Redfall is launching on Xbox consoles with Quality mode only (4K30FPS)


21 Jun 2022
Phil took over the xbox division back in 2014... before that he was busy making sure that RARE and Lionhead studios would not release any good games ever again. When he took over the xbox division he basically continued the Mattrick vision, minus the kinekt, all digital, online and service based, but he also cancelled the games, lied to gamers about DX12, cloud computing, new games coming out next year. I'm fairly sure that he ran the mysterXmedia site from his basement as well. That riled up the fan base, and some are still high on the fumes of hope these lies gave him.

Sony's strength is not only their 1st party/2nd party studios and associated releases, there are always a multitude of Japanese/indie games coming along that will never see the light of day on xbox, in part because Sony's market share is dominant. That has been the same in the xbone life cycle, I recall the first summer with the PS4 where Sony did not have anything interesting in the immediate future, there were new games every single week to beef up the library, compared to NOTHING on the xbone in many weeks, obviously most people don't look up the new releases on a weekly basis, but these games were there (sorry, I can't name any of them because, like MS's output, they work as games but are nowhere near top tier).

I would not say that this is impossible, Sony has released messy games as well, but this has always been among top tier releases. They have been on this buying spree for years and years now. Yet the output is lower than ever, and nothing of importance unless you are starved for games.

Delays are always better than releasing broken, that killed Halo:I, the userbase was just left in no time and there was no longer an incentive to release the patches/seasons. But sometimes a game is just as good as the developers working on it, or the tools they have. Anyway, personally I have only played games in performance mode, with an unlocked framerate since the first day I got my 120hz TV. Even 60hz is hard to use by now, I don't care about their user survey that says frame rate does not matter, I care about performance and 30fps just feels completely broken. Now more people than ever will have been conditioned to 60+ FPS in all games all the time, it may be hard to go back, even for those who tolerated it before.

They have had so much time, I may pay attention to their two hours presentation (I will not watch it completely, I'll watch the trailers). My assumption is that a couple of their new acquired studios will have something to show, and this has better be very substantial because those who are still paying attention will just tune out for good.

The problem is that for someone who never had a series console so far there is just no reason to get one, especially not if you got a PC. So even if they were to release 4 games this year (which Sony will probably do, because this is their thing), and ALL OF THEM were honest 9.x (using scores here, but I mean, legit top of he heap games in their genre)... That would still mean buying a 500$ machine for 4 games, while on the other hand you can get the PS5 and it will grant you access to all the games they have released since the generation began, also the PS4 ones.
Phil was whole xbox studios head from 2008, and before that he managed Europe division, all their developers there.

Guy is a massive fraud.


10 Feb 2023
Phil was whole xbox studios head from 2008, and before that he managed Europe division, all their developers there.

Guy is a massive fraud.
Fraud s correct word for Phil. He spent hundreds of millions on european studios. Lionhead was destroyed, Rare turned to joke, kinect trash. Even later they never recovered. He cant manage few studios, let alone 40.


Phil took over the xbox division back in 2014... before that he was busy making sure that RARE and Lionhead studios would not release any good games ever again. When he took over the xbox division he basically continued the Mattrick vision, minus the kinekt, all digital, online and service based, but he also cancelled the games, lied to gamers about DX12, cloud computing, new games coming out next year. I'm fairly sure that he ran the mysterXmedia site from his basement as well. That riled up the fan base, and some are still high on the fumes of hope these lies gave him.

Sony's strength is not only their 1st party/2nd party studios and associated releases, there are always a multitude of Japanese/indie games coming along that will never see the light of day on xbox, in part because Sony's market share is dominant. That has been the same in the xbone life cycle, I recall the first summer with the PS4 where Sony did not have anything interesting in the immediate future, there were new games every single week to beef up the library, compared to NOTHING on the xbone in many weeks, obviously most people don't look up the new releases on a weekly basis, but these games were there (sorry, I can't name any of them because, like MS's output, they work as games but are nowhere near top tier).

The only problem is that you don't know if it was Spencer who forced all of that. It could have easily been people above him. Just look at the first half of Xbox One and then the last 2 1/2 years. You can easily see where Phil had power and control compared to when he didn't. Rare released Sea of Thieves and while it was a 68 at launch, it's more like an 80+ game now. It's been going for over five years so good or not while debatable, it is by far their most successful game. Lionhead had Fable Legends which actually looked pretty good but wasn't what fans wanted and to be honest, the closing and cancellation of studios/games during the Xbox One generation was a cost cutting/money saving money from those higher up who didn't care about Xbox. Look at 2018 to present day. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but has any studio been closed down or game cancelled? No because Phil has the power and control to do what he wants. Leading the Xbox division with people above you isn't the same thing as being the CEO of Gaming and having Nadella back you up 100%. There's a huge difference that majority tend to ignore and always act like everything bad was on Phil when in reality, it simply wasn't. Microsoft released games during 2013 launch, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Only 2017 was dead but notice how a year later, they start acquiring studios and released a few games? That's because Phil finally got the power and control to run everything.

I agree with the second paragraph but the Xbox One reveal had sealed it's fate. If you look at Microsoft's E3 2013 and 2014 shows, they were easily better than Sony's and had more first party games including new IP's but it didn't matter as again, their fate was already sealed. Microsoft gets a shit ton of Indies games every month this generation and that won't change any time soon. Microsoft is working on getting more Japanese games. They seem to have a great relationship with Sega and getting Persona 6 on Xbox Series day one along with PlayStation 5 will be key. If they accomplish this, then I can see other smaller Japanese publishers following suit. I do believe that it's a good strategy to get the older games first especially on Game Pass because this will introduce these games to the Xbox audience and prepare them for new future releases.

