What would it take for y'all to be ok with PlayStation on PC?


21 Jun 2022
In my case, I would prefer to keep all their games forever exclusive for their console, but due to rising costs of everything, specially dev budgets every generation, I understand that thinking in the long term they must expand to PC and mobile to keep their business profitable and to be able to continue making top tier AAA games, particularly non-GaaaS AAA games.

I'd do this:
  • Port most, but not all great games to PC. Keep some great ones permanently exclusive for the console.
  • Ok to port day one, or a few months later, GaaS titles
  • Non-GaaS titles ported 3 or more years after their original release
  • Release PC PSN store and make mandatory that all 1st and 3rd party games included there have also a PS native and PS cloud version. It would be mandatory for all of them to be cross-buy, cross-play and cross-save between PS native, PS cloud and PS PC, featuring the same trophies and friendlist than in all 3 platforms
  • Make online MP free on PS
The long term idea would be: "buy your game in PSN and play it anywhere nativelly or via cloud", with a few exceptions that would remain exclusive forever in PS. So if you have a PS6 game but some day you want to play it in PC -as I do now with Helldivers 2- , you wouldn't have to buy it again for PC. And if in some day you get a PC handheld (hopefully makes their own one) too.

Nintendo also expanded to mobile, MS is exanding multiplatform in PC, mobile and all consoles, and the 3P publishers like Tencent and the others are everyone.

I assume in a distant future, maybe starting in PS6/PS7 and Switch 3, we'll see the all the companies being full multiplatform because costs won't allow them to have their games in just a single device, and also because cloud gaming, even if not as popular as native games, may be perfected enough to a majority of players. Plus the horsepower of smartphones and tablets, which may continue being less powerful than PC and consoles, I assume will run AAA games natively in good enough quality to be enogh for most players.
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24 Jun 2022
Not re-typing it all but I made a giant thread where a PC strategy was part of the discussion. So reposting from there:

[TYPE 1]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-70%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (10%-30%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-70%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (10%-30%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (70%-80%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (20%-40%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (70%-90%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (20%-50%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (80%-90%), MOBILE (60%-70%), XBOX (30%-50%), NINTENDO (20%-40%)
*Not all GAAS need to be on platforms like PC. Sony can keep 1-2 exclusive to PlayStation consoles the same way Valve keeps games like
CounterStrike 2 and DOTA 2 exclusive to their own platform, Steam.
[TYPE 2]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-50%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (40%-50%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-60%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (40%-50%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-70%), MOBILE (40%-80%), XBOX (50%-60%), NINTENDO (50%-60%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (50%-90%), XBOX (50%-70%), NINTENDO (50%-70%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (60%-90%), XBOX (50%-70%), NINTENDO (50%-70%)
[TYPE 3]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-70%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (10%-30%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (10%-30%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (70%-90%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (20%-40%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (80%-90%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (20%-50%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (80%-90%), MOBILE (60%-70%), XBOX (20%-50%), NINTENDO (20%-40%)
[TYPE 4]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-50%), MOBILE (40%-50%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (40%-50%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-60%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (40%-50%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-70%), MOBILE (40%-80%), XBOX (50%-60%), NINTENDO (50%-60%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (50%-90%), XBOX (50%-70%), NINTENDO (50%-70%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (60%-90%), XBOX (50%-70%), NINTENDO (50%-70%)
[TYPE 5]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%), MOBILE (0%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%), MOBILE (0%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%), MOBILE (0%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%), MOBILE (0%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-60%), MOBILE (10%-20%), XBOX (0%-10%), NINTENDO (0%-10%)
[TYPE 6]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%-20%), MOBILE (0%-10%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (0%-20%), MOBILE (0%-10%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (10%-30%), MOBILE (10%-20%), XBOX (0%), NINTENDO (0%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-60%), MOBILE (20%-30%), XBOX (0%-10%), NINTENDO (0%-10%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-60%), MOBILE (30%-40%), XBOX (0%-20%), NINTENDO (0%-20%)
*These are games at least one console generation old, for games considered 'AAA' in their day
[TYPE 7]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-70%), MOBILE (50%-70%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-70%), MOBILE (50%-70%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-80%), MOBILE (50%-80%), XBOX (20%-40%), NINTENDO (20%-40%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-100%), MOBILE (50%-90%), XBOX (20%-50%), NINTENDO (20%-50%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (70%-100%), MOBILE (60%-90%), XBOX (30%-50%), NINTENDO (30%-50%)
*These are games at least one console generation old, for games considered 'AAA' in their day
[TYPE 8]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (20%-30%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (10%-30%), NINTENDO (10%-30%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (20%-40%), MOBILE (50%-60%), XBOX (10%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (30%-50%), MOBILE (50%-60%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-60%), MOBILE (50%-70%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-60%), MOBILE (50%-70%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
[TYPE 9]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (20%-40%), MOBILE (40%-60%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (20%-40%), MOBILE (50%-60%), XBOX (20%-30%), NINTENDO (20%-30%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (40%-60%), MOBILE (50%-70%), XBOX (20%-40%), NINTENDO (30%-40%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-70%), MOBILE (60%-70%), XBOX (30%-40%), NINTENDO (30%-40%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-70%), MOBILE (70%-80%), XBOX (30%-40%), NINTENDO (30%-50%)
[TYPE 10]
(% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (50%-80%), MOBILE (60%-90%), XBOX (30%-40%), NINTENDO (30%-50%)
6 MONTH - 1 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (60%-90%), MOBILE (70%-90%), XBOX (30%-50%), NINTENDO (40%-60%)
1-2 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (70%-90%), MOBILE (80%-90%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (50%-60%)
2-4 YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (80%-90%), MOBILE (80%-90%), XBOX (40%-50%), NINTENDO (50%-60%)
4-6+ YEAR PLATFORMS (% RANGE 0 - 100): PLAYSTATION (100%), PC (80%-100%), MOBILE (80%-100%), XBOX (50%-60%), NINTENDO (50%-70%)

