PS5 hits 61m as Sony’s year-on-year Q1 hardware sales fall but operating income rises


Active member
18 Jul 2024


How do you expect it to be ahead of the PS4 with that price in the middle of the generation?
With games. And not telling everyone that you're not must own anymore. Remember this?

What a bunch of morons.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
With games. And not telling everyone that you're not must own anymore. Remember this?

What a bunch of morons.

Days Gone
Ghost Of Tsushima
God Of War

All theses games was released after the PS4 achieved a 63.4M.

Sorry but the price was a major factor for her success.

A console that costs 299 can be sold more easily than a console costing 499.


21 Jun 2022
The PS4 sold 63.4 million with :

-A console initially priced at $399.
-A slim model at $299.
-A PS4 pro already released at $399 only.
-A PSVR1 at 399$.
-No shortages.

The PS5 made 61.6 million with :

-A console sold at $399 and $499 at launch.
-Then a "Slim" that doesn't drop in price and sees its digital version increase to $449 (+$50 when it should be the opposite).
-A PS5 Pro not available yet.
-A PSVR2 at 549$.
-Significant shortage (during the covid period).

There's a gap of 1.8 million between the 2 consoles, but given the less favorable conditions, it's almost a miracle to see a PS5 always sticking to the PS4.
I'd have to check the prices that PS+ and PS Now had back then and calculate the inflation, but I'd say that the gamesub is also more expansive now than it was then.

I'd also bet that at launch aligned, at this point (2017 I think) PS4 already had droped PS3 versions of games like CoD or AC (not FIFA, they always keep supporting previous generation for way longer than the rest of key series).

In a year from now we'll see PS5 getting new GTA, CoD and AC titles with no PS4 version, which I think will make many people jump to the current gen.

Id imagine Microsoft has all of the same problems except they were already bleeding 100-200 dollars on each console sold BEFORE all of the factors you mentioned.
Well, MS had many problems more.

In their case, they sell way less games and subscriptions than Sony. Meaning games and subs sold for the console help less compensating the loses from hardware.

On top of that, MS spent like almost $100B in acquisitions in recent years and even if being rich don't give a fuck, in the long term should want to get that money back, so a bigger priority for them would be this than to get back the loses from hardware.

They also have the issue of losing a sizable portion of 1st party sales and some 3rd party games because of putting all their games day one on PC and specially in their gamesub. They tried to do this stunt to turn GP into the Netflix of gaming or at least outperform PS+ but failed. So they have to do something to address this lost revenue and profitability (it shouldn't be cheap to moneyhat 3rd parties to put their games day one there).

All that, combined with Nitnendo and Sony being stronger than ever, made Xbox sales tank, which -being something planned or not- makes them need to pivot and focus more on becoming a multiplatform publisher.

Then there's the integration, coordination and management of all these acquired teams, which is a challenge itself and requires a lot of time and effort.

It's a very different case, MS has many other different headaches. And well, Sony is having their top grossing and most profitable generation ever so their issues with hardware are very relative, aren't really a big issue.
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Icon Extra
4 Aug 2023
It's more or less on par with a PS4. So a gen behind in pure performance.
The Steam Deck isn't more or less on par with the standard PS4. It's mostly just more than the PS4.
RDNA2 is a whole lot more performant per TFLOP than GCN2, 4xZen2 at 3.5GHz is worlds above 8xJaguar at 1.6GHz and there's twice the RAM amount.
It only really loses in pixel filtrate and memory bandwidth, but that's because the PS4 was made for 2MPix output whereas the Deck is made for 1MPix.

Regardless, the point is these consoles do rasterization (mostly), so performance scales with target resolution and it doesn't make much sense to compare consoles with very different target resolutions (and screen sizes) in mind, specifically handhelds vs home consoles.

That said, the Steam Deck can do a lot more at 1MPix output than the PS4 can do at 2MPix. Looking at GPU metrics alone and without counting on RDNA2's gigantic IPC advantage over GCN, the Deck has 1.6 TFLOPs per rasterized MPix whereas the PS4 has 0.9 TFLOPs. For its 8MPix target, the PS5 has 1.3 TFLOPs per rasterized MPix.

TLDR: the Deck is very much a console of the same generation as the PS5 and Series X and is capable of doing the same work-per-pixel as the bigger consoles. It's clearly not a generation behind unless you're trying to plug it into a 1080p/4K TV.

The issue with Xbox is the lack of marketing and presence.
Not even the hardest-working Xbox marketers believe this nowadays.


27 Jun 2023
Not sure if you quoted the wrong post, because has nothing to do with what I posted.

I think they won't port old games to rival consoles. If Lego Horizon works well in general I think they'll do more Lego games using SIE IPs, and in particular if that game sells well enough on Switch they would release these potential future Lego games on Switch 2 as exception (like with the other non-Sony brand MLB), because being kids focused the demografics would fit well.

