The Xbox Series X refresh leaks look far more promising than the PS5 Slim

24 Jun 2022
Valve can absolutely not be trusted. There is nothing stopping Valve from trying to leverage their position on PC by releasing a console with cross-platform pollination. Anything that furthers the hold that the Steam ecosystem has on their consumers is a roadblock to Sony stealing away said consumer base, at the expense of Sony's own strengths with PlayStation. Shit just simply doesn't work between competitors - better to just merge or straight up buy and acquire. Nothing short.

Sony most of all is the foolish one currently - while still at the top - which is the most mind-bending thing. Jim and co. are absolute idiots in this regard - absolute. But Nintendo of course would also be foolish to do any partnerships or lower their guards. The Steamdeck is a gun directly pointed at Nintendo... make no mistake.

And all this shit about Linux goes kaput the second Gabe and a few others decide to sell to MS for a big fat pot. In essence Linux support is merely, imo, an effective hedge but also a means to significantly increase the asking price when MS comes knocking with the massive check, and they will. ABK Leaks confirm that - no longer an if or hypothetical. They're a MS target - and it makes too much fucking sense for it not to be anyway.

"We don't need Windows, our platform can even live on Linux" "If you want it, you gonna have to pay up a lot more" - Valve ownership. Very simple negotiation. They won't even have to say it, MS knows.

You do have to love how these corps try to get partnerships first before declaring all-out war. It's like: "Look we're on a collision course. it would be better if we "team up"". Of course at each step of the way there is the cynical calculus of who benefits most and why should we "partner" in the first place.

More often than not you get the collision cause that cost-benefit analysis doesn't check out. It's the "We gave peace a chance" routine.

I don't think MS buying Valve is a real concern. They legally can't do it, not unless Steam's market share in the PC gaming storefront space drops well below majority share. Regulators won't be able to allow the company with the largest PC OS market share (knowingly gained through monopolistic practices) also buy their way to owning a PC gaming storefront/launcher with a massive majority of that market as well.

Either MS would have to crater Windows adoption on PCs (including retroactively; a lot of older computers governments use still run older versions of Windows), or they'd have to pray an alternative gains massive market share (likely by directly investing into them). The former won't happen because Windows is magnitudes more valuable to them than a PC gaming storefront/launcher, and the latter won't happen because that just allows a direct competitor to buy up whatever OS alternative MS pumps their money into (and if it's something like Linux, technically Linux is "free" so no one would buy it. But competitors would have equal access to it, which significantly hurts Microsoft).

Obviously none of this means Sony should heavily invest into PC outside of legacy remaster collections of catalog titles or live-service/GaaS titles (with perks to PS+ subs on console to offset PC gamers not having to pay for online to play those games). I'm just saying it because there's this fear Microsoft can simply go buy up anything else they want and they simply can't. If they let this ABK acquisition fail (and the Zenimax one is already in a danger zone of failing IMO), they're done. Other companies won't want to sell to them, and even regulators will point out how the market is worst off revenue-wise with prior purchases faltering under Microsoft's ownership, and the Xbox division failing to grow at expected rates revenue-wise.

And additionally, I think eventually regulators are going to look at how much cumulative market share these larger tech companies own, knowing they leverage cash flow from one division to subsidize and pump into other markets they want to grow. Buying Valve/Steam would give Microsoft too much of the overall gaming market via M&A purchases, and that will likely be what prevents them from buying such a company (especially considering their position in the PC market).

They blew money for 10 years making Linux capable for gaming, so they could launch a jailbroken console.

Did you just self-own your own post? 🤣
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Deleted member 223

I don't think MS buying Valve is a real concern. They legally can't do it, not unless Steam's market share in the PC gaming storefront space drops well below majority share. Regulators won't be able to allow the company with the largest PC OS market share (knowingly gained through monopolistic practices) also buy their way to owning a PC gaming storefront/launcher with a massive majority of that market as well.

