Yea man. I like the game.Bro frozone have you been enjoying it? It's fun? Serious ask.
The game has some gameplay design flaws that I can understand by a lot of people. The universe isn't very small for me even though I'm fast-traveling because I know how far units are in actual space. Both Elite Dangerous and NMS tried to simulate this reality only for it to backfire. Gamers need a fast movement in space that's not physically correct in order to alleviate this.
I just finished the first exploration quest on a moon and I find it more satisfying than the one in Elite and NMS. There is a lot to cover with these planets/moons for exploration. It would have been nice for some vehicle to explore instead of walking. That was a bad design choice that I'm sure will be thought of for future DLC.
Basically having spent several more hours playing the game, I can understand all the complaints people are having. I feel Bethesda was taking too long with their game and had pressure from MS. They needed probably one more year of development to fix the inventory management and at least allow less loading screens with more things to do in space itself (mining asteriods, space pirating, doing space walks, etc..)
Graphics are overall of current-gen quality to me. The eyes on characters need to be fixed as they are rigged to the cursor and follow it. They need the eyes and eye lids to be closer to center so they don't look creepy. The skin shading on characters are using an SSS skin material like modern games are doing now. The variety of character clothing is a match with other open world games like CP2077 and Watch Dogs, Spiderman, etc..
The lighting in Starfield puts it ahead of many current gen games as they really worked hard on getting rid of over-energy lighting from baked GI probes and shadows (which are casted from every single light source -- a rarity). Animations could have used more frames for interpolation. I understand that motion-capturing would have been too expensive so hand-animating all the characters was required. FX are great, volumetric smog is great.
I wanted a VATS system with dismemberment but that would have extended the development costs again for all the models needed to do this on par with Fallout 4.