Satya Nadella talks about the future of Xbox and multiplatform. Wants to publish on Sony and Nintendo!


28 Jun 2022
The Xbox CFO said when they acquired Bethesda that their plan wasn't to make their games exclusive, but "best or first" (multiplatform or temporal console exclusives) on Xbox.

CoD has been signed to be at least 10 years more on PS and they'll negotiate to expand the deal once it expires. Plus the whole Activision Blizzard catalog for the next 15 years (plus their entire back catalog) will be available via Ubisoft in competing game subs with cloud gaming. Meaning, Sony can sign them for PS+. And games in PS+ must also be available in the PSN store to purchase.

Meaning, pretty likely the entire lineup of Activision Blizzard console games for -at least- the next 15 years of Activision Blizzard (plus their complete back catalog) will be available in PS. Maybe they do like with Bethesda and some title -specially new IP- may come after some timed console exclusivity on Xbox.

This guy has no idea he's talking about. A port will cost them like a couple millions only.

PS5 and Switch have a way bigger userbase, who unlike the Xbox one are more used to buy games instead of giving away them on a game sub or getting them dirt cheap on Steam. So these games will make way more money in rival consoles than their related Xbox/PC sales + GP revenue.

Satya knows that their current gaming business is a money pit where they lost a ton of billions of dollars in loses and on top of that dozens of billions in aquisitions. He also knows that these games sell way more and generate way more revenue on rival consoles. This is why he bought them and will kept them as multiplatform. Same goes with mobile, he bought King to grow in mobile because it has a ton of users and generates a ton of revenue and profit.

Satya cares about growing their playerbase, revenue and turning MS gaming division into a profitable business. He won't keep losing dozens of billions with a retarded strategy just to keep a couple of Xboxera fanboys happy.
This is same xboxera guy that is claiming ff16 is coming to xbox. Porting will cost too much going from xbox to ps5 where there is a much larger installed base that buys games, but porting PS5 games to xbox wouldnt cost that much and xbots dont buy games anyways? Make it make sense.


21 Jun 2022
This is same xboxera guy that is claiming ff16 is coming to xbox. Porting will cost too much going from xbox to ps5 where there is a much larger installed base that buys games, but porting PS5 games to xbox wouldnt cost that much and xbots dont buy games anyways? Make it make sense.
I don't know, maybe FFXVI had temporal console exclusive signed with Sony and after some time they would be able to release it on Xbox.

If made on a multiplatform engine, the porting wouldn't need a lot of work and effort. Other than making some tweaks for an inferior Series S version that I assume they already did for the PC version.

I mean, porting to PC the Insomniac game, which were made for a non-multiplatform console only engine, and adding a nice amount of extras like new extra settings or ultrawide support did cost them only around a couple million games per game. It would take less to port it from PS5 to Xbox than to PC (less extras to add, less SKUs/CPU/GPU/memory/HDD speed differences to support, same CPU/GPU family, no keyboard + mouse support needed, etc.
10 Jan 2024
Jez sounds depressed

Of course he does his entire platform is on fire and he is probably now questioning all the information he has received via sources to be trust worthy.
The Xbox c-suite has systematically disproven his entire narrative or idea of where the company was going in a span of a month!

He probably now realized all the I.P's he cherished at Activision/Blizzard is now just a catalogue item that will sit in the Xbox archive to be pulled out when they need to promote a new controller or DLC tat for Halo or whatever bullshit live service.

Hell we might even see crash in Palworld at this rate!


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Sony's out here saying to Microsoft "give me your lunch money, punk" and Xbots are thanking Sony for bullying them mercilessly. Scenes.
He;s just a spineless corporate sock puppet. Got new marching orders from the top and now he's a good little "MS is so pro consumer" boy.


10 Jan 2023