I would not say that this is impossible, Sony has released messy games as well, but this has always been among top tier releases. They have been on this buying spree for years and years now. Yet the output is lower than ever, and nothing of importance unless you are starved for games.

In all honesty, first party games for Microsoft and Sony is actually closer than people want to admit. If you're talking this generation only and new actual games releasing for the first time, including Minecraft Legends, it's actually tied at 11. Sony's list only becomes more if you're adding ports/remasters/collections and VR which come on. If Microsoft was re-releasing every game from Xbox One, majority here would be bashing them to hell for it. 4 of the 11 Microsoft first party games are on PlayStation either due to being funded (Psychonauts 2), timed (Deathloop and Tokyo) or a platform that's everywhere (Minecraft Legends). 3 of the 11 Sony first party games are on Xbox due to licensing which is MLB and yeah, it's still a Sony first party game because it's from their studio, they still published the game on PlayStation and while they don't own MLB, they do own The Show IP.

Both sides have had their fair share of gaps this generation and is more even than you would think. If you simply take every new release for this generation, cross-gen or not, the months in which there was no first party release for both Sony and Microsoft were 21 months and 20 months respectively out of 30 total months being November 2020 through April 2023. The reason I know all this is because im actually keeping track of it all for both Sony and Microsoft because I want to see how Microsoft actually does this generation. People only think it's lopsided because of all the "adds" on the Sony side (like Zuby Tech does on Twitter, lol) or adding in timed exclusives like Forspoken which have nothing to do with Sony funding or publishing the game. Paying for timed exclusivity or a Game Pass deal doesn't make the game the responsibility of Sony or Microsoft respectively. Those games are still beholden to their respective publisher and IP owner.

The main issue is that PlayStation fans ignore the vast majority of Microsoft's first party games because they're not single player third person action adventure games. Case in point - my friend who's a PlayStation loyalist since 1995 launch ignores Forza and Flight Sim because he doesn't give two shits about them and neither do I but they still count. Not every game will be for everyone. I don't care about Sackboy, MLB, GT 7 or Destruction All Stars but they still count for Sony. I'm not going to exclude first party games from the other side just because they're not for me. That makes no sense.

As for the buying spree, so many people ignore the facts that several studios were contracted by other publishers and they needed to fulfill those contracts including two timed console exclusives for Sony.

Compulsion Games - acquired in June 2018. Released We Happy Few in August 2018 via Gearbox Publishing. Released three expansions in 2019 to fulfill their contract. Currently working on a new IP which is said to be a third person action adventure game. So basically, they didn't start anything until 2020 at the earliest.

Ninja Theory - acquired in June 2018. Had previously released Hellblade on Xbox in April 2018 and PS4 in August 2017. Revealed Hellblade 2 in December 2019 at TGA. Due to Covid, couldn't do any motion capturing whatsoever and basically were in a holding pattern in regards to development. Working on Hellblade 2 which let them take their time especially if there's no 60fps mode as of now. They better add that shit in and yes, im willing to wait longer for the game in order to have that option. They're also working on a smaller game called Project Mara.

Playground Games - acquired in June 2018. Released FH 4 in Sept 2018. Released two expansions, one in late 2018 and one in 2019. Released FH 5 in November 2021. Released two expansions, one in 2022 and one a few weeks ago in 2023. Playground Games is extremely efficient. Their second studio which has nothing to do with Forza is working on a rebooted Fable game which was revealed in July 2020. This will be a big open world action RPG that will take 5+ years so why anyone is even complaining about this game is beyond me.

Undead Labs - acquired in June 2018. Released State of Decay 2 in May 2018 before being acquired. Have continued to update the game almost 5 years later. They announced State of Decay 3 in July 2020 and will be a big game that's going to take 5+ years so again, why anyone complains is beyond me.

The Initiative - founded in June 2018. Still isn't at max capacity in regards to personnel. A lot of people left due to an internal power struggle between developers and the studio head Darrell Gallagher. Rumors have it that those people wanted Perfect Dark to be episodic and Gallagher said no and they left. Brought in Crystal Dynamics which unlike most, I think it's a great decision because first and foremost, you don't have to go nuts hiring people to replace who left which is time consuming and Gallagher ran Crystal Dynamics so he knows probably almost everyone in that studio. Revealed Perfect Dark in December 2020 at TGA.

InXile Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released Wasteland 3 in August 2020 for Embracer Group via Deep Silver. Released two expansions, both in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Currently rumored to be working on a first person shooter of some sort.

Obsidian Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released The Outer World in October 2019 for Take Two Interactive via Private Division. Released two expansions, one in 2020 and one in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Revealed Avowed in July 2020 and The Outer Worlds 2 in June 2021. Released Grounded officially in Fall 2022. Released Pentiment in November 2022.

Double Fine Productions - acquired in June 2019. Released Psychonauts 2 in August 2021 fulfilling their crowdfunding. Currently working on a new IP.

Bethesda (acquired in March 2021) -

Arkane - Released Deathloop in September 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a year later for Xbox Series. Currently scheduled to release Redfall on May 2nd, 2023.

Bethesda Game Studios - Currently scheduled to release Starfield on September 6th, 2023.

Id Software - Released Doom Eternal in Spring 2020. Released The Ancient Gods expansion in two parts, part one in 2020 and part two in 2021. Currently rumored to be working on a Quake reboot.

Machine Games - Last full release was Wolfenstein Youngblood in July 2019 even though I don't think that they were the lead studio. Pretty sure it was Arkane. Either way, they're currently working on Indiana Jones and rumored to also be working on Wolfenstein 3.

