Microsoft is talking to japanese publishers about acquisitions. Let's guess the next big Xbox acquisition.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
You are not getting it...
Nobody said it's illegal, it has to do with the mentality of the Japanese. All this talk about everyone has price is pure bs, at least in Japan it is not the case. Are you really that naive to think Microsoft never approached the Japanese publishers to buy them, since the they entered gaming?
There were reports in the past MS tried to buy publisher like Capcom, Sega and Square Enix but got rejected. It's not a fantasy, this mentality thing in Japan is real. We all know Microsoft has money, but that's not important for Japanese gaming companies. If I would be wrong, then MS would have gobbled up all Japanese big players long ago. And like I wrote before, the laws got stricter in 2019 and 2021 for foreigners. It will never happen that this shady company will ever get one Japanese big player. But you all can keep believing frauds like Grubb and closing your eyes from the reality. Every year the same and pointless discussion about MS and Japan.^^
MS tried to buy Nintendo... since MS decided to enter the gaming market they are trying to buy a Japanese Studio/Publisher.

You can actually shot to everybody but it is not easy to make these deals happens and that is hold even more true with Japanese companies.

MS was very lucky in the timing to get Activision Blizzard... it just happened because they were facing a lot of issues internally and externally that opened the door to MS buy them.


28 Jun 2022
Sickhumor tv made a great point today on his show. Sony needs to quit with these small dinky acquisitions that they need to cultivate from the ground up and buy an established publisher so they can have bargaining chips. Just leave the publisher multiplatform until something needs to be pulled if microsoft decides to pull someting off playstation. Its confounding they havent done this already and i really question if it not already too late for them to make any moves, hence them openly trying to kill the activison deal instead of making deals of their own.


Look, all companies are always "in talks" with other publishers and developers, but if I'm being frank, MS are the last ones right now who need to be stirring the pot for yet another major acquisition. In the span of only four years, they've already acquired 30 or so studios across a string of independent smaller studios, one major publisher, and soon the industry's BIGGEST publisher.

To the point, they have enough studios, manpower, tech and IP resources to "feed the beast" that is GamePass, if that's what this was actually about. I'm taking Satya and Phil by their word, but that might not account for much. And let's also keep it 100%; we have not even began to see what the results of being under Microsoft mean for Ninja Theory (outside of Bleeding Edge, not the best example), Obsidian (I guess Grounded and Pentiment might count? Not exactly the most exhilarating games there though), etc. Let alone Bethesda. We barely have any output from these acquisitions of games we either would not have gotten otherwise, or show a very clear jump in quality versus what they were putting out beforehand.

Microsoft has already said that they're not done with acquisitions. I personally believe that we haven't seen the end of the beginning yet to be perfectly honest with you. I believe they keep going until next generation starts if not beyond. Microsoft slept for 19 years. The bear finally woke up and they're not fucking around anymore.

Game Pass is definitely their primary focus when it comes to Xbox but as before, I disagree with them having enough studios. It's never enough and after having only 5 studios for the majority of the duration of the Xbox One generation, I honestly don't want them to stop. Give me more. The more studios and/or publishers they buy, the less games I have to spend $70 on and can play them for a $10 monthly rental which is perfect for me as im not a collector, have only one game in my backlog and prefer to just go from game to game to game. The only thing I will say is that there's studios and publishers I prefer while there's a lot that I have zero interest in. For example, ABK is massive for Microsoft and Xbox but I would have preferred WB with all of DC, EA and Ubisoft instead. Only reason I have Ubisoft third despite being my favorite publisher is because they're supposed to be bringing Ubisoft+ as a separate subscription to Xbox and PlayStation so for me own personal preference, I don't need or even want Microsoft to acquire them since I would still get what I want out of Ubisoft. Also, while I forgot his name, there's a new person in charge at Ubisoft for the games and whatnot and want to see how he does for the rest of this generation.

Ninja Theory is all about Hellblade 2. We'll know exactly how they are when this game releases. Bleeding Edge was an experiment by a small team and at the end of the day, didn't hit because it was so similar to other games plus it wasn't very good. But no biggie. Obsidian's Pentiment I believe will surprise people. I'm expecting an 80+ for it. It's Sawyer and he knows what he's doing. Game isn't for me whatsoever but I do believe the quality will be there. Grounded has been huge for Obsidian and Microsoft. Over 10m players as of last February and is only being on by about 15 or so people. Considering the manpower (or lack there of) put on Grounded, I would say that they have a big hit on their hands and will only get bigger. But like Pentiment, not for me.

As for Bethesda, we would have had Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo but since they agreed to a timed exclusivity deal with Sony pre-acquisition, Xbox fans had and have to wait respectively. Neither game is for me so I honestly don't care about they're an 88 and 77 respectively on OpenCritic so the quality is there.

And now you have to throw ABK into the mix. It's going to take at least five years of consistent results for ME to have any genuine faith in Microsoft's strategy with their acquisitions, so for ME I don't honestly want to hear anything about them looking for yet more big publishers or developers to buy (especially Japanese ones, because at that point they're just screwing around with Sony and Nintendo's stability with 3P publishers. I mean, buying Zenimax and ABK kind of does that as well, but I digress). I think the past four years have been good for MS's growth mode in terms of gaming, but it's time to settle down, and start getting to the meat & potatoes. Start getting that content out, and make it world-class.

