You going to see a lot of that slow down once those next gen only titles start coming out with that gen size lol
Thats how it was the start of the last gen too, you saw a lot of cross gen games and people downloaded a lot, and then them sweet next gen only titles started to come out lol Even myself, I download quite a few games, but certain games i prefer to just own a copy of it if its a once over type thing so I can sell it.
I come to realize most games I don't actually play twice.
FF, Resident Evil, Metal Gear Solid, The Last Of Us, Elder Scrolls, Fallout....
That's about it lol
I just don't see me really replaying MOST games. Like most of next year legit is a huge list of once overs for me, I only see me keeping RE4 remake, FFXVI and Spiderman 2
Dead Space remake, Silent Hill 2 remake, Dead Island 2, AC Mirage, Hogwarts RPG, Star Wars Fallen Order 2 etc, I actually plan to sell to a few friends the week after release. They mad about that next gen price...good, I'll buy it at $70, sell it to them for $50...everyone wins lol I had to really, really look at my set up, back log to fully get that vast majority I'm not replaying to really keep or "download". So downloads for me will just be sales, PS Plus, Extra stuff. Even sales is a maybe as I tend to always peak at Amazon and Gamestop when ever a PSN sale rolls around to see if I can get a better deal or something.
@KiryuRealty and
@Alabtrosmyster agreed with both. You have to really look around to find some great deals.
I once got Doom on PS4 for like $10 from Walmart years ago, it was like 2017 or so, a year after it came out and I had to do a double take lol Was an easy buy. Some times you find that rare deal and it makes sense to take a peak at that used corner at Walmart (greatly under looked) or Gamestop (rare, but some deals exist there for sure) and I always cross reference with Amazon.
I think too many gamers don't trust publishers in the game industry to really hop on a digital only thing. We just watched Overwatch 1 get killed to prop up 2. Imagine if we have digital only? Nothing would stop a publisher from just making this a standard thing ,single player or MP be damned lol
We need a law to protect consumers rights on digital games and its about time it caught up to this. Right now, you are just buying a fucking rental with digital and before I feel comfortable with all digital thing, we need those rights to protect consumers to make a heathy industry for everyone.