Share your ridiculous conspiracy theories and urban legends here! (No real-world politics, just being silly!)

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
And we have two, ladies and gentleman! Two of our very own flattards in the forum!

Groundbreaking day. @Falcs do you want me to add you to the little image above? I can, I'm that nice!

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Oh yes please!
But don't have me reading anything. I'm illiterate.

Don't worry, I'll add you with some handy pictures, like in children's books. Maybe I'll throw a globe around there just to make it extra special.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
What's the conspiracy? You have another thread for astronomy.

No joke now, but what's the conspiracy? If you believe the earth is flat, then pretty much every single law of physics is not applicable to our entire understanding of the universe, meaning astronomy in itself is bullshit. So why would I post on that thread? Astronomy is bullshit.


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
You are embarrassingly ignorant of the ideas you deride and I'm not interested in educating you really

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
You are embarrassingly ignorant of the ideas you deride and I'm not interested in educating you really

Mate, anybody that claims that the earth is flat is in no position to call others ignorant. You believe in a fable that was disproven over 2000 years ago by two sticks, shadows, and math. You go on believing in fairytales, as long as it makes you happy that's what matters.
Last edited:
  • brain
Reactions: Sircaw


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Mate, anybody that claims that the earth is flat is in no position to call others ignorant. You believe in a fable that was disproven over 2000 years ago by two sticks, shadows, and math. You go on believing in fairytales, as long as it makes you happy that's what matters.
And don't forget the Sun rotates around the Earth.

Don't argue with me on that one, We know it's all true.

Conspiracy Theory Yes GIF by A Badge of Friendship
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Nym


Did you like my Glasses, Snake?
21 Jun 2022
Mate, anybody that claims that the earth is flat is in no position to call others ignorant. You believe in a fable that was disproven over 2000 years ago by two sticks, shadows, and math. You go on believing in fairytales, as long as it makes you happy that's what matters.


tired tired shit bro just stop @ing me please


6 Jul 2022
My conspiracy theories,

- the government are using 5G to steal our dreams and sell it to Disney!

- The moon is a lie! It’s a government satellite to spy on us.

- There’s other sub species of every animal expect the humans. The reason? Because we were made by aliens who use us for food!

- The Illuminati use cows to clone rich people! They are flooding media with “cow meat is bad for the environment” because of shortages of cows.

- Cars do not move, they make the earth spin!


Well-known member
23 Jun 2022
Well here's an interesting one.

Anti-vaxxer friend of mine thinks the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing a huge amount of deaths worldwide.
He just sent me a bunch of data from his collection of is "own research". He thinks the most vaccinated nations have an excess mortality that is increasing yearly since the vaccines were rolled out. Claims that 2 million excess deaths have occurred since the vaccines were pushed out across the western nations.


Then he tells me that in Singapore, as an example, their death rate is at it's worst that it's been in 62 years, and still-births at it's worst in 20 years.

He also thinks there's a direct correlation between the vaccine rollout and Covid deaths. Apparently each spike in this graph below corresponds with a booster push. First one is when they were mandated in Sept, then booster in Dec/Jan, then next one, etc..



26 Jun 2022
Well here's an interesting one.

Anti-vaxxer friend of mine thinks the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing a huge amount of deaths worldwide.
He just sent me a bunch of data from his collection of is "own research". He thinks the most vaccinated nations have an excess mortality that is increasing yearly since the vaccines were rolled out. Claims that 2 million excess deaths have occurred since the vaccines were pushed out across the western nations.


Then he tells me that in Singapore, as an example, their death rate is at it's worst that it's been in 62 years, and still-births at it's worst in 20 years.

He also thinks there's a direct correlation between the vaccine rollout and Covid deaths. Apparently each spike in this graph below corresponds with a booster push. First one is when they were mandated in Sept, then booster in Dec/Jan, then next one, etc..

Man, I hate vaccine mandates (they're one of the most immoral thing I have seen a government do).

Anyway, you can see the extra mortality in a lot of countries, even in age groups where there never was enough covid deaths to make any difference in it (people 50 and below had more deaths from being locked down than from covid, according to statistics Canada).

I'm in Canada, the federal data on death rates isn't published anymore, it used to lag about three weeks early in the pandemic, but we had the numbers and we saw the waves in the elderly population. However, in some provinces they still publish their local data and there definitely is a problem, it goes way above the few daily deaths attributed to covid.

Now I see possible causes, but few people who have any kind of influence seem to care:
- the measures pushed people out of healthcare work
- a lot less new nurses and doctors came in the system because school work was ampered (there are articles in the local media about impossibly high failure rates for accreditation exams)
- they fired 5000 nurses (10% of all nurses) because of the vax mandates
- drug abuse/overdose has sky rocketed in the younger population groups because they were locked down
- same for suicides and depression

So I can't tell for the vaccines, the government doesn't follow deaths vs vaccine status anymore, but the side effects of the measures made our lives miserable and it feels like a third world country here.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Well here's an interesting one.

