For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
That's only if you ignore dreams, gran turismo, iron man vr, MLB The Show, demons souls remake, Spider-Man miles morales, astro playroom, sackboy's big adventure all of which released since 2020.
We also know of Horizon Call of The Mountain as well which is first person.
Also Blood and Truth, Erica, Concrete Genie, and Medievil remake happened only three years ago and some of them even after gears 5 came out.

Anyway this whole cinematic third person crap is nonsense, days gone plays nothing like horizon, tlou 2 plays nothing like god of war and because of that those games will attract different audiences and the camera perspective in those games arent even the same, God of War's camera is a lot more closer to Kratos most of the game then the camera is to Aloy in Horizon. Trying to lump all these third party games together as if their all the same is a very disingenuous argument.
also what genre and perspective variety does microsoft have?
gears, halo, and forza?
Could not have said it better myself, disingenuous to his core.


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I've never completely understood the whole third person narrative cinematic copy and paste argument

These games are not even in the same universes don't share the same concepts are not even in the same genre they don't even play alike, but apparently seeing someone's back has become a genre lol

Using this short bus logic that's like trying to say if you like BioShock you are definitely going to love unreal tournament, it's not even to say someone cannot love both simply that there is a very little in common outside of the perspective to believe liking one game would attract them to the other.

Keep in mind I think all of us understand that the only person we forgive for this type of belief is Grandma it's not her fault that she thinks anything with a gun in front of it is Call of Duty and that you'll like it because of that perspective, but I think as gamers who literally play enough to know what a fucking genre is the argument that Sony has some magical template should never be used as some bashing against the publisher because it's nonsensical and I've yet to see anybody actually truly prove this point and articulated with any objective fact.

The reality is some of the very same teams that been making third person games in the past are still making them now all anybody would have to argue with that Sony Bend went from making Syphon filter a third person shooter to day's gone a third person shooter lol

Just like Naughty dog went from Jak and Daxter a third person game to Uncharted a third person game wooooooow, why is Sony forcing them to do this? /s

So if they make some Getaway reboot I don't want to see anybody running around here claiming some slow theory about some third person template as if the original games were not in third person and this is some brand new conspiracy.

Watch that Socom reboot be real and someone says "woooow its in 3rd person, guess da Sony forced 3rd personz itz tRuE!" lol


Resident Evil Guru
Content Creator
28 Jun 2022
Nice meme but it doesn't really work anymore, unless you actively try to ignore a bunch of games that came out in the past couple of years. If you're gonna put stuff like Iron Man VR (lol?) in your Playstation list, you also have to include smaller XGS games.
ok give them to me then

Bernd Lauert

16 Jul 2022
No my brother, it doesn't help. I see you suffering. But don't worry, your next paycheck from MS Astroturfing Division will arrive soon, it will make the next simulator joining GPU more enjoyable for you ❤️
I see that you opted for the "everyone who likes Xbox is a paid shill" coping mechanic. Whatever works best for you ;)


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
I see that you opted for the "everyone who likes Xbox is a paid shill" coping mechanic. Whatever works best for you ;)
Oh no, not at all, I can see people like @peter42O or even @DarkMage619 being genuine Xbox fans/fanboys. It's the likes like you or @adamsapple who are obvious Microsoft employees.

But don't worry, I won't stop loving you ❤️

Deleted member 51

This is the most stupid argument ever... (Illogical fallacy)
You want to rub your complex(inferiority or superiority take your pick) that's your problem, you don't seem to love the games, you love the spec.

Second dumbest argument.. (illogical fallacy)
Backlog, i have back log on all the platforms since 80s get on my level I doing it right?

Third dumbest argument...(illogical fallacy)
What exactly do you want out of gaming, be right?

I have a better experience playing on console than PC, I prefer PlayStation and call my self a fan mostly due to the games they make and the experience I get. ( Subjective, but logical)
You have the dumbest supposed takes yet. Are you implying I need to enjoy the rinse and repeat gameplay loop Sony stole from ubisoft, and ultimately somehow made the style even worse? But I'm not gamer because I don't find that interesting?

My entire argument was, there is better hardware and performance on PC, compared to that of a console. Somehow you guys always manage to try and change the shift of the debate. Why do you have to resort to doing this? It was all about hardware than you guys NEED the subject changed, so your pride and ego aren't shot down. Even a prominent PS fan told you guys that you are all wrong to even believe a ps5 can keep up with hardware from a few years ago, and especially not stuff releasing now or in the future.


8 Jul 2022
You obviously like to war only, and not read. Scroll through to the original post by me, and each one after. No PC gamers cares about PlayStation success. Their games are welcome to come to PC for those who would like to play them. But they obviously are far from the best games. Look how poorly they sell on PC, right? That is your excuse about how poorly they sell, yet PC gamers are begging for these games that constantly flop in sales? You guys are pathetic in defending and debating, as y'all can never get y'all defense correct. Which one is it? Are they the best AAA? Are they scraps? Please help us understand.