Roundhouse Studio - No clue as to what they're working on. Hope it's that Prey 2 first person bounty hunter game that was cancelled a long time ago but probably not.

Tango Gameworks - Released Ghostwire Tokyo in March 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a few days ago for Xbox Series. Released Hi Fi Rush this past January. Currently rumored to be working on The Evil Within 3 which I hope is true.

ZeniMax Online Studios - Continued support for The Elder Scrolls Online which is multi-platform and cross-gen. Also working on a new online game of some sort.

Personally, considering the fact that some of the studios had contracts with other publishers that needed to be legally completed and that other games are easy 5+ years in development games, I see them as doing better than what I was expecting three years ago which in all honesty, was nothing at all. There's a reason why I said the second half of the generation will be far better for Xbox Series and stacked more times than not. Is their output now disappointing and issues crop up every time you turn around - YES. But like I said, they have the generation for me personally which is why im keeping track of everything with spreadsheets and documents because I want to see how Microsoft does with Xbox Series compared to Xbox One.

Delays are always better than releasing broken, that killed Halo:I, the userbase was just left in no time and there was no longer an incentive to release the patches/seasons. But sometimes a game is just as good as the developers working on it, or the tools they have. Anyway, personally I have only played games in performance mode, with an unlocked framerate since the first day I got my 120hz TV. Even 60hz is hard to use by now, I don't care about their user survey that says frame rate does not matter, I care about performance and 30fps just feels completely broken. Now more people than ever will have been conditioned to 60+ FPS in all games all the time, it may be hard to go back, even for those who tolerated it before.

While I haven't played any game in 120hz with my LG CX OLED, 60FPS is a must for me especially in regards to first party titles so I do agree with you completely. Hoping they delay Redfall but I don't see it happening.

They have had so much time, I may pay attention to their two hours presentation (I will not watch it completely, I'll watch the trailers). My assumption is that a couple of their new acquired studios will have something to show, and this has better be very substantial because those who are still paying attention will just tune out for good.

The problem is that for someone who never had a series console so far there is just no reason to get one, especially not if you got a PC. So even if they were to release 4 games this year (which Sony will probably do, because this is their thing), and ALL OF THEM were honest 9.x (using scores here, but I mean, legit top of he heap games in their genre)... That would still mean buying a 500$ machine for 4 games, while on the other hand you can get the PS5 and it will grant you access to all the games they have released since the generation began, also the PS4 ones.

Yeah, I am expecting a few reveals at the showcase from their first party studios. Only question is will it be CGI or gameplay? I hate CGI trailers but I do think every publisher should release a CGI concept trailer mainly so they can hire much more easily because they wouldn't have to hide the game that they're hiring for. But we'll see. Not going to lie, for the second straight year, im going in with low expectations. Last year was a 6/10 or something like that for me. All 5 games that I was interested in were already announced beforehand so I got nothing new.

Also, those who watch Xbox showcases do need to go into the show expecting it to be a Game Pass show because I have Microsoft paying for AAA third party timed exclusives or marketing deals like Sony does as highly unlikely. Not impossible but again, highly unlikely.
  • haha
Reactions: KiryuRealty


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
The only problem is that you don't know if it was Spencer who forced all of that. It could have easily been people above him. Just look at the first half of Xbox One and then the last 2 1/2 years. You can easily see where Phil had power and control compared to when he didn't. Rare released Sea of Thieves and while it was a 68 at launch, it's more like an 80+ game now. It's been going for over five years so good or not while debatable, it is by far their most successful game. Lionhead had Fable Legends which actually looked pretty good but wasn't what fans wanted and to be honest, the closing and cancellation of studios/games during the Xbox One generation was a cost cutting/money saving money from those higher up who didn't care about Xbox. Look at 2018 to present day. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but has any studio been closed down or game cancelled? No because Phil has the power and control to do what he wants. Leading the Xbox division with people above you isn't the same thing as being the CEO of Gaming and having Nadella back you up 100%. There's a huge difference that majority tend to ignore and always act like everything bad was on Phil when in reality, it simply wasn't. Microsoft released games during 2013 launch, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Only 2017 was dead but notice how a year later, they start acquiring studios and released a few games? That's because Phil finally got the power and control to run everything.

I agree with the second paragraph but the Xbox One reveal had sealed it's fate. If you look at Microsoft's E3 2013 and 2014 shows, they were easily better than Sony's and had more first party games including new IP's but it didn't matter as again, their fate was already sealed. Microsoft gets a shit ton of Indies games every month this generation and that won't change any time soon. Microsoft is working on getting more Japanese games. They seem to have a great relationship with Sega and getting Persona 6 on Xbox Series day one along with PlayStation 5 will be key. If they accomplish this, then I can see other smaller Japanese publishers following suit. I do believe that it's a good strategy to get the older games first especially on Game Pass because this will introduce these games to the Xbox audience and prepare them for new future releases.

In all honesty, first party games for Microsoft and Sony is actually closer than people want to admit. If you're talking this generation only and new actual games releasing for the first time, including Minecraft Legends, it's actually tied at 11. Sony's list only becomes more if you're adding ports/remasters/collections and VR which come on. If Microsoft was re-releasing every game from Xbox One, majority here would be bashing them to hell for it. 4 of the 11 Microsoft first party games are on PlayStation either due to being funded (Psychonauts 2), timed (Deathloop and Tokyo) or a platform that's everywhere (Minecraft Legends). 3 of the 11 Sony first party games are on Xbox due to licensing which is MLB and yeah, it's still a Sony first party game because it's from their studio, they still published the game on PlayStation and while they don't own MLB, they do own The Show IP.

