Can Sony really convert PC players to PS5? DF Clips


8 May 2023
So why are console game sales growing faster than PC games sales? Are you all pirating them?

Compare PC gaming now vs the dark ages of the mid 00s... That's growth. Not even you can deny that PC gaming has lots of genres previously available on console or that it's way easier to game on PC. That brought people to the platform.


21 Jun 2022

Some good discussion, despite the PC bias of some.
I'd say not only can, they already are: PS5 sequels of ported games sold considerably faster and they have a a huge percent of PS5s sold to users new to PS.

Regarding PC players, we also have to remember that most have a potato PC, not the high/top end stuff seen in DF. So many also may prefer to run to ensure their game runs decently.

Regarding Nixxes, in addition to continue porting PS5 games released over around couple years ago, I think they can also move to also remaster PS3/PS4 Sony games for PS5+PC, not only PC ports if needed.

But well, I think won't be needed because Sony releases every year more PS5 only releases than PC ports of old games, meaning the amount of "old games" to be ported gets bigger every year instead of getting reduced.

As an example, this year they ported HFW and GoT to PC, but they released as PS5 only TLOU2R, Stellar Blade, Ronin and later this year Astro and (if not released in PC day one) Convallaria and Lost Soul Aside.
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8 May 2023
I think Nvidia and AMD slacking can have more effect than own Sony in converting PC gamers to console in some cases. Computex was just depressing: AI, AI AI AI AI AI.

Back at the start of the 8th generation you could pop a 750ti into an office PC and get console like performance for a few years. PC gaming is missing that entry level GPU that makes cheap console killers viable.

Wonder if AMD/NVIDIA/INTEL pivoting to AI a d enterprise so bad might even cause issues with the upcoming generation of consoles. They need to develop tech on PC and then scale to consoles for next generation.
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24 Jun 2022
That ship has sailed since japanese studios started porting their games to PC starting late 7th generation. It's not about Sony/MS or Nintendo.

Also PC gaming was cumbersome. Once that was fixed with steam and x input among other accessibility improvements, console gaming just lost more appeal.

I hate to agree with you, but you're right to an extent.

Ironically you are also backing up Jim Ryan's parting sentiments on PC (Steam most prominently) being a competitor to platforms like PlayStation. Because he was 100% right. Which makes the sentiment of conversion Herman & Hideki express (and what so many PS fans are now parroting) seem laughable.

Yes, SIE will maybe convert a small portion of some Steam users to get a PS, maybe as a secondary platform. But if they're only going to use their console for exclusives, and the # of 1P exclusives is effectively halved going forward (due to GAAS), and SIE aren't getting that much profit (if any) from the console sale, then most likely those PC/Steam converts AREN'T:

-Buying a PS+ subscription (single-player games wouldn't require it, and that PC gamer prob still uses PC for their online gaming)​
-Buying PS peripherals (chances are they'd play the single-player exclusives directly on their console; PS Portal isn't compatible with Steam so no reason for that)​
-Buying 3P games on PS (since vast majority of 3P games now come to PC (Steam) as well as console Day 1, the PC gamer is likely to stick to Steam for those)​

Meaning SIE aren't making a lot of money off these particular converts whatsoever. They aren't going to be high-ARPU spenders in the console ecosystem, and if these PC gamers (really, Steam gamers) have no FOMO, guess what? SIE doesn't even get a console sale out of them, because they're just going to wait for the eventual PC port 1-2 years after console since SIE have established a cadence of bringing all their non-GAAS titles to PC anyway.

Between this, PS consoles supposedly not needing true exclusives, and the talking point that you can't make AAA games exclusive to one platform anymore, I don't know which topic is dumber. But they're all obviously fluff topics engineered by influencers & media to steer gullible brand fanatics towards accepting what these companies want to push. And by "companies", I mean Microsoft plus now, apparently, SIE/Sony. Even if what these companies want ends up meaning less for you (especially if you're a console gamer), they want you to accept it anyway.

Don't Question, Just Consoome & Get Ready For Next Product: The (Microsoft & SIE/Sony) Industry.


