You say that actual pictures of what it is showing on screen is not good enough to stay which game looks better? It is only way to do it.. picture or videos.Not good enough.. sorry.
Let's start with lighting. GI probe lookup tables for computing indirect lighting. Was this changed at the end of last gen to be better in any way? Did the developer get to the point of mastering the hardware such that they could use MORE GI probes or maybe even dynamic building of the GI data structure on-the-fly when the sun/moon move every second due to the earth's rotation?
If you see the world in a Matrix way it is your issue.
The comparison between graphics is done based in what is showed on screen... which look better is based in what is showed on screen.
GTS (confirmed even by DF) looks better than DriveClub... now imagine if GTS was made in 30fps.
TLOU2 looks way better than Uncharted 4.
And The Order doesn't look better than late games I listed even The Order rendering at like 800p resolution... more taxing games at 1080p at end of the generation looks better.