Both sides have had their fair share of gaps this generation and is more even than you would think. If you simply take every new release for this generation, cross-gen or not, the months in which there was no first party release for both Sony and Microsoft were 21 months and 20 months respectively out of 30 total months being November 2020 through April 2023. The reason I know all this is because im actually keeping track of it all for both Sony and Microsoft because I want to see how Microsoft actually does this generation. People only think it's lopsided because of all the "adds" on the Sony side (like Zuby Tech does on Twitter, lol) or adding in timed exclusives like Forspoken which have nothing to do with Sony funding or publishing the game. Paying for timed exclusivity or a Game Pass deal doesn't make the game the responsibility of Sony or Microsoft respectively. Those games are still beholden to their respective publisher and IP owner.

The main issue is that PlayStation fans ignore the vast majority of Microsoft's first party games because they're not single player third person action adventure games. Case in point - my friend who's a PlayStation loyalist since 1995 launch ignores Forza and Flight Sim because he doesn't give two shits about them and neither do I but they still count. Not every game will be for everyone. I don't care about Sackboy, MLB, GT 7 or Destruction All Stars but they still count for Sony. I'm not going to exclude first party games from the other side just because they're not for me. That makes no sense.

As for the buying spree, so many people ignore the facts that several studios were contracted by other publishers and they needed to fulfill those contracts including two timed console exclusives for Sony.

Compulsion Games - acquired in June 2018. Released We Happy Few in August 2018 via Gearbox Publishing. Released three expansions in 2019 to fulfill their contract. Currently working on a new IP which is said to be a third person action adventure game. So basically, they didn't start anything until 2020 at the earliest.

Ninja Theory - acquired in June 2018. Had previously released Hellblade on Xbox in April 2018 and PS4 in August 2017. Revealed Hellblade 2 in December 2019 at TGA. Due to Covid, couldn't do any motion capturing whatsoever and basically were in a holding pattern in regards to development. Working on Hellblade 2 which let them take their time especially if there's no 60fps mode as of now. They better add that shit in and yes, im willing to wait longer for the game in order to have that option. They're also working on a smaller game called Project Mara.

Playground Games - acquired in June 2018. Released FH 4 in Sept 2018. Released two expansions, one in late 2018 and one in 2019. Released FH 5 in November 2021. Released two expansions, one in 2022 and one a few weeks ago in 2023. Playground Games is extremely efficient. Their second studio which has nothing to do with Forza is working on a rebooted Fable game which was revealed in July 2020. This will be a big open world action RPG that will take 5+ years so why anyone is even complaining about this game is beyond me.

Undead Labs - acquired in June 2018. Released State of Decay 2 in May 2018 before being acquired. Have continued to update the game almost 5 years later. They announced State of Decay 3 in July 2020 and will be a big game that's going to take 5+ years so again, why anyone complains is beyond me.

The Initiative - founded in June 2018. Still isn't at max capacity in regards to personnel. A lot of people left due to an internal power struggle between developers and the studio head Darrell Gallagher. Rumors have it that those people wanted Perfect Dark to be episodic and Gallagher said no and they left. Brought in Crystal Dynamics which unlike most, I think it's a great decision because first and foremost, you don't have to go nuts hiring people to replace who left which is time consuming and Gallagher ran Crystal Dynamics so he knows probably almost everyone in that studio. Revealed Perfect Dark in December 2020 at TGA.

InXile Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released Wasteland 3 in August 2020 for Embracer Group via Deep Silver. Released two expansions, both in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Currently rumored to be working on a first person shooter of some sort.

Obsidian Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released The Outer World in October 2019 for Take Two Interactive via Private Division. Released two expansions, one in 2020 and one in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Revealed Avowed in July 2020 and The Outer Worlds 2 in June 2021. Released Grounded officially in Fall 2022. Released Pentiment in November 2022.

Double Fine Productions - acquired in June 2019. Released Psychonauts 2 in August 2021 fulfilling their crowdfunding. Currently working on a new IP.

Bethesda (acquired in March 2021) -

Arkane - Released Deathloop in September 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a year later for Xbox Series. Currently scheduled to release Redfall on May 2nd, 2023.

Bethesda Game Studios - Currently scheduled to release Starfield on September 6th, 2023.

Id Software - Released Doom Eternal in Spring 2020. Released The Ancient Gods expansion in two parts, part one in 2020 and part two in 2021. Currently rumored to be working on a Quake reboot.

Machine Games - Last full release was Wolfenstein Youngblood in July 2019 even though I don't think that they were the lead studio. Pretty sure it was Arkane. Either way, they're currently working on Indiana Jones and rumored to also be working on Wolfenstein 3.

Roundhouse Studio - No clue as to what they're working on. Hope it's that Prey 2 first person bounty hunter game that was cancelled a long time ago but probably not.

Tango Gameworks - Released Ghostwire Tokyo in March 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a few days ago for Xbox Series. Released Hi Fi Rush this past January. Currently rumored to be working on The Evil Within 3 which I hope is true.

ZeniMax Online Studios - Continued support for The Elder Scrolls Online which is multi-platform and cross-gen. Also working on a new online game of some sort.

Personally, considering the fact that some of the studios had contracts with other publishers that needed to be legally completed and that other games are easy 5+ years in development games, I see them as doing better than what I was expecting three years ago which in all honesty, was nothing at all. There's a reason why I said the second half of the generation will be far better for Xbox Series and stacked more times than not. Is their output now disappointing and issues crop up every time you turn around - YES. But like I said, they have the generation for me personally which is why im keeping track of everything with spreadsheets and documents because I want to see how Microsoft does with Xbox Series compared to Xbox One.

