NPD December 2022 (PS5 #1 Revenue, Switch #1 Units, Xbox @ $200 Forever #3, Leaked LTD up to Nov 2022: 10.6m PS5 / 8.7m Xbox)


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
Microsoft didn't say XBS was the fastest selling Xbox in the earnings calls for Q4 2021, Q1 2022, or Q3 2022. We only know about 2021 because of a Phil Spencer interview, Satya Nadella only revealed XBS was the fastest selling as of Q3 2022 because of his annual report in October 2022, and are we really going to argue that XBS fell behind XB1 in Q1 2022 and then jumped ahead in Q2 2022? An update not being given in the earnings call means nothing.

XBS is not 17M low.

There's also the Ampere numbers which have yet to be contradicted for XBS. XBS being ahead of XB1 worldwide from Q2 2021 to a last confirmed Q3 2022 despite still being behind in the US and UK only points to the US and UK holding less share of the pie than historically expected. Ampere sell through LTD of 10.5M in 2021 is basically as low as XBS can get compared to a 2014 XB1 since EA estimated 29M PS4+XB1 in 2014 (18.5M confirmed PS4).

Ampere is most likely going to report an ~8M or higher XBS for 2022 and ~19M LTD, which still lines up with XBS at least not falling immediately behind XB1 which 2015 LTD has always been calc'd to ~19M, still leaving just enough room for XBS to have a shipment lead.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I think 19m is still pretty disastrously bad for xbox, even 20m. If phil spencer is right and they're subsidizing every console by $1-200, they've spent minimum $2 billion just to get outsold by 1.5:1 again early in the gen. There's still time to recover but it's starting to look like the battle is going to be very steeply uphill as ps5 is looking to be gaining momentum post-gow and going into 2023 with marketing rights to hogwarts and spiderman 2 releasing. The timing of what happens with Activision might seal the deal, if it gets pushed out to 2024 I don't see xbox being able to save this gen regardless of whether the deal is finalized or not.
24 Jun 2022
Microsoft didn't say XBS was the fastest selling Xbox in the earnings calls for Q4 2021, Q1 2022, or Q3 2022. We only know about 2021 because of a Phil Spencer interview, Satya Nadella only revealed XBS was the fastest selling as of Q3 2022 because of his annual report in October 2022, and are we really going to argue that XBS fell behind XB1 in Q1 2022 and then jumped ahead in Q2 2022? An update not being given in the earnings call means nothing.

It literally means a lot, considering the only other good news MS shared Xbox-wise were the revenue drops being slightly offsetting by Game Pass (most likely PC Game Pass) growth.

Again, MS do this game where they basically have some type of corporate bipolar (no digs intended to anyone out there dealing with bipolar disorder) and make something a metric to boast success when it's convenient only in that very moment, but then run away from it when the optics might not pan out. There's all this talk about wanting to be transparent but being consistent on what you speak about when it comes to a division's success, is part of being transparent!

MS set an expectation that they were measuring sales of system in relation to 360 & XBO as a metric for the brand's overall health and success. They planted that idea among the public; they don't just get to brush it to the side after boasting it when they happened to be conveniently leading in that metric. And if they try, we as gamers & customers don't have to accept that type of behavior. Hold them to a better standard when it comes to staying consistent and being transparent.

XBS is not 17M low.

There's also the Ampere numbers which have yet to be contradicted for XBS. XBS being ahead of XB1 worldwide from Q2 2021 to a last confirmed Q3 2022 despite still being behind in the US and UK only points to the US and UK holding less share of the pie than historically expected. Ampere sell through LTD of 10.5M in 2021 is basically as low as XBS can get compared to a 2014 XB1 since EA estimated 29M PS4+XB1 in 2014 (18.5M confirmed PS4).

Ampere's numbers were sold-in, not sold-through. MS provided a figure of combined 63.7 million consoles by end of 2021 but that included Series S/X, XBO and 360. 360 ceased official manufacturing sometime in 2016; up through the 2014 - 2016 period it's estimated roughly 3.9 million 360s sold worldwide.