If the results are looking good enough, maybe by 2027, if they're still interested in going after another big gaming publisher like, say, Sega, I won't have an internal repulsion against the idea, because at that point MS will have (hopefully) shown they could do with 30+ teams in five years, what they couldn't do with most of their FIVE original teams in 20 years. And that would be a massive W; if they came out at that point and said "hey, we're looking to acquire Sega", I think most gamers across the board would be okay with it, because the results from prior acquisitions are doing the talking for them by that point.

The first paragraph is obviously for you personally but you're not an Xbox fan so it makes sense than you want to see games get released and Microsoft be consistent which is perfectly fair and reasonable but at the same time, I think that too many PlayStation fans believe that Microsoft is going to all of a sudden make and release Sony level games which outside of Gears of War and Bungie's Halo, they haven't really done. Microsoft's direction is simply the opposite. It's like when people say, why don't their games have realistic or better visuals like Sony does and it's because, that's not what they focus on. Being an Xbox fan since Xbox 360, I know that they're not copying Sony in that regard. They'll still release great or better games and while we'll get a "Sony type game" here and there, the vast majority of them will be the opposite which is why they will keep acquiring studios and/or publishers. They want every genre and they want it all in Game Pass and they want to get to a point to where they don't need to go to publishers to see if they're interested in Game Pass deals but to where publishers will go to them.

Now if they went on some wild bent and said they're buying Square-Enix or Capcom or something like that by 2027/2028 or whatever, my point would mostly still stand and it'd be Sony I'd be questioning, for not locking talent like that down beforehand if you knew there was a chance other platform holders were eyeing them. When you're too slow, you lose out, it's that simple. I do think Sony are considering these options themselves, though, so it shouldn't play out that way. Hell, these rumors could be about Sony in talks with Japanese publishers or developers and not Microsoft, which would make more sense because MS are still trying to get the ABK acquisition cleared so why split their focus acquisitions-wise with entertaining other big publishers/developers to buy? At that point groups like the FTC and CMA are going to see MS as extremely greedy, and complicate the process of them acquiring ABK.

Plus it wouldn't be the first time with certain "big" rumors started as if they involved Microsoft when they turned out to be pre-emptive pieces to distract from the fact they actually involved Sony. This has happened before, it could be happening again.

There's a great chance of Sony heavily investing in companies so they CAN'T be acquired by Microsoft or someone else. Sony will also continue to make their normal exclusivity deals and whatever else they do. Sony will definitely be making more acquisitions but they will be those that fit with what they do or potentially want to do like with Bungie. Microsoft is all in with getting the ABK deal done but they still talk with other companies. Just because they're waiting on an acquisition to close doesn't mean that they all of a sudden stop conducting their normal business in regards to acquisitions. They just wouldn't finalize or announce anything until after the ABK deal closes.

I've never wanted Apple to buy a game publisher so bad 🤣. Everything you just described with MS buying EA only shows a benefit to MS's bottom line and a change to the content delivery model. But the gamer in me, doesn't care for any of that. Not a single mention of bringing back Road Rash or Haunting Starring Poultryguy, just like how I've seen no one else mention about possibly getting some WoW adventure games like that cancelled (and pretty good-looking) one from 1996 that never got released (Activision had the publishing rights IIRC).

Sure, Phil's made a throwaway reference to bringing back Guitar Hero, but that's the safe pick. I haven't seen him, Satya, or most people in general talking about ABK, or Zenimax, or potential other MS acquisitions, talk about them from the POV that should actually matter: what games can we get that we otherwise wouldn't have been able to get? What are the quality improvements we should expect these games now? Can these studios ascend to the next level under Microsoft's leadership?

I could care less what these acquisitions are doing for the company's bottom line, or how turning the game into a service is somehow meant to be a benefit (or could potentially mangle it completely, i.e Halo Infinite). Even you are basically mentioning games that were going to come out anyway if ABK, EA etc. remained multiplat. The only difference being that money's now going to MS instead of the 3P publisher, because they technically won't exist as a 3P publisher anymore.

Apple would only buy a publisher if the rumors of them being in R&D with a gaming console are true. Of course, how far out their console is if it's true would determine if/when they make an acquisition. Funny thing is that with the rumors of EA being for sale and Disney snooping around, I would prefer Disney over Apple or Amazon mainly because im set with Xbox and PlayStation. I don't want a third console.

Everything Microsoft is doing when it comes to Xbox is in regards to their as you put it, content delivery model and their bottom line which if anything, should be pretty obvious and apparent by now if it wasn't already. I would love Road Rash to come back and under Microsoft due to Game Pass, I do believe that this would be at least possible where as right now with EA, no chance. Loved Road Rash back in the day on Genesis but it was the 3DO version that was fucking awesome!! Bought 3DO for that and Need For Speed back in the day. As for ABK, I actually want to see StarCraft Ghost get resurrected.

Microsoft if anything is talking way too much in regards to ABK. I personally would have left everything as "no comment" back in January and not say a word until the deal closes but that's just me. Game wise, they can't say much because until the deal goes through, it's still ABK running everything as normal. I do believe that they make COD a platform in 2024 and allow a lot of other studios to do what they want to do instead of working on just COD as support. I don't believe that you'll know the answers of quality improvements or if the studios ascended under Microsoft's leadership until at least next generation. If you're expecting to see results in these regards in a year or two, you should probably expand that time frame.