I think we are all victims of projection in one way on another as to what we think could happen. My initial cynical take on the ABK deal, despite the bumps along the road played out more or less in said cynical manner. That is to say if I were to make another cynical superficial analysis of whether a potential MS/Valve merger would pass I say Yes it will pass. MS would prob cite closed ecosystems like Apple with iPhone or even Sony's Playstation as defense and spin from there. We all know the mind-bending bullshit pulled on the ABK deal.... all you need is for the right individuals at the right spots to agree with your interpretation of what the deal means, in the courts, regulatory bodies etc... as well as undue influence in the true halls of power where politicians can directly pressure regulatory bodies. No better example than UK CMA folding and doing a backflip, after a few calls were obviously made across the Atlantic at higher levels. I have this cynicism because I've seen it all fail with Banking, and once you fail with the most important sector of all, by doing so discrediting the institutions, effectively toothless tools that exist for the sake of appearances..... what is tech compared to banking? Child's play. And it failed again here, again reinforcing the notion. Now all of the sudden this time is gonna be different cause..... x, y, z. You literally get caught saying you're gonna spend your main competitor out of business with the very acquisitions you're in the hot seat for and it don't matter....

So the point is, what does it take for folks to stop drinking the kool-aid/hope drug that somehow these institutions work as intended, and base analysis on a fundamentally flawed asumption? Corruption runs way too deep unfortunately and it's what it's. That is the reality of the situation, not the ideal make believe sold on university classrooms.

I think it's a massive mistake to fall for the hope drug that failed you already per say. Better to assume it will pass than delude yourself it will get blocked - better the surprise. I don't think MS is poised to acquire Valve anytime soon. Perhaps a gen and a half from now their appetite is just right as are the conditions and "selective" amnesia regarding ABK. Xbox has yet to fully die as well, thus closing the ranks on PC is not necessarily needed right now. After all, Valve with Steam has been the careful steward/shepherd MS could not be for Windows PC gaming - they brought order to a market that was chaos.

I could see a scenario where PC maket-share in the premium games market recedes and is poised with a trajectory of decline due to pressure, stress and duress coming from competion by the wonder duo - Sony/Nintendo, in an Xbox-less market. That sort of scenario could serve as the catalyst for a MS "defensive" reaction to acquire Valve/Steam. Obviously the objective would be to take control of Valve/Steam, and buff it up with MS's coffers in order to help it better compete with consoles to maintain Windows PC Gaming market share in the premium games industry from receding any further or even roll back the damage. Whether they're successful or not is another matter. Xbox has been MS's best weapon to deal with the console problem as far as Windows Gaming is concerned since the early 2000s (when pressured and threatened by Sony with the PS2 and the trajectory that laid ahead). Today MS has a strong Steam, as opposed to a nascent store in a market of chaos, on top of the Xbox weapon - a most useful, although costly weapon. Nothing better than keeping your competitors busy in their turf (consoles) dealing with Xbox as opposed to having said competitors fully focused on gunning for your turf (PC gaming/Windows). Make no mistake, once Xbox is gone, Windows PC Gaming is the next frontier for consoles to conquer - and the objective will be to erode its market share back to market-share irrelevance of the PS2 days and prior of old. That objective is gonna take a lot of work, and fresh bodies and minds at Sony/Nintendo to get it done. Clearly Sony and Nintendo have had their problems dislodging Xbox from the has been a massive shock. We're still not back to the PS2 days of market-share dominance after two gens in the books.

Idiots like Jim and co. and their ideology of the future is definitely not gonna help Sony conquer the new frontier. Regardless, barring some implosion at Sony that's where this thing will naturally go. This idiotic Sony leadership has shown Sony implosions are still possible, just as the early PS3 leadership did. You don't buddy up with your main competitor going forward nor help strengthen their ecosystem just to make a few shekels in return. The equation on the net average is not favorable, thus you don't partake in crossing that red line.
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I don't think MS buying Valve is a real concern. They legally can't do it, not unless Steam's market share in the PC gaming storefront space drops well below majority share. Regulators won't be able to allow the company with the largest PC OS market share (knowingly gained through monopolistic practices) also buy their way to owning a PC gaming storefront/launcher with a massive majority of that market as well.

