Sad to see you go, @JAHGamer, but your wish is my command.This place is officially worse than Resetera...didn't think that was possible but it is.
Trash like @Yurinka and @ethomaz are allowed to constantly lie 24/7 without any repercussion. And if you call the liars out for lying, it's seen as worse than actually lying what a joke
And the worthless corporate slaves like @Plextorage @voke @Remember_Spinal @Ezekiel @Entropi and @Dick Jones are legitimately worse than the worst green rats on RE. They are so far up Sony's ass they make the RE Phil zealots look like normal people. Sad that this site was founded because "dooming" about Sony was frowned upon on other boards, but now if you say anything bad about Sony, you get a bunch of these braindead corporate slaves who get triggered by the slightest critique and chase you around to harass you on every thread.
And then there are the mouth breathing pricks that share a single braincell between them like @ToTTenTranz and @Vertigo who suffer from severe dunning kruger, typing essays with their awful takes as if anyone cares about their retarded opinions
I'm out @Sircaw @Bryank75 @Al Catone @TubzGaming delete my account please. Yall banned all the best posters and then relegated the few good ones left to a crappy doom thread that is still full of worthless corporate apologists who can't handle the truth.
Have a good one.