i hope this move and backlash hurts PlayStation PC game sales to a point where Sony cancels their PC strategy altogether


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
Again, who said anything about 4090? Are you okay?

The conversation was Console vs PC. I said PC is more expensive but can do more, No one said shit about buying latest GPU or selling kidneys
You, evading an answer.
bazinga GIF


22 Jun 2022
And every console gamer is a jaded software developer that gets PTSD with the thought of using a PC to game. All have high end PCs but They just want to "relax, sit on the couch and play games" don't have "hours" to spend weekly on installing drivers and troubleshooting.

I have heard that one a lot, in many places other than icon era.

Tales from your ass.


Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
And every console gamer is a jaded software developer that gets PTSD with the thought of using a PC to game. All have high end PCs but They just want to "relax, sit on the couch and play games" don't have "hours" to spend weekly on installing drivers and troubleshooting.

I have heard that one a lot, in many places other than icon era.
As someone who plays mostly on consoles, but also made his own PC and play a lot of games on PC (Songs of Syx, Rimworld, Civ games, Xenonauts, Highfleet etc) and PC is definitely a headache. If I buy a game I wanna be able to play immediately WO fucking working to figure out how to run it if there are issues. Not to mention that a lot of devs (especially AAA) view PC as the least important platform ( due to piracy, difficulty to make a game that runs well because of vastly different systems that need to run the game) and PC users often end up with a shittier product. the biggest advantage that the PC once had was a big difference in graphics quality, but that difference is melting by the year as consoles caught up and there will only be less and less improvement that graphics can make in the future and considering a vast price difference in a console and a PC that run on the same level, the juice is not worth the squeeze. Even top end PCs do not provide a big enough difference in graphics, especially when considering how expensive they are. The biggest advantage the PC has today are mods and certain genres play better on them ( city builders and sim games in general and shooters).
  • they're_right_you_know
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15 Apr 2024
My ass has more reasoning than many on this site.
Nothing personal, Systemshock. I have noticed a pattern with multiple people on this website, when they are pressured into a corner all they can do is react to your question and ignore it, post a gif or say something completey unrelated. I think they just cant forumlate thoughts on a complex level.
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15 Apr 2024
As someone who plays mostly on consoles, but also made his own PC and play a lot of games on PC (Songs of Syx, Rimworld, Civ games, Xenonauts, Highfleet etc) and PC is definitely a headache. If I buy a game I wanna be able to play immediately WO fucking working to figure out how to run it if there are issues. Not to mention that a lot of devs (especially AAA) view PC as the least important platform ( due to piracy, difficulty to make a game that runs well because of vastly different systems that need to run the game) and PC users often end up with a shittier product. the biggest advantage that the PC once had was a big difference in graphics quality, but that difference is melting by the year as consoles caught up and there will only be less and less improvement that graphics can make in the future and considering a vast price difference in a console and a PC that run on the same level, the juice is not worth the squeeze. Even top end PCs do not provide a big enough difference in graphics, especially when considering how expensive they are. The biggest advantage the PC has today are mods and certain genres play better on them ( city builders and sim games in general and shooters).
What about the frame rate? or are you used to 30? Freedom of controls? And many, many other things.

PCs are an infinitely better investment in every imaginable way.

I haven't had an issue trying to play a game in a decade, and any minor problem is easily solvable. Steam's purpose was to make it so easy to buy and play that downloading pirated games is more work so people don't do it. This myth of PC being this magical machine that needs configuring everyday and 3 days set up when you buy it is simply not true.


8 May 2023
As someone who plays mostly on consoles, but also made his own PC and play a lot of games on PC (Songs of Syx, Rimworld, Civ games, Xenonauts, Highfleet etc) and PC is definitely a headache. If I buy a game I wanna be able to play immediately WO fucking working to figure out how to run it if there are issues. Not to mention that a lot of devs (especially AAA) view PC as the least important platform ( due to piracy, difficulty to make a game that runs well because of vastly different systems that need to run the game) and PC users often end up with a shittier product. the biggest advantage that the PC once had was a big difference in graphics quality, but that difference is melting by the year as consoles caught up and there will only be less and less improvement that graphics can make in the future and considering a vast price difference in a console and a PC that run on the same level, the juice is not worth the squeeze. Even top end PCs do not provide a big enough difference in graphics, especially when considering how expensive they are. The biggest advantage the PC has today are mods and certain genres play better on them ( city builders and sim games in general and shooters).

Tbh it's been a while since I had significant issues with a game on PC that require troubleshooting. But maybe thats because I don't preorder or buy games day one anymore (thanks to SFV and Horizon Zero Dawn abysmal launches mainly)

At most, I jump in PC gaming wiki when playing older games for potential issues OR to check if there are community patches or mods that enhance the experience instead of playing it vanilla.

If PC gaming was as cumbersome as it was in the 90s and most of the 00s I would still be using a PS or Xbox as my main gaming platform.
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Well-known member
11 Aug 2023
What about the frame rate? or are you used to 30? Freedom of controls? And many, many other things.

PCs are an infinitely better investment in every imaginable way.

I haven't had an issue trying to play a game in a decade, and any minor problem is easily solvable. Steam's purpose was to make it so easy to buy and play that downloading pirated games is more work so people don't do it. This myth of PC being this magical machine that needs configuring everyday and 3 days set up when you buy it is simply not true.
PS5 games offer performance mode for 60 FPS and PS6 will hopefully be able to provide 4k and 60 FPS together. Anything beyond that is chasing numbers on a screen. What do you mean by freedom of controls? You are not seriosly considering key bindings a feature or an advantage? I never use key rebinding in PC games.