If the commonly accepted XBO number is somewhere around 50 million, and you already have 3.9 million 360s, that leaves ~10 million Series consoles sold by end of 2021. Ampere's figures were estimates and likely pulling from sold-in amounts, even if they had a lot of accuracy. Again, we have Series' NPD LTD numbers up through November 2022. We know what ROTW (non US/UK) account for historically for 360 and XBO.

There is no realistic reason to assume ROTW suddenly saw a + 10% gain in the share of sales going from XBO, and even if it did, it would only be arriving back to roughly where it accounted for 360's sales in 7th gen, and nothing more. And that scenario would still only account for vaguely 18 million. We COULD throw in 750K for Series in NA for December; that would help boost global sold-through numbers to 19.28 million by end of 2022 but, again, why would a company giving revenue & sales data to investors in an earnings call, not want to maximize EVERY bit of good news that could be leveraged to soften any bad news and push their shares that much higher, even by a few pennies? Why pass up that opportunity, if you had the data to leverage it?

Ampere is most likely going to report an ~8M or higher XBS for 2022 and ~19M LTD, which still lines up with XBS at least not falling immediately behind XB1 which 2015 LTD has always been calc'd to ~19M, still leaving just enough room for XBS to have a shipment lead.

There are reports saying XBO had 18 million consoles "activated" by January 2016; I always assumed those were sold-through. It also sounds like you're talking sold-in reporting here when the rest of us are talking sold-through (to customers); the MS figures they provided last year (the 63.7 million, the market share percentages relative Sony & Nintendo) were referring to sold-through IIRC.

Sold-in only tells how many systems are in the distribution channel and with retailers, and again, MS has a different policy compared to Sony, where the latter will buy back unsold systems (as far as I've heard), whereas Microsoft does not do this. But the measure of success when it comes to console sales is almost always sold-through, as those are systems actually in the hands of customers/gamers, who then invest back into the ecosystem.

So I'll just reiterate. We have the leaked NA #s of 8.736 million as of Nov 2022. Add another 750K for December. 9.846 million as of end of 2022. UK likely somewhere between 1.6 million - 1.86 million. Take the high end. 11.346 million between them. ROTW with a 5% gain in the share over XBO gen, so now it's 29.5%. That's a peak of 18.04 million by end of 2022. You may want to think ROTW suddenly sees +8% or even +10% gain in the share since last gen but realistically there is nothing from the numbers we've seen so far in select ROTW markets suggesting XB Series are actually seeing those types of gains. So why would other markets have them?

So maybe they did hit 19 million or something like that sold-in by end of 2022; that's actually very realistic. But we're really talking sold-through here and there's no realistic way they are near that amount by end of 2022.

I think 19m is still pretty disastrously bad for xbox, even 20m. If phil spencer is right and they're subsidizing every console by $1-200, they've spent minimum $2 billion just to get outsold by 1.5:1 again early in the gen. There's still time to recover but it's starting to look like the battle is going to be very steeply uphill as ps5 is looking to be gaining momentum post-gow and going into 2023 with marketing rights to hogwarts and spiderman 2 releasing. The timing of what happens with Activision might seal the deal, if it gets pushed out to 2024 I don't see xbox being able to save this gen regardless of whether the deal is finalized or not.

Yep. The best path for Xbox would've been to capitalize in 2021, when PS5 supply got really constrained after the first few months, and Sony didn't have too many big exclusives outside of stuff like Rift Apart and Kena. And that still would've required both FH5 and Halo hitting very strongly and maintaining, all of the timed exclusives they had still coming out, and maybe two other bigger 1P exclusives dropping (ideally, Hellblade II and Avowed), doing very well critically & commercially.

I think if MS did that, they could've established a more substantial lead in the US & UK market, and probably seen more or a real uptick in some of the ROTW markets (mostly other European countries). But they missed that chance and PS5 (which already had natural brand momentum and momentum from the strong launch window) just started gradually building more momentum in early 2022 which started snowballing when supply finally normalized again. Then they just pushed through with GOWR and here we are now in 2023 with them getting ready to release PSVR2 and getting several big 3P releases with marketing rights.