I only mentioned the sports games being multi-platform because of the licenses involved. I don't believe that BF, Mass Effect, etc. would be multi-platform. They would all be exclusive as they should be. I only care about Microsoft's bottom line in regards to gaming because the better it does and more money they make, the more money they'll reinvest into Xbox which is a benefit for Xbox fans and gamers. Platform games can't all be compared to Halo Infinite and while it took Microsoft longer to act than I would have (Bonnie Ross would have been gone years ago if it was up to me), better late than never and the three people they put in charge will only help Halo Infinite as a live service game. Of course, it's still going to take at least 6+ months for these changes to go into full effect and we start to see results.

If we're strictly talking smaller studios, the most likely you've mentioned would be Creative Assembly, People Can Fly, and Neon Giant. Asobo isn't as likely since they have their own funding source and are well-off in that regard; Techland is similar AFAIK.

But even with these smaller studios, MS should probably space out those acquisitions over at least a two-year period. They really need to get their current studios in order and get some real results coming out consistently.

I see Asobo as likely because they just started the third year in a ten year contract of content for Flight Simulator. Rumors also suggest that they're working on some kind of Kart Racing game exclusively for Microsoft. They seem to have a close relationship and while they may have their own funding source, it wouldn't come anywhere close to having a $2 trillion dollar funding source which is obviously far better. I think Asobo also has a three game deal with Focus Entertainment so either a 3rd game for Plague Tale which I would be all for or something else would probably get released or still go as planned if Microsoft were to acquire them. I think Asobo Studio would be a great fit because not only due to Flight Simulator but they seem to be great with tech and shit so having them as an internal studio sure as hell couldn't hurt.

Techland self-published Dying Light 2 but they also had a publishing label that they shut down if I remember correctly. They've also been behind in regards to having quality content for the game and their first paid expansion was delayed to November and could be delayed again.

I agree with the last part but at the same time, as you know, im of the firm belief that if you want someone, go fucking get them.

Has to be a wum, I'm not biting 😄

I'm 44. Seriously, WTF is a wum???

Deleted member 140

I genuinely hope no Japanese developer agrees to join Microsoft, only to get managed into the ground, with troubled gaming development and delays because that would be sad to see if that happens only because they fall for the money!
24 Jun 2022
Not according to threads on resetera and gaf who bashed him over a year ago. Yet he turned out to be more accurate than any PlayStation insider. Hell, are there any PlayStation insiders that are even close to being credible? lol. Moriarty is probably the best but he barely mentions shit anymore.

I think after the GTA VI hack we're going to (hopefully) see this insider cottage industry gradually fall off. Too many people trying to get clout off spoiling years of hard work of other developers who treat this stuff like art, like storytelling. And one thing storytellers absolutely hate, is someone else trying to spoil their story before they're ready to get to the next part themselves.

It's a bit different when certain platform holders seemingly want their games to be leaked so they can stay in the news cycle (Microsoft), but companies like Sony, Nintendo, Take-Two etc. aren't like that. They don't want nor need that type of stuff, but the insiders and leakers have been coming after them more and more these days.

All it'll take is the wrong insider/leaker getting a big access to something and that then falling into the (other) wrong hands, and all of this insider/leaker crap is just going to implode onto itself with serious consequences in terms of legalities for the people trying to get the clout off of, essentially, stolen information.

What exactly am I not getting?

I said "It's an insular society, that's the bigger hurdle."

I'm simply addressing the BS that somehow Japanese law is what will stop a foreign investment in a gaming company. All that happened was they increased the number of companies that require approval.

You used that tweet to claim "your dreams are hopeless" when this is RIGHT in the tweet chain:

NOT prohibited

The dreams aren't dead.. your logic is flawed either way.. just because MS may have tried and failed in the past, doesn't mean they can't succeed now.

Companies don't just sit around waiting to be sold.. the timing has to be right for the people who own shares, so an attempt 5 years ago that failed could succeed today. Beyond that MS may be more willing to offer big bucks.

I think the point Eternal was getting to, is that it's not simply just about the money. Microsoft could probably offer a publisher like Capcom $20 billion and still get rejected. Yes, pleasing shareholders and making lots of money is important to Japanese companies just like Western ones, but on the business side of things Japanese companies aren't as impressed by showings of flashiness, i.e look how much moolah I can throw at you, the way Western companies are.

And that goes back to a cultural difference, really. No, I'm not an expert of Japanese culture, but I think they tend to be more reserved with outright flashing of excess, especially when it comes to the business side of things, than people who run Western companies. I think things like what a buying company's long-term plans are, what their corporate culture is like, how that synergizes with theirs (and the fact Japanese corporate culture has a lot of roots in Japanese culture, traditions, and religion as a whole), matter even more to Japanese companies than simply how much money a buyer can put up to them.

Sickhumor tv made a great point today on his show. Sony needs to quit with these small dinky acquisitions that they need to cultivate from the ground up and buy an established publisher so they can have bargaining chips. Just leave the publisher multiplatform until something needs to be pulled if microsoft decides to pull someting off playstation. Its confounding they havent done this already and i really question if it not already too late for them to make any moves, hence them openly trying to kill the activison deal instead of making deals of their own.