Either MS would have to crater Windows adoption on PCs (including retroactively; a lot of older computers governments use still run older versions of Windows), or they'd have to pray an alternative gains massive market share (likely by directly investing into them). The former won't happen because Windows is magnitudes more valuable to them than a PC gaming storefront/launcher, and the latter won't happen because that just allows a direct competitor to buy up whatever OS alternative MS pumps their money into (and if it's something like Linux, technically Linux is "free" so no one would buy it. But competitors would have equal access to it, which significantly hurts Microsoft).

Obviously none of this means Sony should heavily invest into PC outside of legacy remaster collections of catalog titles or live-service/GaaS titles (with perks to PS+ subs on console to offset PC gamers not having to pay for online to play those games). I'm just saying it because there's this fear Microsoft can simply go buy up anything else they want and they simply can't. If they let this ABK acquisition fail (and the Zenimax one is already in a danger zone of failing IMO), they're done. Other companies won't want to sell to them, and even regulators will point out how the market is worst off revenue-wise with prior purchases faltering under Microsoft's ownership, and the Xbox division failing to grow at expected rates revenue-wise.

And additionally, I think eventually regulators are going to look at how much cumulative market share these larger tech companies own, knowing they leverage cash flow from one division to subsidize and pump into other markets they want to grow. Buying Valve/Steam would give Microsoft too much of the overall gaming market via M&A purchases, and that will likely be what prevents them from buying such a company (especially considering their position in the PC market).

Did you just self-own your own post? 🤣
They don't need to buy valve they already have them under their thumb I'm sure they have planted someone in there


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I think we are all victims of projection in one way on another as to what we think could happen. My initial cynical take on the ABK deal, despite the bumps along the road played out more or less in that manner. That is to say if I were to make another cynical superficial analysis of whether a potential MS/Valve merger would pass I say Yes it will pass. MS would prob cite closed ecosystems like Apple with iPhone or even Sony's Playstation as defense and spin from there. We all know the mind-bending bullshit pulled on the ABK deal.... all you need is for the right individuals at the right spots to agree with your interpretation of what the deal means, in the courts, regulatory bodies etc... as well as undue influence in the true halls of power where politicians can directly pressure regulatory bodies. No better example than UK CMA folding and doing a backflip, after a few calls were obviously made across the Atlantic at higher levels. I have this cynicism because I've seen it all fail with Banking, and once you fail with the most important sector of all, by doing so discrediting the institutions, effectively toothless tools that exist for the sake of appearances..... what is tech compared to banking? Child's play. And it failed again here, again reinforcing the notion. Now all of the sudden this time is gonna be different cause..... x, y, z.

Corruption runs way too deep.

I think it's a massive mistake to fall for the hope drug that failed you already per say. Better to assume it will pass than delude yourself it will get blocked - better the surprise. I don't think MS is poised to acquire Valve anytime soon. Perhaps a gen and a half from now their appetite is just right as are the conditions and "selective" amnesia regarding ABK. Xbox has yet to fully die as well, thus closing the ranks on PC is not necessarily needed right now. After all, Valve with Steam has been the careful steward MS could not be for Windows PC gaming: Order in chaos. I could see a scenario where PC maket-share in the premium games market is receding and poised with a trajectory of decline due to duress from the wonder duo - Sony/Nintendo, in an Xbox-less market. That sort of scenario could serve as the catalyst for a MS "defensive" reaction to acquire Valve/Steam to maintain Windows PC Gaming market share in the premium games industry from receding any further. Xbox has been MS's best weapon to deal with this problem of theirs since the early 2000s (when pressured and threatened by Sony with the PS2 and the trajectory that laid ahead). Today they have a strong Steam, as opposed to a nacent store in a market of chaos, on top of the Xbox weapon - a most useful, although costly weapon. Nothing better than keeping your competitors busy in their turf (consoles), as opposed to fully gunning for your yours (PC gaming/Windows). Make no mistake, once Xbox is gone, Windows PC Gaming is the next frontier for console to conquer, back to marketshare irrelevance of PS2 and prior of old. Gonna take a lot of work, and fresh bodies and minds.

