Sony’s stock value drop by about $10b after lowering PS5’s sales forecast for the fiscal year, analysts question near decade-low profit margin


25 Mar 2023
never stopped being relevant
You can go look at the list of most pirated games and PlayStation games will be nowhere to be seen. It is what it is, piracy is vastly more popular on PC there is no comparison.


8 May 2023
I’ll give them the rest of this gen, but by next gen they need a return to form. Lean into some of that classic PlayStation energy. Stop trying to be a PC competitor. Invest in Spyro…man I don’t know! This gen feels like a bust though.
This comment makes no sense, they're not trying to be a PC competitor at all, they're literally handing Valve their market share on a silver platter. And how can they invest in Spyro when it's owned by Xbox? And how is the gen a bust when there's been amazing games since day 1, GOTY nominee every year, plus amazing 3rd party exclusives 🤔
Bruh....Did you even click on the link you sent??? 2000/3500 people listed there does not mean they all worked on the game 🤦‍♂️ The vast majority of that list is just SIE employees and other people that had nothing to do with the actual development of the game.... I wonder which parts of the game Jim Ryan and Hideo Kojima worked on 😂🤣 there is literally a section for BABIES. You need to be a very special kind of stupid to think 2000/3500 people actually worked on HZD/HFW lmfao. I thought you were a game dev? 🤣🤣

It's 300~, I'm right, you're wrong, as usual 😎


21 Jun 2022
Bruh....Did you even click on the link you sent??? 2000/3500 people listed there does not mean they all worked on the game 🤦‍♂️ The vast majority of that list is just SIE employees and other people that had nothing to do with the actual development of the game.... I wonder which parts of the game Jim Ryan and Hideo Kojima worked on 😂🤣 there is literally a section for BABIES. You need to be a very special kind of stupid to think 2000/3500 people actually worked on HZD/HFW lmfao. I thought you were a game dev? 🤣🤣

It's 300~, I'm right, you're wrong, as usual 😎
If you click and read, you'll see they are these are the game credits, meaning the list of people who worked in the game (with the exception of the peole listed in the "thanks", as I highlighted).

You have there the list of over 3000 people who worked on it, which OBVIOUSLY not all of them are coders or artists, as I already mentioned. But like the work from anyone else, their work also is important, counts and is paid.

And like in any AAA, out of the developers who work there as producers, designers, coders, artists, musicians etc most of them are not from the lead dev studio.

You are really wrong if you seriously think that devs from the lead dev studio are the only people who work on a AAA game. Then why do you think they credit additional studios where there are support or outsourcing studios also credited as producers, designers, coders, audio/musicians people, actors, localizators, Q&A etc. and specially artists? It's because they also worked on it.

Same goes with all the departments that aren't maybe aren't game development itself, stuff like executives, finances, editorial, HR, marketing, operations, publishing, sales, PR, CM, CS, IT, devops, QA and so on. More or less, more directly or more indirectly, spending more or less time, having more or less impact, all of them also are part of the team and are important. These games can't be done without people doing that job.
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  • fire
Reactions: Snes nes


8 May 2023
If you learn to read, you'll see they are these are the game credits, meaning the list of people who worked in the game (with the exception of the peole listed in the "thanks", as I highlighted).
So everyone who didn't receive a special thanks but was credited worked on the game? So you're saying 1900 people worked on HZD? 🤔 The fact that you want to die on that hill instead of admitting you're wrong is sad.

But like a good gaming flatearther troll you reject the facts people puts in your face, and instead of accepting the reality you prefer to believe in fantasies because of potatoes.
Says the guy that was literally disproven just a few hours ago and still wouldn't admit it 😂🤣

90% of that leaked list you said was "100% fake" turned out to be true 🤡
@Yurinka said it was 100% fake and he was 100% wrong 😂😂


21 Jun 2022
So everyone who didn't receive a special thanks but was credited worked on the game? So you're saying 1900 people worked on HZD? 🤔 The fact that you want to die on that hill instead of admitting you're wrong is sad.
I never said that, read better what I posted and stop mading up stuff.

Says the guy that was literally disproven just a few hours ago and still wouldn't admit it 😂🤣

90% of that leaked list you said was "100% fake" turned out to be true 🤡
Bullshit, read better what I posted and stop lying. When that list was posted for the first time we already knew some of these games already existed and we already knew some of that info was fake, as could be Ballistic Moon using UE instead of Decima, or several XDEV games being missing there, or juniors being in charge of projects having seniors under them just to make a few examples.

