Remember when Naughty Dog used to make New Games


29 Jun 2022

This is the trailer for Concord, 59% dislike ratio and most of the comments are talking about the burger or making fan of the game.

As for Helldivers, just look at the subreddit with only 14k users. Helldivers 2 is not going to move the needle.
Genius analysis here
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10 Jan 2023


Active member
7 Feb 2024
I don't think people understand how transformative a huge hit can be for a studio, in particularly one that's not indie.

In the grand scheme of things, I think the PS5 generation will have been a significant learning lesson for PlayStation Studios as was the PS3 generation. At least, I hope.

I'm confident that Naughty Dog will be in a good place once they showcase their next game at this year's not-E3 PlayStation Showcase.


16 Jun 2023

This is the trailer for Concord, 59% dislike ratio and most of the comments are talking about the burger or making fan of the game.

As for Helldivers, just look at the subreddit with only 14k users. Helldivers 2 is not going to move the needle.
The Helldivers take didn’t age well. 😬
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Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
The last new Game Rockstar made was in 2018
The last new game before Sucide Squad for Rocksteady was a PSVR launch title Batman Arkham game in 2016
The last new game from Retro Studios was Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze ion February of 2014
If Naughty Dog doesn't release or reveal anything new in 2024 I would understand the concern but the reality is Game Developemnt time is now just so insane that I becoming more and more common for studios to not release new games (Not counting remasters, Remakes) for nearly a decade. Unless something radical happens that can speed up game development like Ray Tracing that does all the lighting for devs and other shortcuts. things will get worse
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21 Jun 2022
Jimbo and Hulst legacy, sellouts of PS legacy.
PC and PS4 game remasters.
With TLOU Online and the -at least- two new SP games it's the only place on history where ND has been working on new 3 games at the same time.

Hermen didn't greenlight TLOUP1 (according to Jason Shredded) and pretty likely didn't greenlight TLOU Online, so pretty likely didn't greenlight Legacy of Thieves collection either.

Hermen did greenlight the -at least 2 new SP games they are working on, and prety likely TLOUP2 Remaster.

The last new Game Rockstar made was in 2018
The last new game before Sucide Squad for Rocksteady was a PSVR launch title Batman Arkham game in 2016
The last new game from Retro Studios was Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze ion February of 2014
If Naughty Dog doesn't release or reveal anything new in 2024 I would understand the concern but the reality is Game Developemnt time is now just so insane that I becoming more and more common for studios to not release new games (Not counting remasters, Remakes) for nearly a decade. Unless something radical happens that can speed up game development like Ray Tracing that does all the lighting for devs and other shortcuts. things will get worse
Yes, this is one of these threads where gaming flatearthers act as if AAA games were made today in 2 years instead of in 5-9 years.

They are just Sony haters who complain about non-existing issues and made up stuff just to spread FUD and hate against Sony.

TLOU Online was started in 2019, its release would have been around somewhere between 2024 and 2028. It got cancelled. One of the new SP ND is working on was started months after TLOU2, pretty likely early 2021. So it would release somewhere around between 2026 and 2030. They have another SP game that started in H1 2023, so it would release somewhere around between 2028 and 2032.

So, having cancelled TLOU Online, ND won't release anything this year. I bet ND pretty likely won't release a full new game made by mostly them this or next year.

The only thing I assume they could release this or next year would some remaster (Nathan Drake Collection is the only possible one left as I remember) or remake (Uncharted 1 maybe) mostly done by other studio, as it was the case of their remasters and remakes. Or maybe a VR game made by someone else using their IPs, something as could be Firesprite's Uncharted VR, TLOU VR or somehing like that.

They need enogh time to make the games.
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21 Jun 2022
Neil Druckmann needs to go!

For breaking the record of winning more GOTY awards than any other game in gaming history with their most recent game?

For breaking the record of the fastest selling Sony exclusive in PS history with their most recent game?

For breaking records with the Uncharted and TLOU movie/tv show adaptations?

For growing more their team and working in more new games (including multiple new SP games) at the same time than they ever did?

For killing their GaaS and focus their studio only in the multiple new SP games they are working on?

For training juniors helping the external studios who mostly make the ports/remasters/remakes of their games instead of training them in big new AAA titles?
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May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
For breaking the record of the fastest selling Sony exclusive in PS history with their most recent game?

Dude it's been 4 years and soon to 5, we haven't had anything but "remasters" since then while Insomniac has released 3 AAA games.

