It's time for Microsoft to pull the plug on Xbox.


Admin | Mod
21 Jun 2022
The literal fuckmuppets think it's all about Redfall.
miss piggy comedy GIF


25 Mar 2023
This thread's gotten mad traction on Twitter 😂

Took them long enough. Knowing them though, this concern is probably just performative.
We just have the balls to say what everyone is thinking. How did Atari or Sega leaving the console market damaged players? If you suck so much that your console businesses becomes unsustainable despite you willing to pump money into it for decades just get out, it's not meant to be.

MS greatest contribution to the console market to this day is instituting paid online and shifting focus to services.

MS is bad even at the stuff they were meant to be good at, Sony nameless graphic API results in more polished and performing games than the mess that is DirectX on PC and Xbox. Even their Windows Xbox store is trash despite it being key to the expansion of Gamepass.


10 Feb 2023
Shinobi posted this a while back too....

Just to consider the bigger picture.

Bunch of games no1 cares about. U can go with 2 or 3 such games but when 90% of your output re games no1 cares about(or definition of niche like aoe a d flight simulator) makes u wonder who makes decisions. Only thing missing s Mara, cgi staircase. Perfect dark. Needs CD help to show anything. Was irrelevant ip and it ll stay irrelevant. State of decay another trash. What makes them think market wants another after first 2?
Who greenlight these? Phil?

And they wonder why platform s irrelevant worlwide. Ffs try to make another gears or something. How about that cod competitor?


Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
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21 Jun 2022

Yes, apparently multibillion loses business after more than two decades not being able to post more than a couple quarters with profits, not counting dozens of billions spent on acquisitions, this is why they may consider to shut it down or highly change their direction and strategy.

If they don't have to end shutting down the division they'll have to start frequently delivering greatness after so many years of broken promises, lies and building hype with cg teasers of games to be released 7 years in the future.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Bunch of games no1 cares about. U can go with 2 or 3 such games but when 90% of your output re games no1 cares about(or definition of niche like aoe a d flight simulator) makes u wonder who makes decisions. Only thing missing s Mara, cgi staircase. Perfect dark. Needs CD help to show anything. Was irrelevant ip and it ll stay irrelevant. State of decay another trash. What makes them think market wants another after first 2?
Who greenlight these? Phil?

And they wonder why platform s irrelevant worlwide. Ffs try to make another gears or something. How about that cod competitor?

I don't understand how they can spend so much on studios, publishers and IP but not one of their games looks enticing...

It all looks like the tired stuff we have all played a million times before. Basically they want to really go back to the 360 gen, but the industry has moved on a lot. They don't seem to be fully aware of that.


25 Mar 2023
Bunch of games no1 cares about. U can go with 2 or 3 such games but when 90% of your output re games no1 cares about(or definition of niche like aoe a d flight simulator) makes u wonder who makes decisions. Only thing missing s Mara, cgi staircase. Perfect dark. Needs CD help to show anything. Was irrelevant ip and it ll stay irrelevant. State of decay another trash. What makes them think market wants another after first 2?
Who greenlight these? Phil?

And they wonder why platform s irrelevant worlwide. Ffs try to make another gears or something. How about that cod competitor?
Are you really a gamer if you didn't pay monthly to play Pentiment, Dusk Falls and High on Life?


8 Jan 2023
Bunch of games no1 cares about. U can go with 2 or 3 such games but when 90% of your output re games no1 cares about(or definition of niche like aoe a d flight simulator) makes u wonder who makes decisions. Only thing missing s Mara, cgi staircase. Perfect dark. Needs CD help to show anything. Was irrelevant ip and it ll stay irrelevant. State of decay another trash. What makes them think market wants another after first 2?
Who greenlight these? Phil?

And they wonder why platform s irrelevant worlwide. Ffs try to make another gears or something. How about that cod competitor?
3 or 4 of those have the chance to be really good if MS leadership was better at managing development imo. Unfortunately, there's no telling how they'll manage to mess up the potential there.
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Icon Extra
30 Jun 2022

Bootleg Jez saw our posts! I wonder if we’ll get an influx of Xbox shills now that he’s given iconera some visibility?