Idiots like Jim and co. excluded of course. Barring some implosion at Sony that's where this thing will go... this idiotic leadership has shown Sony implosions are still possible, just as the early PS3 leadership did. You don't buddy up with your main competitor going forward nor help strenghen their ecosystem just to make a few shekels in return.
Disagree; valve and abk are fundamentally different animals. Valve is a platform holder and a near monopoly in terms of pc market share
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
I don't think MS buying Valve is a real concern. They legally can't do it, not unless Steam's market share in the PC gaming storefront space drops well below majority share. Regulators won't be able to allow the company with the largest PC OS market share (knowingly gained through monopolistic practices) also buy their way to owning a PC gaming storefront/launcher with a massive majority of that market as well.

Either MS would have to crater Windows adoption on PCs (including retroactively; a lot of older computers governments use still run older versions of Windows), or they'd have to pray an alternative gains massive market share (likely by directly investing into them). The former won't happen because Windows is magnitudes more valuable to them than a PC gaming storefront/launcher, and the latter won't happen because that just allows a direct competitor to buy up whatever OS alternative MS pumps their money into (and if it's something like Linux, technically Linux is "free" so no one would buy it. But competitors would have equal access to it, which significantly hurts Microsoft).

Obviously none of this means Sony should heavily invest into PC outside of legacy remaster collections of catalog titles or live-service/GaaS titles (with perks to PS+ subs on console to offset PC gamers not having to pay for online to play those games). I'm just saying it because there's this fear Microsoft can simply go buy up anything else they want and they simply can't. If they let this ABK acquisition fail (and the Zenimax one is already in a danger zone of failing IMO), they're done. Other companies won't want to sell to them, and even regulators will point out how the market is worst off revenue-wise with prior purchases faltering under Microsoft's ownership, and the Xbox division failing to grow at expected rates revenue-wise.

And additionally, I think eventually regulators are going to look at how much cumulative market share these larger tech companies own, knowing they leverage cash flow from one division to subsidize and pump into other markets they want to grow. Buying Valve/Steam would give Microsoft too much of the overall gaming market via M&A purchases, and that will likely be what prevents them from buying such a company (especially considering their position in the PC market).

Did you just self-own your own post? 🤣
They should work on an os for pc to beat windows , I know theres Linux & I just heard about the one Sony uses as a base for playstation but someone needs to come in & take down windows
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
The vast majority of people do not care about hardware. They care about the games they want to play. Nothing in the XSX refresh will give it an advantage over PS5 or even the nearly 7 year old switch, because it doesn't have what people want.

Fun games to play.

It is really that simple.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
The vast majority of people do not care about hardware. They care about the games they want to play. Nothing in the XSX refresh will give it an advantage over PS5 or even the nearly 7 year old switch, because it doesn't have what people want.

Fun games to play.

It is really that simple.
The people who care about hardware specs are on PC. No console refresh can compete with a high end nvidia card or a full fat x3d/modern intel cpu
27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
The vast majority of people do not care about hardware. They care about the games they want to play. Nothing in the XSX refresh will give it an advantage over PS5 or even the nearly 7 year old switch, because it doesn't have what people want.

Fun games to play.

It is really that simple.
I dunno Microsoft has taken control of IPs I love with their purchase of publishers spyro crash doom & the evil within

Deleted member 223

Disagree; valve and abk are fundamentally different animals. Valve is a platform holder and a near monopoly in terms of pc market share
Big words that when broken mean little.

Valve's Steam is a storefront middle-man operation for software sales that runs on Windows and marginally on other OS, but mainly on Windows.

The Apple Store runs on iOS. Apple owns both.

Google Play runs on Android. Google owns both.

Both are operating system platform holders who also own the app/game storefront middle-man operation - glorified clearing of funds operation with a cut on top.

Sony as well with PlayStation btw.

MS will pitch it this way and push comes to shove it's highly possible they'll get away with it after a few concessions - like supporting Linux. That is, if a Judge suddenly becomes a Linux defender but since no corp has any interest or the ability to monopolize the Linux "brand" and become its standard bearer in court.... well... good luck thinking a hand-picked Judge will be that knight and savior - specially when their sons work at MS :ROFLMAO: - the one in a million finds and coincidences. These companies get so "lucky" don't they? That is not to say you won't get plenty of kabuki theater for public consumption.... we got plenty with ABK, as expected, and very convincing too.

