Is "ugly" the new trend?

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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
They did cut her breast size. Your second and third reasons are okay-ish, but the first one is the real reason, I suspect. That's the one I don't agree with. If you want to represent women in your games, represent women as they are. There's lots of women with big breasts in the world. The solution to how women are represented in video games isn't to shape them into what you (video game developers) think is acceptable, be it over or under sexualized. Just show them how they are, in all their shapes and sizes.

I agree with all this, but to be fair, I'm not bothered by it. I don't play games to look at virtual breasts or virtual ass, so it doesn't impact me the slightest.
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14 Jul 2022
I agree with all this, but to be fair, I'm not bothered by it. I don't play games to look at virtual breasts or virtual ass, so it doesn't impact me the slightest.

Neither do I, but that's besides the point. Unlike you, I am bothered by it. I guess I'm just tired of seeing the issue of how women look or are represented as being this big, complex thing. It's really not and changing how a woman looks so as to not appeal or appeal to men is still men dictating how women look. In that sense, some of the so-called progressive developers are just as bad as the ones who have women as big-titty dolls.

Sorry, I hope I don't come across as being argumentative with you. This issue is just something I've been seeing for a long time and this new wave of female characters is often not in the least progressive. I've gone from laughing at Ada wearing high heels in RE4 to just being generally fed up with it all.


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
I agree with all this, but to be fair, I'm not bothered by it. I don't play games to look at virtual breasts or virtual ass, so it doesn't impact me the slightest.
I am calling you out on this absolute bullshit of yours.

I remember having a discussion about borderlands 3, I said Moxi was kinda hot but you said Ellie made you purr.



14 Jul 2022
I am calling you out on this absolute bullshit of yours.

I remember having a discussion about borderlands 3, I said Moxi was kinda hot but you said Ellie made you purr.


I do appreciate the levity you often bring to discussions. As well, I've often wanted to discuss this sort of topic elsewhere, but know that I would have had about 50 triggered reactions for my views. It's feels okay to talk about stuff here. My thanks to you and the rest of the team. ☺️


Hello there!
24 Jun 2022
It’s been so frequent on the female side I can’t help but feel it’s deliberate at this point. There is no logical explanation in my mind other than the most obvious thing, that the designers have intended it that way.

But at some point, that’s the world you live in. What is and isn’t acceptable to you, is up to you. To me, it’s not a big enough issue to not want to run to go pick TLoU Part 1 up, especially given that I’ve never played before.
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Deleted member 140

I think the "issue" is being overblown, same as the "woke" bashing, honestly! Game and character design got more mature and professional, talented teams are creating believable worlds. If we take Returnal for example, the main character fits perfectly into the story and into the setting, while a young flawlessly attractive woman wouldn't and that's a good thing because it shows that the medium is growing up and moving away from depictions of women that are based on teenage boys immature fantasies.

And there are still more than enough attractive videogame females around, making this a non issue, having a bit diversity is not the end of the world! 😚
  • they're_right_you_know
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Explosive Zombie

Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
My teenage boy immature fantasies always involved real women that really existed, I don't get why we're acting like real actual woman are "unattainable beauty standards" "unrealistic" or whatever else. Video game characters don't need to be made to suit the male gaze but it doesn't mean the male gaze invented attractive females, lol

Deleted member 140

My teenage boy immature fantasies always involved real women that really existed, I don't get why we're acting like real actual woman are "unattainable beauty standards" "unrealistic" or whatever else. Video game characters don't need to be made to suit the male gaze but it doesn't mean the male gaze invented attractive females, lol

Videogame development and the industry as a whole have been male dominated to most of the time, with these males creating sexy characters they like and were thirsting over. I saw many videogame magazine covers, ads and articles from the 90s and 2000s which were extremely sexist, sexy booth babes everywhere and so on because it was what the male developers and male audience wanted and it set the foundation for the whole industry, that's why I'd say that they "invented" the unrealistically attractive females in videogames. Looking back at all the extremely sexy females in gaming is cringe inducing today!


17 Jul 2022
Tbh her being younger would make way more sense. she was able to take down gangs members, zombies and guards. She was also running like a beast. I don't think an old lady would have the stamina and strength to do all of that!! 🤔 especially since the last of us is supposed to be about apocalyptic realism.
You think a woman in her 40s is an “old lady”???