After seeing this?

Yeah just pull the plug already

Cos this is dogshit not even PS2 game look this bad

Anyone enjoying this turd game have fun
  • fire
Reactions: Nhomnhom
24 Jun 2022
Xbox wasn't out during the PS1, but i'll assume that was a typo, it happens. I had a Dreamcast over a Ps2 which was a superior experience, although it is subjective.

Xbox 360 launched first, cheaper and had games playable before PS3, because it launched first. The Xbox 360 was widely accepted as the better console for the first few years of the gen. Around 2008 or 2010 depending on your preference, Sony reduced the cost of the Ps3 and started releasing technically superior games. Uncharted (2?) blew Gears 3 (which had the best graphics on xbox 360 to that point) away by a land slide.

It's not a dream of an xbox come back. They can still come back, even if they choose not to or don't have the skills to do so. Atari and Sega faced the same fate.

Hate to say it but at least for the rest of this gen, especially if Starfield underperforms, there is no magical Xbox comeback. Sony has ridiculously good momentum, and Nintendo's holding in strongly themselves, and will undoubtedly see renewed momentum when the next Switch is revealed. Microsoft are kind of just sandwiched in the market and provide no unique value relative Sony or Nintendo that actually resonates with the wider market.

When Sony were down momentarily with PS3, they still had more market relevance and brand power than Microsoft had when the XBO began lagging behind, or the Xbox Series have today. The market was also a lot different back then so it was relatively easier in ways for Sony to come back with PS3 than it would be for Microsoft to do the same. And, unlike Sony, Microsoft have a much longer track record of sustained disappointments, going back to at least 2016, but cracks were showing even as early as 2010 after Kinect released on the 360. They just didn't really get noticed at the time because of 360's strong momentum from 2005 - 2009 and Sony only having just began their comeback with PS3 (and they had a big setback with the PSN hack of 2011).

Conversely in terms of the wider market Sony's only period where people were seriously disappointed in their performance was 2006 - 2008, just a couple years or so, and things started turning around from 2009 onwards, never having any major momentum drops (tho again, some momentary road bumps like the PSN hack). MS's track record with general market disappointment has been much longer so it will be magnitudes tougher for them to overcome it and have a proper comeback that the wider market actually responds to.

The only thing currently giving any hope that Microsoft could potentially have a comeback (while sticking to the regular console business model) is their sheer amount of income flow. Which could stave off Xbox losses in the meantime because Xbox means little to MS's bottom line. Sega and Atari never had the same privilege of deep pockets, but I would argue Sega in particular gave a much better attempt at a real comeback with Dreamcast than Microsoft ever did in the last years of XBO or are doing today with Xbox Series, they just ran out of money to keep going with the system.

Otherwise, and again IMO if Starfield isn't a bonafide hit commercially & critically, and doesn't do enough to instill some real hope into the future of Xbox 1P AAA releases going forward...then the means of a comeback for the brand can probably only be done by completely removing it out of the space/context of the "console war". Shifting Xbox hardware more into the PC space, opening it up to Windows, and fully bringing Xbox back to Direct X, the way it was meant to bring Direct X to the living room in the 2000s. Well the living room war has been over because there's virtually little chance Xbox can ever gain majority mindshare or market share over Sony & PlayStation, but they can still solidify the PC gaming front that Valve wants to shift away from Windows anyway, so why not use Xbox to do that?

The Cell sucked and was pretty much what fucked the PS3. Had Sony just gone with some basic design like the 360 the PS3 would've sold about as much as the PS4. Sony was never able to match prices with the 360, a few years into the gen and you had a $199 360 and even by the end of the gen the PS3 never reached those prices.

It was the perfect storm for MS and all they managed was to end up in last place and completely nuke their internal studios out of existence. Absolutely no vision.

The Kinect ended up fucking MS later on but during the 360 gen it actually considerably boosted their sales.

