For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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1 Jul 2022
Wow so you were serious. A lot of you take all this so seriously. I don't understand how ANYONE on these forums could only choose one console. That's so dumb. The console wars is even worse. Can't believe the garbage and the back and forth that you all do. It's sad that many of you have so much hate and disdain for another person because they choose to own a different product than you.
i'm not advocating for owning one console. I'm advocating against owning one console, specifically that one console being an xbox.

Point is, if you only have an Xbox you are living in gaming hell. You get no exclusives and have no assurances that you'll even get the base minimum multiplats. You have no bragging rights and nothing to be proud of.

I'm not directing any hostility to the xbox owner, I feel sorry for them. They're getting royally screwed over by Microsoft and it needs to stop.

stuff like this ^ is just sad to watch.
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22 Jul 2022
Yet you, Lognor, Bernd and many more, are still there....

I didn't know this forum gate kept and only diehard Sony fans were allowed to register ? 🤔

If my presence here bothers y'all that much I can just as easily like not post here anymore..

Wow so you were serious. A lot of you take all this so seriously. I don't understand how ANYONE on these forums could only choose one console. That's so dumb. The console wars is even worse. Can't believe the garbage and the back and forth that you all do. It's sad that many of you have so much hate and disdain for another person because they choose to own a different product than you.

Hopefully now you guys see what I meant when I said Sony is fine, but a sizable portion of their fanbase is comprised of jackasses 🤷‍♂️


Slayer of Colossi
23 Jun 2022
I didn't know this forum gate kept and only diehard Sony fans were allowed to register ? 🤔

If my presence here bothers y'all that much I can just as easily like not post here anymore..

My friend, never meant something like that. I meant you are still THERE, on XboxGAF, no ban, although being obvious Xbox employees in disguise or Xbox fanatics in the case of Lognor.

You are more than welcome here, just dial down the advertising, in order to have serious conversations OR (un)healthy console warring. I'd rather hear/read YOUR opinion, instead of wathever playbook Microsoft provides.
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22 Jul 2022
My friend, never ment something like that. I ment you are still THERE, on XboxGAF, no ban, although being obvious Xbox employees in disguise or Xbox fanatics in the case of Lognor.

You are more than welcome here, just dial down the advertising, in order to have serious conversations OR (un)healthy console warring. I'd rather hear/read YOUR opinion, instead of wathever playbook Microsoft provides.

Lognor is .. Lognor. He comes back from a ban and dives in head first. I just steer clear of topics where it starts to get spicy because it ultimately leads to a bunch of people getting banned. It's just a matter of knowing when to hold and when to fold. Lognor and Craig are probably the two most famous on the Xbox side but the PS side has had so many it's hard to count.

I mean, no offense, but almost all the prominent posters on this forum are exiles.


Slayer of Colossi
23 Jun 2022
I mean, no offense, but almost all the prominent posters on this forum are exiles.

And yet Lognor keeps getting (relatively short) temp bans, while many of the "exiles" here were banned for doubtful reasons. Not all, I'm not naive and I know there are many Craigs or Lognors also on the PS side, but there are many examples that point to GAF being harsher/biased against PlayStation-only fans.


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
I just want to point out this thread lasted longer than the "how did dreamcast owners react to sega going third party" thread on neogaf, it was started on August 4th 2012 and last reply was on August 7th 2012, this one was started on August 4th, 2022 but still getting replies as of August 8th, 2022!
  • haha
Reactions: Deleted member 13

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Lognor is .. Lognor. He comes back from a ban and dives in head first. I just steer clear of topics where it starts to get spicy because it ultimately leads to a bunch of people getting banned. It's just a matter of knowing when to hold and when to fold. Lognor and Craig are probably the two most famous on the Xbox side but the PS side has had so many it's hard to count.

I mean, no offense, but almost all the prominent posters on this forum are exiles.
Some of us by choice.

I’ve never even received a warning at the other place. And yet in recent months I could clearly see which way the wind was blowing, since I don’t give a :poop: about who likes what. And yet Sony fans were going down for completely factual or innocuous posts, while straight up MS trolls posted with impunity. It’s just obvious. So if actual discussion isn’t allowed while cheerleaders get to do their thing … that forum actually has nothing.

I for one am glad you’re here. The site was made for people of all kinds, without worry of being banned for liking X,S, or N. But man, you DO regurgitate MS marketing bullet points constantly, which just makes me wonder if something is afoot. I just want to hear your opinions or experiences concerning games.
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
Yeah, there is a ban list on GAF and, especially recently, a lot of Sony diehards are being banned. It is most definitely a fact.