I think they won't port old games specially because Xbox is dying -so no big business to be made there- and because I think Switch 2 will start with record numbers but in the long term, at the end of the generation will have performed way worse than Switch because I think PS5/PS6 and PC handhelds -specially if Sony releases one, I think they will- will slowly eat its market share. Plus as happened in the recent generations, I think non-Nintendo publishers will continue making way more money on PS, PC or mobile than in Switch 2.

As themselves said, Sony's gaming business is focused on their console, because their main revenue source are the games and subs sold in their store, which right now is limited to their console. But in order to chase the extra revenue and profitability they need, they are expanding to mostly the gaming markets that are bigger than the PS one (PC and mobile) and outside gaming (movies, tv shows, theme parks).

But even if they would do it, I'd continue thinking what I posted in the other post because it's unrelated and the points would continue being valid.
i never even mentioned Xbox, i mentioned Switch 2, Nintendo is not having their marketshare stolen because they're not stupid to put their own tentpole releases on other platform, they'll retain players of their own games on their product, not help grow Steam and other storefronts
24 Jun 2022
They are cheap compared to a gaming PC.

Eh, it depends.

If you want the cheapest PS5 today ($450 Digital) and you pay for the most basic PS+ ($80/year) through to PS6, you're spending $450 (plus tax) + $240 = $690 in totality for just the hardware and online play for non-F2P games.

Now let's also consider a lot of people who'd be buying a PS5 at this point don't care that much about performance, i.e they don't need every game to be top-of-the-line PS5 level performance. They just want something that's "good enough". Meaning, if that player were to consider a PC, they wouldn't need something equivalent to a PS5: they'd be fine with something a bit lower-spec.

That type of gamer could probably find a PC just around or a bit below PS5 spec (it could be a case-by-case depending on the game) for $700 or less. Meaning for the performance that's "good enough" to them, they'd be paying generally equal to a PS5 and getting all the necessary features like online gaming included in the package. The pay for PS+ combined with generally higher game prices really starts to cancel out price savings for the prospective PS5 purchaser compared to a PC.

I don't get where the idea that all or even most PC gamers need top-of-the-line or beefy gaming rigs to game, but even Steam surveys should show you that a lot of PC gamers are fine with modest or lower-end specs for AAA gaming. And those are probably a part of the group who'd be the ones looking to buy a console at this stage in the lifecycle.


21 Jun 2022
i never even mentioned Xbox, i mentioned Switch 2, Nintendo is not having their marketshare stolen because they're not stupid to put their own tentpole releases on other platform, they'll retain players of their own games on their product, not help grow Steam and other storefronts
With Wii as exception, since the NES every single Nintendo home console sold less than the previous one, not a lot of retention there, they kept losing market share to the point that had to merge it with their portable side.

In Switch they merged their home console and portable console devices+teams+markets focusing on the portable side (something very smart in their position, because their strong part was the portables and in the home consoles didn't push high end visuals), and was the only generation where Nintendo had no competition in the portable side.

Switch also took the role of the "only/best portable to run home console/PC 3rd party (mostly indie) games" that previously Vita and PSP had. PC handhelds will take this role going forward, specially because you're able to run there the PC games you already own without having to pay for them again.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022


  • PS2 : 46.40M (LTD)
  • NSW : ~45.30M

  • PS5 : ~20.85M (+7%)
  • PS4 : 19.37M

  • 360 : 15.49M
  • X|S : ~14.55M
  • XBX : 14.50M


Well-known member
1 Mar 2024
Eh, it depends.

If you want the cheapest PS5 today ($450 Digital) and you pay for the most basic PS+ ($80/year) through to PS6, you're spending $450 (plus tax) + $240 = $690 in totality for just the hardware and online play for non-F2P games.

Now let's also consider a lot of people who'd be buying a PS5 at this point don't care that much about performance, i.e they don't need every game to be top-of-the-line PS5 level performance. They just want something that's "good enough". Meaning, if that player were to consider a PC, they wouldn't need something equivalent to a PS5: they'd be fine with something a bit lower-spec.

That type of gamer could probably find a PC just around or a bit below PS5 spec (it could be a case-by-case depending on the game) for $700 or less. Meaning for the performance that's "good enough" to them, they'd be paying generally equal to a PS5 and getting all the necessary features like online gaming included in the package. The pay for PS+ combined with generally higher game prices really starts to cancel out price savings for the prospective PS5 purchaser compared to a PC.

I don't get where the idea

The average Joe mainly looks at up front cost. When a new entry lvl GPU costs as much as a Switch and a midrange GPU as much as a PS5 slim, he'll most likely pick the console. If he doesn't care about performance, he can get a PS4 pro for 200€ and still play pretty much everything bar the biggest AAA titles.
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Well-known member
1 Mar 2024

Fun fact, during the 6 first months of 2024 the PS5 sold almost 5 times more thans the Series.

PS5 = 6.9M (4.5+2.4)
X|S = 1.4M (0.8+0.6)

Nah man, Playstation is done once Microsoft launches its Xbox/PC/Steam thing. 😉


22 Jul 2023
Hopefully these results are a wake up call for Sony to kill PC support. Legacy titles like GoW Ragnarock should still be selling PS5's but they put the game on PS4 and PC wtf?
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