While I haven't played any game in 120hz with my LG CX OLED, 60FPS is a must for me especially in regards to first party titles so I do agree with you completely. Hoping they delay Redfall but I don't see it happening.

Yeah, I am expecting a few reveals at the showcase from their first party studios. Only question is will it be CGI or gameplay? I hate CGI trailers but I do think every publisher should release a CGI concept trailer mainly so they can hire much more easily because they wouldn't have to hide the game that they're hiring for. But we'll see. Not going to lie, for the second straight year, im going in with low expectations. Last year was a 6/10 or something like that for me. All 5 games that I was interested in were already announced beforehand so I got nothing new.

Also, those who watch Xbox showcases do need to go into the show expecting it to be a Game Pass show because I have Microsoft paying for AAA third party timed exclusives or marketing deals like Sony does as highly unlikely. Not impossible but again, highly unlikely.
Let’s be fair here…

Even if Uncle Phil didn’t forced or was involved with any of these bad decisions pre-2014…

He didn’t fight against these bad decisions either that is something you should expect from his position pre-2014… what I see is that he give his agreement with the bad decisions.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Ahh yes, we're now defending the poor little Phil, who's in charge of these studios since 2014 and it somehow isn't his fault.


Let’s be fair here…

Even if Uncle Phil didn’t forced or was involved with any of these bad decisions pre-2014…

He didn’t fight against these bad decisions either that is something you should expect from his position pre-2014… what I see is that he give his agreement with the bad decisions.

I agree with you but let's be honest, even if he disagreed, those who are higher up almost never listen to those under them. They just don't. If you're not the "guy", your power and control is literally non-existent. Everyone that's on top of the food chain is always going to do things their way and doesn't matter who likes it or not.


25 Mar 2023
he was in charge of xbox studios from 2008, not 2014.
What is funny is how much Xbox internal output of games has been degraded ever since he took over. The same thing also happened to third party partnerships as soon as he took over everything in 2014 as well, it completely dried out, there is just no doubt about the dudes incompetence.

He always sucked and his only "quality" is being a shameless liar.
Last edited:
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
The only problem is that you don't know if it was Spencer who forced all of that. It could have easily been people above him. Just look at the first half of Xbox One and then the last 2 1/2 years. You can easily see where Phil had power and control compared to when he didn't. Rare released Sea of Thieves and while it was a 68 at launch, it's more like an 80+ game now. It's been going for over five years so good or not while debatable, it is by far their most successful game. Lionhead had Fable Legends which actually looked pretty good but wasn't what fans wanted and to be honest, the closing and cancellation of studios/games during the Xbox One generation was a cost cutting/money saving money from those higher up who didn't care about Xbox. Look at 2018 to present day. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but has any studio been closed down or game cancelled? No because Phil has the power and control to do what he wants. Leading the Xbox division with people above you isn't the same thing as being the CEO of Gaming and having Nadella back you up 100%. There's a huge difference that majority tend to ignore and always act like everything bad was on Phil when in reality, it simply wasn't. Microsoft released games during 2013 launch, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Only 2017 was dead but notice how a year later, they start acquiring studios and released a few games? That's because Phil finally got the power and control to run everything.

I agree with the second paragraph but the Xbox One reveal had sealed it's fate. If you look at Microsoft's E3 2013 and 2014 shows, they were easily better than Sony's and had more first party games including new IP's but it didn't matter as again, their fate was already sealed. Microsoft gets a shit ton of Indies games every month this generation and that won't change any time soon. Microsoft is working on getting more Japanese games. They seem to have a great relationship with Sega and getting Persona 6 on Xbox Series day one along with PlayStation 5 will be key. If they accomplish this, then I can see other smaller Japanese publishers following suit. I do believe that it's a good strategy to get the older games first especially on Game Pass because this will introduce these games to the Xbox audience and prepare them for new future releases.

In all honesty, first party games for Microsoft and Sony is actually closer than people want to admit. If you're talking this generation only and new actual games releasing for the first time, including Minecraft Legends, it's actually tied at 11. Sony's list only becomes more if you're adding ports/remasters/collections and VR which come on. If Microsoft was re-releasing every game from Xbox One, majority here would be bashing them to hell for it. 4 of the 11 Microsoft first party games are on PlayStation either due to being funded (Psychonauts 2), timed (Deathloop and Tokyo) or a platform that's everywhere (Minecraft Legends). 3 of the 11 Sony first party games are on Xbox due to licensing which is MLB and yeah, it's still a Sony first party game because it's from their studio, they still published the game on PlayStation and while they don't own MLB, they do own The Show IP.

Both sides have had their fair share of gaps this generation and is more even than you would think. If you simply take every new release for this generation, cross-gen or not, the months in which there was no first party release for both Sony and Microsoft were 21 months and 20 months respectively out of 30 total months being November 2020 through April 2023. The reason I know all this is because im actually keeping track of it all for both Sony and Microsoft because I want to see how Microsoft actually does this generation. People only think it's lopsided because of all the "adds" on the Sony side (like Zuby Tech does on Twitter, lol) or adding in timed exclusives like Forspoken which have nothing to do with Sony funding or publishing the game. Paying for timed exclusivity or a Game Pass deal doesn't make the game the responsibility of Sony or Microsoft respectively. Those games are still beholden to their respective publisher and IP owner.

The main issue is that PlayStation fans ignore the vast majority of Microsoft's first party games because they're not single player third person action adventure games. Case in point - my friend who's a PlayStation loyalist since 1995 launch ignores Forza and Flight Sim because he doesn't give two shits about them and neither do I but they still count. Not every game will be for everyone. I don't care about Sackboy, MLB, GT 7 or Destruction All Stars but they still count for Sony. I'm not going to exclude first party games from the other side just because they're not for me. That makes no sense.