Explosive Zombie

Well-known member
21 Jun 2022
Videogame development and the industry as a whole have been male dominated to most of the time, with these males creating sexy characters they like and were thirsting over. I saw many videogame magazine covers, ads and articles from the 90s and 2000s which were extremely sexist, sexy booth babes everywhere and so on because it was what the male developers and male audience wanted and it set the foundation for the whole industry, that's why I'd say that they "invented" the unrealistically attractive females in videogames. Looking back at all the extremely sexy females in gaming is cringe inducing today!

Do we need to make actually beautiful women think we cringe when looking at them because they're "unrealistic"? I think this should be qualified as more situational, like some game where the world's leading female scientist is shaped like a pornstar or something, silly stuff like that. But the notion that attractive women simply don't exist or their existence is cringe is so weird to me. To be clear, I consider Aloy attractive, I consider Abbie and Ellie in TLOU 2 attractive, but it doesn't mean they're as attractive as a woman can be or something.


22 Jul 2022
Videogame development and the industry as a whole have been male dominated to most of the time, with these males creating sexy characters they like and were thirsting over. I saw many videogame magazine covers, ads and articles from the 90s and 2000s which were extremely sexist, sexy booth babes everywhere and so on because it was what the male developers and male audience wanted and it set the foundation for the whole industry, that's why I'd say that they "invented" the unrealistically attractive females in videogames. Looking back at all the extremely sexy females in gaming is cringe inducing today!
Sex sells baby.

Also, the core gaming community is still male dominated. Always has been, always will be.

Boys eat this sort of stuff up, the power fantasy, liking to push buttons. Females are much more people people. This is why you see professions such as nursing be so female dominated vs mechanical or engineering work be so males dominated.

You don’t even realise the difference till you have a son and a daughter and how they differ so greatly without any difference in upbringing.


21 Jun 2022
The -SJW- ones who demand or make these changes don't make them what they are: ugly. They call them non-sexualized, lgtb (or trans specifically) friendly characters.

Which I think it's dumb because first there is nothing wrong with sexy and attractive characters (or sex), and to make a character uglier, to make their body more androginous doesn't make it lgtb or trans friendly, it only makes it uglier and less attractive and charismatic to everyone. I think most LGBT, and particularly trans love attractive people, like everyone else.

In fact gays around me and their friends always took more effort and valued more being good looking than the hetero ones. They are also big fans of the prettier, flashier females. And well, same goes with lesbians.

Historically the best performing and favorite art of the vast majority featured very healty, attractive, young adults. Subconsciously the ones who would be fertile and would provide healty/"better" kids. They were the reference for their audience, who wanted to be like them or liked them.

It's only the woke cult, who hate males, white or hetero people mixed with elite supporting all this who also wants to reduce population and making dumber (to ensure there are less people capable to kick them away from the throne) and want to see the lower class fighting each other instead of fighting upper classes. No artist wants to make unattractive, uncharismatic, unappealing characters unless brainwashed by this cult or forced by their bosses/their woke censorship department (call it "diversity council" or whatever)/afraid of being cancelled.

Regarding "this character isn't realistic"/"people feels unconfortable or can't identify with this character because looks too good" I think it's a very bad take because characters are often power fantasies or beauty ideals (and whatever the woke cult say there is absolutely nothing wrong with both of them) in the same way that were the superheroes from decades ago, the paintings from the middle age or the scultures from the middle age.
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Deleted member 140

Do we need to make actually beautiful women think we cringe when looking at them because they're "unrealistic"? I think this should be qualified as more situational, like some game where the world's leading female scientist is shaped like a pornstar or something, silly stuff like that. But the notion that attractive women simply don't exist or their existence is cringe is so weird to me. To be clear, I consider Aloy attractive, I consider Abbie and Ellie in TLOU 2 attractive, but it doesn't mean they're as attractive as a woman can be or something.

When I say cringe and immature teenage boy fantasies, I mean things like this from the past:


Seeing this, I'm glad me were able to move away from that and now have more "ugly" characters, which I see simply as more believable and better designed characters, I'd even generally disagree that most modern characters are ugly.
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