Sony can do both; them investing into smaller teams early on and growing them in terms of size, scale, scope and ambition is very good for the industry as a whole. At least that is in many ways adding to the overall pool of developers (I know quite a few of these teams have ex-devs from other studios but there are also a lot of new hires among them), rather than simply transposing entire studios out of the 3P market and into a 1P market so nothing's really being removed but also nothing added, either.

Also just because Jim Ryan's made public statements about the ABK deal, doesn't mean they aren't working on larger gaming acquisitions of their own. It's possible to have simultaneous goals operating at the same time. But I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens with Sony WRT any further acquisitions. If they have by some chance missed their opportunity in securing a larger Japanese publisher, they can only kind of really blame themselves.

But if it turns out Microsoft is the reason for that, I genuinely don't think MS will be ready for the sheer backlash they'll end up getting from the people who ultimately matter: gamers. It is simply not going to go well for them in terms of acceptance of such a move in general, let alone if they make that type of move anytime soon. Sure the Xbox console warriors will love it, but they're just a loud vocal minority. And yes Sony would catch a lot of vitriol too from a lot of gamers over something like that happening (especially if it were, say, MS acquiring Square-Enix), but I think that type of move would be seen for what it is by the majority and could just bring MS's ambitions crashing in ways they can't see coming.


23 Jul 2022
Microsoft has already said that they're not done with acquisitions. I personally believe that we haven't seen the end of the beginning yet to be perfectly honest with you. I believe they keep going until next generation starts if not beyond. Microsoft slept for 19 years. The bear finally woke up and they're not fucking around anymore.

I'm 44.
Seriously, WTF is a wum???
These two statements don't match-up 😅
  • haha
Reactions: peter42O

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Sickhumor tv made a great point today on his show. Sony needs to quit with these small dinky acquisitions that they need to cultivate from the ground up and buy an established publisher so they can have bargaining chips. Just leave the publisher multiplatform until something needs to be pulled if microsoft decides to pull someting off playstation. Its confounding they havent done this already and i really question if it not already too late for them to make any moves, hence them openly trying to kill the activison deal instead of making deals of their own.
They have Bungie for that, but it's not enough.


28 Jun 2022
They have Bungie for that, but it's not enough.
Its not nearly enough and buying garage band mobile games studios isnt either. Haven isnt enough, deviation games wouldnt be enough. Heck cd project red isnt enough. I hope they understand this.


22 Jun 2022
I think the point Eternal was getting to, is that it's not simply just about the money.

His post was shit. He posted a tweet with a statement, I argued against the tweet having anything to do with his statement... he told me I'm not getting something and then his argument had nothing to do with his 1st post.

And guess what.. my post also said they are insular as a culture.. AKA not just about the money.

No clue why y'all do this lol You write essays in response to posts that are only a few sentences.. and those sentences sum up your essay already lol.

Stop defending shitty posts that don't say what you claim they were saying.


4 Jul 2022
Ive been thinking about what Microsofts real goals are, like really what they want. Factoring in the mismanagement, the billion dollar deficitcs, the never making a profit or recovering funds spent, all of it. It occurred to me their singular goal is to destroy the games industry. Thats it. There can be no other explanation.
Their goal its to are embrace, extend and extingish,_extend,_and_extinguish
This is nothing New, they want to dominate by Brute force and to rule by their terms

Being in the gaming industry now they have a fanbase of aaron greenberg lookalikes (look at any xbox expo, they arent pussy magnets and im being nice) that consist of exsega fanboys that Still think Sony was guilty of their Demise, pc edgellords who doesnt have money for a decent rig and ex Nintendo players who left the boat because of Nintendo shifting to less powerfull hardware, all of them share something, a sick hate to anything Sony related
Last edited:


22 Jun 2022
Yes 30 year old history from a company that has nobody from that era in control lol

And a concept that has literally nothing to do with consumer electronics / videogames.

That was used before MS actually did embrace standards, and stopped extending them (outside of the built in capabilities of standards to be extended.) AKA it basically only refers to HTML.

Right in the wiki:

The addition of "extinguish" in the phrase "embrace, extend and extinguish" was first introduced in the United States v. Microsoft Corp. antitrust trial when then vice president of Intel, Steven McGeady, used the phrase[9] to explain Microsoft vice president Paul Maritz's statement in a 1995 meeting with Intel that described Microsoft's strategy to "kill HTML by extending it".[10][11]

Was never even said by MS themselves.. it's a vague at best concept being applied to standards that MS stopped doing in the early 2000s.
24 Jun 2022
Microsoft has already said that they're not done with acquisitions. I personally believe that we haven't seen the end of the beginning yet to be perfectly honest with you. I believe they keep going until next generation starts if not beyond. Microsoft slept for 19 years. The bear finally woke up and they're not fucking around anymore.

But if they think the answer to being "asleep" is to just consolidate the industry, then sorry that's not something I can rock with. MS's problem has been lack of consistent quality of 1P titles. Outside of the Forza games and the Bungie Halo titles, the consistency has been lacking. In terms of any 1P games that have been industry-leading in terms of pushing visuals, game design, tech etc., they have been terribly lagging in comparison to Sony and Nintendo and, as a platform holder, I find that unacceptable.