That doesn't even account for Spiderman 2 & Stellar Blade later in the year, and whatever other surprise games they may have. As for ABK, honestly if the deal gets pushed into 2024 I think there's a good chance MS just walks away from it and diverts that money towards other markets like AI investments/acquisitions and maybe EV.


Forum Veteran
23 Jan 2023
It literally means a lot, considering the only other good news MS shared Xbox-wise were the revenue drops being slightly offsetting by Game Pass (most likely PC Game Pass) growth.

Again, MS do this game where they basically have some type of corporate bipolar (no digs intended to anyone out there dealing with bipolar disorder) and make something a metric to boast success when it's convenient only in that very moment, but then run away from it when the optics might not pan out. There's all this talk about wanting to be transparent but being consistent on what you speak about when it comes to a division's success, is part of being transparent!

MS set an expectation that they were measuring sales of system in relation to 360 & XBO as a metric for the brand's overall health and success. They planted that idea among the public; they don't just get to brush it to the side after boasting it when they happened to be conveniently leading in that metric. And if they try, we as gamers & customers don't have to accept that type of behavior. Hold them to a better standard when it comes to staying consistent and being transparent.
I just provided 3 examples where Microsoft did not reveal that stat in the earnings call.

I should've noted this before, but the only time they do is when they are reporting their full Fiscal Year report in July. FYQ4 2021 and FYQ4 2022 is when they say XBS is the fastest selling Xbox.

If Microsoft does not state this in July 2023 when they did for the past two years, I'll concede XBS fell behind.

Ampere's numbers were sold-in, not sold-through. MS provided a figure of combined 63.7 million consoles by end of 2021 but that included Series S/X, XBO and 360. 360 ceased official manufacturing sometime in 2016; up through the 2014 - 2016 period it's estimated roughly 3.9 million 360s sold worldwide.

If the commonly accepted XBO number is somewhere around 50 million, and you already have 3.9 million 360s, that leaves ~10 million Series consoles sold by end of 2021. Ampere's figures were estimates and likely pulling from sold-in amounts, even if they had a lot of accuracy. Again, we have Series' NPD LTD numbers up through November 2022. We know what ROTW (non US/UK) account for historically for 360 and XBO.

There is no realistic reason to assume ROTW suddenly saw a + 10% gain in the share of sales going from XBO, and even if it did, it would only be arriving back to roughly where it accounted for 360's sales in 7th gen, and nothing more. And that scenario would still only account for vaguely 18 million. We COULD throw in 750K for Series in NA for December; that would help boost global sold-through numbers to 19.28 million by end of 2022 but, again, why would a company giving revenue & sales data to investors in an earnings call, not want to maximize EVERY bit of good news that could be leveraged to soften any bad news and push their shares that much higher, even by a few pennies? Why pass up that opportunity, if you had the data to leverage it?

Ampere is not sold in, they estimate sell through.

Microsoft's 63.7M is bullshit because the PS number 151.4M they give is also bullshit. They never defined what "install base" meant and we have PS4 and PS5 shipment data that comes in well below the number Microsoft shared. 134.1M is 17.3M less than what Microsoft provided and we know it can't include Vita as CESA data shows it only sold 10.7M between NA, western and northern Europe, and Japan.

XB1 is also over 50M, not around it. Dan Ahmad said it was over 50M by the end of 2019 and it would've shipped 2-3M in 2020. My own shipment estimates going off revenue line up with that. Where did that 3.9M 360 come from? I'd estimate it actually shipped 4.9M from 2014 to 2016.

Once again, since they began reporting quarterly figures for PS5 and XBS, Ampere has only been reporting sell through estimates. We have statements straight from Microsoft that reveal the US and UK take up less share of total sales for the XBS compared to XB1 since Q2 2021. ROTW share is objectively better for XBS than XB1, it can't be argued.

There are reports saying XBO had 18 million consoles "activated" by January 2016; I always assumed those were sold-through. It also sounds like you're talking sold-in reporting here when the rest of us are talking sold-through (to customers); the MS figures they provided last year (the 63.7 million, the market share percentages relative Sony & Nintendo) were referring to sold-through IIRC.