Watch them release no new trailer, you guys will still defend Neil to thr very bitter end.

For killing their GaaS and focus their studio only in the multiple new SP games they are working on?

So wasting 4 years developing something only to cancel it because it's "too hard to monetise" you would think they would have figured that out 4 YEARS AGO.

For breaking the record of winning more GOTY awards than any other game in gaming history with their most recent game?

Didn't Elden Ring beat it?
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21 Jun 2022
Dude it's been 4 years and soon to 5, we haven't had anything but "remasters" since then while Insomniac has released 3 AAA games.
AAA games now take 5-9 years to be developed, so it's stupid and nonsensical to complain about them not releasing new games.

Didn't Elden Ring beat it?
Yes, but it was released later than TLOU2. TLOU2 broke the record they had.

So wasting 4 years developing something only to cancel it because it's "too hard to monetise" you would think they would have figured that out 4 YEARS AGO.
During the whole gaming history games all companies cancelled games for multiple reasons as part of normal game development process. In this case they didn't cancel it because it was "too hard to monetize".

The reason was that -as usual in game development- the scope and budget of the game ended being bigger than they originally planned, and in this case the post launch support was going to be bigger than they expected, requiring resources they wanted to keep on the multiple SP games they were going to have in the works and the same time. So ND had to choose between the GaaS or the SP games, and prefered the SP games.

To make games isn't like to build fridges in a factory. It's a creaive process that always faces many unpredictable changes and quick and big market shifts that require to adapt, and what looks good on paper when implemented many times doesn't work as intended and requires further changes, improvements and additions, plus to reject ideas that initially looked good. It is very difficult -basically impossible- to nail budgeting and roadmaps: they normally keep being updating periodically during development. Nobody is a fortune teller who predicts how a the development of a game will go, even the most talented and experienced devs.

The difference with this ND project and most of the ones who got cancelled in most other studios was that they were very open talking about this game talking about it on early stages, mentioned it even when they just started their production, while nomally devs keep them secret until the projects are far into development.
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3 Jun 2023
I miss the days before Neil Druckmann when Naughty Dog uses to make great AAA games that really inspired industry instead of Remastering The Last Of Us, 6 million times.

It doesnt help that there has been a deafening silence from their Twitter and Naughty Dog even disabled replies.

The fans demand some kind of communication and all they do is continue to ignore the fans.

How many more times will they Remaster the Last of Us before they actually make a new game for once?

Enough is enough, Neil Druckmann needs to be fired for what he has done to this once great company.
This shit isn't getting anywhere, let's just conclude this

There's Nothing bad about Naughty Dog:

-They are making a New IP

-They are making a sequel

-They making remakes(recent norm)

-They now have skills for multiplayer or Co-Op (a studio upgrade)

This dude cames here and complain as if games are made in a year, TLOU 2 released in 2020 meaning a new game is around the corner as always and it's on schedule as every other single player AAA

Ure a Neil hater and ure proving, get over it and wait for AAA games 4-5 years development as every other person before pointing fingers on a dude who did wrong but make great games than u ever would, u should be grateful u got a rogue-like addition in TLOU 2 during while they are developing multiple games
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21 Jun 2022
I don't think people understand how transformative a huge hit can be for a studio, in particularly one that's not indie.

In the grand scheme of things, I think the PS5 generation will have been a significant learning lesson for PlayStation Studios as was the PS3 generation. At least, I hope.

I'm confident that Naughty Dog will be in a good place once they showcase their next game at this year's not-E3 PlayStation Showcase.

There's a big difference: The PS5 generation is the most successful one for Sony, while the PS3 one was the least successful one.

Being specific to ND, their most successful game ever in sales and awards was TLOU2, released just before the PS5 release. They now have way more workers they ever had, and for the first time they now have been working on 3 new games at the same time (plus possible additional secondary projects like ports/remakes/remasters/movie or tv show adaptations).

TLOU2 was released aprox. 3 years and a half ago, and nowadays AAA games take 5-9 years to be developed. Assuming they took a few months after TLOU2 release to start their next SP game (ignoring TLOU Online), then it would be aprox. 2-7 years away from release, so I wouldn't expect it to be shown this or next year. Specially to avoid something like with TLOU Online, when they shown early a game that later got cancelled.

I'd bet this time won't announce their next game until pretty close to the game release, maximum a year before releasing it. Which would mean they'd announce it somewhere around 2025-2030. Their other SP game apparently started in H1 2023, meaning pretty likely they'd announce it somewhere around 2027-2032.
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