As for the buying spree, so many people ignore the facts that several studios were contracted by other publishers and they needed to fulfill those contracts including two timed console exclusives for Sony.

Compulsion Games - acquired in June 2018. Released We Happy Few in August 2018 via Gearbox Publishing. Released three expansions in 2019 to fulfill their contract. Currently working on a new IP which is said to be a third person action adventure game. So basically, they didn't start anything until 2020 at the earliest.

Ninja Theory - acquired in June 2018. Had previously released Hellblade on Xbox in April 2018 and PS4 in August 2017. Revealed Hellblade 2 in December 2019 at TGA. Due to Covid, couldn't do any motion capturing whatsoever and basically were in a holding pattern in regards to development. Working on Hellblade 2 which let them take their time especially if there's no 60fps mode as of now. They better add that shit in and yes, im willing to wait longer for the game in order to have that option. They're also working on a smaller game called Project Mara.

Playground Games - acquired in June 2018. Released FH 4 in Sept 2018. Released two expansions, one in late 2018 and one in 2019. Released FH 5 in November 2021. Released two expansions, one in 2022 and one a few weeks ago in 2023. Playground Games is extremely efficient. Their second studio which has nothing to do with Forza is working on a rebooted Fable game which was revealed in July 2020. This will be a big open world action RPG that will take 5+ years so why anyone is even complaining about this game is beyond me.

Undead Labs - acquired in June 2018. Released State of Decay 2 in May 2018 before being acquired. Have continued to update the game almost 5 years later. They announced State of Decay 3 in July 2020 and will be a big game that's going to take 5+ years so again, why anyone complains is beyond me.

The Initiative - founded in June 2018. Still isn't at max capacity in regards to personnel. A lot of people left due to an internal power struggle between developers and the studio head Darrell Gallagher. Rumors have it that those people wanted Perfect Dark to be episodic and Gallagher said no and they left. Brought in Crystal Dynamics which unlike most, I think it's a great decision because first and foremost, you don't have to go nuts hiring people to replace who left which is time consuming and Gallagher ran Crystal Dynamics so he knows probably almost everyone in that studio. Revealed Perfect Dark in December 2020 at TGA.

InXile Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released Wasteland 3 in August 2020 for Embracer Group via Deep Silver. Released two expansions, both in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Currently rumored to be working on a first person shooter of some sort.

Obsidian Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released The Outer World in October 2019 for Take Two Interactive via Private Division. Released two expansions, one in 2020 and one in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Revealed Avowed in July 2020 and The Outer Worlds 2 in June 2021. Released Grounded officially in Fall 2022. Released Pentiment in November 2022.

Double Fine Productions - acquired in June 2019. Released Psychonauts 2 in August 2021 fulfilling their crowdfunding. Currently working on a new IP.

Bethesda (acquired in March 2021) -

Arkane - Released Deathloop in September 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a year later for Xbox Series. Currently scheduled to release Redfall on May 2nd, 2023.

Bethesda Game Studios - Currently scheduled to release Starfield on September 6th, 2023.

Id Software - Released Doom Eternal in Spring 2020. Released The Ancient Gods expansion in two parts, part one in 2020 and part two in 2021. Currently rumored to be working on a Quake reboot.

Machine Games - Last full release was Wolfenstein Youngblood in July 2019 even though I don't think that they were the lead studio. Pretty sure it was Arkane. Either way, they're currently working on Indiana Jones and rumored to also be working on Wolfenstein 3.

Roundhouse Studio - No clue as to what they're working on. Hope it's that Prey 2 first person bounty hunter game that was cancelled a long time ago but probably not.

Tango Gameworks - Released Ghostwire Tokyo in March 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a few days ago for Xbox Series. Released Hi Fi Rush this past January. Currently rumored to be working on The Evil Within 3 which I hope is true.

ZeniMax Online Studios - Continued support for The Elder Scrolls Online which is multi-platform and cross-gen. Also working on a new online game of some sort.

Personally, considering the fact that some of the studios had contracts with other publishers that needed to be legally completed and that other games are easy 5+ years in development games, I see them as doing better than what I was expecting three years ago which in all honesty, was nothing at all. There's a reason why I said the second half of the generation will be far better for Xbox Series and stacked more times than not. Is their output now disappointing and issues crop up every time you turn around - YES. But like I said, they have the generation for me personally which is why im keeping track of everything with spreadsheets and documents because I want to see how Microsoft does with Xbox Series compared to Xbox One.

While I haven't played any game in 120hz with my LG CX OLED, 60FPS is a must for me especially in regards to first party titles so I do agree with you completely. Hoping they delay Redfall but I don't see it happening.

Yeah, I am expecting a few reveals at the showcase from their first party studios. Only question is will it be CGI or gameplay? I hate CGI trailers but I do think every publisher should release a CGI concept trailer mainly so they can hire much more easily because they wouldn't have to hide the game that they're hiring for. But we'll see. Not going to lie, for the second straight year, im going in with low expectations. Last year was a 6/10 or something like that for me. All 5 games that I was interested in were already announced beforehand so I got nothing new.

Also, those who watch Xbox showcases do need to go into the show expecting it to be a Game Pass show because I have Microsoft paying for AAA third party timed exclusives or marketing deals like Sony does as highly unlikely. Not impossible but again, highly unlikely.
Good god, what a load of bullshit this post is!