Sold-in only tells how many systems are in the distribution channel and with retailers, and again, MS has a different policy compared to Sony, where the latter will buy back unsold systems (as far as I've heard), whereas Microsoft does not do this. But the measure of success when it comes to console sales is almost always sold-through, as those are systems actually in the hands of customers/gamers, who then invest back into the ecosystem.

So I'll just reiterate. We have the leaked NA #s of 8.736 million as of Nov 2022. Add another 750K for December. 9.846 million as of end of 2022. UK likely somewhere between 1.6 million - 1.86 million. Take the high end. 11.346 million between them. ROTW with a 5% gain in the share over XBO gen, so now it's 29.5%. That's a peak of 18.04 million by end of 2022. You may want to think ROTW suddenly sees +8% or even +10% gain in the share since last gen but realistically there is nothing from the numbers we've seen so far in select ROTW markets suggesting XB Series are actually seeing those types of gains. So why would other markets have them?

So maybe they did hit 19 million or something like that sold-in by end of 2022; that's actually very realistic. But we're really talking sold-through here and there's no realistic way they are near that amount by end of 2022.

I was there when all these reports and financial results were going out for Xbox from 2014 to today. The 18M figure is units that connected to the internet. EA estimates for 2015 point to 19M XB1 (55M total, 35.9M confirmed PS4).

As I said above, the numbers provided by MS were BS and in terms of what I'm talking about, Microsoft has always been referring to shipments when talking about XBS being the fastest selling. It can also refer to sold through, but the safest assumption is to go with shipments first, then work out sold through.

And again, Ampere's 10.5M XBS 2021 figure is sold through. For 2020 they had XBS at 2.8M (US was 1.49M, 53% of total) and for 2021 they had 7.7M (US was 3.73M, 48% of total). This decreased US share lines up with Microsoft's confirmed data that says XBS was ahead of XB1 after the first year despite US sales being a whole 1M behind! UK was also behind 300K

XB1 US LTD 2014: 6.19M
XBS US LTD 2021: 5.20M

XB1 UK LTD 2014: 1.47M
XBS UK LTD 2021: 1.16M

So 1.3M behind in Xbox's two largest markets, yet XBS is ahead of XB1 worldwide. That would mean by 2021, ROTW was making up more than 1.3M additional sales than before.

Let's just say for math's sake XB1 and XBS are exactly 10M after the first year.

XB1 US+UK: 7.66M (76.6%)
XB1 ROTW: 2.34M (23.4%)

XBS US+UK: 6.36M (63.6%)
XBS ROTW: 3.64M (36.4%)

That's a whole 13% gained for ROTW which is actually a low ball estimate since we were only assuming XBS = XB1 and not the factual XBS > XB1.

Historical figures or trends mean literally nothing this gen. This is a post pandemic world.

XBS sell through will be around 19M. Shipments higher than that, just like XB1.
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24 Jun 2022
I just provided 3 examples where Microsoft did not reveal that stat in the earnings call.

I should've noted this before, but the only time they do is when they are reporting their full Fiscal Year report in July. FYQ4 2021 and FYQ4 2022 is when they say XBS is the fastest selling Xbox.

If Microsoft does not state this in July 2023 when they did for the past two years, I'll concede XBS fell behind.

Fair enough. But wouldn't you still say it's kind of strange they haven't had any PR regarding sales even outside of the earnings call? Like you said earlier, they did so last year aside from earnings calls, why did they stop? I know those times coincided with winning NPDs, but IMO they don't have to win NPDs to just even communicate they're ahead of XBO in terms of sales.

That would even potentially be beneficial.

Microsoft's 63.7M is bullshit because the PS number 151.4M they give is also bullshit. They never defined what "install base" meant and we have PS4 and PS5 shipment data that comes in well below the number Microsoft shared. 134.1M is 17.3M less than what Microsoft provided and we know it can't include Vita as CESA data shows it only sold 10.7M between NA, western and northern Europe, and Japan.

