Final Fantasy XIV possibly coming to Xbox Series S|X. Phil on stage in Japan |UP| Updated rumors.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Octopath Traveler still isn’t on PlayStation. It’s on Xbox though and gamepass. Did people freak out over that and claim MS is buying SE and Sony relationship is ruined?

None of this is new at all. Don’t know why people keep falling for this.
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10 Mar 2023
Remember Bethesda with 2 1 year exclusives to PS5, possibly Starfield too? Yep, they got bought by Microsoft. Remember Activision with a very close relationship with Sony (PS players enjoying exclusive content in every new COD entey). Yep, now they are a MS subsidiary. This deal does mean something, but not everything, it tells us MS is now trying to find relevance in Japan again, but what no hysterical morons in this thread even bother to mention because they are well, moronic, is that Sony is watching this. Sony, no matter how complacent they are at the moment, understand these MS moves and understand MS is being very serious about burying PS brand. This is not an uncertain situation where Sony is not able to see their rival’s next moves, MS’s intention and strategy has been conspicuously disclosed in the trial, only the most dumbs can actually believe Sony would just take those words for nothing. Business-wise, Japan is Sony’s playground, so it is absurd to think MS can have the high ground on this over Sony. I am frustrated with how little communication between fans and Sony atm, they are clearly being a huge fucking dick, but Sony is definitely looking for acquisitions. I still find it funny how there are people who literally said Sony did not give a fuck about PS brand just because they invested in another departments lmao.
When the CEO of Sony calls gaming very niche, the writing has been on the wall. Everything has been scaled back this generation.. they even fired most of the marketing department. How can a company like Sony not have someone already in place for in-organic growth for acquisitions? The entire company is a patty shop.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
When the CEO of Sony calls gaming very niche, the writing has been on the wall. Everything has been scaled back this generation.. they even fired most of the marketing department. How can a company like Sony not have someone already in place for in-organic growth for acquisitions? The entire company is a patty shop.

Microsoft buying Sony confirmed
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Square Enix Twitter even had that same eye emoji when Neir Automata was announced for Xbox.

The Deja Vu is scary.


2 Jul 2022
Japanese company puts their games on Xbox
* Those games don't sell on Xbox
* Japanese company stops putting their games on Xbox
* Several years later, an Xbox exec cuts a deal with the Japanese company to bring their games back to Xbox
* Rinse & Repeat
Yep, the same happened years ago. It’s just how it is.


29 Jun 2023
Good. More people get to play the game, Hope to see more of this in the future as long as Square Enix remains independent. Also, why are people surprised by this, hadn't both parties indicated they were working to get FFXIV to Xbox?
xbotz idiots don't deserve the SE games, they should just fk off to hell along with their masters phil idiot spencer etc 😂.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Okay so here is my problem; remember when I said earlier that Microsoft just seems really good at staying in the news within enthusiasts gaming circles and spaces? This is exactly what I mean. And they have their mascot, Phil Spencer, out there to push it all along.

Sony have, literally, nothing in this regard. For weeks, if not months, it's felt like they are on the back end of being in the media cycle, or having a lead on the narrative. It feels like a lot of PS news we get is either reactionary, or smaller-note in scale. I'm interested in the new games revealed at the China Joy show, but let's be honest: that is dwarfed by Microsoft & Square-Enix coming out and saying they look to bring "even more" games to Xbox (which could very well include more mainline Final Fantasy releases).

It's really about the optics, and one thing Xbox are good at (almost to a fault), is pushing optics. They have an army of astroturfers, shills and influencers who will push the corporate talking points day in and day out, and go after PlayStation as much as possible, while head honchos like Aaron Greenberg and Phil Spencer associate with some of the biggest names doing that very stuff, and put their name & faces out there constantly in the media to act pro-consumer and look like "gamers".

Sony does nothing like that. They're masters at traditional advertising and marketing for their products, but are simply non-existent in this online communications space. I think getting rid of events like PlayStation Experience was a mistake. I think not bringing back PlayStation Home is a mistake. I think not getting something more steadfast going with the enthusiasts community online in terms of communication (with a face that can be attached to it), is a mistake. They need something to gain control of the narrative in these enthusiast circles where Microsoft's astroturfing has taken hold.