14 Aug 2022
Let’s be fair here…

Even if Uncle Phil didn’t forced or was involved with any of these bad decisions pre-2014…

He didn’t fight against these bad decisions either that is something you should expect from his position pre-2014… what I see is that he give his agreement with the bad decisions.
i have always said this. Phil was literally in the room when ms said they gonna fuck gamers with xbone, and he did nothing. Now he their king and they all still shocked they still getting fucked.
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Major Tom
9 Jan 2023
The only problem is that you don't know if it was Spencer who forced all of that. It could have easily been people above him. Just look at the first half of Xbox One and then the last 2 1/2 years. You can easily see where Phil had power and control compared to when he didn't. Rare released Sea of Thieves and while it was a 68 at launch, it's more like an 80+ game now. It's been going for over five years so good or not while debatable, it is by far their most successful game. Lionhead had Fable Legends which actually looked pretty good but wasn't what fans wanted and to be honest, the closing and cancellation of studios/games during the Xbox One generation was a cost cutting/money saving money from those higher up who didn't care about Xbox. Look at 2018 to present day. They're not perfect by any stretch of the imagination but has any studio been closed down or game cancelled? No because Phil has the power and control to do what he wants. Leading the Xbox division with people above you isn't the same thing as being the CEO of Gaming and having Nadella back you up 100%. There's a huge difference that majority tend to ignore and always act like everything bad was on Phil when in reality, it simply wasn't. Microsoft released games during 2013 launch, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020. Only 2017 was dead but notice how a year later, they start acquiring studios and released a few games? That's because Phil finally got the power and control to run everything.

I agree with the second paragraph but the Xbox One reveal had sealed it's fate. If you look at Microsoft's E3 2013 and 2014 shows, they were easily better than Sony's and had more first party games including new IP's but it didn't matter as again, their fate was already sealed. Microsoft gets a shit ton of Indies games every month this generation and that won't change any time soon. Microsoft is working on getting more Japanese games. They seem to have a great relationship with Sega and getting Persona 6 on Xbox Series day one along with PlayStation 5 will be key. If they accomplish this, then I can see other smaller Japanese publishers following suit. I do believe that it's a good strategy to get the older games first especially on Game Pass because this will introduce these games to the Xbox audience and prepare them for new future releases.

In all honesty, first party games for Microsoft and Sony is actually closer than people want to admit. If you're talking this generation only and new actual games releasing for the first time, including Minecraft Legends, it's actually tied at 11. Sony's list only becomes more if you're adding ports/remasters/collections and VR which come on. If Microsoft was re-releasing every game from Xbox One, majority here would be bashing them to hell for it. 4 of the 11 Microsoft first party games are on PlayStation either due to being funded (Psychonauts 2), timed (Deathloop and Tokyo) or a platform that's everywhere (Minecraft Legends). 3 of the 11 Sony first party games are on Xbox due to licensing which is MLB and yeah, it's still a Sony first party game because it's from their studio, they still published the game on PlayStation and while they don't own MLB, they do own The Show IP.

Both sides have had their fair share of gaps this generation and is more even than you would think. If you simply take every new release for this generation, cross-gen or not, the months in which there was no first party release for both Sony and Microsoft were 21 months and 20 months respectively out of 30 total months being November 2020 through April 2023. The reason I know all this is because im actually keeping track of it all for both Sony and Microsoft because I want to see how Microsoft actually does this generation. People only think it's lopsided because of all the "adds" on the Sony side (like Zuby Tech does on Twitter, lol) or adding in timed exclusives like Forspoken which have nothing to do with Sony funding or publishing the game. Paying for timed exclusivity or a Game Pass deal doesn't make the game the responsibility of Sony or Microsoft respectively. Those games are still beholden to their respective publisher and IP owner.

The main issue is that PlayStation fans ignore the vast majority of Microsoft's first party games because they're not single player third person action adventure games. Case in point - my friend who's a PlayStation loyalist since 1995 launch ignores Forza and Flight Sim because he doesn't give two shits about them and neither do I but they still count. Not every game will be for everyone. I don't care about Sackboy, MLB, GT 7 or Destruction All Stars but they still count for Sony. I'm not going to exclude first party games from the other side just because they're not for me. That makes no sense.

As for the buying spree, so many people ignore the facts that several studios were contracted by other publishers and they needed to fulfill those contracts including two timed console exclusives for Sony.

Compulsion Games - acquired in June 2018. Released We Happy Few in August 2018 via Gearbox Publishing. Released three expansions in 2019 to fulfill their contract. Currently working on a new IP which is said to be a third person action adventure game. So basically, they didn't start anything until 2020 at the earliest.

Ninja Theory - acquired in June 2018. Had previously released Hellblade on Xbox in April 2018 and PS4 in August 2017. Revealed Hellblade 2 in December 2019 at TGA. Due to Covid, couldn't do any motion capturing whatsoever and basically were in a holding pattern in regards to development. Working on Hellblade 2 which let them take their time especially if there's no 60fps mode as of now. They better add that shit in and yes, im willing to wait longer for the game in order to have that option. They're also working on a smaller game called Project Mara.

Playground Games - acquired in June 2018. Released FH 4 in Sept 2018. Released two expansions, one in late 2018 and one in 2019. Released FH 5 in November 2021. Released two expansions, one in 2022 and one a few weeks ago in 2023. Playground Games is extremely efficient. Their second studio which has nothing to do with Forza is working on a rebooted Fable game which was revealed in July 2020. This will be a big open world action RPG that will take 5+ years so why anyone is even complaining about this game is beyond me.