But that means MS directly lied to regulators, which isn't a good look at all. Because as I remember it, they put that out to indicate their market share at the end of 2021 relative Sony & Nintendo, in order to look more favorable for the ABK acquisition.

They did overshoot Sony's numbers, but I've accepted that they were also including late PS3 sales numbers into the figure. Although I can't image those accounted for a lot, so maybe they were also including PSVR and PS Vita sales, too? I think Vita did ~ 16 million, and PS5 was at what, around 17.3 million by end of 2021. PS4 was around 116 million IIRC so combined that's ~149.3 million between the three, very close to the numbers of Sony Microsoft provided.

And again, there are PS3 sales there too between 2013 and 2021, so I guess those would add in as well. So I don't actually think MS's 63.7 million was BS because if it was, then that'd be them openly lying and I don't think they would want to do that to regulators. So if that number's also right, then I am going to guess they included Series, XBO and late 360 sales. It gets messy if they left out 360 numbers because then it still makes it look like they lied by using certain metrics for one group's numbers but not their own.

XB1 is also over 50M, not around it. Dan Ahmad said it was over 50M by the end of 2019 and it would've shipped 2-3M in 2020. My own shipment estimates going off revenue line up with that. Where did that 3.9M 360 come from? I'd estimate it actually shipped 4.9M from 2014 to 2016.

The 3.9 million comes from Statista; I took 2013 to 2016 numbers and added them together. So yeah, I cut off 2017 and later, but again I am going by what I believe are sold-through estimates, not sold-in. Also, I don't think there's a singular agreement as to where exactly XBO's lifetime numbers are at. We have MS's vague "less than half PS4" which I guess at the time would've put them at under 58 million, but you do see the problem this presents if it's AT 58 or so million, right?

It basically disputes the 63.7 million number MS gave, meaning again either MS lied (in that case to regulators), or threw out legacy hardware sales and had some arbitrary cutoff leaving out some Series sales, but didn't leave out legacy Sony hardware or odd cutoffs for Sony's numbers...which essentially would be them lying, anyway. Most other analysts I've seen have given XBO totals of around 50 million; either a tiny bit below, or a bit higher, but never too high.

Also, I do think when it comes to Xbox it's important to not rely so much on the shipped numbers, because we really don't know what volume of those are getting into customer homes. It's not like the XBO had particularly strong demand in most markets, so it's entirely possible some systems have just been sitting around, getting gradually marked down to cheaper prices to be sold through various retailer stores and sites and that could have been going on for years.

Once again, since they began reporting quarterly figures for PS5 and XBS, Ampere has only been reporting sell through estimates. We have statements straight from Microsoft that reveal the US and UK take up less share of total sales for the XBS compared to XB1 since Q2 2021. ROTW share is objectively better for XBS than XB1, it can't be argued.

Just gonna say I don't buy MS's words here, to be frank, not until there's more concrete data. I know Series did launch in more markets from the outset than XBO did, and by that metric those words would be accurate. But even if US & UK take up less of the share, there is nothing from MS indicating by how much. It could be as little as 1% less, for all we know.

From what I calculated earlier in the thread, US & UK accounted for roughly 75% of total XBO sales, leaving ROTW with a little under 25%, most likely. And in fact the numbers I estimated from there include a bigger ROTW share by 5% growth. The thing though is that is still less than what ROTW contributed to 360's sales, and it would still mean US & UK are making up the majority of Series sales.

Conversely, for PS5 we have the leaked NPD numbers which were somewhere between 10.2 million - 10.5 million (I can't specifically recall); and they already officially reached 2 million sales by October last year in the UK. Might be fair to say they moved another 250K between Nov & December there. I remember Dring saying the sales gap between PS5 and Series in UK was "very close" but I also think that was in relation to 2022. I could be misremembering on that one, though.

Anyway, at some 12.7 million low-end between US & UK, and PS5 clearing 30 million by January, even at 30 million exactly those two markets would comprise of about 42% of total PS5 sales. PS's always been a more global brand than Xbox, even in the 7th gen when Xbox was at its most global. Considering some of the sales differences we see between the two platforms in select non-US/UK markets, I don't think an almost 2:1 ROTW ratio favoring PS is all that wild to say. And that's, again, with considering ROTW growth for Series over XBO (where it contracted severely from 360).

