Final Fantasy XIV possibly coming to Xbox Series S|X. Phil on stage in Japan |UP| Updated rumors.

Cool hand luke

14 Feb 2023
Speshal Nick said it? Well then it's definitely not coming to Xbox.

Being 'right' about Visions of Mana means zilch. It's clear that people had access to the prerecorded, pre-loaded developer direct before release day because we got confirmations that Indiana Jones was 2024 and the exact release date for Hellblade 2 leak. Same source - the direct video.
24 Jun 2022
I don't disagree with your point but some people here claim PS5 is always better in running games but i look at some of them and it's not the case, not SSD or the APi helped there, look at Alan Wake 2 for example

Okay but the point is, it's outperforming Series X in multiplats roughly 80% of the time it would seem. That could be due to a multitude of factors but given the hype over the on-paper performances, Series X should have been the one pulling ahead in multiplats at least 60% of the time, assuming equal resources in both versions.

If devs prioritize PS5 more for optimization, that has a lot more to do with MS's failure to create a viable market for Series (let alone Series X) than it has to do with Sony, who've done a very good job making the PS5 a viable platform for developers and more importantly for publishers (unit sales, B2P sales, MTX revenue, marketing & distribution etc.).

They done opened up the floodgates with the bs rumors now 🤣🤣

TBF this is a problem Sony/SIE created themselves with porting so many games to PC in the first place. You don't see these types of rumors for Nintendo because Nintendo's done no action in the past that would leave any room to believe them being true. Sony have.

I mean HFW is coming to PC this month; if they announce yet another game, even one of these three in a likely BS rumor, as coming, then that makes the rumor and future rumors (even if they're also BS) a lot more plausible.
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28 Jun 2022
Speshal Nick said it? Well then it's definitely not coming to Xbox.

Being 'right' about Visions of Mana means zilch. It's clear that people had access to the prerecorded, pre-loaded developer direct before release day because we got confirmations that Indiana Jones was 2024 and the exact release date for Hellblade 2 leak. Same source - the direct video.
He wasn’t even the one who called visions of mana being at the Xbox show. It was the Nate guy from resetera and all he said was a game that surprised him being at the direct might be there. That’s it. Nick claiming he called it ahead of time after the fact is revisionist history unless someone can prove me otherwise.
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7 Jan 2024
Okay but the point is, it's outperforming Series X in multiplats roughly 80% of the time it would seem. That could be due to a multitude of factors but given the hype over the on-paper performances, Series X should have been the one pulling ahead in multiplats at least 60% of the time, assuming equal resources in both versions.

If devs prioritize PS5 more for optimization, that has a lot more to do with MS's failure to create a viable market for Series (let alone Series X) than it has to do with Sony, who've done a very good job making the PS5 a viable platform for developers and more importantly for publishers (unit sales, B2P sales, MTX revenue, marketing & distribution etc.).

If i can quote one of Unreal Engine devs when asked about PS4pro and XoneX and which one is faster he clearly said they're both the same thing, it applies to PS5/XSX but this time MS is sticking by their support for XSS because graphics don't matter as much since Switch is selling like hot cake after almost 8yrs, crazy strategy but who knows how it will end, so the real problem for XSX is actually XSS :D, i did mention before that competing with PS5 head on is a mistake, because it's their market, find your own (which is what Phil is trying since he took over) like Nintendo did starting with Wii and now Switch, same goes for PSP/Vita that died terribly against Nintendo's DS/3DS because it's their market, comparesions between X and PS5 should stop since they both are more and more going their separate ways, they all kneel down to PC though :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
10 Jan 2024
We knew that was the play from SIE, release first on PS5 then have a second run on the PC.

There numerous benefits from targeting a single platform, for example:
  1. Keeps cost of development down - Having a single platform to target means less complication during development.
  2. Simplified testing - Single platform to test against.
  3. Dedicated platform vendor support - Sony has a team of internal developers who support 1st and 3rd party studios to utilize hardware.
  4. No compromise in creative vision rather trying to reach a wider audience - They dont have to limit there creativity to the lowest dominator.
  5. Technical feasibility and vision - Hardware limitations are a known variable from the onset (so no cone of uncertainty)
What ever money they pour into the port wont jeopardies the quality we expect from SIE when they develop ps5 games.
  • brain
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28 Jul 2023
"Same source that revealed Visions of Mana’s presence at the Xbox Developer_Direct." Lol. Vision of Mana was already announced as multiplat and coming to all consoles so it showing up at the Xbox direct isn't shocking nor should it have been considered some big scoop prior. And if anything FF16's next platform release is going to be PC. Xbox fanbase's fake obsession with FF continues.


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
What ever money they pour into the port wont jeopardies the quality we expect from SIE when they develop ps5 games.

But quality is affected the moment they start planning their engines around PC support. We have seen a decrease in quality on multiple Sony first party titles this gen, partly due to COVID, but also because of the cross gen period, where devs had to support multiple platforms.
24 Jun 2022
We knew that was the play from SIE, release first on PS5 then have a second run on the PC.

There numerous benefits from targeting a single platform, for example:
  1. Keeps cost of development down - Having a single platform to target means less complication during development.
  2. Simplified testing - Single platform to test against.
  3. Dedicated platform vendor support - Sony has a team of internal developers who support 1st and 3rd party studios to utilize hardware.
  4. No compromise in creative vision rather trying to reach a wider audience - They dont have to limit there creativity to the lowest dominator.
  5. Technical feasibility and vision - Hardware limitations are a known variable from the onset (so no cone of uncertainty)
What ever money they pour into the port wont jeopardies the quality we expect from SIE when they develop ps5 games.

