Ubisoft issues statement to Japanese fans regarding historical accuracy


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4 Aug 2023
How it started:

Dumb fake outrage by racists.

How it's going:

Captura de ecrã 2024-07-24 081319.png

And now this dude's siding with none other than Alyssa Mercante from Kotaku.

Why are you ranting about mermaids to me & saying I should ask myself questions all I did was post one of Alyssa's ranting articles , people on here get way too sensitive about shit... I mean ubisoft wrote this statement specifically addressing the Japanese & is most likely down to Japanese politicians calling out ubisoft , the tweet I linked that shows Alyssa saying ubsisoft should've just called them racist & told them to get bent is just an incredibly bad take

Kotaku's writers thinking they can make a country with 125 million people and their government bend the knee to their cancel culture crap is just part of the reason they've been turned into a website for game guides.
  • thinking_hard
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27 Jun 2023
United kingdom
The only ones that get sensitive about this Yasuke stuff is the ones against it. Some guy who I won’t name was crying to the mods just cuz I respectfully disagreed with him about this 😂 Alyssa’s message was aimed at disingenuous grifters that make money from rage baiting, trash people like Grummz and the people who follow him. And she’s absolutely right 🤷‍♂️ but we can agree to disagree and move on. This topic is getting tiresome
The IGN tweet she quoted literally says 'the assassin's creed shadows team has a message for our Japanese community''


8 May 2023
How it started:

How it's going:

View attachment 5386

And now this dude's siding with none other than Alyssa Mercante from Kotaku.
Nothing has changed, 99% of the outrage is coming from bored white westerners that love to rage about every little thing. And 99% of the “Japanese” outrage is bored white westerners using Google translate 😂😂 These are facts 🤡 you fell for the far right grift and your crying has been elevated to the mainstream, like a good little sheep. Now your masters (who dont actually care) will make money off your outrage until the next time they can manipulate you into being angry about something. Which of course you’ll fall for again just as easily.
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9 May 2024

All media that say Yasuke is a samurai trace back to Thomas Lockley

BTW Hirayama is not a historian he is a communist and P.R connected to Blackrock

This situation is actually worse. According to comment. Thomas Lockley is actually trying to change japanese history.

"It actually even more horrible. Japanese people are finding out stuff after digging, and one of those was the fact that Lockley's fictional "historic facts" are actually being taught and referenced as facts in Japanese school books for grades 5 or something (I forgot). And his "teachings" aren't even limited to just Yasuke. He has stuff like "The Pillow Book" of Sei Shonagon when the actual title is "Introductory Chapter" (from the Japanese words for Introductory Chapter which is "Makura Kotoba", which can also be translated to "Pillow" and "Word/Language"). Lockley has been using his connections to teach his version of history unto unsuspecting Japanese future generations, while the English version of his writings are portraying a different context and meaning which is blatantly Historical Revisionism and gaslighting using a two-faced manner via language barriers. It is not at all surprising that his defender is an actual Communist Party member in Japan, whose specialization is apparently related to historic revisionism."

I really want to know whether or not this is true, any japanese that can verify this?


8 May 2023
All media that say Yasuke is a samurai trace back to Thomas Lockley
Another blatant lie, Yasuke has been portrayed as a Samurai in Japanese media as far back as the 1950s, long before Lockley was relevant.

The fact that you guys have to constantly lie just to get your point across is sad and shows none of you have a real leg to stand on.
  • they're_right_you_know
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9 May 2024
Another blatant lie, Yasuke has been portrayed as a Samurai in Japanese media as far back as the 1950s, long before Lockley was relevant.

The fact that you guys have to constantly lie just to get your point across is sad and shows none of you have a real leg to stand on.
Then where is the prove that it is a lie. The original japanese text never mention Yasuke being a samurai only a retainer.


8 May 2023
Then where is the prove that it is a lie. The original japanese text never mention Yasuke being a samurai only a retainer.
You literally just said “All media that say Yasuke is a samurai trace back to Thomas Lockley”. But there’s Japanese media mentioning Yasuke way before Lockley was active.

And portraying him as a fictional Samurai does not mean anyone is saying he was a Samurai in real life 🤦‍♂️ do you know what fiction is? No one, not even Ubisoft, is saying he was or wasn’t irl, but that it’s ok for him to be one in a work of fiction. Were you mad about Yasuke in Nioh as well? Or Rise of the Ronin? Or Samurai Warriors? Or in Nobunagas Ambition? But of course you will dodge this question like yall always do

Where have you fake historians been the last few decades? 😂
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8 May 2023
I’m done with the Yasuke stuff, it’s wild how disingenuous people can be about this kind of stuff.
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2 Jul 2022

All media that say Yasuke is a samurai trace back to Thomas Lockley

BTW Hirayama is not a historian he is a communist and P.R connected to Blackrock

This situation is actually worse. According to comment. Thomas Lockley is actually trying to change japanese history.

"It actually even more horrible. Japanese people are finding out stuff after digging, and one of those was the fact that Lockley's fictional "historic facts" are actually being taught and referenced as facts in Japanese school books for grades 5 or something (I forgot). And his "teachings" aren't even limited to just Yasuke. He has stuff like "The Pillow Book" of Sei Shonagon when the actual title is "Introductory Chapter" (from the Japanese words for Introductory Chapter which is "Makura Kotoba", which can also be translated to "Pillow" and "Word/Language"). Lockley has been using his connections to teach his version of history unto unsuspecting Japanese future generations, while the English version of his writings are portraying a different context and meaning which is blatantly Historical Revisionism and gaslighting using a two-faced manner via language barriers. It is not at all surprising that his defender is an actual Communist Party member in Japan, whose specialization is apparently related to historic revisionism."