I was there when all these reports and financial results were going out for Xbox from 2014 to today. The 18M figure is units that connected to the internet. EA estimates for 2015 point to 19M XB1 (55M total, 35.9M confirmed PS4).

How would EA have had those figures? And are the EA estimates sold-in or sold-through (for XBO)?

As I said above, the numbers provided by MS were BS and in terms of what I'm talking about, Microsoft has always been referring to shipments when talking about XBS being the fastest selling. It can also refer to sold through, but the safest assumption is to go with shipments first, then work out sold through.

Wait if that's the case, then that may make some of the sold-through estimates ITT too high. I HAVE to think they were referring to sold-through when mentioning Series being fastest-selling; the fact they referred to April being a record month in unit & dollar sales suggests this. XBO had the highest revenue for an Xbox for that month, while 360 had the highest unit sales (~ 450K). All of that has to be referring to sold-through, not sold-in.

The fact those statements were coinciding along with Greenberg's VGChartz retweet, knowing VGChartz tries (and fails) to measure sold-through amounts, has to suggest that the 63.7 million figure MS put out was in fact sold-through. The question is did they include late-life 360 sales numbers or not, and did they keep the methodology consistent for Sony (meaning PS4, PS5, late-life PS3 & PS Vita) and Nintendo (meaning Wii U & Switch) sold-through amounts in that same data?

And again, Ampere's 10.5M XBS 2021 figure is sold through. For 2020 they had XBS at 2.8M (US was 1.49M, 53% of total) and for 2021 they had 7.7M (US was 3.73M, 48% of total). This decreased US share lines up with Microsoft's confirmed data that says XBS was ahead of XB1 after the first year despite US sales being a whole 1M behind! UK was also behind 300K

XB1 US LTD 2014: 6.19M
XBS US LTD 2021: 5.20M

XB1 UK LTD 2014: 1.47M
XBS UK LTD 2021: 1.16M

So 1.3M behind in Xbox's two largest markets, yet XBS is ahead of XB1 worldwide. That would mean by 2021, ROTW was making up more than 1.3M additional sales than before.

I think the thing here is you think I'm saying Series hasn't seen growth in ROTW in terms of unit sales, but I haven't actually disputed that idea. My claim is, that share for ROTW growth is not some wild +10% gain or what-have-you, and ROTW share would still be less than it was during 360.

With the Ampere numbers you provided, yes ROTW would have accounted for 41% of total sales...up to that point! But we both know that both Sony & MS went through some issues with supply in the back half of 2021, Sony was just much more affected. We also know that in 2022, MS were heavily prioritizing the US & UK markets with stock, and we've seen the significant drop-off in sales in territories like Japan, which could be partially blamed on lower supply (though IMO at this point, feels it's at least slightly more due to lowering demand, but that's a completely different topic).

It's entirely possible given MS's focus on the US & UK markets for supply throughout 2022, alongside softening demand in some ROTW territories, that ROTW amounts in the share of sales shifted sharply in the span of that year or so. Also it's again worth stressing XBO launched in less markets than Series did, so MS having some boost in available markets would have naturally helped ensure those markets could cover supply shortfalls in their strongest territories.

Let's just say for math's sake XB1 and XBS are exactly 10M after the first year.

XB1 US+UK: 7.66M (76.6%)
XB1 ROTW: 2.34M (23.4%)

XBS US+UK: 6.36M (63.6%)
XBS ROTW: 3.64M (36.4%)

That's a whole 13% gained for ROTW which is actually a low ball estimate since we were only assuming XBS = XB1 and not the factual XBS > XB1.

Historical figures or trends mean literally nothing this gen. This is a post pandemic world.

XBS sell through will be around 19M. Shipments higher than that, just like XB1.

I wouldn't say historical figures and trends mean nothing; they are very helpful in fact because we can use them to extrapolate likelihoods going forward, or at least analyze what has occurred to try arriving at what factors led to so much delineation.

