Best solution is to not offer a digital-only console (which requires the patch in disc-drive). Problem solved, no negative PR, or spin for that matter.
But we all know deep down the reason we get digital-only consoles is cause Sony wants to fatten its bottomline, just like MS - by fully closing the software distribution pipeline... at the expense of the freedom you get with physical media and the markets outside Sony or MS's control. Just cause Sony doesn't push it hard like MS doesn't mean they don't co-op it - "fast follower" suits them well.
Bargaining 101.
Do not damage control for Sony here regardless of the merits of the complaint one way or another. Solution imo is simple: Kill the digital-only sku. Won't do that? Enjoy the BS then...
Proponents of physical media, whether they're discs or sd-memory cards need to stop playing argumentative games with folks online on this topic. Irreconcilable positions - so, stake your ground, and buy physical whenever you can.