And, Sony already have that in prior mascots like Kevin Butler. Just bring that brand back, put a likeable face out there to engage with the community and fans. They can sure as hell do it better than Phil Spencer, and avoid the creepy cult-of-personality people like him and Aaron Greenberg (and more recently, Sarah and Lulu) have formed. Microsoft may have the quantity, but Sony could always have the better quality.

It also just feels like there isn't too much happening with PlayStation ATM when it comes to moves that can cement their position for the future. Cool, you've hit 40 million units, but will that sales trajectory continue? What about PlayStation 6? What happens if Microsoft acquire more 3P developers and publishers Sony have close ties with? What happens if they squeeze themselves into favorable positions with those 3P while Sony gets pushed out? What happens if the live-service/GaaS titles perform worst than conservative estimates account for? What happens to the rest of the 1P output?

Just seems like there's been a lot of Xbox steering the narrative of online discussion the past 18 months and so, and getting gains on the side like becoming the preferred partner of Sega/Atlus, potentially trying to do the same with Square-Enix, buying Zenimax, basically securing ABK, while already owning big IP like Minecraft on top of that, expanding their presence in the backend of gaming, trying to rig regulatory bodies with people who can conveniently make it easier for them to get future acquisitions, etc. And all we're getting on the Sony side of things are live-service/GaaS announcements, reveals for Chinese/South Korea games that are several years away and have no big IP brand association, PC ports, and yet more gaming hardware. And some of these have felt like reactions to various Xbox developments.

When is that actually going to change? I see Spiderman 2; it looks awesome. What's beyond that? What's Sony going to do for PlayStation in the short-to-mid-term, to secure its position 10 years from now, outside of the live-service GaaS plans? Is it really just going to be more timed 3P exclusives, or just exclusives with unproven small 3P Chinese/South Korean/etc. devs (some of whom are exclusively on mobile)? Is that going to be it? Because it kind of feels like that's just going to be all, and that's concerning.
I understand your sentiment but…

What the point to make these “optics” strikes? It servers only for weird Xbox fans be happy (some that doesn’t even play games)… at the end the Sony strategy works better than these hit in the news headlines from MS.

Just look where these “optics” is taking Xbox… it is stagnant and perhaps even shrinking. At the same time PlayStation is growing like never before.

Another point is… the “more FF games” was just a PR to get attention the actual news is only about a 13 years old FF game that promises to come to Xbox for years already finally being released.

While that the next FF announced (FFVIIR2) is exclusive to PlayStation. I mean there is basically nothing in the news today.

So why do you Sony engaging in that “optics” war? I see no use to it… and PlayStation gamers are already well served.

We want games and we get that.
Sony PR marketing strikes where it matters and that is why it works so well.

Don’t you remember before the gen start when Xbots keep saying “Sony silence is worrying” while MS keep doing narratives news every week? How that turned out at launch? PS5 basically eat Xbox Series X on breakfast and MS together with Xbots have to create a new narrative headline “the tools” that from the look of it will never come to fix the 12TFs underpowered console.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I has allowed them, in part, to keep a base in the NA/UK markets significant enough as to deprive Sony of complete control (since X360) to PS2 era market share domination. No insignificant number either. 51 million Xbox Ones, Series prob cap around 40-45 mill lifetime. Set up is for the next-gen.

That is not a failed strategy. MS hardware and project management aka game publishing has been the semi-failed strategies if only looking at the console market. If we look at the revitalization of what was once the dead PC Windows Gaming market...from the PS2 era to now.... then Xbox, serving as the development standards commonality trojan horse, in that regard, has been a resound success (cost debate is separate). Consoles become more like PC's, thus affording PC a larger share of the premium games market. More importantly to MS, Windows stays relevant in Gaming, as both the development incubation platform and as a consumer consumption platform. Every Gaming PC more or less runs on, well you guessed it, Windows (as does Xbox - "tweaked" "barebone shell").
If your strategy doesn’t make consumers buy your product and engage more with it then it is a failed strategy.

Series is below Xbox One in that regard even with a cheaper SKU… let’s not talk about 360.

MS strategy that you guys seems to like is unless and basically a failure at core.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
95% of gamers don’t give a shit about PR on Twitter.

Sony marketing focuses on the real world which is why their consoles and games outsell Xbox.

As we speak Sony is currently taking preorders for Spider-Man consoles, Controllers and the covers.

