@yosp already working to get Palworld onto PlayStation


8 Jan 2023
Spider Man Lol GIF

You know it's bad when even Tom Warren is calling out your retardation. Gene is really a 🤡

So many people desperately trying to give Xbox a weapon against Playstation, all while saying they're above console wars.

Gene Park's opinions almost always can be boiled down to

Playstation = bad
Xbox = good
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16 Jul 2022
That doesn't mean that Xbox is dying. They have a lot of sales and player counts on PC.

The platform is dying, sales are tanking and their main pivot to subs sevice is looking like a failure too with subs service stalling and them not reporting numbers .

Oh i'm sure they are getting sales on PC just like they will be getting sales on playstation soon for more of their exclusives as they can't rely on a dieing platform to keep the buisness sustainable.

The console isn't the end all be all.
Sure for xbox as their console sales are abysmal.
. Even Xbox 360 hit only 85m so for them to hit 60m or so life time with Xbox One and in time, Series consoles is huge in my opinion because they have way more options in how you can access their games and content. And this is before mobile kicks in.

You can beleive the series consoles is huge, the mass market doesn't give a shit proven by sales data.

As for Game Pass, why would it increase when they had nothing in 2022? It did increase with Starfield but most people especially hard core fans bought it instead mainly on PC since that's where the majority of Bethesda's fan base is at. It will increase again once they add COD to it and other games this year. It's not going to increase all the time. It's only going to increase at certain points. But to think Xbox is dying when all they do is break records almost quarter, seriously, come on. Microsoft and their gaming division will be just fine.
Whose talking about 2022?.

Mat piscatala has reported it just a week ago that sub service numbers have stalled which is for 2023, this is with their game of the generation releasing aswell 😆


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
So many people desperately trying to give Xbox a weapon against Playstation, all while saying they're above console wars.

Gene Park's opinions almost always can be boiled down to

Playstation = bad
Xbox = good
Funny how Colon Mediocrity claims to be a huge PlayStation fan, yet surrounds himself with the likes of Park, Chris Raygun, Cog and Matty in his company and claims close friendships with Destin Legarie and Jez Corden.
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Icon Extra
12 Jan 2024
Funny how Colon Mediocrity claims to be a huge PlayStation fan, yet surround himself with the likes of Park, Chris Raygun, Cog and Matty in his company and claims close friendships with Destin Legarie and Jez Corden.

So because Colin is an intelligent and successful business man who's friends and works with those who like Xbox, that makes him less of a PlayStation fan despite him ONLY playing games on PlayStation? WTF?


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
We have told you about insults, you're slipping again.
So because Colin is an intelligent and successful business man who's friends and works with those who like Xbox, that makes him less of a PlayStation fan despite him ONLY playing games on PlayStation? WTF?
Successful, yes.

Intelligent? Far from it.
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  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: JAHGamer


22 Jul 2023
Xbox consoles will end up being the same as last generation. Outsold 2 to 1 overall worldwide. The main difference is that Microsoft doesn't need the console #1 or even #2 to be massively successful and profitable. In my eyes, they have the five pillars of gaming. Console, PC, Subscription, Cloud and Mobile. Mobile alone with King and Diablo Immortals/COD mobile will give them massive revenue and profits.

But we'll see.

As for Palworld, it's just what I would do if it was up to me mainly because Microsoft doesn't have these types of games so I would lock it down. What's the point in paying for exclusivity in the first place if you don't lock it down? I hate timed exclusivity. It's so fucking stupid and a waste of money. If im paying for exclusivity, im locking it down fully.
3 to 1 this gen get it right lol


Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
Ok can you guys stop insulting each other and other people.
Funny how some claim to be adults and have some intelligence yet resolve to insults of people here and other people you might not like.
This thread is about Palworld.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
They are Microsoft's because they own them. That's it. There's no discussion. If people can't understand this, that's on them. If Microsoft wants to port their games, they'll port them, if Microsoft wants to sell them, they'll sell them off, if Microsoft wants to make them exclusive, they'll make them exclusive.

You and others are confusing WHAT WAS and WHAT IS. What was ABK and Bethesda were third party independent publishers. What is ABK and Betehsda are now fully owned by Microsoft which eliminates them being WHAT THEY WERE.

PlayStation fanboys/extremists need to stop feeling like they're entitled to every game known to man when in reality, you're not entitled to a God damn thing.
Much like Palworld, which looks like it's coming to Playstation based on Yosp's tweet, PlayStation gamers are entitled to EVERY game, including all of Xbox's. I don't know why there are suddenly so many emboldened fans wishing Xbox would keep 3P games away from Playstation when the fact of the matter is they can't even keep their 1P titles off the platform. Nothing has changed. Xbox is not any stronger than it was last week but it's weaker than it has ever been.


22 Jul 2023
I just love how Xbox fanboys on Era are completely ignoring the AI scandal, had this been a PlayStation exclusive they would ban discussion of the game. If Hogwarts were a 1st party Xbox game they would've never banned discussion on it. They're political views dont matter when it comes to 1st party Xbox or games not on PS5. That's how those hypocrites operate, I can see that now.
24 Jun 2022
Wait...wait a minute...so you're telling me this ISN'T on PlayStation at all? WTF happened to the Sony that saw potential in these types of games before they blew up, like with Fall Guys?

I'm being serious here. How did Sony get completely outmaneuvered by Microsoft on this? I legit thought this was on PS, so in reality those 4+ million sales are all on PC/Steam and Xbox is piggybacking off that success with the Day 1 Game Pass get, while Nintendo has Pokemon so no worries really (hell they might sue the devs of this game) and PlayStation is completely locked out due to oversight and hubris.

GGs Sarah Bond & Xbox on getting this in Game Pass. Maybe by the time Sony catches up, the game'll still have an audience to tap into on PlayStation. But with these types of things, I doubt it.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Infinity

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Wait...wait a minute...so you're telling me this ISN'T on PlayStation at all? WTF happened to the Sony that saw potential in these types of games before they blew up, like with Fall Guys?

I'm being serious here. How did Sony get completely outmaneuvered by Microsoft on this? I legit thought this was on PS, so in reality those 4+ million sales are all on PC/Steam and Xbox is piggybacking off that success with the Day 1 Game Pass get, while Nintendo has Pokemon so no worries really (hell they might sue the devs of this game) and PlayStation is completely locked out due to oversight and hubris.

GGs Sarah Bond & Xbox on getting this in Game Pass. Maybe by the time Sony catches up, the game'll still have an audience to tap into on PlayStation. But with these types of things, I doubt it.
Sony doesn't allow early access games. Xbox is more desperate for any content whatsoever so there are fewer and lower standards.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: KiryuRealty


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Wait...wait a minute...so you're telling me this ISN'T on PlayStation at all? WTF happened to the Sony that saw potential in these types of games before they blew up, like with Fall Guys?

I'm being serious here. How did Sony get completely outmaneuvered by Microsoft on this? I legit thought this was on PS, so in reality those 4+ million sales are all on PC/Steam and Xbox is piggybacking off that success with the Day 1 Game Pass get, while Nintendo has Pokemon so no worries really (hell they might sue the devs of this game) and PlayStation is completely locked out due to oversight and hubris.

GGs Sarah Bond & Xbox on getting this in Game Pass. Maybe by the time Sony catches up, the game'll still have an audience to tap into on PlayStation. But with these types of things, I doubt it.
That's what happens when Shu isn't the one in-charge of stuff like this. He's the one even trying to get it on PlayStation now.

Telling ya that restructuring that happened back in 2020 truly messed up a lot of stuff.