The only corp that may throw a hissy fit in a Valve/MS acquisition is Epic Games, but that is nothing purchasing a few Epic shares can't fix with Tim Sweeney. Works for Sony. It will work for MS. Plus, Steam under MS is bound to get fucked up - so Sweeney may just front for the payout, as well as some unwritten rules and then eventually cede. Consumer flight from Steam to Epic's Game Store is bound to happen as well after a MS/Valve acquisition so it benefits Epic that it happens, as long as MS doesn't screw them down the line. Moreover, on the power rankings, as we've seen with Epic trying to shake every tree there is; Epic does not have the lobbying power required to shake the trees as the likes of Apple, Amazon, META, Google and MS.

I'm not going to litigate a case here and pretend. I do know given the level of corruption in politics, the courts, and the regulatory bodies the likelihood of this passing, considering who we're dealing with here, the trillion dollar, golden American baby aka MS.... is very high.

Of course Steam fanboys and PC fanboys in general would swear it can't happen because reasons..... Mostly cause PC fans personally don't want to see it happen as MS has the mierda touch - everything they touch turns rancid. Anything that devalues PC fans library investment in Steam and the long term health of such is nightmare fuel - thus MS owning Steam is naturally nightmare fuel. Xbox being literally a living, breathing example of it. Thus, any scenario where a Valve/MS acquisition passes is dismissed based on some interpretation of how the law of the land will be followed to the T and how regulatory bodies will approach it....... usually in ideal scenario and outcome despite plenty of evidence it's not followed in such a manner and that there is nothing to indicate that it will be followed but the contrary, there is more evidence that every tree, rule and interpretation will be bent, warped or broken just to get it to pass. But but... "this time will be different...." "listen, cause x, y, z..." Are you trying to convince an eternal skeptic or yourself?

I think definitive statements that it won't pass are highly naive and improper...... infinitely much more than those who say it will pass by making an educated guess based on current precedents, performance and reality. Sure it's a different scenario, but the essence of why the block to the ABK merger failed wasn't because it was a different scenario - the institutions simply failed - by corruption of the process due to the institutions being corrupt. Folks simply pretend that is not the case, cause they don't want to shatter their world view. Folks still have hope the process will somehow work as intended on a selective case that is personal to them - which it might, but that's like rolling the dice with less than 50/50 odds.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
I dunno Microsoft has taken control of IPs I love with their purchase of publishers spyro crash doom & the evil within
Those IPs are going to go nowhere.

The people who care about hardware specs are on PC. No console refresh can compete with a high end nvidia card or a full fat x3d/modern intel cpu
I agree, and they also dont seem to care about games for fun, they seem to care about games that can show off the hardware they bought. I honestly don't understand wanting to play games for that reason personally. But that's why they will spend thousands on a box, and then steal every game they can.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Big words that when broken mean little.

Valve is a storefront middle-man operation for software sales that runs on Windows and marginally on other OS, but mainly on Windows.

The Apple Store runs on iOS. Apple owns both.

Google Play runs on Android. Google owns both.

Both are operating system platform holders who also own the app/game storefront middle-man operation - glorified clearing of funds operation with a cut on top.

Sony as well with PlayStation btw.

They'll pitch it this way and push comes to shove it's highly possible they'll get away with it after a few concessions - like supporting Linux. That is, if a judge suddenly becomes a Linux defender but since no corp has any interest or the ability to monopolize the Linux "brand" and become its standard bearer in court well... good luck thinking a hand-picked Judge will. Specially when their sons work at MS :ROFLMAO: - one in a million finds - these companies get so "lucky" don't they?
That is not to say you won't get plenty of kabuki theater.... but we got plenty with ABK, as expected, and very convincing too - for the sheep.