The Covers have already sold out and the consoles/controllers are selling like hotcakes.

Meanwhile Phil Spencer is being worshipped for getting a 13 year old game on Xbox.

One which should have been there Day 1 if it wasn’t for Microsofts own stubbornness regarding servers and cross play.

A game which was been played already by gamers who wanted to play it.
Some guys I think don’t realize how great PlayStation marketing is…

I watch the Champions League and relate it to PlayStatiom… Everytime I see PS5 there and millions of potential consumers see it.

Here in Brazil the YouTube is showing 2 minutes ads or Gran Turismo Movie and at the end it has the PS5 For The Players screen to people know where it is.

That works with consumers.

I mean look at Apple? What type of strategy they do? Sony marketing is similar to Apple marketing wut iPhone…. They don’t keep they narrative news headlines on the media… they go there every year and announce/launch.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I completely disagree. I think since Phil and company came into to town to correct the "perception management" problem they've had considerable success in stopping and lessening the bleeding. Considering that the product offerings are not in the same stratosphere, whether it's the hardware quality (console, controller/OS) or the software (exclusives and partnerships); overcompensating in the media space in the U.S/UK/CAN markets has helped, tremendously -- to keep mediocre product offerings afloat. We are not talking Wii U failures here - what should have in fact occurred, at least for the Series consoles (literally released with no exclusives yet it's 21 million in). While Microsoft has not been able to fool all of the market into believing the PlayStation ecosystem and the Xbox ecosystem are interchangeable, it has fooled a great many, and talk, as they say comes cheap.
And if I made a bold claim here…

Series “21 million” is more due the lack of PS5 stocks on stores for all these years than actual MS marketing strategy merits.

When people saw that can’t buy a PS5 for months they choose to buy a Series S temporary replacement that was heavy available everywhere.

If not for the supply issue in these 3 years PS5 should be at higher numbers and Series at even lower. That is really that these narrative wars doesn’t tell you… Series demand is lower than Xbox One and PS5 is higher than PS4…

While I don’t like Series S for several technical reasons it was the console that hide the bad state of Series demand when PS5 didn’t had stock… it was a well used situation.

MS marketing didn’t help in increase Series demand… in fact it is shrinking.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
And if I made a bold claim here…

Series “21 million” is more due the lack of PS5 stocks on stores for all these years than actual MS marketing strategy merits.

When people saw that can’t buy a PS5 for months they choose to buy a Series S that was heavy available everywhere.

If not for the supply issue in these 3 years PS5 should be at higher numbers and Series at even lower.

I mean I don’t know why that person is acting like 21M shipped is some impressive number anyway?

It’s tracking behind XB1 now. XB hardware has been way down all year.
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Phil specifically targets Sony close partners (Square, Kojima, Capcom, Sega, Bethesda, Activision, Ninja Theory) to give them Game Pass deals or acquisitions papers. In the long run that makes Sony weaker because people don't buy these games on PS anymore.

Ex: I don't buy Sega games because they give them all on Game Pass anyway.

Soon FF16 or FF7R Rebirth will be on Game Pass and we will all feel like suckers for paying full price for them. Microsoft gets tons of positive PR and Sony gets all the hate for timed-exclusive and pissed off customers. That's exactly what Phil wants.
And Sony’s partners doesn’t know that?

They are not dumb… they use the situation to give a 13 years old FF game and an unknown Kojima experimenta project that nobody know if it will even happen to Xbox.

While that keep FFVIIR2 and Death Standing 2 on PlayStation.

That is the scenario… when Square Enix allowed FFXVI and FFVIIR to reach Xbox PlayStation fans will already be playing FFXVII, FFXVIII, and what come after FRVIIR3.

I wonder if Square Enix laugh when they see they reaction of Xbox fans


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It's pretty obvious that MS has already completely given up on this gen. The first 3 years were just putrid, with the lowest possible effort.

Picture MS launching a console in 2027, with a re-brand, with a portable version while owning Xbox Studios + Blizzard + Activision + Sega, with actual games coming this time, with Japanese publishers like SE and Capcom being paid to support it. They already spend about $80B in four years, they are all in.
I keep reading that since first Xbox lol
The forever promises of a new generation.

What build brand is the now and not the next generation… the next generation situation happens because from mid to end of previous generation the brand delivered.