That said I would also not write off the fact that whatever percentage of a swing ROTW saw in accounting for sales in 2021, could have depreciated in 2022 considering it would seem MS heavily prioritized the US & UK markets (US in particular) for most of that year, and weren't working with significantly more supply. If Series turns out are tracking ahead XBO by FY 2023 Q4 and comfortably so, that doesn't really mean they could not have in fact been tracking slightly behind by end of 2022 calendar. It would just mean between then and June, the sales picked up considerably.

Which is what I would hope would happen but, we've got some months to see what happens in that case.
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22 Jul 2022

This is the wordiest thread ever y'all
Last edited:


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I just provided 3 examples where Microsoft did not reveal that stat in the earnings call.

I should've noted this before, but the only time they do is when they are reporting their full Fiscal Year report in July. FYQ4 2021 and FYQ4 2022 is when they say XBS is the fastest selling Xbox.

If Microsoft does not state this in July 2023 when they did for the past two years, I'll concede XBS fell behind.

Ampere is not sold in, they estimate sell through.

Microsoft's 63.7M is bullshit because the PS number 151.4M they give is also bullshit. They never defined what "install base" meant and we have PS4 and PS5 shipment data that comes in well below the number Microsoft shared. 134.1M is 17.3M less than what Microsoft provided and we know it can't include Vita as CESA data shows it only sold 10.7M between NA, western and northern Europe, and Japan.

XB1 is also over 50M, not around it. Dan Ahmad said it was over 50M by the end of 2019 and it would've shipped 2-3M in 2020. My own shipment estimates going off revenue line up with that. Where did that 3.9M 360 come from? I'd estimate it actually shipped 4.9M from 2014 to 2016.

Once again, since they began reporting quarterly figures for PS5 and XBS, Ampere has only been reporting sell through estimates. We have statements straight from Microsoft that reveal the US and UK take up less share of total sales for the XBS compared to XB1 since Q2 2021. ROTW share is objectively better for XBS than XB1, it can't be argued.

I was there when all these reports and financial results were going out for Xbox from 2014 to today. The 18M figure is units that connected to the internet. EA estimates for 2015 point to 19M XB1 (55M total, 35.9M confirmed PS4).

As I said above, the numbers provided by MS were BS and in terms of what I'm talking about, Microsoft has always been referring to shipments when talking about XBS being the fastest selling. It can also refer to sold through, but the safest assumption is to go with shipments first, then work out sold through.

And again, Ampere's 10.5M XBS 2021 figure is sold through. For 2020 they had XBS at 2.8M (US was 1.49M, 53% of total) and for 2021 they had 7.7M (US was 3.73M, 48% of total). This decreased US share lines up with Microsoft's confirmed data that says XBS was ahead of XB1 after the first year despite US sales being a whole 1M behind! UK was also behind 300K

XB1 US LTD 2014: 6.19M
XBS US LTD 2021: 5.20M

XB1 UK LTD 2014: 1.47M
XBS UK LTD 2021: 1.16M

So 1.3M behind in Xbox's two largest markets, yet XBS is ahead of XB1 worldwide. That would mean by 2021, ROTW was making up more than 1.3M additional sales than before.

Let's just say for math's sake XB1 and XBS are exactly 10M after the first year.

XB1 US+UK: 7.66M (76.6%)
XB1 ROTW: 2.34M (23.4%)

XBS US+UK: 6.36M (63.6%)
XBS ROTW: 3.64M (36.4%)

That's a whole 13% gained for ROTW which is actually a low ball estimate since we were only assuming XBS = XB1 and not the factual XBS > XB1.

Historical figures or trends mean literally nothing this gen. This is a post pandemic world.

XBS sell through will be around 19M. Shipments higher than that, just like XB1.

Appreciate you joining and adding to the conversation here....

I didn't see your posts till now, it's great to get a different perspective.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
I would be interesing to see how Series X alone is doing compared to the Xbox One month by month.
Xone sold at a higher price than Series X on there launches right?
24 Jun 2022
I would be interesing to see how Series X alone is doing compared to the Xbox One month by month.
Xone sold at a higher price than Series X on there launches right?