Meltdown? I'm simply telling you guys there is superior performance and hardware. You guys will try and spin each argument into price, scraps, etc. It's kinda funny how no one will answer the question I asked a bunch of times.

If there are diminishing returns going from ps4 to ps5, why did you purchase it? GoW will be the same game on both platforms, right? Same with Horizon FW? RIGHT? But it's a problem that I prefer higher quality and performance? Does that even make sense? You had to pay extra money to get better visuals going from ps4 to ps5 in Horizon and GoW, and even had to pay more money for the same game with visual upgrades, so why is it a problem for those who want better than what console can provide?
You are one of the most unhinged posters here trully embarassing some Craig of War lvl stuff. You should ban yourself and take some time off.

Its just funny how mad you are just because PlayStation makes great games. It must be really frustrating to care so much about hardware only to see the best looking games releasing on PS5 while you have to wait and beg.
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Oh no, not at all, I can see people like @peter42O or even @DarkMage619 being genuine Xbox fans/fanboys. It's the likes like you or @adamsapple who are obvious Microsoft employees.

But don't worry, I won't stop loving you ❤️
If it was me, i would just put them all in a building and detonate it, no survivors. add @kyliethicc to that list, Liverpool scum

washington seattle GIF

Deleted member 51

You are one of the most unhinged posters here trully embarassing some Craig of War lvl stuff. You should ban yourself and take some time off.

Its just funny how mad you are just because PlayStation makes great games. It must be really frustrating to care so much about hardware only to see the best looking games releasing on PS5 while you have to wait and beg.
What are you talking about? I'm not mad, and it's weird you think me asking you the same question over and over, that you refuse to answer, is me being mad? Only a handful of you are still in denial, and very vocal about that.

But I see that you and @PropellerEar cannot seem to answer the simple question, that's been asked a million times. Y'all wouldn't even answer @DynamiteCop when he asked the same thing. Is it because we all know the answer, and you'd hate to go on public record telling the truth? That there is better performant hardware than on console.


21 Jun 2022
You have the dumbest supposed takes yet. Are you implying I need to enjoy the rinse and repeat gameplay loop Sony stole from ubisoft, and ultimately somehow made the style even worse? But I'm not gamer because I don't find that interesting?
You're not enjoying games, you're enjoying your superiority/inferiority complex (hard to pick one cause you show tendencies to both)
You made the point, i just said its not about games to you and the whole discussion with you is about perceived superiority of spec which is quite irrelevant.
My entire argument was, there is better hardware and performance on PC, compared to that of a console.
See my point above.
Somehow you guys always manage to try and change the shift of the debate. Why do you have to resort to doing this? It was all about hardware than you guys NEED the subject changed, so your pride and ego aren't shot down.
See my point above...
Only ego hurt here is yours.
Even a prominent PS fan told you guys that you are all wrong to even believe a ps5 can keep up with hardware from a few years ago, and especially not stuff releasing now or in the future.
You're trying to jerk of with HW spec, it doesn't matter in the end...
I have better experience gaming on Console(my choice), your choice is different but you don't seem to enjoy gaming.
Also trying to dunk all PlayStation games as... Ubisoft...yucky, proves just that you don't want really discuss or debate anything.
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Deleted member 51

You're not enjoying games, you're enjoying your superiority/inferiority complex (hard to pick one cause you show tendencies to both)
You made the point, i just said its not about games to you and the whole discussion with you is about perceived superiority of spec which is quite irrelevant.

See my point above.

See my point above...
Only ego hurt here is yours.

You're trying to jerk of with HW spec, it doesn't matter in the end...
I have better experience gaming on Console(my choice), your choice is different but you don't seem to enjoy gaming.
Also trying to dunk all PlayStation games as... Ubisoft...yucky, proves just that you don't want really discuss or debate anything.
You do realize, I only replied in this thread, because you have those special people, like you for instance, who can't admit the only thing I brought up in this thread. Hardware. If you want to talk software, cool, but answer my question first, and we can then change the dynamics of this topic. If you don't want to conversate on the topic at hand, I don't know why you jumped into the conversation or quoted me, only to fall flat on your face and be completely wrong.

I'm not talking about games, software, etc. I simply mentioned hardware, stop trying to change the subject because your poor ego and pride have been injured.

Me: A Bugatti will smoke your Toyota prius
You: but my gas mileage is better, and it's cheaper!
Me: but the Bugatti is still faster though.
You: *cries in crocodile tears*



21 Jun 2022
You do realize, I only replied in this thread, because you have those special people, like you for instance, who can't admit the only thing I brought up in this thread. Hardware. If you want to talk software, cool, but answer my question first, and we can then change the dynamics of this topic. If you don't want to conversate on the topic at hand, I don't know why you jumped into the conversation or quoted me, only to fall flat on your face and be completely wrong.

I'm not talking about games, software, etc. I simply mentioned hardware, stop trying to change the subject because your poor ego and pride have been injured.