The only folk that may throw a hissy fit in a Valve/MS acquisition is Epic Games, but that is nothing a few share buys won't soothe with Tim Sweeney - Pay to Play, Quid Pro Quo. Plus, Valve under MS is bound to get fucked up - so Sweeney may just front for the payout, as well as some unwritten rules but eventually cede. Works for Sony. It will work for MS. And as we've seen with Epic trying to shake every tree there is, they don't have the lobbying power required to shake the trees as the likes of Apple, Google and MS can. They can barely make a single fruit fall of a tree.

I'm not going to litigate a case here and pretend. I do know given the level of corruption in politics, the courts, and the regulatory bodies the likelihood of this passing, considering who we're dealing with here, the trillion dollar, golden American baby aka MS.... is very high.

Of course Steam fanboys and PC fanboys in general would swear it can't happen because reasons... mostly cause they personally don't want to see it happen cause MS has the mierda touch. thus any scenario where it passes is dismissed based on some interpretation of the law of land being followed in its ideal form despite plenty of evidence it's not followed in such a manner and that there is nothing to indicate that it will be followed but the contrary, there is more evidence that every tree, rule and interpretation will be bent, warped or broken if need be for it to pass.

I think definitive statements that it won't pass are highly naive, much more than those who say it will pass going by an educated guess on current precedents, performance and reality.
The App Store and the Google Play Store are in the middle of being removed as requirements for installing software on your devices across the globe. It's coming in Europe (required by March 2024) and I don't see how they stop that tidal wave considering the US is going after them too.

So no, MS controlling Steam is not a slam dunk. What a disaster that would be.

Deleted member 223

The App Store and the Google Play Store are in the middle of being removed as requirements for installing software on your devices across the globe. It's coming in Europe (required by March 2024) and I don't see how they stop that tidal wave considering the US is going after them too.

So no, MS controlling Steam is not a slam dunk. What a disaster that would be.
I never said it's a slam dunk. It will be as messy as the ABK deal was - messy and dirty. I just make an educated opinion that it will likely pass in the end after all the kabuki theater and the shit slinging, and fake appearances games are over with....... based on all that we know about the process and the state of things.

That is to say, on a probability scale, the chances of pass are much higher than a successful block - keyword successful. Cause ABK acquisition was "blocked" and..... magically and in a hurry unblocked.

As for the EU.... :LOL:. What was billed as the strongest line of defense going into the ABK drama folded faster than every other one and in the end couldn't hide itself by postponing its decision so as not to look as toothless, corrupt, and fake as it's. I'm sure Fiona Scott Morton and the likes that will replace her "unsuccessful" appointment (due to bad optics) will be extremely hard on MS and other American big tech, and not there strategically positioned to create soft landings, specially in on demand political calls from higher up. The only travesty of Fiona not getting appointed is the fact that they'll just get someone else that will do just the same but without the optics baggage.

We live in different worlds.
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Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
The App Store and the Google Play Store are in the middle of being removed as requirements for installing software on your devices across the globe. It's coming in Europe (required by March 2024) and I don't see how they stop that tidal wave considering the US is going after them too.

The Google play store was NEVER a requirement for installing software on Android. You even have android distributions without playstore.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
The Google play store was NEVER a requirement for installing software on Android. You even have android distributions without playstore.
Yeah it’s not exactly a “requirement,” I’m well aware. I make my living in the software engineering world and have had my fair share of involvement in mobile apps (still do in a way actually).

And yet Google is still in court over the use of the Play Store. It’s not for nothing.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Yeah it’s not exactly a “requirement,” I’m well aware. I make my living in the software engineering world and have had my fair share of involvement in mobile apps (still do in a way actually).

And yet Google is still in court over the use of the Play Store. It’s not for nothing.
Not "exactly a requirement", it's not a requirement at all. The only phone manufacturer that imposes a closed system for downloading applications is Apple, the most anti consumer of all.
  • they're_right_you_know
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Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
Yeah, try selling that new Xbox Series X Edition when you have this lineup.

- Cheaper PlayStation 5
- PlayStation 5 Pro
- Cheaper Nintendo Switch
- New Nintendo Switch

If Sony and Nintendo drops a major release late 2024, then it's only going to be worse.