25 Mar 2023
Compare PC gaming now vs the dark ages of the mid 00s... That's growth. Not even you can deny that PC gaming has lots of genres previously available on console or that it's way easier to game on PC. That brought people to the platform.
Dark ages of PC in the mid 00s? Lmao, when did you start playing on PC? I want to go back to the dark ages of when we had games like Half-Life 2, The Orange Box, original WoW. 🙃

PC is great now because it gets ports of console games? So all along you just wanted a console? :ROFLMAO:

I have all respect for actual PC players that all along liked games that were made for PC but I have zero respect for cheap people that just want less great games made and less variety just so they don't have to spend $500 every 8 years.

I hate to agree with you, but you're right to an extent.

Ironically you are also backing up Jim Ryan's parting sentiments on PC (Steam most prominently) being a competitor to platforms like PlayStation. Because he was 100% right. Which makes the sentiment of conversion Herman & Hideki express (and what so many PS fans are now parroting) seem laughable.

Yes, SIE will maybe convert a small portion of some Steam users to get a PS, maybe as a secondary platform. But if they're only going to use their console for exclusives, and the # of 1P exclusives is effectively halved going forward (due to GAAS), and SIE aren't getting that much profit (if any) from the console sale, then most likely those PC/Steam converts AREN'T:

-Buying a PS+ subscription (single-player games wouldn't require it, and that PC gamer prob still uses PC for their online gaming)​
-Buying PS peripherals (chances are they'd play the single-player exclusives directly on their console; PS Portal isn't compatible with Steam so no reason for that)​
-Buying 3P games on PS (since vast majority of 3P games now come to PC (Steam) as well as console Day 1, the PC gamer is likely to stick to Steam for those)​

Meaning SIE aren't making a lot of money off these particular converts whatsoever. They aren't going to be high-ARPU spenders in the console ecosystem, and if these PC gamers (really, Steam gamers) have no FOMO, guess what? SIE doesn't even get a console sale out of them, because they're just going to wait for the eventual PC port 1-2 years after console since SIE have established a cadence of bringing all their non-GAAS titles to PC anyway.

Between this, PS consoles supposedly not needing true exclusives, and the talking point that you can't make AAA games exclusive to one platform anymore, I don't know which topic is dumber. But they're all obviously fluff topics engineered by influencers & media to steer gullible brand fanatics towards accepting what these companies want to push. And by "companies", I mean Microsoft plus now, apparently, SIE/Sony. Even if what these companies want ends up meaning less for you (especially if you're a console gamer), they want you to accept it anyway.

Don't Question, Just Consoome & Get Ready For Next Product: The (Microsoft & SIE/Sony) Industry.
For every PC player they convert to PC due to their ports (if it even happens) they convert multiple times that from PlayStation to PC or at least drive away many more potential future PlayStation owners.

Best place to play:
- Better library, better prices, free online, free cloud saved, better services, more choice, support for PSVR2, better refund policy, more hardware options, portable options, better support and much more.

Not hard to figure out if I was talking about PlayStation or PC.
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17 May 2024
I'm not going to go back to playing on consoles regularly even if they gave me the consoles for free. I like that I can do everything I want in one place and no console is going to supersede everything I can do on a Windows PC. It's just more convenient for me I don't have to move around, I can play games from every gen, and I can do practically anything else I want from watching movies to posting on this forum. Sonys strategy is not going to bring me to use my PS5 more often. If sony publishes something I want I'll just wait for a port. If it doesn't get ported I probably just won't play it. Or I'll buy it at bargain bin prices in 10 years. ....unless it's Ape Escape. If Ape Escape comes back I will buy the game on console day one. But I doubt that'll ever happen and even then it'd be like the person above said. It's not going to make me buy a bunch of 3rd party games on consoles.

This isn't a stab at Sony, I'm just being honest: nothing Sony can do is going to make me use my PS5 more. And I like my PS5. It's a good console.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Doubt it. You dont really see or hear people say they will or have unlike PS/Xbox to PC. From my experience anyway.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
They will convert a very few but I think the strategy went up in smoke the minute they started giving them all of the PS5's exclusives. There's no reason sequels to Horizon, God of War and soon to be Spiderman 2 should have been on PC as yet. Edge them with the first games and hope they bite for the sequel or drop the first game on PC close to when the sequel would be out on PS5...

Now PC gamers just expect to get the games and they can wait it out. They also should have had PSN login ready to go from years ago, so Trophy support was tied into these games, to make the jump to console even more smooth.