Undead Labs - acquired in June 2018. Released State of Decay 2 in May 2018 before being acquired. Have continued to update the game almost 5 years later. They announced State of Decay 3 in July 2020 and will be a big game that's going to take 5+ years so again, why anyone complains is beyond me.

The Initiative - founded in June 2018. Still isn't at max capacity in regards to personnel. A lot of people left due to an internal power struggle between developers and the studio head Darrell Gallagher. Rumors have it that those people wanted Perfect Dark to be episodic and Gallagher said no and they left. Brought in Crystal Dynamics which unlike most, I think it's a great decision because first and foremost, you don't have to go nuts hiring people to replace who left which is time consuming and Gallagher ran Crystal Dynamics so he knows probably almost everyone in that studio. Revealed Perfect Dark in December 2020 at TGA.

InXile Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released Wasteland 3 in August 2020 for Embracer Group via Deep Silver. Released two expansions, both in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Currently rumored to be working on a first person shooter of some sort.

Obsidian Entertainment - acquired in November 2018. Released The Outer World in October 2019 for Take Two Interactive via Private Division. Released two expansions, one in 2020 and one in 2021 to fulfill their contract. Revealed Avowed in July 2020 and The Outer Worlds 2 in June 2021. Released Grounded officially in Fall 2022. Released Pentiment in November 2022.

Double Fine Productions - acquired in June 2019. Released Psychonauts 2 in August 2021 fulfilling their crowdfunding. Currently working on a new IP.

Bethesda (acquired in March 2021) -

Arkane - Released Deathloop in September 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a year later for Xbox Series. Currently scheduled to release Redfall on May 2nd, 2023.

Bethesda Game Studios - Currently scheduled to release Starfield on September 6th, 2023.

Id Software - Released Doom Eternal in Spring 2020. Released The Ancient Gods expansion in two parts, part one in 2020 and part two in 2021. Currently rumored to be working on a Quake reboot.

Machine Games - Last full release was Wolfenstein Youngblood in July 2019 even though I don't think that they were the lead studio. Pretty sure it was Arkane. Either way, they're currently working on Indiana Jones and rumored to also be working on Wolfenstein 3.

Roundhouse Studio - No clue as to what they're working on. Hope it's that Prey 2 first person bounty hunter game that was cancelled a long time ago but probably not.

Tango Gameworks - Released Ghostwire Tokyo in March 2021 for PlayStation 5 due to a timed exclusivity contract. Released a few days ago for Xbox Series. Released Hi Fi Rush this past January. Currently rumored to be working on The Evil Within 3 which I hope is true.

ZeniMax Online Studios - Continued support for The Elder Scrolls Online which is multi-platform and cross-gen. Also working on a new online game of some sort.

Personally, considering the fact that some of the studios had contracts with other publishers that needed to be legally completed and that other games are easy 5+ years in development games, I see them as doing better than what I was expecting three years ago which in all honesty, was nothing at all. There's a reason why I said the second half of the generation will be far better for Xbox Series and stacked more times than not. Is their output now disappointing and issues crop up every time you turn around - YES. But like I said, they have the generation for me personally which is why im keeping track of everything with spreadsheets and documents because I want to see how Microsoft does with Xbox Series compared to Xbox One.

While I haven't played any game in 120hz with my LG CX OLED, 60FPS is a must for me especially in regards to first party titles so I do agree with you completely. Hoping they delay Redfall but I don't see it happening.

Yeah, I am expecting a few reveals at the showcase from their first party studios. Only question is will it be CGI or gameplay? I hate CGI trailers but I do think every publisher should release a CGI concept trailer mainly so they can hire much more easily because they wouldn't have to hide the game that they're hiring for. But we'll see. Not going to lie, for the second straight year, im going in with low expectations. Last year was a 6/10 or something like that for me. All 5 games that I was interested in were already announced beforehand so I got nothing new.

Also, those who watch Xbox showcases do need to go into the show expecting it to be a Game Pass show because I have Microsoft paying for AAA third party timed exclusives or marketing deals like Sony does as highly unlikely. Not impossible but again, highly unlikely.
Phone posting so I can't winnow your post down to relevant quotes bur in regards to Don vs Phil its not just that Xbox closed studios and cancelled games, its much worse than that. They focused on Kinnect, solely, in the last three years of the 360's life and didn't release any first party regular 360 games. And they designed and marketed XB0 as a set top box. It had worse specs than PS4 but cost more because of Kinnect. What exclusives they had were cheaped out on too, times exclusives of third party titles and Kinnect motion gimmick bullshit. And the TV studio. And Xbox Live missing features. And a "how do we get the most money and control out of people" philosophy. It goes on and on but it was driven by the head of Xbox who, if he wasn't on board with all of that stuff, should have pushed back harder because the end result was a bad product that nobody wanted to buy.


Phone posting so I can't winnow your post down to relevant quotes bur in regards to Don vs Phil its not just that Xbox closed studios and cancelled games, its much worse than that. They focused on Kinnect, solely, in the last three years of the 360's life and didn't release any first party regular 360 games. And they designed and marketed XB0 as a set top box. It had worse specs than PS4 but cost more because of Kinnect. What exclusives they had were cheaped out on too, times exclusives of third party titles and Kinnect motion gimmick bullshit. And the TV studio. And Xbox Live missing features. And a "how do we get the most money and control out of people" philosophy. It goes on and on but it was driven by the head of Xbox who, if he wasn't on board with all of that stuff, should have pushed back harder because the end result was a bad product that nobody wanted to buy.

I agree completely and they did pay for it as they lost about a third of the user install base that they had from Xbox 360. We all know that the reveal and direction of Xbox One was horrible. I went with PS4 as my primary despite having Xbox 360 as my primary because of their direction.