Absolutely no objections from me on those two points.

As to why that is, you as a Sony fan will try to justify that it's because you are persecuted or the mods are biased. Meanwhile anyone with an objective lens will see it differently that Sony fans tend to be the most obnoxious/aggressive towards other console bases. It is what it is 🤷‍♂️

Sony fans are banned more on GAF because the mods are pro Xbox, that's pretty obvious when pure idiots like Riky are basically never banned, cheerleaders like Bernd Lauert takes short bans every time while every Sony fan was permabanned (leading to Icon-Era), half of the time without even a reason. Everywhere else, Sony fans aren't banned and they're the majority because well... they're by far the majority everywhere in the world compared to Xbox fans (especially outside the US where most people don't care about Xbox at all). Maybe it has something to do with the fact Sony makes better games in general, who knows...

Honestly most Sony fans care about games, they don't care much about other platforms fan base. They're just having fun with people like you because you always make stupid claims / stupid threads like "Xbox is taking over the world" (every year) or "Xbox is having great sales in Japan" (when they sold lilke 100 consoles) or "VRR is making a huge difference" hyperbole or "Gamepass is taking over the world" while it missed its growth target or "there will be a huge technical difference with PS5" while there was none.

Every single gen... And every single gen, Xbox finishes third and last place and has mostly shitty exclusives compared to the compeitition. So of course it's funny and it makes people laugh, no offense but how could it be different ? Xbox fanboys are like the pathetic villains in comedies who kinda suck and never achieve anything.

Outside of that, I have nothing against Xbox fans, I'm actually a MS shareholder and I have no shares in Sony anymore... So really, it's just about the funny idiotic claims, nothing more. Right now, Sony makes the better games. Better ratings, better sales, goty prizes. It's a fact. The day Xbox publishes tons of great exclusives, of course people will love them more . But until then, just stop with the stupid Xbox is taking over articles and posts and people will stop laughing at you and your friends.

Or if you have a persecution complex, remember you may just go out and buy a PS5. ;)
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1 Jul 2022

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Prevented Sega from recovering from their own mistakes is a new one.

I figured I might as well answer this poll too. I really hated Sony back in the PS1 days because they DID embarrass my homies at Nintendo, basically taking all the big third parties away in a single generation (though Nintendo also sorta did that to themselves). Outside of maybe less than 5 games, all of the best games of that gen were on PS1. Of course when it launched I was early-mid teens and really had no money.

So in a couple years when I was 17, I got a job, was able to afford whatever I wanted, in terms of games, and got a PS1 to go with my N64. And I had a blast. And I realized console wars are for morons and I would just buy the games I wanted to play from then on and that was it. Always got everything from then on out. This carried over to getting PS2 at launch, Gamecube at launch, and OG Xbox shortly after it launched. From then on I've always just called it like I saw it.

Dr Bass

The doctor is in
20 Jun 2022
Sony fans are banned more on GAF because the mods are pro Xbox, that's pretty obvious when pure idiots like Riky are basically never banned, cheerleaders like Bernd Lauert takes short bans every time while every Sony fan was permabanned (leading to Icon-Era), half of the time without even a reason. Everywhere else, Sony fans aren't banned and they're the majority because well... they're by far the majority everywhere in the world compared to Xbox fans (especially outside the US where most people don't care about Xbox at all). Maybe it has something to do with the fact Sony makes better games in general, who knows...

Honestly most Sony fans care about games, they don't care much about other platforms fan base. They're just having fun with people like you because you always make stupid claims / stupid threads like "Xbox is taking over the world" (every year) or "Xbox is having great sales in Japan" (when they sold lilke 100 consoles) or "VRR is making a huge difference" hyperbole or "Gamepass is taking over the world" while it missed its growth target or "there will be a huge technical difference with PS5" while there was none.

Every single gen... And every single gen, Xbox finishes third and last place and has mostly shitty exclusives compared to the compeitition. So of course it's funny and it makes people laugh, no offense but how could it be different ? Xbox fanboys are like the pathetic villains in comedies who kinda suck and never achieve anything.

Outside of that, I have nothing against Xbox fans, I'm actually a MS shareholder and I have no shares in Sony anymore... So really, it's just about the funny idiotic claims, nothing more. Right now, Sony makes the better games. Better ratings, better sales, goty prizes. It's a fact. The day Xbox publishes tons of great exclusives, of course people will love them more . But until then, just stop with the stupid Xbox is taking over articles and posts and people will stop laughing at you and your friends.