But they simply got high off their own hype and thought PC gamers were gonna bend over for them the minute they started giving them games.


25 Mar 2023
I'm not going to go back to playing on consoles regularly even if they gave me the consoles for free. I like that I can do everything I want in one place and no console is going to supersede everything I can do on a Windows PC. Sonys strategy is not going to bring me to use my PS5 more often. If sony publishes something I want I'll just wait for a port. If it doesn't get ported I probably just won't play it. Or I'll buy it at bargain bin prices in 10 years. ....unless it's Ape Escape. If Ape Escape comes back I will buy the game on console day one. But I doubt that'll ever happen.

This isn't a stab at Sony, I'm just being honest: nothing Sony can do is going to make me use my PS5 more. And I like my PS5. It's a good console.
Yea sure, if TLoU, Final Fantasy, Persona, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, God of War, Spider-man, Bloodborne, etc were all permanent exclusives you wouldn't get a PS5 but if Ape Escape was exclusives you would? :ROFLMAO:

But hey, maybe Sony will be dumb enough to believe in you.

They will convert a very few but I think the strategy went up in smoke the minute they started giving them all of the PS5's exclusives. There's no reason sequels to Horizon, God of War and soon to be Spiderman 2 should have been on PC as yet. Edge them with the first games and hope they bite for the sequel or drop the first game on PC close to when the sequel would be out on PS5...

Now PC gamers just expect to get the games and they can wait it out. They also should have had PSN login ready to go from years ago, so Trophy support was tied into these games, to make the jump to console even more smooth.

But they simply got high off their own hype and thought PC gamers were gonna bend over for them the minute they started giving them games.
Why were they in such a rush? Specially as a new gen was being released, makes no sense.

You'd think Sony was broke and in need of the little money they made with all the single player releases so far.


17 May 2024
Yea sure, if TLoU, Final Fantasy, Persona, Gran Turismo, Uncharted, God of War, Spider-man, Bloodborne, etc were all permanent exclusives you wouldn't get a PS5 but if Ape Escape was exclusives you would? :ROFLMAO:

But hey, maybe Sony will be dumb enough to believe in you.
1. I already own a PS5
2. I already own Bloodborne
Final Fantasy and Persona are 3rd party and thus irrelevant. There is no such thing as a permanent 3rd party exclusive. And Ape Escape is more interesting than all those other 1st party titles to me.

But, if we're speaking in hypotheticals....yeah if every FF and Persona were Playstation exclusive then sure I'd probably use my PS5 more. I like my JRPGs. I am not immune to the allure of the JRPG


25 Mar 2023
Ghosts had no business being on PC until after the sequel was announced for PS5... that's how you convert people over.
The whole talk about converting people was always bullshit, just a false narrative for them to try to look good like they aren't just giving up on their own console being the future.

1. I already own a PS5
2. I already own Bloodborne
Final Fantasy and Persona are 3rd party and thus irrelevant. There is no such thing as a permanent 3rd party exclusive. And Ape Eacape is more interesting than all those other 1st party titles to me.

But, if we're speaking in hypotheticals....yeah if every FF and Persona were Playstation exclusive then sure I'd probably use my PS5 more.
So they actually lost a costumer going forward? :ROFLMAO:

Seems like the plan of converting people is going great.

I too have a PC and a PS5 and I don't see how PC ports benefit me in any way and how that makes up for a very weak output of games this gen when compared to last gen.
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Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
PS has the better knack
Wrong. PS has the ONLY Knack

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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
The whole talk about converting people was always bullshit, just a false narrative for them to try to look good like they aren't just giving up on their own console being the future.
I get the feeling they know they messed up but it's too late to walk back now, even shareholders are skeptical of what they are doing as shareholders clearly care about Playstation more than PC.
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29 Nov 2022
some people really took "Sony wants you to switch to PS" really bad. but I think that was not the point at all.
Which is hilarious considering the amount of "just get a PC" energy coming from the pcmr crowd. PC evangelists are extremely thin skinned and have their ego bruised by a mild breeze. They are the Ford F150 owners of the gaming world.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I hate to agree with you, but you're right to an extent.

