PS5 shipments top 54.8 million as of December 2023. Has outsold Xbox Series X/S 2-1, data suggests



28 Jun 2022
Leaks showed PS+ had a sharp effect on Horizon Forbidden West sales trajectory.

PS5 is selling slower than PS4, are you still going to blame it on COVID or is there a new explanation to it?
Nooo I'm going to belive your fallacious arguments that have nothing to stand on. Don't selectively pick and choose what you read we are mostly enthusiasts here lol I said most games won't be effected by plus and it hasn't been substantial. which is true. Of course you grab the game tht released the quickest on PSplus which was a rare move on Sony's part with obvious intentions. Why don't you do me a favor and go to that thread and send what we all said or most of us "oh no why did Sony put Horizon on plus so fast it's going to affect sales" whichhhh drumroll please actually shows you strengthening my argument about gamepass cannavalizing sales and Sony has been right not to follow that lead. They tried it once and it cost them. Once does not mean it had a substantial affect overall lol smh.

PS5 selling slower than PS5 doesn't mean Sony is failing. Have you seen revenue and profit margins. They are as successful as they have ever been and will continue to be so as long as they stick to what they do best.

This doom, gloom, PC angle nonsense is fallacious and frivolous at best.

Anyway I'll let you live in your world and I'll get back to reality. Good debating with you. Enjoy your day.


25 Mar 2023
Nooo I'm going to belive your fallacious arguments that have nothing to stand on. Don't selectively pick and choose what you read we are mostly enthusiasts here lol I said most games won't be effected by plus and it hasn't been substantial. which is true. Of course you grab the game tht released the quickest on PSplus which was a rare move on Sony's part with obvious intentions. Why don't you do me a favor and go to that thread and send what we all said or most of us "oh no why did Sony put Horizon on plus so fast it's going to effect sales" whichhhh drumroll please actually shows you strengthening my argument about gamepass canbavakizibg sales and Sony has been right not to follow that lead.

PS5 selling slower than PS5 doesn't mean Sony is failing. Have you seen revenue and profit margins. They are as successful as they have ever been and will continue to be so as long as they stick to what they do best.

This doom, gloom, PC angle nonsense us fallacious and frivolous at best.
Profits and revenue of Xbox are also likely to increase a lot whit them going third party.

PlayStation as we know is likely already dead, who cares if they going to nickel and dime people and sacrifice long term prosperity of the platform for to become more profitable in the short term?



28 Jun 2022
Profits and revenue of Xbox is also likely to increase a lot whit them going third party.

PlayStation as we know is likely already dead.
OH third party pivot for Xbox makes sense and we all saw it coming since they've been drowning and their games weren't selling on Xbox and gp subs not increasing. Sony hasn't not does it have that issue.

Spiderman says hello at 50 million plus sold as a series and another exclusive selling beyond 10 million. Yup they are surely dying :)


25 Mar 2023
OH hmthevthurd Larry pivot for Xbox makes sense since they've been drowning and their games weren't selling on Xbox and gp subs not increasing. Sony hasn't not does it have that issue.

Spiderman says hello at 50 million plus sold as a series and another exclusive selling beyond 10 million. Yup they are surely dying :)
PS5 sales are also decreasing, PS+ subs have stagnated and they came up 4m units short of their target, the last PlayStation game released day one on PC.


28 Jun 2022
PS5 sales are also decreasing and PS+ subs have stagnated. The last PlayStation game released day one on PC.
Bro we already knew gaas games for months were releasing day and date lol nothing burger there. First party non gaas games will not and that is the difference. You are a big minority of pc gamer that will wait for a game to come to PC a year or more later. Shit even if they were all day and date most console gamers are and will not move to PC, thts factual.


25 Mar 2023
Bro we already knew gaas games for months were releasing day and date lol nothing burger there. First party non gaas games will not and that is the difference. You are a big minority of pc gamer that will wait for a game to come to PC a year or more later. Shit even if they were all day and date most console gamers are and will not move to PC, thts factual.
Won't they? For how long? Will Until Dawn remake release day one on PC?