Nah, same price. XBO was $499, Series X is $499. I'm sure if you did an inflation check, XBO's $499 would be more expensive than today's Series X but that can apply to all electronics & goods.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I want to put something here to think.

NPD already showed one of the worst November ever for Xbox... there is no reason December is bad too.
That was already new with NPD leaked data.

Today the new guy at Sony said not with these words that "PlayStation is eating Xbox market share in US".

How much of that is consequence of Gamepass?
What do you guys think?


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
I want to put something here to think.

NPD already showed one of the worst November ever for Xbox... there is no reason December is bad too.
That was already new with NPD leaked data.

Today the new guy at Sony said not with these words that "PlayStation is eating Xbox market share in US".

How much of that is consequence of Gamepass?
What do you guys think?
0% because of gamepass. Gamepass as a model can survive and be attractive, the problem is xbox project management is absolutely horrible.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
0% because of gamepass. Gamepass as a model can survive and be attractive, the problem is xbox project management is absolutely horrible.
I don't know I believe people don't buy Xbox hardware because you have Gamepass on PC.
I have some suspicious when some guy said Gamepass is selling Series S or Series S is the cheap Gamepass machine.
It doesn't look like it.

Gamepass can be successful... time will tell but right now I have the felling Gamepass is killing Xbox hardware sales.


1 Jul 2022
people aren't as stupid or as poor as people think.

These are luxury items. People who can't afford to game, don't. they have bigger problems than deal hunting. They don't deal hunt, they just don't buy. period.

There is no reality where serious, enthusiast consumers adopt gamepass as the main driver of videogames.
24 Jun 2022
I want to put something here to think.

NPD already showed one of the worst November ever for Xbox... there is no reason December is bad too.
That was already new with NPD leaked data.

Today the new guy at Sony said not with these words that "PlayStation is eating Xbox market share in US".

How much of that is consequence of Gamepass?
What do you guys think?

Well for December's #s, what do you think they managed in NPD? I figured about same as November, maybe slightly less, like 700K. If it was lower than that, though...yeah, it's pretty dire after all.

And I do think Game Pass is having some effect on it.

0% because of gamepass. Gamepass as a model can survive and be attractive, the problem is xbox project management is absolutely horrible.

Honestly I think it depends and Game Pass is probably at least partially a factor. You have to keep in mind, there are multiple ways to get it for quite cheap. You can do the $1 conversion trick and basically pay $180 (+ the $1) for the equivalent of $540. That's already a user contributing 66% less than typical ARPU for the 3-year time period.

Then you have the free deals (I saw them constantly every time I bought big bags of Doritos), and MS Reward points (there are some people who literally pay for entire months just with MS Reward points). I'm not saying the ARPU is garbage bin low, but it's probably at most only 50% what it should be expected to be. But more damning than that I really feel Game Pass has conditioned a lot of people on Xbox to just...not buy as many games anymore. Especially at full price Day 1 or in the launch period.

Yes there are still quite a few buying games, some even Day 1. But when that software revenue drop popped up, to me that's a larger problem with not just 1P software sales declining but also 3P sales dropping. Even in Sony's best FY so far for 1P, their own software was just 18.5% of all software revenue. 3P sales made up the rest, so I don't see some reality where MS's software revenue suddenly surges as a whole just because they get Forza, RedFall and Starfield out this year, especially because those games will still be in Game Pass "Day 1" (outside of some early availability for people doing preorders).

And also just being honest, Forza is not a big seller of its own. They do like 1-2 million lifetime, that's probably where FH5 has landed and the Horizon games are more popular than the mainline ones. RedFall just doesn't look like it's going to be too big a deal; last showing was kind of mid, the game just looks like it feels sort of lifeless and kind of empty. Starfield's the one with the biggest selling potential by far, but they're gonna be impacted because of Game Pass and not having PS5 as a platform. Most Skyrim and Fallout IV sales were between the consoles; maybe PC takes up a bigger share for Starfield but by MS's own words PC Game Pass is seeing "huge growth", why won't a good chunk of those players just access it through Game Pass on PC?