023
Be nice to @Batzy

He just joined. Welcome should be warmer than this.
I won't be nice to anyone that tries to spin online paywall as anything other than 100% negative.

Paywall for online games is the original sin of console games and the thing that kept Xbox alive for this long despite everything else.


10 Jan 2024
I won't be nice to anyone that tries to spin online paywall as anything other than 100% negative.

Paywall for online games is the original sin of console games and the thing that kept Xbox alive for this long despite everything else.
No, it was Arcades. Games made hard on purpose to take your money. Then NES with magazine subs for hints on how to beat a game or cheats for the game. And now with paid online. And stop moving the goal posts. My posts is just fact, yours are you trying to fight the power on a forum. Go picket outside Nintendp, Sony and Microsft over this, or stfu cause you have no power over this.


25 Mar 2023
No, it was Arcades. Games made hard on purpose to take your money. Then NES with magazine subs for hints on how to beat a game or cheats for the game. And now with paid online. And stop moving the goal posts. My posts is just fact, yours are you trying to fight the power on a forum. Go picket outside Nintendp, Sony and Microsft over this, or stfu cause you have no power over this.
How about you stfu instead?

I knew from the start who I was dealing with.

I have all the power I need to not support being treated as a second class citzen by Sony.
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Deleted member 223

Fanboysm is a helluva drug.

Don't matter if the "fight" was "lost" long ago. What a stupid retort. If you can't handle the rightful negativity that should surround Sony on this topic every time they publish a game with an online component on both PS/PC and treat their customers in a double standard fashion, specially a game Sony themselves publish (double the insult to injury).... if you can't handle that...well just move along and go to other threads. If you step on the ring trying to rationalize this absurdity, you're asking for it from posters that won't stand for the bullshit.

It's a bankrupt policy that's simply pure greed at its core. Beyond that it even has negative, industry wide unintended consequences by encouraging F2P GaaS development and consumer adoption.
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10 Jan 2024
I know everything I need to know about you.

The fuck you use a creepy gif. At least use the right gif to annoy me, not creep me out.


21 Jun 2022
I won't be nice to anyone that tries to spin online paywall as anything other than 100% negative.

Paywall for online games is the original sin of console games and the thing that kept Xbox alive for this long despite everything else.
Ok but first-party = free online is not something that exists outside this thread.

It's not a coincidence the people most angry about this are against PC ports. That's the root cause of all this anger. You're just using the paid online to vent about Sony PC ports.

There's no reason to target Helldivers 2 specifically besides that. Paid online exists for everything including first-party games 🤷


25 Mar 2023
Ok but first-party = free online is not something that exists outside this thread.

It's not a coincidence the people most angry about this are against PC ports. That's the root cause of all this anger. You're just using the paid online to vent about Sony PC ports.

There's no reason to target Helldivers 2 specifically besides that. Paid online exists for everything including first-party games 🤷
Any rational person will see a problem in Sony charging for online for their game on PlayStation but it being free on PC. You can come up with all the excuses you want but it is what it is and they are the ones that made it like this.

As it was suggested already, they at least had an out waving the paywall for their own games to make it less awkward but they didn't bother. They deserve to be shamed and mocked as they'll be by PC master racers, by Xbots and even by reasonable PS players.
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  • sad
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Ok but first-party = free online is not something that exists outside this thread.

It's not a coincidence the people most angry about this are against PC ports. That's the root cause of all this anger. You're just using the paid online to vent about Sony PC ports.

There's no reason to target Helldivers 2 specifically besides that. Paid online exists for everything including first-party games 🤷
Andd before paid online it was "Online Pass" on PS3 where you had to pay $10 to play online per game if you didn't buy the original copy of the game or even borrowed the game.

Suddenly people here are apparently subbed to PS+ only for online gaming and not the fact PS+ is Jack of all trades subscription... Literally $6 a month with the price hike.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


25 Mar 2023
Andd before paid online it was "Online Pass" on PS3 where you had to pay $10 to play online per game if you didn't buy the original copy of the game or even borrowed the game.

Suddenly people here are apparently subbed to PS+ only for online gaming and not the fact PS+ is Jack of all trades subscription... Literally $6 a month with the price hike.
So you also supported Online pass? That shit was low and aimed at damaging the used copies market, a good thing that is was forgotten. Why are you guys so committed to making excuses for Sony when their behavior it is so obviously inexcusable? When MS tried to charge for online on PC they got mocked to oblivion.

I would like a Sony employee to attempt to write a paragraph explaining why it makes sense for people who buy this game on PlayStation to be required to pay a monthly fee while the same isn't the case on PC. Too bad the gaming media sucks so much, they should be pushing this angle and mocking Sony for treating PC players better than PS players.

A sale of Helldivers II generates far more money on PlayStation and Sony is the one in charge of servers on both version regardless (will likelly even be the same servers due to crossplay). Once again we see Sony pandering PC players while not giving a shit to PS players.
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Deleted member 223

Ok but first-party = free online is not something that exists outside this thread.

It's not a coincidence the people most angry about this are against PC ports. That's the root cause of all this anger. You're just using the paid online to vent about Sony PC ports.

