For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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22 Jul 2022
Sony fans are banned more on GAF because the mods are pro Xbox;)

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The one with the name of a famous game has deleted many of my benign posts for completely sarcastic delete reasons.

The assertion that the mods are pro Xbox is 101% incorrect.
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
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The one with the name of a famous game has deleted many of my benign posts for completely sarcastic delete reasons.

The assertion that the mods are pro Xbox is 101% incorrect.

They permabanned every Sony fan (except me but I rarely post and I pay for Gold, that's why) and Riky and Bernd are still there, that's all you need to know to understand they're biased.

They make a few efforts sometimes on that I agree, but they're still biased.

Bernd was on perm notice on "neogaf bans" (I know, I read it) and it was silently removed. He was banned like 3 times or more after that, always small bans, a few days. He has like 10 total bans. A Sony fan can be permabanned after 1 or 2 bans.

I was banned 1 month on my second ban with zero warning. Only avoided permaban by posting very rarely. Most Sony fans were permabanned pretty fast, sometimes just for stating facts. There are very few Sony fans left on GAF, only those who don't say anything negative about MS / Xbox survive these days.

You're blind if you don't see the bias.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Not Funny No GIF

The one with the name of a famous game has deleted many of my benign posts for completely sarcastic delete reasons.

The assertion that the mods are pro Xbox is 101% incorrect.
Man, I didn't have a window into the behind the scenes but I just have to disagree. What gets shut down vs what is allowed seemed entirely slanted to me. To the point where, like I said, it wasn't even a discussion forum because you weren't allowed to discuss. At least SOME people weren't. I saw the bans and the linked posts. And who is allowed to run free made no sense. And it happened fairly recently, and pretty quickly as well. I certainly couldn't find an explanation for it.

Think about it. If you have a group of high profile users who are banned, or leave voluntarily, and they consist ONLY of Sony, PC, and Nintendo people ...

What is that telling you?

I mean come on.

Anyway, all in the past. We are here to stay and this thing is still in its infancy. Hopefully IE can be the place for true enthusiasts who can deal with differing opinions, but still keep it fun. That's all we want here. And the mod team ain't gonna be banning anyone because they lean any which way. They only will if you're a clown. 😁


Active member
25 Jun 2022
Yes, I must say I hope this place will let everybody say what they want outside of hate speech, unlike GAF. "Console war" isn't serious business so let's have fun. Remember you can "switch side" by buying another console or a PC at any time so who cares.

And let's continue to accept every fan of every platform too.


21 Jun 2022
I was banned 1 month on my second ban with zero warning. Only avoided permaban by posting very rarely. Most Sony fans were permabanned pretty fast, sometimes just for stating facts. There are very few Sony fan left on GAF, only those who don't say anything negative about MS / Xbox survive these days.
The only ones left barely post anymore and then there's those weird ones like Slimy and James. They are always bashing Sony you might as well call them haters. Their account is safe.

Bernd and Lognor are on permed notice and then they get short bans (Lognor was even unbanned early last time). It's undeniable there's something weird going on. Adamsapple doesn't notice it because he agrees with what's going on. Simple as that.
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Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
The absolute state of paranoia and persecution complexes...

You're here.

Also people who actually suffer from paranoia or persecution complexes don't get up and take action to make things better. They sit and complain but stay where they are at, never making any change. So you're mischaracterizing things. A bunch of people said a certain place had become a digital dump and decided to make something better. That's all you're seeing.


Verified Gamepass Reseller
15 Jul 2022
i'm not advocating for owning one console. I'm advocating against owning one console, specifically that one console being an xbox.

Point is, if you only have an Xbox you are living in gaming hell. You get no exclusives and have no assurances that you'll even get the base minimum multiplats. You have no bragging rights and nothing to be proud of.

I'm not directing any hostility to the xbox owner, I feel sorry for them. They're getting royally screwed over by Microsoft and it needs to stop.

stuff like this ^ is just sad to watch.

This post is in a thread about why Xbox fans hate PlayStation. The vast majority of posts are just like this. I have always believed it's PlayStation fans that are the most hostile towards Xbox not vice versa. I rest my case.

I didn't know this forum gate kept and only diehard Sony fans were allowed to register ? 🤔

If my presence here bothers y'all that much I can just as easily like not post here anymore..

Hopefully now you guys see what I meant when I said Sony is fine, but a sizable portion of their fanbase is comprised of jackasses 🤷‍♂️
Indeed. It's pretty sad and they are the persecuted ones?


1 Jul 2022
This post is in a thread about why Xbox fans hate PlayStation. The vast majority of posts are just like this. I have always believed it's PlayStation fans that are the most hostile towards Xbox not vice versa. I rest my case.

Indeed. It's pretty sad and they are the persecuted ones?
but i'm not a playstation fan, So what is the excuse? Xbox is getting skipped on even base-minimum multiplats day after day and MS doesn't even care enough to rectify the situation. GBA megaman ports can't even be bothered to come to the console, likely because they won't turn a profit.

Think about that for a second.... GBA PORTS. THEY WON'T TURN A PROFIT ON XBOX. those must cost 5 cents for capcom to port to the platform.

What the hell is going on with this system? Why is 3rd party support so substandard?

Why do the owners have to beg for shit that everyone else gets without even thinking?

This is unacceptable.


21 Jun 2022


22 Jul 2022
Can you name those Sony warriors who still post regularly on GAF and their posts goes totally unpunished? It must be easy to name them since they own the place and they make your lives miserable. Give me 5.

You're casting a very wide blanket here, plenty of Xbox/Sony/Nintendo fanboys don't get banned because not all of them post antagonistically towards other users, it's an unfortunate reality but Sony fans seem to do that more often these days.


Fear the Old Blood
20 Jun 2022
I am unsure of how relevant to the topic people's grievances on other forums are... let's focus more on the topic: how do you feel about Sony as a gaming company.
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