But to quickly summarize:

Remasters: Day 1 - 1 Year for most

Remakes: 1-2 Years to 4-6 Years for majority (most > majority)

New Games: 2-4 Years (AA) to 4-6 Years (AAA) for many (most > majority > many)

GAAS/F2P: Day 1 to 1-2 Years for majority (AA) or most (AAA)

And in all cases, when a port does happen, it should beget something new that's equivalent or "higher" exclusive to the PlayStation console within 1-2 years.

That type of strategy would be very lucrative; also notice I have mobile, Xbox and Nintendo in there as well because those could be other target platforms but in varying selective/case-by-case basis (that's what the percentages are for).
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6 Jan 2024
The damage is done on the brand as a whole, and long term.

Even if games aren't released day and date on PC, consumers will be trained to expect PC ports for every game a certain amount of time after the console release.

The "I don't need a playstation anyway" notion comes to mind long before any desire to even buy the PC port comes to fruition.

As the latest sales estimates have shown, PS5 hardware sales have alteady slowed down, alongside a sharp drop in sales of PC ports - caused by a combination of general disinterest because now the PC ports are a normal expectation, and piracy.

The "sales on PC aren't even that high" point is merely used as an argument against potential short term profit - it's not enough to offset the losses steming from devaluing platform exclusives by downgrading them to timed exclusives.

There is no contradiction.

If this does not stop, it will be in a few years that the PS brand dies as a result.
This post nails it.

Brand devalued. Horse has bolted, too late to close the stable door.

The evidence is there. The vast majority of the stats used to show Helldivers 2 is a successful game come from steam, not playstation.


Sony can course correct, one way to do it is to do what Microsoft should have done with Gamepass; remaster old titles for cheap and launch them on Steam. Build up brand recognition of playstation and the 1st party franchises and keep new games on PS5.

Other than that, Playstation is dying of a terminal disease. Judging from what happened to Microsoft, the PS6 may be the last playstation console.
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Active member
Content Creator
29 Sep 2022
- Denuvo on every single player game
- No higher textures/effects on PC that go above what the PS5 has.

Agree with Denuvo. But the other thing, no. Sounds like resentment or jealousy. If a $3000 PC can run better effects than a $400 console, PC players expect better graphics technologies not limited by console hardware. Let alone AMD hardware which is weaker than Nvidia's.
  • they're_right_you_know
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25 Mar 2023
25 million was a pretty ridiculous reach, also the world is in a state of inflation for basically all things which affect consumers directly.

We all have less money than we did a few years ago even if we are making more. Trying to pin this to the PC boogeyman is total conjecture.
PC ports having a negative impact on PS5 sales trajectory makes a lot more sense than anything else. The Switch is doing great in the same environment.

So many excuse just to never blame Sony for any of their decisions. If you like PC ports fine, good for you, but they come at a cost and the cost in the long run is the PlayStation console itself.

Why do you think Xbox died?

Agree with Denuvo. But the other thing, no. Sounds like resentment or jealousy. If a $3000 PC can run better effects than a $400 console, PC players expect better graphics technologies not limited by console hardware. Let alone AMD hardware which is weaker than Nvidia's.
I sound like someone who doesn't want PC to get any extra development made for it, why shoud it? All while on PlayStation we don't even get patches for games to unlock framerate on better hardware, why is PC such a priority for Sony?