Me: A Bugatti will smoke your Toyota prius
You: but my gas mileage is better, and it's cheaper!
Me: but the Bugatti is still faster though.
You: *cries in crocodile tears*
You're jerking yourself of with a point that is irrelevant and one i already answered.
The Prius guy isn't wrong either.

Only one who has hurt ego in this discussion is you.

Deleted member 51

You're jerking yourself of with a point that is irrelevant and one i already answered.
The Prius guy isn't wrong either.

Only one who has hurt ego in this discussion is you.
What would I be hurt from though? You and others keep saying you prefer the games on PS over PC. Cool, never said that is a problem. I prefer games on PC over PS. That would be cool for me to do, right? But nooo you guys keep saying PC has no games, we aren't getting AAA games, as only Sony know how to make those. And then I can't even say there's better hardware on PC, because it's more expensive? 😂 Wtf lol

So now that we're on the same page that PC has better hardware available for some years, now we can move to software, which is based on PREFERENCES! Subjective preferences to be more specific. Hardware is objective on the other hand, especially when it comes to CPU and GPU. It's illogical to try and argue a subjective thing like games, to an objective thing like hardware.

And with Sony releasing their games on PC, as well as Microsoft, it will be the ultimate gaming experience and the best place to play PlayStation games on. Some people will be perfectly fine with keeping their console, and there will be others who want to upgrade their experience and play the games, how Sony intended them to look and play. Look at all the exclusive features the PC version gets from each game released, and Nixxies will do a great job making this happen for ps5 games!


21 Jun 2022
What would I be hurt from though? You and others keep saying you prefer the games on PS over PC. Cool, never said that is a problem. I prefer games on PC over PS. That would be cool for me to do, right?
Totally fine.

But nooo you guys keep saying PC has no games, we aren't getting AAA games, as only Sony know how to make those.
PC has plenty of games.
Still PlayStation/Sony is almost single-handedly carrying AAA gaming.
And then I can't even say there's better hardware on PC, because it's more expensive? 😂 Wtf lol
Pretty obvious...
It is..
You can say whatever obvious platitudes you want and selfgasm over it, this is a pretty free speech forum, as you well know.

So now that we're on the same page that PC has better hardware available for some years, now we can move to software, which is based on PREFERENCES! Subjective preferences to be more specific. Hardware is objective on the other hand, especially when it comes to CPU and GPU. It's illogical to try and argue a subjective thing like games, to an objective thing like hardware.
More masturbation over spec.

And with Sony releasing their games on PC, as well as Microsoft, it will be the ultimate gaming experience and the best place to play PlayStation games on. Some people will be perfectly fine with keeping their console, and there will be others who want to upgrade their experience and play the games, how Sony intended them to look and play. Look at all the exclusive features the PC version gets from each game released, and Nixxies will do a great job making this happen for ps5 games!
Keep in line and wait for scraps.

Deleted member 51

Totally fine.

PC has plenty of games.
Still PlayStation/Sony is almost single-handedly carrying AAA gaming.

Pretty obvious...
It is..
You can say whatever obvious platitudes you want and selfgasm over it, this is a pretty free speech forum, as you well know.

More masturbation over spec.

Keep in line and wait for scraps.
It's free speech, only if everyone agrees with what you're saying. As soon as somebody say something that hurts you guys feelings because it has truth to it, you guys go on a tangent and blow things way over proportion.

I didn't make the hardware for my PC, so there's nothing to selfgasm over. I'm literally just dispelling you guys b.s. lies about PC. My very first response in here did just that, but rilled up all the warriors, as y'all can't accept the truth.

PlayStation is not carrying the AAA market, lmfaaaao. Y'all need to really get out of your bubble if you think this is even remotely true. Furthermore, why only play the same 2 single player games this year, on repeat? That sounds boring as hell. After beating GoW once, the second time isn't gonna be any better. Id imagine after 3 months, beating the game over 100 times couldn't be any better either? I'm sure you could recite all the dialogue in the game, word for word, since you only get 2 AAA Sony games in a year. This seems accurate with you and others only playing AAA games right? You keep bringing that up, so explain that please. Your argument seems to be falling apart, real bad.

Sony AAA= scraps. So they are shitty games in your words?
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
For a guy who's so sure of having chosen the "superior" option, you certainly look insecure. There's something fishy here.

Why going in full meltdown mode? Isn't jerking off with your specs enough to make you happy anymore? Maybe it's time to upgrade again to feel better.

And of course Sony carries AAA market somewhat, nobody else releases AAA games anymore, at least very rarely on their technical level...

Sony releases 2 in 2022 (HFW and Ragnarok) , there was none elsewhere this year, unless you consider Elden Stuttering as AAA, which is highly debatable considering how poorly it performs (especially on PC, ironically).

Deleted member 13

Of course Sony carries AAA market somewhat, nobody else releases AAA games anymore... Sony releases 2 in 2022 (HFW and Ragnarok) , there was none elsewhere this year, unless you consider Elden Stuttering as AAA, which is highly debatable considering how poorly it performs (especially on PC, ironically).
Nah.. Elden Ring is absolutely AAA - stutter or not.
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