15 Apr 2024
PS5 games offer performance mode for 60 FPS and PS6 will hopefully be able to provide 4k and 60 FPS together. Anything beyond that is chasing numbers on a screen. What do you mean by freedom of controls? You are not seriosly considering key bindings a feature or an advantage? I never use key rebinding in PC games.
Yeah you don't, I do, and many others do. It is a feature. In fact, some people even use their keyboards differently and on PC, you can adjust the game to fits you (if the game supports it).

Okay then, once PS6 is out we can talk about this. For now, PCs can run games graphically better and on a higher frame rate than consoles can.


15 Apr 2024
Tbh it's been a while since I had significant issues with a game on PC that require troubleshooting. But maybe thats because I don't preorder or buy games day one anymore (thanks to SFV and Horizon Zero Dawn abysmal launches mainly)

At most, I jump in PC gaming wiki when playing older games for potential issues OR to check if there are community patches or mods that enhance the experience instead of playing it vanilla.

If PC gaming was as cumbersome as it was in the 90s and most of the 00s I would still be using a PS or Xbox as my main gaming platform.
Honestly, half of those people here haven't played a game on PC in so long they don't know what is it like anymore, they think you have to do a ritual to get the game running. Just ignorance, which is fine if you are not familiar with the platform but they claim it to be facts and not only that, but they also feel happy about sticking with PS because it's soo much better than PC.
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27 Jun 2023
Sony should cancel pc ports all together.

I dont like nintendo but i respect their stance about pc.

Pc beggars re worst of the industry. Should be castrated each and every.

Ponies, nintedodrones, bots....pales in comparision.


27 Jun 2023
Or maybe, SIE/Sony Corp tried pivoting to PC for growth as a quick band-aid for growth after misreading the market growth during the pandemic, instead of getting innovative about their value proposition for their own console?

And now they're finding out the PC gaming market isn't as lucrative as they may've read it to be, and they can substantially grow their profits and revenue with console by innovating again with comprehensive value proposition.
Sony literally looked at Steam’s MAU and thought games like Spiderman… God Of War and The Last Of Us would sell 5 - 10 million more copies at least, turns out, they just forgot to do their research that the vast majority of PC gamers steal these “narrative driven one and done” games, they won’t spend a single cent on them and will pirate it without thinking twice and the numbers of sales of these games on Steam don’t lie, most of them did not surpass even 1M units, they also thought they would easily increase their MAU numbers by millions for their GAAs games like Helldivers 2, not the case either since they’re making this amount of noise with Sony about the simple fact they’ll have to link an account and are mass refunding the game, so of course, right now as we speak here Sony is looking more carefully at this market for their future releases


27 Jun 2023
a game like Horizon Forbidden West that costed 200M+ dollars to make, sold miserable estimated 300k copies on PC in 3 months so far, this barely pays for salary of Nixxes employees 💀
  • they're_right_you_know
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24 Jun 2022
He was replying and talking to Systemshock, though, not every PC gamer. Maybe read properly before you talk?

Maybe you should think properly before typing a post?

And I'm only making it a personal insult since you started it first. You get back what you put in.


27 Jun 2023

And Sony keep supporting these assholes.

i love it so much that now Ghost Of Tsushima will tank more than HFW on Steam and their games moving forward are gonna sell even less, pushing them more and more to abandon ports of singleplayer games and only maintain live services on PC


27 Jun 2023
I don't think PC ports affect the console side. Fans love the console and the ecosystem, why would they switch to an entirely different platform?
it affects, not in a huge way, but it affects, PS5 would probably sell 2/3M+ units if this PC move was not a thing, and 2/3M more people on your console is way better than these poor copies they're getting on Steam
Last edited:
24 Jun 2022
Hmmm, that feels more like wishful thinking TBH. Thankfully we have no icon era people on Sony's C suite.

Imagine going to the shareholders telling them that they will backpedal on the PC expansion after spending billions in buying best in class GaaS studio and PC porting studio. All be cause they can't be bothered to create PSN functionalities in many regions.

Those execs heads would be on a pike.

Clearly these are growing pains for Sony. Life is tougher outside of the walled garden and they will have to learn how to operate with new audiences. Specially since GaaS was going to be their main focus. Better to have it fixed and properly communicated before Destiny 3, Concord, Marathon, Fairgame$ are released. Chop chop.

They can tell the shareholders whatever they want as long as what change of plans there are, make sense. And it's up to SIE and Sony Corp to make those changes make sense financially to their shareholders.

You're acting as if corporations are beholden to a strategy chosen no matter what, a roadmap with no changes to be made whatsoever in reaction to significant changes of the market climate. Both of those assumptions are false. Sometimes "growing pains", as you put them, also include significant changes in strategy for misreading a given market for growth and adjusting to accommodate that realization.

Like I always say, we will see what happens.


8 May 2023
it affects, not in a huge way, but it affects, PS5 would probably sell 2/3M+ units if this PC move was not a think, and 2/3M more people on your console is way better than these poor copies they're getting on Steam

It doesn't work like that. The PC userbase does not want to have a console. In fact one has to ask, why Sony games as big as they are don't have Nintendo like attach rates on Playstation ? And unlike Nintendo they do get big discounts and are available on subscription services.

If their own console gamers don't buy more copies, what makes you think that a PC gamer will buy a console to play those games.

You have to go where the demand is.
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