However in order to resolve that, you don't need 30+ internal 1P teams. You just need a good enough stable of really strong, really well-managed 1P studios. So what does buying yet more publishers do for MS to address the actual shortcomings? Nothing, absolutely nothing. They have more than enough studios now to where, even if some fall by the wayside, they can produce enough high-quality AAA games of strong variety that are industry-leading in some way or another, to turn around the perception problem with majority of gamers outside their ecosystem...

...only if the management, leadership and creative guidance are supreme, though. That's where having even 100+ 1P teams means absolutely nothing, if those things I just mentioned are still lacking. And you can't "buy" that type of talent; it has to be fostered and cultivated over years of experience within your 1P teams and network of teams.

Game Pass is definitely their primary focus when it comes to Xbox but as before, I disagree with them having enough studios. It's never enough and after having only 5 studios for the majority of the duration of the Xbox One generation, I honestly don't want them to stop. Give me more. The more studios and/or publishers they buy, the less games I have to spend $70 on and can play them for a $10 monthly rental which is perfect for me as im not a collector, have only one game in my backlog and prefer to just go from game to game to game.

Except that isn't guaranteed. Like, at all. Look at it this way: MS have already spent ~ $80 billion on gaming acquisitions over the past four years. At some point, Xbox division has to start pulling its own weight in terms of covering those costs. How does it do that? How does Xbox do it, and not simply piggybacking off their more successful non-gaming divisions and their revenue? Because that's what it's going to come down to, eventually.

That's why people bring up the possibility of GamePass price increases, and other things of that nature happening in the future. Otherwise, I would think competitors have very good grounds to claim that MS are, in fact, price-fixing their own subscription service, leaning completely on Azure/Windows/Office to offset GamePass costs and finance gaming acquisitions, pricing services like GamePass to unrealistically low levels to make other competitors bleed out through money loss, etc.

Those claims become real if MS can simply keep buying up more publishers/developers, especially major ones, and yet there are no changes whatsoever to GamePass pricing, discount availability, Xbox pricing etc. Which are all things regulators have expressed concern about, btw.

The only thing I will say is that there's studios and publishers I prefer while there's a lot that I have zero interest in. For example, ABK is massive for Microsoft and Xbox but I would have preferred WB with all of DC, EA and Ubisoft instead. Only reason I have Ubisoft third despite being my favorite publisher is because they're supposed to be bringing Ubisoft+ as a separate subscription to Xbox and PlayStation so for me own personal preference, I don't need or even want Microsoft to acquire them since I would still get what I want out of Ubisoft. Also, while I forgot his name, there's a new person in charge at Ubisoft for the games and whatnot and want to see how he does for the rest of this generation.

Okay, let's say you got your wish and MS acquired WB/DC, EA & Ubisoft instead of ABK. We're already looking at maybe 80% of ABK's owned IP that are likely still not coming back even with MS now owning them...what are the hopes dormant legacy IP from WB, EA or Ubisoft come back bigger and better under Microsoft?

Otherwise, again, the only real benefits we're looking at are the same games you were already getting, just being "cheaper" through a subscription service. That's a change of the content delivery model, but why need consolidation to do that? I mean you've already mentioned Ubisoft have their own sub service, so they can offer that new content delivery model but still remain a 3P independent publisher, which is probably the best outcome. Nothing's really preventing WB/DC, or EA from doing the same.

In fact, if WB/DC did that now with the HBOMax and Discovery+ sub services, they probably would have a better marketing hook for those services and wouldn't have needed to cancel as many projects as they did. I'm just speculating, anyway.

Ninja Theory is all about Hellblade 2. We'll know exactly how they are when this game releases. Bleeding Edge was an experiment by a small team and at the end of the day, didn't hit because it was so similar to other games plus it wasn't very good. But no biggie. Obsidian's Pentiment I believe will surprise people. I'm expecting an 80+ for it. It's Sawyer and he knows what he's doing. Game isn't for me whatsoever but I do believe the quality will be there. Grounded has been huge for Obsidian and Microsoft. Over 10m players as of last February and is only being on by about 15 or so people. Considering the manpower (or lack there of) put on Grounded, I would say that they have a big hit on their hands and will only get bigger. But like Pentiment, not for me.

No, I think what happened with Bleeding Edge is exactly the kind of thing MS should have avoided. Someone at MS (Matt Booty), should've seen the opportunity to make Bleeding Edge bigger and better. Delay it, give it more time to cook, position it as a game truly optimized for your new flagship console's launch, and give it a real marketing push.

That's the thing: they wouldn't have needed to buy ABK for an Overwatch 2. They could've already HAD their Overwatch with Bleeding Edge, if only leadership had more faith, creative ingenuity and daringness. That's ultimately why so many are still hesitant with MS and these acquisitions, to be honest. I don't honestly care what MC scores Pentiment; MC has lost much of its value to me given the flaws in how it handles review aggregations, but I've talked about that a lot before so not retouching on it again here.

Whether the quality is there with Pentiment or not, for a console brand that needs to do more in terms of showing off strength in the AAA space, a game like Pentiment isn't doing much for their optics in that regard. They can also blame insiders for getting people's expectations up as for what it was actually going to be, compared to what it's actually turned out to be. And WRT Grounded; again things like MC scores or player counts, I don't care about. Those don't really tell us a lot about how these games are faring in the zeitgeist of mainstream mindshare among gamers and people as a whole, which is what Microsoft actually needs to make some big improvements in as they are woefully behind Sony and Nintendo in that regard.

