So if the differences are so diminishing, why did we have so many upset people and multiple threads about the latest horizon in performance vs quality modes, and how big the differences were? Why were so many upset that PC gets the 60fps modes on some games, while ps5 gets it either late or never gets them? People even thought console updated version of GTAV would shit on PC version, which released how many years ago? We don't even need an update, and day one PC version still looks better. Same with cyberpunk, and every game Sony released on PC. Just because YOU can't tell the difference between 30 fps and 144, or faux 4K and native, or x16 anti aliasing vs x8, etc. There are several console-only players that complain about this very thing.
You are talking about different things, because there are differences does not mean that the returns are not diminishing.
For example, let's go back in time:
Arcade 1986 top quality racing was Outrun or something similar with sprites scaling at 30fps.
Jump to 1993 years ahead and the best looking racing game was Daytona USA (bar none), full 3d, filtered textures, true colors, 60fps, advanced physics for the time, etc. like your jaw dropped the first time you saw this game in action.
No need to explain to your stupid cousin what the differences are.
Now, we went from GT6 on PS3 to GT7 on PS5 -- Somebody who is not on this forum could barely tell the difference unless you sat them in front of a TV and had them take a serious look at it.
Like, obviously there are differences, but nothing ground breaking is happening anymore.
It's even worse when you go to PC, everybody knows that playing at "Ultra" is a waste. You can notice it (I'm the kind of person who does), but I'm also honest enough that there is no time where we will go from having 16 colors on screen from a palette of 54 (the NES) to a machine that has 512 and displays 64 (or more) in the next generation.... then the jump to true colors.
Back then having a computer (amiga) meant that you got this:
While the console peasants (NES) got this:
Even on a game where it will show like TLoU PS3 vs the new one, there are still less benefits than when we went from PS1 to PS2 or even OG xbox, a top of the line PS4 game like TLoU 2 looks similar enough and well.. sadly it runs at 30fps, but this is not like it was a broken mess and you could barely look at previous gen games after seeing the PS5/xb series x.
How does the 2022 version of xyz car all of a sudden become trash, just because the 2023 model released? They share the same exact engine, same trim, etc, literally same car...? Why would that be trash/scrap?
Because the display is bigger on the new models, that's why!
And that's the other problem with you warriors. You glorify one thing, only until it releases for PC. Look at how many games you guys claim as GOTY, BEST GAME EVER, etc, only to call it scraps, ONLY when it's announced for PC?
I'm not sure which strawman you are talking to, maybe you forgot to take your pills?
I played Horizon ZD on PC and I'm replaying Dad of War on PC at the moment.
I wonder if you ever posted anything promoting the series S, that would be kind of ironic.
and I will call it a day.