Sony's future and possible studio/publisher acquisitions

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Would love for Sony to return to event shows. They haven’t done that in awhile.

Man I would even be satisfied with Ember Lab. Sony just doesn’t take gaming as seriously as Nintendo

I mean

Xbox is at Gamescom where is PlayStation? where is the market leader?!

MS is the last place company with low hardware sales all year. They have to try hard at everything they’re doing. Being in the media every chance they get. That’s why that used car salesman is always doing interviews blabbering about nothing.

I’m not giving Sony excuses. I agree they need to start doing shows again. Conferences, being at places like Gamescom, Pax, and Comic Con. Bringing back PlayStation Experience would be fun and good for PlayStation fans.

Being in the media all the time talking a lot like Phil Spencer? I could do without that honestly. MS can continue lying to their fan base to try and keep Xbox relevant. Sony needs to continue focusing on the games.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
They need to bring back the PlayStation Experience, once a year do a big show in December next to The Game Awards.

Yeah, I mentioned that in my edited post above. That show was so good. They announced a lot of games and even had game panels. It really kept the PS4 momentum going.

They really need to start having them again.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I am honestly still convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic and Activision Blizzard played their role for Sony delaying many things.
See for example this:
Sony renewed in 2021 PlayStation Exp trademark. I could imagine them doing in 2024. Just let Geoff Keighley moderate it and invite as many 3rd Party partners as you can. Would definitely be on past E3 levels.
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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
I am honestly still convinced that the COVID-19 pandemic and Activision Blizzard played their role for Sony delaying many things.
See for example this:
Sony renewed in 2021 PlayStation Exp trademark. I could imagine them doing in 2024. Just let Geoff Keighley moderate it and invite as many 3rd Party partners as you can. Would definitely be on past E3 levels.
Companies renew licenses on a regular basis, even if they don't intend to use them.
24 Jun 2022
Would love for Sony to return to event shows. They haven’t done that in awhile.

MS is the last place company with low hardware sales all year. They have to try hard at everything they’re doing. Being in the media every chance they get. That’s why that used car salesman is always doing interviews blabbering about nothing.

I’m not giving Sony excuses. I agree they need to start doing shows again. Conferences, being at places like Gamescom, Pax, and Comic Con. Bringing back PlayStation Experience would be fun and good for PlayStation fans.

Being in the media all the time talking a lot like Phil Spencer? I could do without that honestly. MS can continue lying to their fan base to try and keep Xbox relevant. Sony needs to continue focusing on the games.

That's what I've been saying. Sony have effectively little presence in enthusiast gaming spaces insofar as a relatable face, or mascot in Phil Spencer's case, to communicate with gamers and the media. MS does take it to a borderline abusive level, with the cult of personality people like Phil and even Aaron Greenberg have formed, but that doesn't mean Sony should stay absent in that regard altogether.

In fact it's Sony who kind of set the standard there. Phil Spencer is just a less interesting version of Kevin Butler, while also happening to be the CEO of an actual gaming division. PlayStation Experience came WAY before Xbox's Fanfest, it came all the way back in 2002...when PS as a brand was dominating. So what's the excuse for doing away with it today, especially when as I just mentioned, PlayStation has basically ceded any attempts at presence in enthusiast online spaces to Xbox?

Like you, I'm just also tired of seeing Xbox all the time in the news with these events, with Phil Spencer interviews, even Xbox-adjacent people like Peter Moore are getting more active doing interviews and such. And I actually respect Peter Moore, it's just the angle of the interviews are going to, naturally, focus pretty much on Xbox. Having consistent community engagement with enthusiast gamers and gamers who are online in general is pretty important IMO, especially when you do it through relatable personalities who might be "celebrity-like" but specifically in the space of the gaming industry. Microsoft has that presence; Sony doesn't.

I'm not asking for Xbox to do less WRT their presence in online enthusiasts and media spaces (though cutting down on the cult of personality and weird parasocial relationship BS would be welcome & healthy); I'm asking for PlayStation to do more. Because at one point, they did do more, and they did it better. And as it turns out, even well before the PS3 generation.


Active member
19 May 2023
It seems to me Jim Ryan is mostly concerned about immediate results short term profits without showing much concern for the future, like netting SE and Capcom.
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21 Jun 2022

They want to steal all Sony's plans in Japan.

Genki made a post about Xbox hiring a ex-Sony employee but it was deleted?

Klobrille made a similar tweet.

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24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
I don't see it as shilling, just stating facts.

MS has been working on getting cozy with devs around the world, while Sony spent that time buying fucking Haven and making a Ubisoft-shit tier title.

As I keep saying, can't blame MS for that. Sony refuses to work on their relationships, MS doesn't.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
And the best part is that it's not like the big bad MS is going around all ninja-like talking to these devs, keeping it all hush-hush. They're openly making moves and Sony's still too lazy/complacent to do anything with it.

I mean, when you have a company openly state they're trying to bring you down, amidst massive industry buyouts, and you're just sitting there? You deserve all that's coming to you.

People will call this doomposting but this is a clearly discernible pattern with Sony.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
And the best part is that it's not like the big bad MS is going around all ninja-like talking to these devs, keeping it all hush-hush. They're openly making moves and Sony's still too lazy/complacent to do anything with it.

I mean, when you have a company openly state they're trying to bring you down, amidst massive industry buyouts, and you're just sitting there? You deserve all that's coming to you.

People will call this doomposting but this is a clearly discernible pattern with Sony.
Thank the traitor


16 Jul 2022
So she was there at sony in the years when they became most out of touch with the japanese audience and lack of first party hits from japan.

And this is the person people are about to meltdown about?


8 May 2023
The tweet is back up and Genki is shilling for Xbox. Another one 😡

it's not shilling, he's just calling a spade a spade. Sony and hardcore PS fans kept trying to downplay the closing of Japan Studio and saying that everyone is at Asobi now, he's just making a point that's definitely not what happened. This is kind of karma
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
You know we got Kiichiro Urata for her?
Urata is real legend and a very big upgrade compared to her. He was the reason why Microsoft had so many Japanese exclusives in 360 era and also who managed to drag Capcom out of their misery. Urata is a true leader that I won’t to see leaving. He will be PlayStation‘s next CEO I am calling it. Btw Kiichiro Urata has the next second highest position after Jim Ryan: SIE Company Director.