Maybe that's where owning COD comes in, but they've got themselves in a very weird position there because they can't do TOO much to try shifting brand association among the mainstream and casuals with COD to them instead of PlayStation, else that strengthens concerns among regulators. But just having "another Minecraft" where yeah this IP's bringing in money but honestly vast majority don't think of "Microsoft" or "Xbox" when they think of the game, isn't going to do much for MS's image and mindshare among enthusiasts gamers, mainstreamers or casuals either.

As for Bethesda, we would have had Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo but since they agreed to a timed exclusivity deal with Sony pre-acquisition, Xbox fans had and have to wait respectively. Neither game is for me so I honestly don't care about they're an 88 and 77 respectively on OpenCritic so the quality is there.

Xbox fans only had to wait because Microsoft did not outbid Sony for the games. Heck, the chance is real that Microsoft did not put in a bid for the games whatsoever.

At which point it's almost impossible to blame Sony; I mean they are only continuing a strategy Microsoft themselves really honed in on with the 360 generation for MULTIPLE big Western 3P AAA releases, and even some Japanese 3P AAA releases. They helped perfect that blueprint even if companies like Sony, Nintendo and Sega dabbled in it here and there with past consoles.

The first paragraph is obviously for you personally but you're not an Xbox fan so it makes sense than you want to see games get released and Microsoft be consistent which is perfectly fair and reasonable but at the same time, I think that too many PlayStation fans believe that Microsoft is going to all of a sudden make and release Sony level games which outside of Gears of War and Bungie's Halo, they haven't really done. Microsoft's direction is simply the opposite. It's like when people say, why don't their games have realistic or better visuals like Sony does and it's because, that's not what they focus on. Being an Xbox fan since Xbox 360, I know that they're not copying Sony in that regard. They'll still release great or better games and while we'll get a "Sony type game" here and there, the vast majority of them will be the opposite which is why they will keep acquiring studios and/or publishers. They want every genre and they want it all in Game Pass and they want to get to a point to where they don't need to go to publishers to see if they're interested in Game Pass deals but to where publishers will go to them.

This is where the big disconnect happens, then, because for roughly three console generations Microsoft have tried competing directly with Sony in having those big, theatric, industry-defining AAA games, they just did so through a mixture of some 1P titles and having lots of deals with 3P publishers for AAA content (especially in the 360 generation).

Now we're suddenly supposed to accept Microsoft going this completely other route, not wanting to make games to compete with Sony's marquee 1P AAA (despite purchasing devs like Ninja Theory explicitly for that reason), but then having this mixed messaging where MS CEO Satya Nadella says they want to "compete" with Sony (by buying 3P publishers), several MS executives openly associating with Xbox console warriors on Twitter who do nothing but talk about/attack PlayStation 24/7, market their new consoles on power metrics directly in comparison with PlayStation 5, etc...?

Nah, that's not doing it for me. They want to have their cake and eat it, too, but if that's the case, commit to one or the other. It's obvious Microsoft want to make games like TLOU Part 2, otherwise they wouldn't have launched internal investigations to meticulously analyze & review the game. Are we supposed to think that Microsoft want to be more like Nintendo, then? Well, they don't have any of the IP or cultivated developer talent that can realistically, consistently provide that type of content. Maybe Rare and Double Fine, but that's about it. They want to do their own thing? Well, fine, and that's preferably the best solution. But that doesn't mean MS won't be compared to Sony and Nintendo, and they still need a clear identity in game development ethos, some type of specialty or two they clearly excel in and can produce industry-leading content in consistently. Outside of niche simulators and maybe RTS games, MS have no such spaces, and they don't have anything in those spaces that appeal to the vast majority of gamers.

There's a great chance of Sony heavily investing in companies so they CAN'T be acquired by Microsoft or someone else. Sony will also continue to make their normal exclusivity deals and whatever else they do. Sony will definitely be making more acquisitions but they will be those that fit with what they do or potentially want to do like with Bungie. Microsoft is all in with getting the ABK deal done but they still talk with other companies. Just because they're waiting on an acquisition to close doesn't mean that they all of a sudden stop conducting their normal business in regards to acquisitions. They just wouldn't finalize or announce anything until after the ABK deal closes.

I agree that part of Sony's reason for certain investments of late have been to cockblock Microsoft, more or less. I also think Sony & Tencent might be forming a sort of gaming alliance, and it seems Tencent want to seriously disassociate themselves from the CCP going into the future, which would make such an alliance more appealing to me, personally.

However, while I'm not gung-ho against Microsoft acquiring other publishers, I do think they need to slow down. Again, I'm going to keep pointing to Satya's own words. If it's about "competition" with Sony, they they will have more than enough by the time the ABK deal closes. Just focus on what you've got and actually bring some real competition, i.e bigger, better games, some industry-leading games, results that justify the strategy.

But that will take a few years and that's why I don't think MS need to actually buy anything else until a good 3-5 years out from now. Take some room and breath, and show us, the gamers, what you can do with the lot of resources you already have. Don't be too greedy.

Apple would only buy a publisher if the rumors of them being in R&D with a gaming console are true. Of course, how far out their console is if it's true would determine if/when they make an acquisition. Funny thing is that with the rumors of EA being for sale and Disney snooping around, I would prefer Disney over Apple or Amazon mainly because im set with Xbox and PlayStation. I don't want a third console.