I really want to know whether or not this is true, any japanese that can verify this?
Who cares? It’s fiction. It’s a game. Grow up.
  • they're_right_you_know
  • fire
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9 May 2024
Who cares? It’s fiction. It’s a game. Grow up.

Well, many people actually care

This is the prove many people actually believe the lie. American actually make a boardway musical about the legendary samurai Yasuke.

P.S. for people who don't know Yasuke is not a samurai he is a retainer.
According to Thomas Lockley Yasuke popularize black slaves in Japan. Next time America will make a boardway musical about black slaves in japan.

Edit 2-
For people who think this is harmless. Remember covid and how it lead to increase violent against asian in America.

also remember how many church were burn down because of this fake news.

People will start to believe that japanese are black slave owner which is absurd.
Last edited:
John Elden Ring

John Elden Ring

The Thread Maker
Content Creator
5 Jul 2022
United States
Arguments aside, how many people here will actually be buying this game when it releases?

And nice to see you @Swift_Star, not seen you in a while ( ~That does not mean I missed you);)

Assassin's Creed Games are overpriced bloated messes that don't respect players time.

Then where is the prove that it is a lie. The original japanese text never mention Yasuke being a samurai only a retainer.

I think the biggest reason going agaisnt Yasuke being a Samurai was that he did not commit Ritual Suicide after falling to protect Nobunaga and his son. If he was a Samurai he would have become a Ronin.

Being a Retainer makes more sense since he clearly didn't follow the bushido code. But there's other possibilities like Nobunaga turning him into a Samurai just because he could since the dude clearly hated japanese tradition, and Yasuke not following with the customs because it wasnt part of his original african culture.

Either way we will never know because people never bothered leaving documents clearing things up.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Assassin's Creed Games are overpriced bloated messes that don't respect players time.

I think the biggest reason going agaisnt Yasuke being a Samurai was that he did not commit Ritual Suicide after falling to protect Nobunaga and his son. If he was a Samurai he would have become a Ronin.

Being a Retainer makes more sense since he clearly didn't follow the bushido code. But there's other possibilities like Nobunaga turning him into a Samurai just because he could since the dude clearly hated japanese tradition, and Yasuke not following with the customs because it wasnt part of his original african culture.

Either way we will never know because people never bothered leaving documents clearing things up.
Bushido never existed as a standard until after Yasuke's time period. The Hagakure which is essentially the Bushido handbook was written in the 1700s. Samurai weren't expected to kill themselves when defeated, even if their lords often did.
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2 Jul 2022
Well, many people actually care

This is the prove many people actually believe the lie. American actually make a boardway musical about the legendary samurai Yasuke.

P.S. for people who don't know Yasuke is not a samurai he is a retainer.
According to Thomas Lockley Yasuke popularize black slaves in Japan. Next time America will make a boardway musical about black slaves in japan.

Edit 2-
For people who think this is harmless. Remember covid and how it lead to increase violent against asian in America.

also remember how many church were burn down because of this fake news.

People will start to believe that japanese are black slave owner which is absurd.
Most people don’t care. This is stupid fake outrage to farm clicks, engagement on social media and recruit insecure virgins to redpill culture.
In the real world, nobody cares about this stupidity


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4 Aug 2023
It's really fun to see the same people desperately grasping at straws to unsuccessfully attempt at regaining control of a failing narrative.

The french press agency AFP, the oldest and 3rd largest press agency in the world reported on this sTuPiD fAkE oUtRaGe tO fArM cLiCkS fOr iNsEcUrE vIrGiNs

'Assassin's Creed' Makers Defend 'Creative Liberties' In Black Samurai Row

Critics in Japan launched a petition on June 19, a month after game-maker Ubisoft unveiled a trailer featuring the protagonist, lamenting a "serious lack of historical accuracy and cultural respect".

What's that? Critics in Japan?! No mention of insecure virgin racists republicans trumpeters transphobes bigots misogynists being at the heart of the criticism?

Obviously AFP was invaded by alt-right agents, we all need to start getting our fair reporting from Kotaku.

That corporate boot-licking must be really sweet. Keep trying guys, Ubisoft will be so proud of you.
Keep it up and Ubisoft is sure to erect a statue in your (nick)name.

I think the biggest reason going agaisnt Yasuke being a Samurai was that he did not commit Ritual Suicide after falling to protect Nobunaga and his son. If he was a Samurai he would have become a Ronin.
IMO the biggest pointer to Yasuke not being given any feudal rank is the fact that he's declared by Akechi Mitsuhide as being "an animal who knows nothing, nor is he Japanese" (literal translation).
Though it's possible Mitsuhide said this as a show of contempt over Oda Nobunaga's lifetime decisions.
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8 May 2024
Highly doubt it.

They don't care about historical accuracy; they just want a digital victory against the woke boogeyman that's hiding in an .exe file.

yeah im seeing a lot of cope this week, by saying that they arent aiming for 100% accuracy they just made the haters look silly, no one buys the arguments of people demanding historical accuracy after this, those people should just be honest and say they dont like black characters instead of trying too hard lol
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