If they want me to care about PlayStation they should not threat me like a second class citizen and they should step up their game.

I couldn't care less about what PC players expect, as far as the games they actually buy seems like they expect AA games with simple graphics.
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25 Mar 2023
This post nails it.

Brand devalued. Horse has bolted, too late to close the stable door.

The evidence is there. The vast majority of the stats used to show Helldivers 2 is a successful game come from steam, not playstation.


Sony can course correct, one way to do it is to do what Microsoft should have done with Gamepass; remaster old titles for cheap and launch them on Steam. Build up brand recognition of playstation and the 1st party franchises and keep new games on PS5.

Other than that, Playstation is dying of a terminal disease. Judging from what happened to Microsoft, the PS6 may be the last playstation console.
Slow decent into PlayStation becoming just another Xbox. I called it early this gen, something was off from the start.

The golden age of PlayStation ended around 2019~2020.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
I'd be okay if PC gets PlayStation scraps ONLY 3 - 6 months before a sequel is dropping on PlayStation. (Referring to Single Player games).

So yes they need to only benefit from PlayStation only when they will help the marketing cycle and hopefully FOMO will push a few over the edge.

I'd rather they get nothing other than Gass games but unfortunately Pandora's Box has been opened.


25 Mar 2023
I'd be okay if PC gets PlayStation scraps ONLY 3 - 6 months before a sequel is dropping on PlayStation. (Referring to Single Player games).

So yes they need to only benefit from PlayStation only when they will help the marketing cycle and hopefully FOMO will push a few over the edge.
To think of how simple it could be:
- Make great games that just run on your console.
- People will buy your console to play those games and will probably also end up buying other games there since they now own the console.

That is the strategy that got me to buy a PSP/PS3/PSV/PS4/PS5. At the current rate I'll jump ship on PS6.

Now they don't even announce games for the PS5 coming up in the future, as if they don't even matter. We get more news about canceled games than about new upcoming games we should look forward too.

Would Xbox be doing better or worse if they had not announced so many games like Hellblade 2, Fable, etc, many years ago and were just keeping it a secret? It would be doing far worse. Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst fucking suck.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
To think of how simple it could be:
- Make great games that just run on your console.
- People will buy your console to play those games and will probably also end up buying other games there since they now own the console.

That is the strategy that got me to buy a PS/PS3/PSV/PS4/PS5. At the current rate I'll jump ship on PS6.

Now they don't even announce games for the PS5 coming up in the future, as if they don't even matter. We get more news about canceled games than about new upcoming games we should look forward too.

Would Xbox be doing better or worse if they had not announced so many games like Hellblade 2, Fable, etc, many years ago and were just keeping it a secret? It would be doing far worse. Jim Ryan and Hermen Hulst fucking suck.
PlayStation got hijacked by suites once Andrew House left. They saw how much money was being made and decided to exploit the brand thinking they are now untouchable again. Forgetting Playstation fans will tell them to piss off when they get fed up.

We have come to learn they weren't keeping things a secret, they simply had nothing to show outside of what Shu set in motion. Everything went up in Flames once Jim and Hermen diluted the formula and forced Connie to jump to GaaS which of course is why she got axed since every almost every GaaS is in development hell... They set her up to fail.

Either way their house of cards came tumbling down last Christmas with sales slow everywhere and I'm sure they are in panic mode now, so let's see how they react.

Europe getting another price cut soon in hopes of fudging the sales before April comes, heads are rolling, thankfully.
24 Jun 2022
@xollowsob What HD2 stats are you looking at? We already have platform splits for markets like UK where sales were 57% PS5/43% PC (Steam). The server caps were also increased to I think 700K - 800K for both platforms combined. There is no data showing HD2 success is being majority driven by PC, you're making that part up.

Also while I don't think the long-term damage of the current strategy has set in quite yet, SIE are on a path where that could be cemented if changes aren't made. They simply have not been doing nearly enough in prioritizing the console with new 1P releases to make up for what's getting ported to platforms like PC. It's like a well running empty.

Given how accurate the Nvidia leak's been so far, GT7 and Demon's Souls Remake need to be the last of any non-GAAS ports for a long while. Spiderman 2 may get ported but that should be AFTER Venom or Wolverine (whichever is first) comes out exclusively for PS5 first, at least 9-12 months after, otherwise it's just going to send the wrong optics even more.

After that they honestly don't need any more PC ports of non-GAAS titles that aren't remaster collections of older (early PS4 or older) titles. That's it. They have to really build up a library of exclusives that are only actually available on their console because right now, you can count the amount of 1P genuine exclusives (i.e not timed exclusives or "console exclusive") on one hand. Exclusives are the easiest way of having product differentiation and when your console can count its total of them on less than one hand, that is a serious problem.

