Sony throws a thank you party to celebrate Jim Ryan


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Any exec would have fought the ABK deal. How could you not? PS feared that their biggest money maker could be taken away. It would not surprise me if Sony shareholders supported Jim fighting it. He was almost successful, if it wasn’t for that Judge who’s son works for MS, the incompetence of the FTC, and the CMA going back on their word at the last minute.
The FTC wasn't incompetent, and haven't even started their own proceedings. The whole thing in the summer was to get an injunction to stop any merger finalization before the deadline, and they had to go through the full appeal process on that before starting the actual competition investigation process in their own Administrative Court.
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Jim Ryan

Not Lyin
22 Jun 2022
Newcastle losing two-nil to Everton lol.
you're dead to me lee daniels GIF by STAR


21 Jun 2022
But previous ones didn't even had a PC strategy, though. So, Jim automatically made more money there.
The strategy of late ports of some -not all- Sony AAA games was decided before Jimbo became CEO and was Shawn Layden's idea according to him.

clossed LESS studios ( Pixelopus, Man. Studio, Japan Studio)
Japan Studio wasn't closed. It was rebranded to Team Asobi merging their different internal development teams into one of them (Team Asobi) and moved to a new office where they are growing. Before this restructuring Team Asobi already was made of people from previous teams (Ico, Gravity, Knack etc).

They also branched out their Japanese 2nd party publishing team into their own office where they are also growing and working in more games than ever before (they are in charge of all Asian -now not only Japanese- SIE 2nd party games).

Both offices are in the same building where Japan Studio was.

In fact the head of Team Asobi was in the Jim Ryan party.
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26 Feb 2023
The strategy of late ports of some -not all- Sony AAA games was decided before Jimbo became CEO and was Shawn Layden's idea according to him.

Yes, but who executed the idea exactly?

Japan Studio wasn't closed. It was rebranded to Team Asobi merging their different internal development teams into one of them (Team Asobi) and moved to a new office where they are growing. Before this restructuring Team Asobi already was made of people from previous teams (Ico, Gravity, Knack etc).

They also branched out their Japanese 2nd party publishing team into their own office where they are also growing and working in more games than ever before (they are in charge of all Asian -now not only Japanese- SIE 2nd party games).

Both offices are in the same building where Japan Studio was.

Well, also bunch of that staff left. So, it was basically closed. Other who remained was sucked into a Team Asobi


21 Jun 2022
Yes, but who executed the idea exactly?
As I said they started it before Jim. Jim continued it. The next CEO will continue it.

Well, also bunch of that staff left. So, it was basically closed. Other who remained was sucked into a Team Asobi
Bullshit, they weren't closed at all.

We know that some of them left or were fired. The rest of internal development teams were merged into one of these Japan Studio teams: Team Asobi. Team Asobi already was a Japan Studio team result of merging members of other teams, whose boss was promoted to head of the studio and they moved to a bigger and newer office in the same building, where they are growing, working on a 3d action platformer bigger than their previous games in addition to multiple prototypes. They plan to grow to around 100 people soon.

Their 2nd party publishing team -as previously happened with the 2nd party publishing teams in EU and USA got "promoted" from being a division of a local gamedev team to have their own XDEV office (in the same building). They are now also growing and are working in more games at the same they ever did before because unlike when they were inside Japan Studio they now not only manage SIE 2nd party Japanese games, but from the whole Asia. Games like Death Stranding Director's Cut, Death Stranding 2, Stellar Blade or Rise of the Ronin to name some of them.

The opposite of being closed. Btw, their boss Nicolas Doucet was in the Jim Ryan party (left side of the image):
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26 Feb 2023
As I said they started it before Jim. Jim continued it. The next CEO will continue it.

Bullshit, they weren't closed at all.

We know that some of them left or were fired. The rest of internal development teams were merged into one of these Japan Studio teams: Team Asobi. Team Asobi already was a Japan Studio team result of merging members of other teams, whose boss was promoted to head of the studio and they moved to a bigger and newer office in the same building, where they are growing, working on a 3d action platformer bigger than their previous games in addition to multiple prototype. They plan to grow to around 100 people soon.

Their 2nd party publishing team -as previously happened with the 2nd party publishing teams in EU and USA got "promoted" from being a division of a local gamedev team to have their own XDEV office (in the same building). They are now also growing and are working in more games at the same they ever did before because unlike when they were inside Japan Studio they now not only manage SIE 2nd party Japanese games, but from the whole Asia. Games like Death Stranding Director's Cut, Death Stranding 2, Stellar Blade or Rise of the Ronin to name some of them.