Or if you have a persecution complex, remember you may just go out and buy a PS5. ;)
I remembering seeing you get banned for a post that merely stated some facts. :LOL:


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Man that is really fun.

Now Evil Sony is the cause of all incompetency in others companies :D

Sega become (a bad) 3rd-party because it was Sega... they can blame just themselves... they were never leader of anything... they got beaten by Nintendo gen over gen and after by Sony.

Nintendo is smart at least... they could not compete with powerful chips and so they choose to innovate... Wii was right on point... Wii U was more of the same (a huge mistake) and so they created Switch moving more to the portable market.
That is all because they can compete in the next-gen terms so they created their own terms and are being successful with that.
If Sega was that smart maybe they could be a platform holder yet.

And Xbox needs to thinks about their own fans and games before aim to something else... make them happy... invest in what it could make you grow.
While they continue the same ideia that the name will sell by itself then they will continue the forever promises game with Uncle Phil.

Imagine a world where you are disappointed with Sega, Nintendo and Xbox and blame Sony for that :D
It is like you asking a girl for dinner and she deny you... you blame her because she doesn't like you? Maybe your attitude is the reason she doesn't like you.
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022

This guy really is a mouth breather.
  • The first SEGA argument is one of the stupidest things ever said. It wasn't Sony's fault they released the Saturn, for example
  • The company that benefited from Sega leaving the HW market was Xbox. Peter Moore actually went from Sega to Xbox
  • Xbox pulled an Xbox with the XBone
  • Nintendo beat itself as well


Well-known member
28 Jul 2022
My friend, never meant something like that. I meant you are still THERE, on XboxGAF, no ban, although being obvious Xbox employees in disguise or Xbox fanatics in the case of Lognor.

You are more than welcome here, just dial down the advertising, in order to have serious conversations OR (un)healthy console warring. I'd rather hear/read YOUR opinion, instead of wathever playbook Microsoft provides.
Sony fans are banned more on GAF because the mods are pro Xbox, that's pretty obvious when pure idiots like Riky are basically never banned, cheerleaders like Bernd Lauert takes short bans every time while every Sony fan was permabanned (leading to Icon-Era), half of the time without even a reason. Everywhere else, Sony fans aren't banned and they're the majority because well... they're by far the majority everywhere in the world compared to Xbox fans (especially outside the US where most people don't care about Xbox at all). Maybe it has something to do with the fact Sony makes better games in general, who knows...

Honestly most Sony fans care about games, they don't care much about other platforms fan base. They're just having fun with people like you because you always make stupid claims / stupid threads like "Xbox is taking over the world" (every year) or "Xbox is having great sales in Japan" (when they sold lilke 100 consoles) or "VRR is making a huge difference" hyperbole or "Gamepass is taking over the world" while it missed its growth target or "there will be a huge technical difference with PS5" while there was none.

Every single gen... And every single gen, Xbox finishes third and last place and has mostly shitty exclusives compared to the compeitition. So of course it's funny and it makes people laugh, no offense but how could it be different ? Xbox fanboys are like the pathetic villains in comedies who kinda suck and never achieve anything.

Outside of that, I have nothing against Xbox fans, I'm actually a MS shareholder and I have no shares in Sony anymore... So really, it's just about the funny idiotic claims, nothing more. Right now, Sony makes the better games. Better ratings, better sales, goty prizes. It's a fact. The day Xbox publishes tons of great exclusives, of course people will love them more . But until then, just stop with the stupid Xbox is taking over articles and posts and people will stop laughing at you and your friends.

Or if you have a persecution complex, remember you may just go out and buy a PS5. ;)

Surprised to see you here.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I didn't know this forum gate kept and only diehard Sony fans were allowed to register ? 🤔

If my presence here bothers y'all that much I can just as easily like not post here anymore..

Hopefully now you guys see what I meant when I said Sony is fine, but a sizable portion of their fanbase is comprised of jackasses 🤷‍♂️
i know it might not seem so sometimes, but I am happy you are here.

Now if I could only get rid of scumbags like @TubzGaming and @Papacheeks, i would be on happy puppy.

happy dog GIF
  • haha
Reactions: Deleted member 51


1 Jul 2022
This guy really is a mouth breather.
  • The first SEGA argument is one of the stupidest things ever said. It wasn't Sony's fault they released the Saturn, for example
  • The company that benefited from Sega leaving the HW market was Xbox. Peter Moore actually went from Sega to Xbox
  • Xbox pulled an Xbox with the XBone
  • Nintendo beat itself as well
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