It's not too late to make the changes but the window is shrinking steadily every day.
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6 Jan 2024
What HD2 stats are you looking at? We already have platform splits for markets like UK where sales were 57% PS5/43% PC (Steam). The server caps were also increased to I think 700K - 800K for both platforms combined. There is no data showing HD2 success is being majority driven by PC, you're making that part up
That Steam gets mentioned at all goes back to what Old Gamer said.

The Playstation brand is now associated with steam. "Steam+PSN numbers show how good HD2 [insert any game] is" is not a win.


...owns a 3080...why?
24 Jun 2022
People will stop buying playstations and start pirating on pc.
Or wait for deep pc discounts / cdkeys release discount regional pricing.
PC players don't pay 70$ as often as console gamers + Sony doesnt get full steam revenue like they do on their own platform

And another one is - with more games going to pc, pc players who "would" get a ps5, will not do so anymore. Sure maybe they wouldn't do it for one game but for multiple backlog of ps exclusives? sure. maybe one day, with release of 25th ex, a pc player would say "f it, I am getting sp5 just to play exclusives".
That's what my friend did. He wanted gt7. Now he played already few more new titles on ps5 and rediscovers missed games


12 Mar 2024
PC ports having a negative impact on PS5 sales trajectory makes a lot more sense than anything else. The Switch is doing great in the same environment.

So many excuse just to never blame Sony for any of their decisions. If you like PC ports fine, good for you, but they come at a cost and the cost in the long run is the PlayStation console itself.

Why do you think Xbox died?
You actually think that something which arguably doesn't have the sales volumes to justify that argument is somehow impacting the platform with sunset releases to this noticeable degree? You honestly believe that, because I don't buy it for a second.

You believe that in the face of the console coming up on its midlife, the highest gas prices ever, the highest cost for groceries ever, the highest cost for rent, mortgages, houses, cars etc. Literally every facet of daily life is considerably more expensive.

I make 90k a year, a few years back my 70k pay equaled to more money in my pocket than my current salary does now.

The math ain't mathin'.

P.S. Xbox suicided itself with bad games and GamePass, not PC releases.
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I don't care for GaaS, if they don't release any at all, the better (for me).

If they want to make PC ports of PS3 and before era of games, go on, if they port them to PS4/5 too.

Everything else, should stay exclusive until they are 20+ years old.
Changing engines to support PC has already started to show a degrade in quality, which is not acceptable.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Ideally I would like NO PC ports of single player games but due to expectations being set, they would need to have a very formal announcement.

I would accept some games going to PC after a generation ends...reluctantly.

I do not like the way things are now and there is an impression that we now get more PC ports from first party than new games on PS5 from them.

GAAS can go anywhere they want, don't mind that.
  • they're_right_you_know
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25 Mar 2023
You actually think that something which arguably doesn't have the sales volumes to justify that argument is somehow impacting the platform with sunset releases to this noticeable degree? You honestly believe that, because I don't buy it for a second.

You believe that in the face of the console coming up on its midlife, the highest gas prices ever, the highest cost for groceries ever, the highest cost for rent, mortgages, houses, cars etc. Literally every facet of daily life is considerably more expensive.

I make 90k a year, a few years back my 70k pay equaled to more money in my pocket than my current salary does now.

The math ain't mathin'.

P.S. Xbox suicided itself with bad games and GamePass, not PC releases.
If you don't see it you don't see it. GaaS pivot had everything to do with PC, many of the current bad decisions by PlayStation had to do with prioritizing PC and we are starting to see the consequences.

If you don't think PlayStation spending multiple years focusing more on PC than on their own console isn't going to do long term damage I don't know what to say. Exclusives had been for a long time the backbone of their console brand.

Blaming the economy is trying to excuse Sony is has nothing to do with what is going on, PlayStation lost momentum on it's own. It also doesn't even make sense that you blame inflation, inflation also affect the price of the PS5 and games.

Everything is lining up for PlayStation to be on the way out and they are purposefully strengthening their main direct competitors going forward like NVidia and Valve.

That Steam gets mentioned at all goes back to what Old Gamer said.

The Playstation brand is now associated with steam. "Steam+PSN numbers show how good HD2 [insert any game] is" is not a win.
Unless they plan to buy Steam soon (extremely unlikely) nothing they are doing seems good for them long term. If anything it's all lining up for NVidia to buy Steam and make a serious push into the gaming hardware market (something they always wanted to do but lacked the storefront for it).
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