So what if some staff went to Team Asobi. Japan Studio as name doesn't exist anymore and it is closed.


21 Jun 2022
So what if some staff went to Team Asobi. Japan Studio as name doesn't exist anymore and it is closed.
They got rebranded and branched out their XDEV 2nd party team to gave them their own office as they also did with their 2nd party teams from EU and USA before. This isn't to close them.

They contine doing the same job they did before, in the same building they were before and are growing.

But whatever, feel free believing in wrong things like this. And also that Jim Ryan was fired, that PC ports are ruining PS, that MS has a monopoly in gaming and orther gaming flatearther myths. Stuff like the next Team Asobi games, Death Stranding 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade and so on may have been made by magic fairies or something in such fantasy land.


26 Feb 2023
But whatever, feel free believing in wrong things like this. And also that Jim Ryan was fired, that PC ports are ruining PS, that MS has a monopoly in gaming and orther gaming flatearther myths. Stuff like the next Team Asobi games, Death Stranding 2, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade and so on may have been made by magic fairies or something in such fantasy land.

I dunno. To me Japan Studio is closed, despite some people moved to Asobi. As numerous outlets claimed the same. Also, never ever claimed nor believed that Jim was fires. Claimed numerous times that he is retiring. The rest of your posts, i dunno why you are whining


26 Jun 2022
I dunno. To me Japan Studio is closed, despite some people moved to Asobi. As numerous outlets claimed the same. Also, never ever claimed nor believed that Jim was fires. Claimed numerous times that he is retiring. The rest of your posts, i dunno why you are whining
We don't care about your feelings.
  • Shake
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21 Jun 2022
I dunno. To me Japan Studio is closed, despite some people moved to Asobi. As numerous outlets claimed the same. Also, never ever claimed nor believed that Jim was fires. Claimed numerous times that he is retiring. The rest of your posts, i dunno why you are whining
The thing is that Team Asobi wasn't a separate entity of Japan Studio. Team Asobi was a part of Japan Studio, and now it's the studio itself.

Japan Studio often was working on multiple internally developed games at the same time, and some of these teams sometimes had names (Siren, Gravity, Ico, Asobi...). These teams weren't separate studios or completely separated teams since most devs jumped from an internal team to another depending on the needs of the projects.

As an example, some people worked in Team Ico, Team Gravity, Team Asobi, or also in Knack or Puppeteer. Excluding a handful leads most other people rotated across their teams, splitting or merging them as needed.

Nowadays games need more time and people to make a game, so they decided to merge these teams into one of them, and they did choose their currently most successful / popular one (Asobi). So until here this was usual business in Japan Studio.

After decades of not being able to release any single hit, several dozen games released and a few money pits later, also decided to restructure Japan Studio:
  • Gave Japan Studio's 2nd party publishing team their own office, as did before in EU and US, and asked them to grow and now also handle 2nd party games from the whole Asia, not only Japan. That office -as happened before in EU or US- would be part of their global XDEV team instead of reporting to a local gamedev team
  • Changed the studio leadership (apparently firing some people, at least a few former leads) promoting the head of that internal team Team Asobi as new head of the studio
  • The studio now instead of having multiple internal development teams they were all merged into a single one, Team Asobi
  • Since now Team Asobi was going to be the only team in Japan Studio, they also rebranded Japan Studio as Team Asobi. Also gave them a new office where they will grow, completing a rebranding/refoundation that hopefully helps them to stop being a money pit after decades of patience.
They are mostly the same people working in the same building and making internally developed games and publishing 2nd party games. The difference will be that at the start of the game you'll probably see a Team Asobi or XDEV logo instead of Japan Studio logo.
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Dixon Cider Ltd.
22 Jun 2022
And a big portion of the PS1-PS4 success was thanks to being extremely successful in Europe, where he was in charge. PlayStation is the only gaming platform where their biggest market is -and has been at least since PS3, first time I remember to see these numbers- Europe. Pretty likely they put him as CEO because of that.
That's not Ryan, that's UK/Europe. We were a strong 3rd Pillar for SEGA too. At times we've probably been 2nd Pillar for Sony whilst Japan largely went smartphone/handheld.