Console gamers are moving somewhere because Xbox is selling a lot less and PS5 is also selling less units.

It is very possible for a PC to present itself in a console like format just like the Steam Deck has shown, you need to adapt to the new reality where PC competes directly with consoles.


2 May 2023
Bro we already knew gaas games for months were releasing day and date lol nothing burger there. First party non gaas games will not and that is the difference. You are a big minority of pc gamer that will wait for a game to come to PC a year or more later. Shit even if they were all day and date most console gamers are and will not move to PC, thts factual.


28 Jun 2022
Xbox also broke revenue records, so what? That has nothing to do with anything I talked about.

Sony is the one that made a prediction and fell short of it by 4m units.
Predictions and projections are just that :) it has alot to do with your doom and gloom narrative, actually everything to do with it..


21 Jun 2022
Playstation will go third party soon
No, he just mentioned the current strategy they had for many years: Bungie and MLB to continue full multiplatform, some games (but not all) ported to PC (and out of these only some of the GaaS would be there day one).

Bro we already knew gaas games for months were releasing day and date lol nothing burger there. First party non gaas games will not and that is the difference. You are a big minority of pc gamer that will wait for a game to come to PC a year or more later. Shit even if they were all day and date most console gamers are and will not move to PC, thts factual.
Yes. In fact, the most played games in PS are 3rd party multiplatform games that release day one on PC and rival consoles: CoD, Fortnite, Apex Legends, GTA, FIFA, AC, Roblox, Rocket League, Fall Guys, etc.

And in most of these cases or in the average multiplatform AAA, the platform where they sell the most is PS. People just like to play in the sofa, and prefer PS over Xbox because a ton of games are (temporally or permanently) on PS and not in Xbox or Nintendo.

for people who dont understand this quote: this dude is about to take a chainsaw to 1st party budgets
This isn't what he said. He means that they have been investing growing their studios and acquiring more, and working in more games than ever, which means that even if it's good for the long term regarding revenue and profitability, in the long term reduces the profitability as is happening now, with costs from the recent acquisitions still affecting the operating income.

So they need to slow down a bit these investments to don't affect their operative income that much. Same goes with delays (or even some cancellation): it's normal, ok and good for the quality to have delays, but in a moderate amount because that also afects their operative income/profitability.

There's also some areas with extra profitability like GaaS or PC ports of old games, or mobile games, which are a good opportunity for them to increase the operating income/profitability.

All these things are coming, they are working on it. He was just explaining why they aren't more profitable right now.
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28 Jun 2022
Only if you mean in the sense that doomer were right and sales are falling behind expectations.

To me it's extremely telling that PS5 can't keep up with PS4, why? How do you explain that?
Sony is dying and PlayStation players are moving to PC duhhhhh (am I doing it right? 🤔).


25 Mar 2023
Sony is dying and PlayStation players are moving to PC duhhhhh (am I doing it right? 🤔).
You are closer to the trough that you would like to believe. PlayStation and Xbox players are moving somewhere, that is for sure. Many millions are missing compared to the same period last gen.

What is funny is that the alternative is even worse to PlayStation, if people just don't like consoles as much anymore then they are screwed and the entire Sony is likely going down in flames in the not so distant future.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
These numbers are bad for Sony targets.
I expected at least 10 million... it was not an good holiday shipment last year.

Edit - It is actually WAY LOWER than what Sony expected too.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
(credit to Pierre485)


Yeap... they is no way to deny or push narratives.
PS5 shipment last quarter was bad.
Sony said the same.

Needs to understand what happened.
It is not common to have that big drop this time in the generation.
The previous years we have shortages... not in FY23.


16 Jun 2023
Yeap... they is no way to deny or push narratives.
PS5 shipment last quarter was bad.
Sony said the same.

Needs to understand what happened.
It is not common to have that big drop this time in the generation.
Maybe. But it was still a good 2023.