Miss me with the arrogant Sony talk, MS has been arrogant for decades and hasn't done shit. Sony fucked up with the PS3 hardware and that's about it, they turned things around within 3 years and set up what would become more than a decade of complete dominance. It's not like Sony planed for the PS3 to not justify it's price, the expectation was to release a premium console that would perform that way.

I disagree that the Cell sucked; in fact it's because of Cell why the 360 even had the CPU it did because some IBM people told them about what they, Sony & Toshiba were working on, and MS wanted a variant of that.

What actually sucked with PS3 was the GPU. They did want to use two Cells originally; one for a CPU and the other for a GPU, but at some point Sony realized that wasn't going to be feasible. However it was too late to go with a custom GPU design so they had to pick something Nvidia already had on offer and just "make it work". The GPU in PS3 being so modest for the time (IIRC it didn't even have programmable shaders) is why we saw devs (especially 1P) leverage the Cell to speed up GPU operations, and we got some beautiful results out of that.

UC2 & 3, TLOU, GT6...there isn't a single 360 game I can think of with visuals at their level and it's not just because Sony probably afforded those games bigger budgets. The Cell had a lot to do with it, too. PS3's GPU being weak was actually the 360's saving grace in terms of having a performance edge; the "segmented memory" stuff about PS3 isn't actually that true (the RSX could access the XDR memory of the Cell, but had to go through the Cell to access it (the Cell also set up some of the graphics pipeline so naturally the RSX would need to access the XDR memory there), and I think that bus was narrower than the one for the GDDR3 the RSX itself had access to.

If the PS3's GPU was on the level of 360's that generation would have eventually taken a really bad turn for Xbox before the Kinect came out, because 3P performance would have been at parity between it and 360 if not better in PS3's case, and that's before really tapping into the Cell for its own benefits graphics-wise. 360 probably would not have held out long enough in that scenario to get the 2nd gust of wind the Kinect afforded it, as 3P support would have been a lot more favorable towards PS3 in the 2008 - 2009 time frame, and that would have been combined with Sony's 1P hits.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023

Bootleg Jez saw our posts! I wonder if we’ll get an influx of Xbox shills now that he’s given iconera some visibility?

The damage control from the Xbox fanboys is the icing on the cake


25 Mar 2023
Hate to say it but at least for the rest of this gen, especially if Starfield underperforms, there is no magical Xbox comeback. Sony has ridiculously good momentum, and Nintendo's holding in strongly themselves, and will undoubtedly see renewed momentum when the next Switch is revealed. Microsoft are kind of just sandwiched in the market and provide no unique value relative Sony or Nintendo that actually resonates with the wider market.

When Sony were down momentarily with PS3, they still had more market relevance and brand power than Microsoft had when the XBO began lagging behind, or the Xbox Series have today. The market was also a lot different back then so it was relatively easier in ways for Sony to come back with PS3 than it would be for Microsoft to do the same. And, unlike Sony, Microsoft have a much longer track record of sustained disappointments, going back to at least 2016, but cracks were showing even as early as 2010 after Kinect released on the 360. They just didn't really get noticed at the time because of 360's strong momentum from 2005 - 2009 and Sony only having just began their comeback with PS3 (and they had a big setback with the PSN hack of 2011).

Conversely in terms of the wider market Sony's only period where people were seriously disappointed in their performance was 2006 - 2008, just a couple years or so, and things started turning around from 2009 onwards, never having any major momentum drops (tho again, some momentary road bumps like the PSN hack). MS's track record with general market disappointment has been much longer so it will be magnitudes tougher for them to overcome it and have a proper comeback that the wider market actually responds to.

The only thing currently giving any hope that Microsoft could potentially have a comeback (while sticking to the regular console business model) is their sheer amount of income flow. Which could stave off Xbox losses in the meantime because Xbox means little to MS's bottom line. Sega and Atari never had the same privilege of deep pockets, but I would argue Sega in particular gave a much better attempt at a real comeback with Dreamcast than Microsoft ever did in the last years of XBO or are doing today with Xbox Series, they just ran out of money to keep going with the system.