And nowadays we know more stuff from there: as an example there's guy mentioned there for Horizon "VR" who doesn't appear in the game credits. Whoever made the list assumed it because he was in previous XDEV games but got it wrong.
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25 Mar 2023
the list? what list?
Any list, you can look on torrent trackers or any metric you can come up with and piracy of PC games is going to be vastly more popular than PlayStation piracy, why is it so hard for you to simply admit that fact?

It seems that for you PC has to always win, PC can't have any drawbacks or problems, PC is perfect.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
All will be well! I remember when it drop by almost 20bil when Microsoft Announced it was buying abk and ppl were seriously saying it was the end of PlayStation and they could never recover. One thing they need to fix tho is getting a ps ceo who is good on messaging so they can end Hiroki interim asap. The guy really fcking bad at messaging. You shouldn’t say the studios don’t know how to manage money, make sound like u are going day and date or make it sound like ps has no games coming in the next fiscal year. No fcking tact at all. All the 🤡 ps fans who said it was a good thing Jim was leaving and a Japanese ceo would refocus on Japanese games and reopen Japan studio were smoking meth. The same ppl who were cheering him on X are now complaining they don’t want day and date on pc and they don’t want him anymore. This guy did not come up through the ranks from ps. He is not a creative. He sees games as a products before he sees them art. This man is think about reducing cost buy cutting budgets, possibly staff. He is a financial guy and right now he is being groomed for the presidency of Sony, he is coo and he is acting ceo of SIE he’s think about what’s best for Sony group first and ps 2nd. We need a pro-PlayStation ceo who will push back against any drastic cuts that will constrain the ability of PS studios to make the great games we live.
This! Jim Ryan is shit in areas too but this guy? Been said he would wreck the brand. He hates gaming and I'm sure if he could he'd sell off the division immediately.

Say Hello to Sony's own Satya. He's literally trying to follow his bestie's playbook from Redmond


16 Jul 2023
I mean the issue is that Sonys high profile studios are in locations which have very high wages


16 Jun 2023
Then those same PC players will band together with Xbox fans to shit on Sony. I have no sympathy for Sony here, they are digging their own grave.
Nintendo makes most of their money from 1st party because their game are super cheap to make and never go on sale. Conversely, Sony never really made most of their profit from 1st party, that's just the cherry on top. 1st party games are to draw people in to buy everything else, PS Plus subs, 3rd party games, dlc, mtx, controllers, headsets, etc. Which makes the PC port initiative even dumber 🤷‍♂️
Colin is saying Sony should do day and date.
  • haha
Reactions: Nhomnhom


2 May 2023
Any list, you can look on torrent trackers or any metric you can come up with and piracy of PC games is going to be vastly more popular than PlayStation piracy, why is it so hard for you to simply admit that fact?

It seems that for you PC has to always win, PC can't have any drawbacks or problems, PC is perfect.
bizarre response.


25 Mar 2023
Day and date with PC would tank the sales of single player games and they would stop being made in favor of GaaS.


10 Jan 2024
Maybe we should stick to gaming, cause no one here sees this as normal. When you say you expect your product to sell less, it means it loses value. Thus drop in stock value.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
This person called him out for his hypocrisy. Just like you did. Lol

Lmao I wish the entire comment section and quotes repeated it over and over. The gaming community as whole needs to eradicate itself from all these bad faith actors / grifters.

They have single handily made things so much worse for consumers over the last decade.


Icon Extra
28 May 2023
This comment makes no sense, they're not trying to be a PC competitor at all, they're literally handing Valve their market share on a silver platter. And how can they invest in Spyro when it's owned by Xbox? And how is the gen a bust when there's been amazing games since day 1, GOTY nominee every year, plus amazing 3rd party exclusives 🤔

Bruh....Did you even click on the link you sent??? 2000/3500 people listed there does not mean they all worked on the game 🤦‍♂️ The vast majority of that list is just SIE employees and other people that had nothing to do with the actual development of the game.... I wonder which parts of the game Jim Ryan and Hideo Kojima worked on 😂🤣 there is literally a section for BABIES. You need to be a very special kind of stupid to think 2000/3500 people actually worked on HZD/HFW lmfao. I thought you were a game dev? 🤣🤣

It's 300~, I'm right, you're wrong, as usual 😎
The games have not been amazing. Sequels mostly.