40 Minutes Of Starfield Gameplay Have Leaked Online


11 Aug 2022
would make sense because knowing bethesda fully storing each location in storage would make 1000 planets larger than the SSD size of the Series X
You can make a procedural landscape and pass in a seed value in the RNG that will repeat so not sure why they wouldn't use that. Each gamer will get a different seed so that would make it random for each person but that seed value would be stored on each person's machine so going back will give the same terrain.
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11 Aug 2022
The only people expecting that are the morons that believe what Todd Howard & Phil Spencer say , I don't care if the game fails or not (from the footage that's out their it definitely is a failure)
For shits and giggles, from what you've seen, what makes it a failure?

the fact your so defensive of this game that you haven't played shows that you just want to dickride Bethesda / Xbox 🤣
Not defensive at all.. just don't like concern trolling.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
You can make a procedural landscape and pass in a seed value in the RNG that will repeat so not sure why they wouldn't use that. Each gamer will get a different seed so that would make it random for each person but that seed value would be stored on each person's machine so going back will give the same terrain.
Depends on how long it takes to generate it, but yeah that could work. Could also be the reason they need load screens in between
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24 Jun 2022
With the latest news that modders will essentially be able to create their own stories, Starfield likely has a long road ahead before it’s fully realized. The base game and people’s reactions to it will be lost to time by that point.

Bethesda already gets nerfed feedback for bugs, where a considerable amount of understanding is provided whereas other devs aren’t so lucky. I don’t believe it matters what state the game releases in. We’ve seen enough footage to be sure it’ll at least be decent, but if Cyberpunk is the worst case scenario then Starfield is at least poised to exceed that.

If that's the bar being set for this game, then it has already failed. You guys have got to keep in mind, Starfield is supposed to represent a turning point in Microsoft's 1P output, outside of their traditional staple. It's also, by incident, meant to be a redemption for the absolute disaster that was RedFall months earlier.

"Just" getting beyond Cyberpunk is not good enough. It shouldn't be good enough. When are people going to start demanding Microsoft put out some genuinely industry-leading, standard-setting 1P AAA epics? They want the allure of competing with Sony on power but want to skirt doing so where it actually matters: in 1P software that pushes the limits of the hardware's technical capabilities. That's half-assing it IMHO.

We already know games journalists are going to over-score this game just to give a narrative power, similar to what they did with Halo Infinite. The hope should be that unlike that game, Starfield is legitimately representative of its score or close to it. With how biased and corrupted games outlets are these days (particularly in the West), though, that's hard to believe will happen.

Am I saying Starfield needs to be Game of the Generation? Of course not. But it needs to be doing at least something beyond other open-world games on the market, especially considering the size of the company funding it and what resources they have available to them. Unfortunately for the game, each new leaked footage we see keeps revealing a game that's, at best, on-par with most of the other standard open-world games already on the market, and not even in all aspects. At worst, some of the footage is already showing it to be under-par in some aspects compared to those other games.

My opinion: going off what's been shown it looks like a solid 85 MC game. And I hate MetaCritic, but it's the quickest way to convey where I feel it lands quality-wise. Depending on how present the less-than-flattering aspects of the game take up play time, I think a realistic high-end is a 90, but anything over that will feel like reviewers just gaming the system to prop it up for a narrative neither it nor Microsoft deserve to have.


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
I don’t know what will happen if non biased MS media like IGN, Eurogamer etc. submitting their review and Starfield ends up scoring like 78 Metacritic. Because the recent reports I read didn’t sound promising. And putting in mind that MS set the review embargo one day before official release sounds suspicious.

Edit: looooooooool

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