Otherwise, and again IMO if Starfield isn't a bonafide hit commercially & critically, and doesn't do enough to instill some real hope into the future of Xbox 1P AAA releases going forward...then the means of a comeback for the brand can probably only be done by completely removing it out of the space/context of the "console war". Shifting Xbox hardware more into the PC space, opening it up to Windows, and fully bringing Xbox back to Direct X, the way it was meant to bring Direct X to the living room in the 2000s. Well the living room war has been over because there's virtually little chance Xbox can ever gain majority mindshare or market share over Sony & PlayStation, but they can still solidify the PC gaming front that Valve wants to shift away from Windows anyway, so why not use Xbox to do that?

I disagree that the Cell sucked; in fact it's because of Cell why the 360 even had the CPU it did because some IBM people told them about what they, Sony & Toshiba were working on, and MS wanted a variant of that.

What actually sucked with PS3 was the GPU. They did want to use two Cells originally; one for a CPU and the other for a GPU, but at some point Sony realized that wasn't going to be feasible. However it was too late to go with a custom GPU design so they had to pick something Nvidia already had on offer and just "make it work". The GPU in PS3 being so modest for the time (IIRC it didn't even have programmable shaders) is why we saw devs (especially 1P) leverage the Cell to speed up GPU operations, and we got some beautiful results out of that.

UC2 & 3, TLOU, GT6...there isn't a single 360 game I can think of with visuals at their level and it's not just because Sony probably afforded those games bigger budgets. The Cell had a lot to do with it, too. PS3's GPU being weak was actually the 360's saving grace in terms of having a performance edge; the "segmented memory" stuff about PS3 isn't actually that true (the RSX could access the XDR memory of the Cell, but had to go through the Cell to access it (the Cell also set up some of the graphics pipeline so naturally the RSX would need to access the XDR memory there), and I think that bus was narrower than the one for the GDDR3 the RSX itself had access to.

If the PS3's GPU was on the level of 360's that generation would have eventually taken a really bad turn for Xbox before the Kinect came out, because 3P performance would have been at parity between it and 360 if not better in PS3's case, and that's before really tapping into the Cell for its own benefits graphics-wise. 360 probably would not have held out long enough in that scenario to get the 2nd gust of wind the Kinect afforded it, as 3P support would have been a lot more favorable towards PS3 in the 2008 - 2009 time frame, and that would have been combined with Sony's 1P hits.
Sure, I was exaggerating, but the Cell is what made Sony comfortable going with a gimped GPU. The Cell also resulted in no proper PS3 retro to this day, it simply backfired big time. But I liked Sony intentions they were going for a really premium console it just didn't work out.
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Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
On both gamefaqs and reddit fans are done with Phil amd his antics, is it really time for Microsoft to give up on the Xbox brand?

Just wait one month and everything will be different.
Microsoft will own Activision-Blizzard, Call of Duty and some of the biggest gaming IPs in the world.
We're talking about a Microsoft with two huge publishers (ZeniMax Media, Activision and Blizzard) and another ~20 gaming studios. They will be unstoppable.
I know it's a funny pic, but this is literally the truth:


25 Mar 2023
Just wait one month and everything will be different.
Microsoft will own Activision-Blizzard, Call of Duty and some of the biggest gaming IPs in the world.
We're talking about a Microsoft with two huge publishers (ZeniMax Media, Activision and Blizzard) and another ~20 gaming studios. They will be unstoppable.
I know it's a funny pic, but this is literally the truth:
You should never show up here again if in one month MS hasn't won ABK. We all know that right now you feel like a clown and denial is your last resort.

One month from now we'll in June, the month when Final Fantasy XVI will release on PS5 and you'll be here crying about ABK.
  • Shake
Reactions: Cool hand luke


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
Even your biggest xbox fan ryan mcafrey already fed up

Continue to damage control jez

I always found Ryan way more honest about his bias and far more receptive to honest criticism... he is a person I can listen to and get value from what he says. If I could, I would apologize if I ever lumped him in with other people who just defend Xbox endlessly no-matter what they do or dont do.