There's a big problem here: we know now that some of these Marvel games, like Wolverine, are being developed on console & PC concurrently. So many of the benefits you just listed, don't actually exist. It was likely a similar situation with Naughty Dog for Factions 2, but at least that was a GaaS title so the strategy of concurrent platform development made sense there.

For something like Wolverine, same with the Day 1 PS5 & PC contract clause (or at least, both versions within the same year) under the idea the game couldn't do 6 million in its first year on PS consoles alone, that type of development strategy makes little sense and means PS console owners have to wait longer for 1P games that likely will be less optimized at launch than counterparts were during the PS4 and especially PS3/2/1 generations.

But quality is affected the moment they start planning their engines around PC support. We have seen a decrease in quality on multiple Sony first party titles this gen, partly due to COVID, but also because of the cross gen period, where devs had to support multiple platforms.

If we're talking "quality" in terms of launch day polish, then in some cases yes. The issues with HFW at launch were exaggerated especially by Soulsborne fanboys on PC and Xbox console warriors, but that game did have a few more bugs at launch than Sony 1P AAA would normally have had. That said, in HFW's case a lot of it could be blamed on COVID lockdowns, but it's also maybe partially possible that work on the PC port started before the PS4 & PS5 versions went gold.

Unless things change with the PC strategy internally, I kind of worry the problem is going to compound by magnitudes with titles like Wolverine. Is condensing the porting window to a point where concurrent console/PC development is required, worth doing when the customer base on the latter is a pittance of the console's in units, revenue and profit margins? Is the appeal to the console base worth jeopardizing just to chase the latter so fervently?
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10 Jan 2023
All I'm gonna say for now is, if you see a Square-Enix x Azure strategic partnership announcement, expect the EXACT same stuff we're seeing now from the Sega x Azure strategic partnership.

As in, plenty more Square-Enix games Day 1 in Game Pass, Microsoft marketing deals for the games (at least in the West), announcement embargoes that withhold multiplat announcements for PlayStation for weeks/months on the official channels, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest etc. premiers at Xbox Showcases, and Square-Enix representatives not-so-subtly suggesting Microsoft "treat them better" than other platform holders.

This is all still in the playbook of those leaked emails and unredacted documents, BTW. People acting like this can't signify something bigger at play are choosing to ignore precedent. Whatever Sony lets happen from here, is on them. It's their market to lose.

It looks like you were right again


10 Jan 2023
if ff9 remake is at the Xbox showcase, that'd be another embarrassing L for Sony in a long line of embarrassing L's

Xbox (dying brand) marketing deals:
Assassin's Creed Shadows
Star Wars Outlaws
Call of Duty
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Visions of Mana
Metapher: ReFantazio

Playstation (The market leader) marketing deals:
chinese/korean shovelware
Monster Hunter wilds

It’s just embarrassing all around. As I said before, wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox has the marketing rights to GTA6 & Kingdom Hearts 4.
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Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Can't fault Sony for not gunning for marketing deals currently since everyone will still buy it on their consoles, especially when there's hardly any system sellers being released this year.

They'll have Assassin's Creed next year as well.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Xbox (dying brand) marketing deals:
Assassin's Creed Shadows
Star Wars Outlaws
Call of Duty
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Visions of Mana
Metapher: ReFantazio

Playstation (The market leader) marketing deals:
chinese/korean shovelware
Monster Hunter wilds

It’s just embarrassing all around. As I said before, wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox has the marketing rights to GTA6 & Kingdom Hearts 4.
PlayStation has a partnership with Rockstar. Jim Ryan already announced that back in 2020.
  • thisistheway
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22 Jun 2022
Square Enix is dead and so are their franchises.

Stop letting your nostalgia cloud your judgement.

Square Enix can go to Xbox just like they did during the 360 days.

Didn’t work then during their high and Xboxs high so it won’t work now.

Maybe Square needs to look at itself and start producing decent games. Maybe then they will meet their sales expectations.


8 May 2023
Square Enix is dead and so are their franchises.

Stop letting your nostalgia cloud your judgement.

Square Enix can go to Xbox just like they did during the 360 days.

Didn’t work then during their high and Xboxs high so it won’t work now.

Maybe Square needs to look at itself and start producing decent games. Maybe then they will meet their sales expectations.
are you trolling? SE just released the best game of the year lmao. And FF16 was top 3 goty last year.


Active member
11 Feb 2024
It’s just embarrassing all around. As I said before, wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox has the marketing rights to GTA6 & Kingdom Hearts 4.

Keep dreaming. Strauss Zelnick isn’t completely stupid. He can read basic console sales charts. What retard would hand over marketing rights of the biggest game in a decade to a distant 3rd place console that already has one foot in the grave?
  • they're_right_you_know
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Xbox (dying brand) marketing deals:
Assassin's Creed Shadows
Star Wars Outlaws
Call of Duty
Metal Gear Solid Delta: Snake Eater
Visions of Mana
Metapher: ReFantazio

Playstation (The market leader) marketing deals:
chinese/korean shovelware
Monster Hunter wilds

It’s just embarrassing all around. As I said before, wouldn’t be surprised if Xbox has the marketing rights to GTA6 & Kingdom Hearts 4.
Doubt that. Sony does to care to much about Kingdom Hearts IV and GTA VI. The post you shared about FF9R was deleted. Probably another wishful thinking of Xbox fans.