Satya Nadella talks about the future of Xbox and multiplatform. Wants to publish on Sony and Nintendo!


8 Jan 2023
24 Jun 2022

It's funny these idiots say this about MS going multiplatform, yet when the topic of PS games going to PC comes up? They're all for it. Day 1, in fact.

Now they're FINALLY starting to kind of see what those who have been talking about the pitfalls of Sony's PC porting strategy of current were on about, but they only care when they feel Xbox is the one negatively affected.

Here's the difference, though: PS and Nintendo gamers have shown they do buy plenty of B2P games, and in droves. Xbox console gamers have not shown the same purchasing power on their own platform. At most the only major costs for MS in developing PS and Nintendo versions of their games are at the SDK and API levels; most of their games use Unreal Engine and that engine scales & runs great on Sony & Nintendo hardware. It's also not like you're remaking the models and art assets from scratch for each platform, this isn't PS1/N64/Saturn days.

But it's the B2P purchasing power gulf between the typical Xbox gamer and typical PlayStation & Nintendo gamer, why the idea of Sony persisting (or getting more assertive) with their ports of traditional games to PC makes increasingly less sense, but why MS releasing their games on Sony & Nintendo platforms at higher & quicker frequencies DOES make sense.

People like Nick and those at places like XboxERA feel they're owed exclusive access to these games for sticking with the brand so long. AFAIK, they already got their "thank you", it was called Game Pass. That's what they were championing for the past few years, right?

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023

Obviously the sales on healthy platforms would be enough to cover the port costs. Wtf is this argument? Here's a better one: do the profits from the ports outweigh the benefits of maintaining a closed ecosystem and siphoning money from the green rat pay pigs? The answer is obvs yes because GP subs have stalled and Xbox hardware sales have cratered. Not tanked or declined - cratered. There is NO coming back from a 70k December in Europe. That's worse than end of life Dreamcast numbers. It's unequivocally over.
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28 Jul 2023

LMAOOOO! The holes that you can pick apart from Nick's statement are a treasure trove. The whole it's gonna cost money to port Hifi and Starfield to PS5 so will they have enough money for that. Well, Nick Bethesda was a 3rd party publisher that put their games on all platforms so apparently they had the money to do that just like the other big 3rd party publishers and now they're own by a trillion dollar company so port money shouldn't be an issue. And then wondering if the games will even sell enough on PS5 is also a joke when those games like HiFi aren't even selling much ether on Xbox since they're day n date on Gamepass. If anything a PS5 version of Starfield won't have to compete with a Gamepass on a PS5 console which will lead folks to buy the game. What a dumbass. I lost braincells listening to that. Lol.


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30 Jun 2022
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27 Jun 2023
Is Microsoft's vision for the future of their gaming divison basically a third-party publisher that happens to have a console if you want one?
I think it’s will be more like a third party publisher publishing games on every platform ei Xbox, PC, PS & Nintendo & transforming Xbox consoles to a Xbox dongle stick cloud/digital hybrid design that you stick to a TV/Laptop


27 Jun 2023
Starfield is not being rumored from credible sources. Just sea of theives and hi fi for now. Also their is nothing concrete yet. But where there is smoke their is fire.
The original rumor comes from SneakersSO, he also speaks about ports being put back into production to give Xbox a fighting chance to make money in Europe, South America, China, Japan, and Africa. He mentioned Hifi Rush, Sea of Thieves, and Starfield, but also stated that none of AB's games had production shut down on any of the ports. SneakerSO has done work for Bethesda and MS.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
"They just see it as business". Well, yeah. That's what gaming is. How the fuck do these people go through life? They honestly believe a CEO cares about the feeling of a manchild crying on their little podcast. Fucking hell, these are grown ass men.

"Will these ports justify the money put into them?" I mean, they sure as shit are gonna make more than giving them away on a subscription service. Seriously, the collective IQ in that entire chat must be room temperature.


21 Jun 2022
The original rumor comes from SneakersSO, he also speaks about ports being put back into production to give Xbox a fighting chance to make money in Europe, South America, China, Japan, and Africa. He mentioned Hifi Rush, Sea of Thieves, and Starfield, but also stated that none of AB's games had production shut down on any of the ports. SneakerSO has done work for Bethesda and MS.
The Xbox CFO said when they acquired Bethesda that their plan wasn't to make their games exclusive, but "best or first" (multiplatform or temporal console exclusives) on Xbox.

CoD has been signed to be at least 10 years more on PS and they'll negotiate to expand the deal once it expires. Plus the whole Activision Blizzard catalog for the next 15 years (plus their entire back catalog) will be available via Ubisoft in competing game subs with cloud gaming. Meaning, Sony can sign them for PS+. And games in PS+ must also be available in the PSN store to purchase.

Meaning, pretty likely the entire lineup of Activision Blizzard console games for -at least- the next 15 years of Activision Blizzard (plus their complete back catalog) will be available in PS. Maybe they do like with Bethesda and some title -specially new IP- may come after some timed console exclusivity on Xbox.

He reupped it

This guy has no idea he's talking about. A port will cost them like a couple millions only.

PS5 and Switch have a way bigger userbase, who unlike the Xbox one are more used to buy games instead of giving away them on a game sub or getting them dirt cheap on Steam. So these games will make way more money in rival consoles than their related Xbox/PC sales + GP revenue.

Satya knows that their current gaming business is a money pit where they lost a ton of billions of dollars in loses and on top of that dozens of billions in aquisitions. He also knows that these games sell way more and generate way more revenue on rival consoles. This is why he bought them and will kept them as multiplatform. Same goes with mobile, he bought King to grow in mobile because it has a ton of users and generates a ton of revenue and profit.

Satya cares about growing their playerbase, revenue and turning MS gaming division into a profitable business. He won't keep losing dozens of billions with a retarded strategy just to keep a couple of Xboxera fanboys happy.
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10 Jan 2024
It’s always wild to me how a lot of people, maybe the younger generation, don’t remember Colt’s arc as a fierce console warrior on Twitter. He’s still one now for sure but like I never understood how he became some sort of ambassador for the brand when this man was Crapgamer’s peer and colleague lol
Its not like there were that many xbots to pick from for the job. Say anything positive and ms will spam you with shit to keep doing it.