For those that hate Sony, What made you feel the way you do about them?

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Deleted member 51

Of course ancient AAA games still are AAA of the past. But releasing bad graphics and bad running games in 2022 isn't what AAA is about.

And great graphics are why you bought a shiny GPU. If graphics are bad, what's the point?

You could play those bad looking games the same with an inferior GPU.
Did you know you can turn the settings down from Ultra to like medium and sometimes low, to emulate console graphics, but play at extreme framerates, like 240hz and more.
I have a gaming PC.
I still enjoy gaming on my PS5 more.

Hope you like them scraps.

You just said you were waiting, make up your mind.
I have a gaming PC, there's no point in getting a lower spec console to play the same exact games, but at lower quality settings.

But since you are telling me Sony's games are scraps, why would an onlooker of this forum who was on the fence about getting a ps5, still want one? Why spend money to get shitty scraps? Do you see your logic, or lack there of?


Active member
25 Jun 2022
Every year before this year isn't imaginary. Those games exist today. You just have to buy them.

It depends on whether you want to see the game at it's full graphics settings or not. You won't play Metro, Control, FS2020, Cyberpunk, RDR2, etc.. with anything less than a 3090 to get maximum rendering quality and fastest performance.

Older games are generally not the reason you buy a new GPU... My point is AAA production is getting more scarce year after year. GaaS took over. For 2022 there's not a single game which could justify buying a new GPU since, like we just agreed, there was NO technically advanced AAA game released on PC this year anyway (while Sony releases 2 of them in HFW and Ragnarok).

You can't seriously say I should buy a 3090 to play... Elden Ring, which looks like a PS4 game.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Gods&Monsters


8 Jul 2022
See my reply to @Rivet
Wait that was a serious answer? RDR2 and Cyberpunk? We are in 2022, RDR2 released in 2018 and lets not even get started on Cyberpunk.

Then we somehow still have to explain why we care about Sony games... funny how you guys care so much about graphics yet have this obvious hatred for Sony games (many of the best looking games out there)... if TLoU2, GoT, God of War, Horizon, etc were third party we wouldnt hear the end of it.

4 years playing RDR2 and still somehow playing Cyberpunk... hard to even believe you guys think anyone is envious of that...
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21 Jun 2022
I have a gaming PC, there's no point in getting a lower spec console to play the same exact games, but at lower quality settings.
But since you are telling me Sony's games are scraps, why would an onlooker of this forum who was on the fence about getting a ps5, still want one? Why spend money to get shitty scraps? Do you see your logic, or lack there of?
You mouth is watering over those scraps/shit(that you seem to prefer).
Keep on marketing....
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Active member
25 Jun 2022
Ah come on Rivet, graphics are not everything.

Debating about A, AA, AAA is ridiculous per se, a game is a game.

If you want to argue that the production quality of Sony games is above others, it's something we can agree on and it's also something which is objectively true for some parts and for the majority of their games.
Otherwise the port-begging would see an end.

But they are not the only one making good games (fortunately!).

Obviously, never said the opposite. But the non technical aspects which make a great game can't be the reason why you upgrade your GPU or boast about your PC specs.

Those upgrades are specifically about better graphics and latest technically advanced games which... there's none in 2022 outside of Sony. That's the paradox.

You don't buy a GPU to play Tetris in 8K.


21 Jun 2022
Guys this is getting a little out of hand
Keep pushing that PSP3 and you can....
catch me outside GIF

Who am I kidding PSP3 day 1. 💸

Deleted member 51


You mouth is watering over those scraps/shit(that you seem to prefer).
Keep on marketing....
My PC is MUCH faster and powerful than every ps5 ever created. This is not subjective at all, I don't think you know what that word means. Saying Sony has the best games is subjective, not objective.

You can check my post history in here, gaf, or d-pad. I've said it several times, the only game I care for is BB. It sucked ass on ps4 when it came to performance, and all the other games are meh. Now if we could bring back some older titles from ps2/3 days, I'd be all on board. But all of their games now play exactly the same, with random controversial stuff randomly placed in their games.... Meh, hard pass.
  • haha
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21 Jun 2022
My PC is MUCH faster and powerful than every ps5 ever created. This is not subjective at all, I don't think you know what that word means. Saying Sony has the best games is subjective, not objective.
Except you were talking about higher quality setting being the only thing that matters. Which is beyond dumb, and very subjective dumb thing to say.
Except loading times.

You can check my post history in here, gaf, or d-pad. I've said it several times, the only game I care for is BB. It sucked ass on ps4 when it came to performance, and all the other games are meh. Now if we could bring back some older titles from ps2/3 days, I'd be all on board. But all of their games now play exactly the same, with random controversial stuff randomly placed in their games.... Meh, hard pass.
I don't need to go to those forums, you say some pretty dumb shit here too.