Ironically you are also backing up Jim Ryan's parting sentiments on PC (Steam most prominently) being a competitor to platforms like PlayStation. Because he was 100% right. Which makes the sentiment of conversion Herman & Hideki express (and what so many PS fans are now parroting) seem laughable.

Yes, SIE will maybe convert a small portion of some Steam users to get a PS, maybe as a secondary platform. But if they're only going to use their console for exclusives, and the # of 1P exclusives is effectively halved going forward (due to GAAS), and SIE aren't getting that much profit (if any) from the console sale, then most likely those PC/Steam converts AREN'T:

-Buying a PS+ subscription (single-player games wouldn't require it, and that PC gamer prob still uses PC for their online gaming)​
-Buying PS peripherals (chances are they'd play the single-player exclusives directly on their console; PS Portal isn't compatible with Steam so no reason for that)​
-Buying 3P games on PS (since vast majority of 3P games now come to PC (Steam) as well as console Day 1, the PC gamer is likely to stick to Steam for those)​

Meaning SIE aren't making a lot of money off these particular converts whatsoever. They aren't going to be high-ARPU spenders in the console ecosystem, and if these PC gamers (really, Steam gamers) have no FOMO, guess what? SIE doesn't even get a console sale out of them, because they're just going to wait for the eventual PC port 1-2 years after console since SIE have established a cadence of bringing all their non-GAAS titles to PC anyway.

Between this, PS consoles supposedly not needing true exclusives, and the talking point that you can't make AAA games exclusive to one platform anymore, I don't know which topic is dumber. But they're all obviously fluff topics engineered by influencers & media to steer gullible brand fanatics towards accepting what these companies want to push. And by "companies", I mean Microsoft plus now, apparently, SIE/Sony. Even if what these companies want ends up meaning less for you (especially if you're a console gamer), they want you to accept it anyway.

Don't Question, Just Consoome & Get Ready For Next Product: The (Microsoft & SIE/Sony) Industry.

I wanted to turn the "Gaming industry" section of the site into a more professional level Analysis section and stuff like this would be great.

An editorial on if and why PC is competing more and more with console etc.


25 Mar 2023
I get the feeling they know they messed up but it's too late to walk back now, even shareholders are skeptical of what they are doing as shareholders clearly care about Playstation more than PC.
The people that made the call can't walk back now and even if they could there is no easy or guaranteed way to do it. How many years without ports would it take for PC players to believe they will stop releasing their games on PC? Sony would also be enemy number one of the very toxic PC crowd forever if they pull back now.

I'm not even completely against PlayStation games being released on PC but they just have done it in the most stupid way (while also making up a bunch of BS along the way).

There was a way to do it while also providing value to PS5 players as well:
- Removing the charge for online and cloud saves completely from PlayStation.
- Focusing on games that would actually benefit from being ported to PC and that would provide value to PS5 gamers as well: Bloodborne Remaster, Dreams, Gran Turismo, Killzone Trilogy Remaster, Infamous Remaster, Uncharted Trilogy Remake not made by ND, instead of TLoU Pt 1 made by ND.
- Leveraging crossbuy and PS+ extra to justify putting the games on their own store.
- PSN account being a requirement for every multiplayer game.
- Big games like God of War, TLoU, Spider-man, etc, should only release on PC when a sequel is about to release on PlayStation (if ever).
- Denuvo on all single player games.

PC makes sense for any community driven/multiplayer game, day one even.

PC only represents a huge risk to AAA single player games with very little to be gain while sacrificing one of the biggest differentiation factors that PlayStation always benefited from, must play, high production value, single player games.
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Icon Extra
28 May 2023
This new breed of PC players who just buy garbage on Steam all day but don’t play any real games, I wonder if they’re even worth converting.

Having a dedicated platform is ideal if you’re really about your gaming hobby. If you just want to buy cheap multiplayer trash-ware then a PS5 might be out of your league.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Lol all the comments are saying Sony sold em on PC instead. If you're still on PS4 and deciding between PC and PS5, Sony has made PC be a no brainer option.
I should say PS5 is a no brainer option… if you are used to PS4 that even stronger.

Why? I can list some key points.

- PlayStation games without minimum 2 years wait
- All PlayStation games (not just a few like PC)
- Console experience
- Same ecosystem
- Carry your purchases

What advantage has to move to PC anyway?
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