Anti-vaxxer friend of mine thinks the Covid-19 vaccines have been causing a huge amount of deaths worldwide.
He just sent me a bunch of data from his collection of is "own research". He thinks the most vaccinated nations have an excess mortality that is increasing yearly since the vaccines were rolled out. Claims that 2 million excess deaths have occurred since the vaccines were pushed out across the western nations.


Then he tells me that in Singapore, as an example, their death rate is at it's worst that it's been in 62 years, and still-births at it's worst in 20 years.

He also thinks there's a direct correlation between the vaccine rollout and Covid deaths. Apparently each spike in this graph below corresponds with a booster push. First one is when they were mandated in Sept, then booster in Dec/Jan, then next one, etc..


Not to detract from your post, but...


In this article, excess mortality refers to the number of deaths from all causes measured during a crisis, above what could be observed under 'normal' conditions. The excess mortality indicator simply takes the number of people who died from any cause, in a given period, and compares it with a historical baseline from previous years in a period which was not affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. In this case, the baseline consists of the average number of deaths that occurred in each month during the period 2016-2019. The higher the value, the higher the amount of additional deaths compared with the baseline. In the case of a negative indicator, this means that fewer deaths occurred in a particular month compared with the baseline period.


Excess mortality' has been identified as the most useful indicator for assessing additional deaths, complementing the other indicators contained in the European Statistical Recovery Dashboard. In order to capture the dynamics of mortality changes in a more stable way, the excess mortality indicator is calculated for each month, no later than 45 days after the end of the reference period (depending on data available to Eurostat from the national statistical institutes). The indicator provides additional insight into the impact the COVID-19 crisis has had on European societies. It should be stressed again that, while a substantial increase largely coincides with a COVID-19 outbreak in each country, the indicator does not make a distinction between causes of death and does not differentiate sex or age class. Statistics on excess deaths provide information about the burden of mortality potentially related to the COVID-19 pandemic, thereby covering not only deaths that are directly attributed to the virus but also those indirectly related to it. In addition to confirmed deaths, excess mortality captures COVID-19 deaths that were not correctly diagnosed and reported, as well as deaths from other causes that may be attributed to the overall crisis situation. It also accounts for the partial absence of deaths from other causes like accidents that did not occur due, for example, to the limitations in commuting or travel during the lockdown periods.

This is also a really good article:

And a study:



Well-known member
23 Jun 2022
Not to detract from your post, but...
I don't see how you're detracting from what I posted. Your article just acknowledges that there is in fact excess mortality (regardless of it fluctuating up and down each month) when compared to pre 2020. The stuff I posted looks at the massive increase in deaths in the years overall. Your article confirms it, though for some reason it doesn't seem to give total figures.
Now the cause can't covid because the data from my post shows that across the nations excess mortality has gone up in 2021/2022 after a vaccine was available. Unless the vaccine didn't do anything.

The figures in Singapore I posted I find pretty crazy too. 10% increase in deaths from 2020 - 2021, and then another 10% into 2022. That's insane. There's obviously something that's killing a lot of excess people in Singapore. 🤷‍♂️


Well-known member
23 Jun 2022
Man, I hate vaccine mandates (they're one of the most immoral thing I have seen a government do).

Anyway, you can see the extra mortality in a lot of countries, even in age groups where there never was enough covid deaths to make any difference in it (people 50 and below had more deaths from being locked down than from covid, according to statistics Canada).

I'm in Canada, the federal data on death rates isn't published anymore, it used to lag about three weeks early in the pandemic, but we had the numbers and we saw the waves in the elderly population. However, in some provinces they still publish their local data and there definitely is a problem, it goes way above the few daily deaths attributed to covid.

Now I see possible causes, but few people who have any kind of influence seem to care:
- the measures pushed people out of healthcare work
- a lot less new nurses and doctors came in the system because school work was ampered (there are articles in the local media about impossibly high failure rates for accreditation exams)
- they fired 5000 nurses (10% of all nurses) because of the vax mandates
- drug abuse/overdose has sky rocketed in the younger population groups because they were locked down
- same for suicides and depression

So I can't tell for the vaccines, the government doesn't follow deaths vs vaccine status anymore, but the side effects of the measures made our lives miserable and it feels like a third world country here.
By now it's pretty obvious that:
- The lockdowns didn't work.
- The masks don't work.
- The social distancing didn't work.
- The vaccine didn't work.
- PCR tests didn't work.
- Mandates didn't work.
- Pretending natural immunity doesn't exist - didn't work.

Imagine living through the last 3 years and not being even a little bit suspicious.


6 Jul 2022
Since everyone is talking about vacines! Before taking the covid vaccine I was an unhappy Xbox fan, after taking 2 doses I’ve become a Sony fan and I’m much happier and I didn’t got covid because I’ve been too busy playing games.

Thank you Pfizer.