For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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Active member
25 Jun 2022
What even are these awsome AAA games that PC player are playing that are so much better than Sony games? I would like to know.

They play specs. But in their head, the imaginary games are really beautiful.

Nah.. Elden Ring is absolutely AAA - stutter or not.

It's a very poor looking and running game to be called AAA. Compare it to DS on PS5, it looks one gen behind, it's hard to call that mess AAA.

Historically, From Software is more a AA dev.


21 Jun 2022
It's free speech, only if everyone agrees with what you're saying. As soon as somebody say something that hurts you guys feelings because it has truth to it, you guys go on a tangent and blow things way over proportion.
Projecting much?
I didn't make the hardware for my PC, so there's nothing to selfgasm over. I'm literally just dispelling you guys b.s. lies about PC. My very first response in here did just that, but rilled up all the warriors, as y'all can't accept the truth.
Why are you trying to climax on this obvious point, you can get more performant HW on PC if you want to...
Does it make the experience better?
For you, maybe...
For me, in some cases, but generally I prefer playing on console.
PlayStation is not carrying the AAA market, lmfaaaao.
It pretty much is...
Y'all need to really get out of your bubble if you think this is even remotely true. Furthermore, why only play the same 2 single player games this year, on repeat?
I play on all platforms, except Xbox (why would i?)
I have more choices on games than you have on PC.
That sounds boring as hell. After hearing GoW once, the second time isn't gonna be any better. Id imagine after 3 months, being the game over 100 times couldn't be any better either? I'm sure you could recite all the dialogue in the game, word for word, since you only get 2 AAA Sony games in a year. This seems accurate with you and others only playing AAA games right? You keep bringing that up, so explain that please. Your argument seems to be falling apart, real bad.
What kind of BS point is this.
Already played GoW in 2018, no plans to replay it.
Sony AAA= scraps. So they are shitty games in your words?
We can call them shit, if that's what you like.
I've already passed them through my body, you're waiting mouth open at the other end, celebrating over a raisin(FPS here or there) you find.
How do you like that analogy?

Deleted member 51

For a guy who's so sure of having chosen the "superior" option, you certainly look insecure. There's something fishy here.

Why going in full meltdown mode? Isn't jerking off with your specs enough to make you happy anymore? Maybe it's time to upgrade again to feel better.

And of course Sony carries AAA market somewhat, nobody else releases AAA games anymore, at least very rarely on their technical level...

Sony releases 2 in 2022 (HFW and Ragnarok) , there was none elsewhere this year, unless you consider Elden Stuttering as AAA, which is highly debatable considering how poorly it performs (especially on PC, ironically).
The only meltdown here is you guys avoiding the facts lol. You can bring a horse to water, but can't make em drink. How could I have a meltdown, when I'm the one who's getting the best experience with the same games that were talking about. Why would I be the upset one? Did you even think before writing that?

If Sony is carrying the AAA market, then why are there so many millions and millions of people who haven't switched from PC to PlayStation? Why is it that so many people here will never get a PS4 or a PS5? If the best games ever, are only on PlayStation's catalog, why are so many millions and millions of people missing out intentionally? Do you see where I am going with this?

Why are so many PC players completely fine with waiting several years to play these games? Maybe they aren't the best games to grace the earth, could that be it?

Interestingly enough, I play elden Ring smooth as butter, 4K without dropping a single frame, no stutters, faster loading than PS5. And this game shits on every game Sony has ever put out, but supposedly it's not AAA lol
  • angry
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Deleted member 13

It's a very poor looking and running game to be called AAA.
And yet, you engage in debating on what AAA means anyway? LOL!

A game isn't dependent on "poor looking and running" to be considered AAA. BoTW on Switch is a AAA game regardless of how ancient it looks.

Compare it to DS on PS5, it looks one gen behind, it's hard to call that mess AAA.
Again, AAA isn't determined by how the graphics look or how well the game runs.

Historically, From Software is more a AA dev.
But they aren't AA anymore.


Active member
25 Jun 2022
The only meltdown here is you guys avoiding the facts lol. You can bring a horse to water, but can't make em drink. How could I have a meltdown, when I'm the one who's getting the best experience with the same games that were talking about. Why would I be the upset one? Did you even think before writing that?

If Sony is carrying the AAA market, then why are there so many millions and millions of people who haven't switched from PC to PlayStation? Why is it that so many people here will never get a PS4 or a PS5? If the best games ever, are only on PlayStation's catalog, why are so many millions and millions of people missing out intentionally? Do you see where I am going with this?

Why are so many PC players completely fine with waiting several years to play these games? Maybe they aren't the best games to grace the earth, could that be it?

Interestingly enough, I play elden Ring smooth as butter, 4K without dropping a single frame, no stutters, faster loading than PS5. And this game shits on every game Sony has ever put out, but supposedly it's not AAA lol

Here comes another meltdown again.

PC gamers mostly play indies and shitty games like Rocket League.

Look at the top games played on Steam, it's an absolute disaster with management games and trash indies...

None of those games need a beefy GPU. That's the funny PC core gamer paradox. You spend $3000 then you play Tetris and indies (but in 8K if you want to).