Active member
25 Jun 2022
I see your point. Bought a semi-good gaming/working laptop because I wanted to play any Microsoft exclusive worth playing this gen. Yet the only one I can think of is Minesweeper 😩

Ah ah. At least there's Starfield coming next year. With all the studios MS bought we should finally get a few good looking games at some point, even with MS subpar studio management skills. But they're definitely getting scarce.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: PropellerEar


Oldest Guard
23 Jun 2022
Ah ah. At least there's Starfield coming next year. With all the studios MS bought we should finally get a few good looking AAA games at some point, even with MS subpar studio management skills. But they're definitely getting scarce.

If Starfield is anything like Fallout, I will keep waiting for the next E3... I mean good MS exclusive.

Deleted member 51

Except you were talking about higher quality setting being the only thing that matters. Which is beyond dumb, and very subjective dumb thing to say.
Except loading times.

I don't need to go to those forums, you say some pretty dumb shit here too.
Why is it dumb though? Wouldn't You be considered dumb for buying a PS5 instead of keeping your PS4, for these higher settings and faster loading? Do you see the irony in this? Kinda funny when your own argument bites you in the ass? Kinda like that idiot who kept calling Sony games the best thing ever, only to call them scraps in the same post 😂. What a fucking clown 🤡 I can't make this up.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
If you don’t like Sony’s games it is fine… you don’t need to have a PS5 or play Sony games even when eventually they reach PC.
It is a matter of taste after all.

Said that I keep having a blast playing games on PS consoles every year and for me it is best gaming experience of all platforms in the market with Switch being the second one.

PC and Xbox really doesn’t fit for me and has nothing to add to my gaming life… most PC games I liked are not made anymore or are on PS consoles too plus the experience is not the same you get on console… playing on PC feels like a tiring job than a enjoyable hobby.

Deleted member 13

Older games are generally not the reason you buy a new GPU... My point is AAA production is getting more scarce year after year. GaaS took over. For 2022 there's not a single game which could justify buying a new GPU since, like we just agreed, there was NO technically advanced AAA game released on PC this year anyway (while Sony releases 2 of them in HFW and Ragnarok).
First of all, HFW and Ragnarok aren't technically advanced - like at all. Secondly, they will both come out on the PC and will have better graphics settings than the PS consoles.

My point was that there are more 3rd party AAA games than 1st party exclusive Sony games on the market. Most of the sales for Sony are from AAA 3rd party developers.

You can't seriously say I should buy a 3090 to play... Elden Ring, which looks like a PS4 game.
No, but if you want 60FPS @ 4k, you won't be able to run that on the consoles. A high-end GPU is required.


21 Jun 2022
Why is it dumb though?
So the most important thing you like about game is high quality settings.
Like I already said, you're jerking off with spec...

Wouldn't You be considered dumb for buying a PS5 instead of keeping your PS4, for these higher settings and faster loading?
That's is what you're saying, thats what you enjoy, this is your ignorance on gaming...
There is more to gaming than higher settings.
Dragon Ball Drooling GIF

Keep in line, you'll get them eventually.

Deleted member 13

Wait that was a serious answer? RDR2 and Cyberpunk? We are in 2022, RDR2 released in 2018 and lets not even get started on Cyberpunk.

Then we somehow still have to explain why we care about Sony games... funny how you guys care so much about graphics yet have this obvious hatred for Sony games (many of the best looking games out there)... if TLoU2, GoT, God of War, Horizon, etc were third party we wouldnt hear the end of it.

4 years playing RDR2 and still somehow playing Cyberpunk... hard to even believe you guys think anyone is envious of that...
It's well known that game development has slowed down. This year is no exception.

I'm talking about AAA games, in general, not games specifically for this year. Things have been slow. That's a given fact. But we all know the AAA franchises that exist.

My point still stands. There are more AAA franchises than Sony's 1st party franchises.
  • they're_right_you_know
Reactions: Deleted member 51

Deleted member 51

So the most important thing you like about game is high quality settings.
Like I already said, you're jerking off with spec...

That's is what you're saying, thats what you enjoy, this is your ignorance on gaming...
There is more to gaming than higher settings.

Dragon Ball Drooling GIF

Keep in line, you'll get them eventually.
You obviously are having a hard time following this whole conversation. No offense to you, but is English your first language @PropellerEar ? I kind of picked up on this in the other forms, as you have a very hard time understanding basic things, and I want to give you the benefit of the doubt.

With that being out the way, I never said that the highest quality settings are the most important factor in a game, or when choosing a platform. I said that with my experience, I like to have the best of the best, which just so happens to include those higher graphical settings, better Ray tracing, better frame rates, better everything. But that's not my only reasoning, which you continue to fail to understand. To me, PC is the best place to play because it gets all of the games, there's unlimited customization, unlimited amount of peripherals, unlimited possibilities.

Not to mention, if you want to be able to play all of Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo games, you can only do that on one single platform. Can you guess which one it is, and mine just so happens to run circles around your platform of choice
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