Helldivers 2 passed Destiny 2 all time CCU count. Top Seller all around on Steam |UP|Beats Dragon’s Dogma 2 to Reclaim #1 spot on Steam.


Graph Master
21 Jun 2022
Doesn't match with Arrowhead CEO's words, who said their userbase is split more or less 50-50%, and with some CCU shared numbers we saw it was higher in PS.

Maybe both Circana and Arrowhead numbers are real, but Circana tracks way more players from PS than from Steam, so with the same amount of players it gets a lower % in PS.

We don't know. But we know Fornite is on PS, but no in Steam.
Yeah globally, it's very likely to be more balanced, so 50-50%.

But here it's just the US.
20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman

Xbox only gamers really trying to will it into existence 😂🤣



21 Jun 2022
wtf, nobody told me that :(

bots revives me a lot faster than real players anyways
I saw a guy claiming in Reddit that he unlocked everyhting in around 12 hours (I claim it's bullshit, I played over 40 hours doing many missions coop and haven't unlocked the half of warbonds content, stratagems and ship upgrades) and he says he continues playing solo in the hardest difficulty.


7 Jan 2024
I saw a guy claiming in Reddit that he unlocked everyhting in around 12 hours (I claim it's bullshit, I played over 40 hours doing many missions coop and haven't unlocked the half of warbonds content, stratagems and ship upgrades) and he says he continues playing solo in the hardest difficulty.

Well, don't tell anyone but.....

20 Jun 2022
Salalah, Oman
I saw a guy claiming in Reddit that he unlocked everyhting in around 12 hours (I claim it's bullshit, I played over 40 hours doing many missions coop and haven't unlocked the half of warbonds content, stratagems and ship upgrades) and he says he continues playing solo in the hardest difficulty.

If he's playing Helldive then yes, possible.


Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
Good Idea?

Great idea, they should of done this awhile ago. Also a Motorstorm with open world coop elements like some of the newer online racers.

I still want those PVE, story coop games that are like RDR1 online. TLOU online would be something I would live on lol
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14 Feb 2023
Idk who started this counting CCU trend between forums/reddit/or twitter, but it is excellent free marketing for Steam. Their PC monopoly is only getting bigger and bigger each viral release, that's why i admire any big company like Epic that continues to roll with their own launcher despite the cult that exists around Steam.

Sony would've been smart to have their own launcher for playstation exclusive games and keep the 30% cut.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Idk who started this counting CCU trend between forums/reddit/or twitter, but it is excellent free marketing for Steam. Their PC monopoly is only getting bigger and bigger each viral release, that's why i admire any big company like Epic that continues to roll with their own launcher despite the cult that exists around Steam.

Sony would've been smart to have their own launcher for playstation exclusive games and keep the 30% cut.
To be fair, one just has to use Steam and Epic to understand how shit the later is. Steam's store is pretty ugly on the UX side, and there's a lot of faults with it, but fuck me, Epic store has less features than steam did 13 or 14 years ago. It's got no community, no workshop, nothing.
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14 Feb 2023
To be fair, one just has to use Steam and Epic to understand how shit the later is. Steam's store is pretty ugly on the UX side, and there's a lot of faults with it, but fuck me, Epic store has less features than steam did 13 or 14 years ago. It's got no community, no workshop, nothing.
That's the thing I don't understand, I don't buy games for the launcher features. As long as I can purchase and launch the game it's that simple.

I don't understand large companies that willingly give their cut of huge IP's to steam when selling a game on PC is as simple as making a website and a patching system. Riot, (Blizzard until recently), Roblox etc. all multi million selling games that sold their games independently.

Minecraft became the best selling videogame ever by using it's own storefront. It has zero need to be on Steam. All while doing most of that being independent.

Sony and most publishers make the mistake of thinking to get the PC market means kowtowing to Steam which isn't the case.
  • they're_right_you_know
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