All insomniac leaks including Wolverine cast, Venom game, all leaked games and budgets.

Playstation Sucka

Playstation Sucka

Well-known member
8 Jan 2023
Welp, Xbox might have a chance after all. I did say that 2024 & 2025 could be somewhat dry from SIE 1P; these leaks only pertain to Insomniac but I hope we aren't seeing similar pipelines and budget bloat for the other 1P teams, because that's going to be a very rough picture for SIE 1P.

Also, with budgets now ballooning to $300+ million, are these superhero licensed games honestly worth it anymore? It's insane to me how in the span of a decade they go from ~ $80 million for Spiderman 2018 to $300+ million for Spiderman 3. What's accounting for these increases? It can't simply be inflation. I think hiring so much Hollywood talent is probably a part of it, like with Disney/Marvel had to start paying RDJ $50 million per movie. That stuff eats into profit margins and if they feel the only way they can make it work is by expanding to PC with launching these games (which should be console-exclusive, as in also not on PC), then I feel it's a self-defeating act.

That said I've been reading some other people's thoughts, and a few things standing out such as Sony basically having exclusivity on X-Men games for over a decade (as in, they're the only ones who can make exclusive X-Men games), and the cuts for Marvel/Disney on game software not being as ridiculous as they first appear. I'm a bit concerned about the insistence of "needing" PC in some of this like with the X-Men game; they 100% don't need PC to hit 6 million sales for X-Men in the first year. Maybe it's present simply to appease suits at Disney/Marvel but it's a soft option in terms of needing a port to said platform.

At the end of the day, Sony are the ones who have to remind Disney/Marvel on the importance of exclusivity and (rightfully) show how PC acts as a competitive platform to their own best interests (PlayStation).

The cost of SoCal Dev's are way too high not many can afford to pay high salaries look out for Dev's outside the realm of California
Like bluepoint


25 Mar 2023
yeah Sony got to figure out how to get those cost down. Baldur Gate 3 had a budget of 100 million and that game shitted on every game this year And did staggering numbers.
BG3 had an insanely passionate dev behind it. I'm not sure how many Sony studios still fall under that definition at this point.

Were folks at ND really passionate about leveraging TLoU IP into a GaaS and taking advice from Bungie on how to monetize and plan their content delivery strategy to maximize the money they can extract from players? Are the Farigame$ folks really passionate about making the next GaaS Watchdogs flavored Hyenas?
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
And Xbox fanboys will complain that Sony bought them. maybe if you bought their games...
This is exactly the problem with Xbox as platform. Their customers don’t buy games. Not console warring or anything , but it is at is. Sales reports don’t lie. If Xbox fans wants more 3rd games they will need to buy first games in order to do so. But I doubt that, it’s becoming each generation more worse. This is why 3rd Party games disappoint on Xbox sales-wise. So now imagine an appealing game like Sunset Overdrive tailored for western audience & taste did fail to meet aspirations…How do you think a Japanese title, which is in its nature more niche compared to western games, would perform on Xbox? 🤐
Playstation Sucka

Playstation Sucka

Well-known member
8 Jan 2023
BG3 had an insanely passionate dev behind it. I'm not sure how many Sony studios still fall under that definition at this point.

Were folks at ND really passionate about leveraging TLoU IP into a GaaS and taking advice from Bungie on how to monetize and plan their content delivery strategy to maximize the money they can extract from players?
Bluepoint look out for bluepoint
And they missed the boat by not going after Ready at Dawn Dev's
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25 Mar 2023
Bluepoint look out for bluepoint
And they missed the boat by not going after Ready at Dawn Dev's
100% agree. Ready at Dawn was a huge miss, could've become one of Sony best studio had they been treated fairly and handled properly by Sony leadership.

It's like as if Sony had decided to kill SSM or Bend over their canceled games or over a game like Days Gone having a rough launch.


16 Jun 2023
Man what a insane fucking leak. I don't remember a leak this massive from any studio ever.
I also hate it because if that leak about PS saying that their strategy is outdated is true. It’s going give ammo to Xbox fanboys.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Of course I do, I'm one of the forum's founders. I want the forum to thrive, not to be collateral damage to a leak. If you have a problem with that, just cope.

There’s nothing cope. I’m looking at the overall problem with all this leaking. Not just this site or any site.

My grocery store analogy still applies. Sorry

Who cares about developers right?

Oh please.


30 Jun 2022
More Wolverine Gameplay footage.

NIce but one question tho if i share this video on my twitter, fb,tiktok, instagram wil that put my acount in danger or posibly getting myself in legal trouble someday? Thanks