There's no reason to target Helldivers 2 specifically besides that. Paid online exists for everything including first-party games 🤷
You do understand that you can't criticize ABK or any other third party dev or publisher for Sony's online paywall when they release a game right? So every time a game like say COD releases, and a customer has to fork $70 + the paywall fee of $80 yearly on PlayStation it's not ABK's fault but Sony's? With that distinction out the way we move to the next:

You also understand that as long as Sony doesn't become a third party publisher then Sony can attempt to hide on the fact that the online paywall is uniform for all of their customers since all of them are exclusively on PlayStation? Once Sony becomes a third party publisher, Sony can no longer hide on that defense, because that uniformity of treatment disappears as their customers are now also on PC. Thus that is one less argumentative defense for the absurdity that is this online paywall... (a total mask off moment).... simply put, exposed as a two-faced, greedy company who will gladly exploit their captive and most profitable user base more than other customers of theirs in other platforms (in this case PC, but it can be any other, Xbox or Nintendo). Hence that addresses the fair or unfair argumentative angle and the why now (@Old Gamer point notwistanding). Before becoming a third party pub Sony could hide on the fact that they were not into third party publishing (and everyone in the PlayStation ecosystem was treated the same by Sony themselves), now they can't. I personally saw and encountered a lot of PlayStation fanboys positing that type of defense when this policy was rolled out at the outset of the PS4, and so this was the major and last argument standing that had any semblance of proper weight.

Your view on this is myopic, and from my read, a fanboy trigger.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
So you also supported Online pass? Why are you guys so compelled to make excuses for Sony when it is so obviously inexcusable? When MS tried to charge for online on PC they got mocked to oblivion.
Why would I support Online Pass when I buy all my games sealed sir? Stop trying to have your lil gotcha moment in here because it's not gonna happen with me.

The point remains we all knew going forward Playstation Multiplayer titles would be going to PC day and date... We also knew it would require PS+ on consoles... This entire outrage is dumb.

Nothing but an unnecessary smear campaign in the making for Helldivers 2. As I'm already seeing the talking point spread on Twitter outside the base.

Were you also mad when the first Helldivers came out and it required PS+ on PS4 but didn't on PS3? Or you didn't support it then?

Did you even plan to support this game? Or just using it as a way to find another thing to freedom fight about on this site?
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


25 Mar 2023
Why would I support Online Pass when I buy all my games sealed sir? Stop trying to have your lil gotcha moment in here because it's not gonna happen with me.

The point remains we all knew going forward Playstation Multiplayer titles would be going to PC day and date... We also knew it would require PS+ on consoles... This entire outrage is dumb.

Nothing but an unnecessary smear campaign in the making Helldivers 2. Were you also mad when the first Helldivers came out and it required PS+ on PS4 but didn't on PS3? Or you didn't support it then?

Did you even plan to support this game? Or just using it as a way to find another thing to freedom fight about on this site?
Your lack of outrage is what is dumb, you'll accept anything, no standards. If you are fine being treated as a second class citizen then enjoy your PlayStation and support all this BS. In the end this is the type of stuff that will ensure PlayStation won't be around for much longer.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Your lack of outrage is dumb, you'll accept anything. If you are fine being treated as a second class citizen then enjoy your PlayStation and support all this BS. In the end this is the type of stuff that will ensure PlayStation won't be around for much longer.
It ain't dumb because even if I wasn't gonna buy Helldivers I'd still be subbed to PS+ 🤣. I didn't sub to PS+ for online play so for me it's a bonus as I don't even game online that much as I did back in the PS3 and PS4 era.

So again why should I be outraged over something that's irrelevant? PS+ practically pays back for itself in the end for me.... So NO! I ain't outraged.

And Arrowhead definitely doesn't deserve to suffer because of whatever issue you have with Sony.
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
If PlayStation ain't around for much longer trust it won't be because PC online play was free... PC getting single player tent-pole games haven definitely twisted a few knives into the brand. The lack of communication, lack of community building, expensive pricing and attempt to Applefy the brand will eventually catch up.

PS+ is irrelevant in the grand scheme of things. The biggest multiplayer games on PlayStation don't require PS+ sans GTA, FIFA, COD ... This isn't the hill they will die on, trust me on that.
  • brain
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


25 Mar 2023
It ain't dumb because even if I wasn't gonna buy Helldivers I'd still be subbed to PS+ 🤣. I didn't sub to PS+ for online play so for me it's a bonus as I don't even game online that much as I did back in the PS3 and PS4 era.

So again why should I be outraged over something that's irrelevant? PS+ practically pays back for itself in the end for me.... So NO! I ain't outraged.

And Arrowhead definitely doesn't deserve to suffer because of whatever issue you have with Sony.
I'm already subbed to PS+ that is not the point, the point is them being shameless enough to do it.

Sony treating PC players better than PlayStation players isn't irrelevant, it's at the core of their entire PC push strategy.

The best place to play? Not even the best place to play PlayStation games.

If PlayStation ain't around for much longer trust it won't be because PC online play was free... PC getting single player tent-pole games haven definitely twisted a few knives into the brand. The lack of communication, lack of community building, expensive pricing and attempt to Applefy the brand will eventually catch up
Why would they need to communicate anything if you'll even defend stuff like this? They already have you and you don't matter to them because no matter what they'll get your money anyway. They don't care about what game you'll buy or what games you like, they care about what is going to make them more money on PC.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I'm already subbed to PS+ that is not the point, the point is them being shameless enough to do it.

Sony treating PC players better than PlayStation players isn't irrelevant, it's at the core of their entire PC push strategy.

The best place to play? Not even the best place to play PlayStation games.

Why would they need to communicate anything if you'll even defend stuff like this? They already have you and you don't matter to them because no matter what they'll get your money anyway.

And gamers have the Option to vote with their wallets... And they tend to because most people don't care about miniscule stuff like this. The service for them offers value all around.

I don't care if I matter to them. I spend my money how I see fit lol. There's many things they do that I don't support and so I simply don't support lol. I'm not looking for best friends from these corps. It's all about money and so I spend my money to benefit me.
  • they're_right_you_know
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