But now you're denying the chance of that third console maybe doing better than the two you already have, just because they'd be the new kid on the block. I'm saying, if you want to shake things up for real, why not entertain Apple coming in with a console of their own? And since they'd be a new player in the console gaming space, I think them needing to "resort" to buying a publisher like EA would be expected.

I'm actually against Disney buying a gaming publisher because for one I doubt they have the money to buy an EA in the first place (not without taking out loans), and I also don't think they would have the money to finance typical EA gaming projects, new big gaming projects by EA AND all the Star Wars & MCU content they are already invested in. Keep in mind Disney's nowhere near as big as a Microsoft, Apple etc. in terms of revenue. They're slightly bigger than Nintendo and somewhat smaller than Sony in terms of market cap.

Everything Microsoft is doing when it comes to Xbox is in regards to their as you put it, content delivery model and their bottom line which if anything, should be pretty obvious and apparent by now if it wasn't already. I would love Road Rash to come back and under Microsoft due to Game Pass, I do believe that this would be at least possible where as right now with EA, no chance. Loved Road Rash back in the day on Genesis but it was the 3DO version that was fucking awesome!! Bought 3DO for that and Need For Speed back in the day. As for ABK, I actually want to see StarCraft Ghost get resurrected.

My thing is, you don't need EA being acquired for those games to come back. It's just that theoretically, an acquisition may slightly increase the chance of that happening but when it comes to Microsoft's gaming acquisitions, we haven't seen such things really manifest.

Again, look at Rare. Playground were acquired in 2018 and are only now branching out into something besides Forza Horizon, and it's "only" with a dormant IP that maybe would've been better off under Obsidian while giving Playground the keys to, say, Crimson Skies or a new futuristic (F-Zero/Extreme G-like) racing IP open-world like the FH games.

If we'd have already gotten a Banjo-Kazooie 3 or remake, stuff like Scalebound and Phantom Dust not getting cancelled, a better Crackdown 3 etc., the vast majority of concerns over MS acquiring Zenimax, ABK or future publishers (especially Japanese ones), you wouldn't be seeing.

Gonna have to respond to the rest of that comment after my workout :/
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Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Microsoft has already said that they're not done with acquisitions. I personally believe that we haven't seen the end of the beginning yet to be perfectly honest with you. I believe they keep going until next generation starts if not beyond. Microsoft slept for 19 years. The bear finally woke up and they're not fucking around anymore.

Game Pass is definitely their primary focus when it comes to Xbox but as before, I disagree with them having enough studios. It's never enough and after having only 5 studios for the majority of the duration of the Xbox One generation, I honestly don't want them to stop. Give me more. The more studios and/or publishers they buy, the less games I have to spend $70 on and can play them for a $10 monthly rental which is perfect for me as im not a collector, have only one game in my backlog and prefer to just go from game to game to game. The only thing I will say is that there's studios and publishers I prefer while there's a lot that I have zero interest in. For example, ABK is massive for Microsoft and Xbox but I would have preferred WB with all of DC, EA and Ubisoft instead. Only reason I have Ubisoft third despite being my favorite publisher is because they're supposed to be bringing Ubisoft+ as a separate subscription to Xbox and PlayStation so for me own personal preference, I don't need or even want Microsoft to acquire them since I would still get what I want out of Ubisoft. Also, while I forgot his name, there's a new person in charge at Ubisoft for the games and whatnot and want to see how he does for the rest of this generation.

Ninja Theory is all about Hellblade 2. We'll know exactly how they are when this game releases. Bleeding Edge was an experiment by a small team and at the end of the day, didn't hit because it was so similar to other games plus it wasn't very good. But no biggie. Obsidian's Pentiment I believe will surprise people. I'm expecting an 80+ for it. It's Sawyer and he knows what he's doing. Game isn't for me whatsoever but I do believe the quality will be there. Grounded has been huge for Obsidian and Microsoft. Over 10m players as of last February and is only being on by about 15 or so people. Considering the manpower (or lack there of) put on Grounded, I would say that they have a big hit on their hands and will only get bigger. But like Pentiment, not for me.

As for Bethesda, we would have had Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo but since they agreed to a timed exclusivity deal with Sony pre-acquisition, Xbox fans had and have to wait respectively. Neither game is for me so I honestly don't care about they're an 88 and 77 respectively on OpenCritic so the quality is there.

The first paragraph is obviously for you personally but you're not an Xbox fan so it makes sense than you want to see games get released and Microsoft be consistent which is perfectly fair and reasonable but at the same time, I think that too many PlayStation fans believe that Microsoft is going to all of a sudden make and release Sony level games which outside of Gears of War and Bungie's Halo, they haven't really done. Microsoft's direction is simply the opposite. It's like when people say, why don't their games have realistic or better visuals like Sony does and it's because, that's not what they focus on. Being an Xbox fan since Xbox 360, I know that they're not copying Sony in that regard. They'll still release great or better games and while we'll get a "Sony type game" here and there, the vast majority of them will be the opposite which is why they will keep acquiring studios and/or publishers. They want every genre and they want it all in Game Pass and they want to get to a point to where they don't need to go to publishers to see if they're interested in Game Pass deals but to where publishers will go to them.