Look at Steam Survey, average spec is inferior to current consoles by a wide margin.
  • haha
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Deleted member 51

Projecting much?

Why are you trying to climax on this obvious point, you can get more performant HW on PC if you want to...
Does it make the experience better?
For you, maybe...
For me, in some cases, but generally I prefer playing on console.

It pretty much is...

I play on all platforms, except Xbox (why would i?)
I have more choices on games than you have on PC.

What kind of BS point is this.
Already played GoW in 2018, no plans to replay it.

We can call them shit, if that's what you like.
I've already passed them through my body, you're waiting mouth open at the other end, celebrating over a raisin(FPS here or there) you find.
How do you like that analogy?
Well, you have some people who can't see the difference between 30 or 60 frames per second, who argue there's no point in getting a PC, but they bought a PS5 for exactly the same reason? Honestly, it might be pointless trying to debate with some of you guys, as I don't really keep up with the goal post constantly moving with you guys. There's always some caveat with you guys.

I'll get Ragnarok on a stream sale, I'll skip out FW as the first one was a failed attempt at ubisoft esque.

I'm not waiting on these games, sorry to hurt your feelings again, but you can keep the scraps. I prefer fun games that aren't exactly repetitive or an on rails experience, or blatant copies of other more renowned games.
  • sad
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Deleted member 13

Like what? Please give me some names of AAA games released in 2022 on PC.
I'm not talking about released within a year timespan. I'm talking about overall number of franchises that are AAA compared to Sony's franchises.
  • haha
Reactions: Rivet


Active member
25 Jun 2022
And yet, you engage in debating on what AAA means anyway? LOL!

A game isn't dependent on "poor looking and running" to be considered AAA. BoTW on Switch is a AAA game regardless of how ancient it looks.

Again, AAA isn't determined by how the graphics look or how well the game runs.

But they aren't AA anymore.

Of course ancient AAA games still are AAA of the past. But releasing bad graphics and bad running games in 2022 isn't what AAA is about.

And great graphics are why you bought a shiny GPU. If graphics are bad, what's the point?

You could play those bad looking games the same with an inferior GPU.
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
I'm not talking about released within a year timespan. I'm talking about overall number of franchises that are AAA compared to Sony's franchises.
Ok, so we agree there's none in 2022. So we're talking about imaginary games. Fine. Why should I buy a new GPU to play games that don't exist?

Older games do exist but you hardly need a 3090 or 4099 to run them either. It doesn't bring much on older games. So we're back to square one.
  • fire
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


21 Jun 2022
Well, you have some people who can't see the difference between 30 or 60 frames per second, who argue there's no point in getting a PC, but they bought a PS5 for exactly the same reason? Honestly, it might be pointless trying to debate with some of you guys, as I don't really keep up with the goal post constantly moving with you guys. There's always some caveat with you guys.
I have a gaming PC.
I still enjoy gaming on my PS5 more.

I'll get Ragnarok on a stream sale, I'll skip out FW as the first one was a failed attempt at ubisoft esque.
Hope you like them scraps.

I'm not waiting on these games, sorry to hurt your feelings again, but you can keep the scraps. I prefer fun games that aren't exactly repetitive or an on rails experience, or blatant copies of other more renowned games.
You just said you were waiting, make up your mind.
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Deleted member 13

PC gamers mostly play indies and shitty games like Rocket League.
That's their prerogative. They aren't "forced" to play those games.

Look at the top games played on Steam, it's an absolute disaster with management games and trash indies...
How can you look at what the average PC gamer plays and call it a disaster as if those are the only games available for the PC world?

Look at Steam Survey, average spec is inferior to current consoles by a wide margin.
Yup. And that's still not the highest end hardware so you can't relabel the PC across the board to be hardware that the average Steam user has and then compare them to the consoles. What a horrible argument. It's equivalent to you ignoring the PS5 version of GoW (2022) and comparing the game with only the base PS4 hardware to determine the quality of the game.
  • brain
Reactions: Deleted member 51


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
It's a very poor looking and running game to be called AAA. Compare it to DS on PS5, it looks one gen behind, it's hard to call that mess AAA.

Historically, From Software is more a AA dev.

Ah come on Rivet, graphics are not everything.

Debating about A, AA, AAA is ridiculous per se, a game is a game.

If you want to argue that the production quality of Sony games is above others, it's something we can agree on and it's also something which is objectively true for some parts and for the majority of their games.
Otherwise the port-begging would see an end.

But they are not the only one making good games (fortunately!).

Deleted member 13

Ok, so we agree there's none in 2022. So we're talking about imaginary games. Fine. Why should I buy a new GPU to play games that don't exist?
Every year before this year isn't imaginary. Those games exist today. You just have to buy them.

Older games do exist but you hardly need a 3090 or 4099 to run them either. It doesn't bring much on older games. So we're back to square one.
It depends on whether you want to see the game at it's full graphics settings or not. You won't play Metro, Control, FS2020, Cyberpunk, RDR2, etc.. with anything less than a 3090 to get maximum rendering quality and fastest performance.
  • they're_right_you_know
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