There's a great chance of Sony heavily investing in companies so they CAN'T be acquired by Microsoft or someone else. Sony will also continue to make their normal exclusivity deals and whatever else they do. Sony will definitely be making more acquisitions but they will be those that fit with what they do or potentially want to do like with Bungie. Microsoft is all in with getting the ABK deal done but they still talk with other companies. Just because they're waiting on an acquisition to close doesn't mean that they all of a sudden stop conducting their normal business in regards to acquisitions. They just wouldn't finalize or announce anything until after the ABK deal closes.

Apple would only buy a publisher if the rumors of them being in R&D with a gaming console are true. Of course, how far out their console is if it's true would determine if/when they make an acquisition. Funny thing is that with the rumors of EA being for sale and Disney snooping around, I would prefer Disney over Apple or Amazon mainly because im set with Xbox and PlayStation. I don't want a third console.

Everything Microsoft is doing when it comes to Xbox is in regards to their as you put it, content delivery model and their bottom line which if anything, should be pretty obvious and apparent by now if it wasn't already. I would love Road Rash to come back and under Microsoft due to Game Pass, I do believe that this would be at least possible where as right now with EA, no chance. Loved Road Rash back in the day on Genesis but it was the 3DO version that was fucking awesome!! Bought 3DO for that and Need For Speed back in the day. As for ABK, I actually want to see StarCraft Ghost get resurrected.

Microsoft if anything is talking way too much in regards to ABK. I personally would have left everything as "no comment" back in January and not say a word until the deal closes but that's just me. Game wise, they can't say much because until the deal goes through, it's still ABK running everything as normal. I do believe that they make COD a platform in 2024 and allow a lot of other studios to do what they want to do instead of working on just COD as support. I don't believe that you'll know the answers of quality improvements or if the studios ascended under Microsoft's leadership until at least next generation. If you're expecting to see results in these regards in a year or two, you should probably expand that time frame.

I only mentioned the sports games being multi-platform because of the licenses involved. I don't believe that BF, Mass Effect, etc. would be multi-platform. They would all be exclusive as they should be. I only care about Microsoft's bottom line in regards to gaming because the better it does and more money they make, the more money they'll reinvest into Xbox which is a benefit for Xbox fans and gamers. Platform games can't all be compared to Halo Infinite and while it took Microsoft longer to act than I would have (Bonnie Ross would have been gone years ago if it was up to me), better late than never and the three people they put in charge will only help Halo Infinite as a live service game. Of course, it's still going to take at least 6+ months for these changes to go into full effect and we start to see results.

I see Asobo as likely because they just started the third year in a ten year contract of content for Flight Simulator. Rumors also suggest that they're working on some kind of Kart Racing game exclusively for Microsoft. They seem to have a close relationship and while they may have their own funding source, it wouldn't come anywhere close to having a $2 trillion dollar funding source which is obviously far better. I think Asobo also has a three game deal with Focus Entertainment so either a 3rd game for Plague Tale which I would be all for or something else would probably get released or still go as planned if Microsoft were to acquire them. I think Asobo Studio would be a great fit because not only due to Flight Simulator but they seem to be great with tech and shit so having them as an internal studio sure as hell couldn't hurt.

Techland self-published Dying Light 2 but they also had a publishing label that they shut down if I remember correctly. They've also been behind in regards to having quality content for the game and their first paid expansion was delayed to November and could be delayed again.

I agree with the last part but at the same time, as you know, im of the firm belief that if you want someone, go fucking get them.

I'm 44. Seriously, WTF is a wum???

Imagine jerking off a trillion dollar quantity whose goal is to ensure the consumer has fewer choices. I'm sad for you if you're really 44.


28 Jun 2022
Remember how excited some of us were when we heard Sony to spend $18.39 billion on strategic investments over next 3 years? What did they even spend that on? Subtract 3.5 billion on bungie and that leaves 15 billion left. Whered the rest go?
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Well-known member
9 Jul 2022
Yeah, but I think MS need way more than a year in honesty. They've already had an uphill battle with most gamers accepting these acquisitions (with resentment growing as time goes on, the longer it takes for results from the current/earlier acquisitions to manifest in meaningful ways), and now they're having an uphill battle with regulators.

Regulators are absolutely going to give MS the side-eye if they try making any other notable publisher or even developer acquisitions within the span of a few years. They're also going to want more info from Microsoft, such as revenue and *profit* figures, GamePass subscription numbers (apparently MS didn't want to provide this to the CMA which is partly why they moved the investigation to Phase 2), GamePass revenue numbers (something that would tell a much clearer story than subscriber counts; actually I think THIS is what the CMA could've asked for and well I kinda suspect why MS would decline 😏) etc.

MS's going to be forced to be way more transparent with investigative regulators going forward, especially if they move too quickly, so I think for their sake they're best off waiting a few years and just doing their best to make what they have so far, work as best as possible.

I pretty much agree with this. MS will probably need to let things simmer down a bit. Spending billions on Bethesda and Activision, then trying to do another multi-billion dollar purchase would probably draw a ton of negative attention. I'd rather they just invest billions into their current studios.


Well-known member
9 Jul 2022


28 Jun 2022


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
18.3 billion
-3.6 Billion from Bungie
-1.5 From zee entermaint
-1 Billion from a few smaller random purchases like an artist backlog and things like haven studios.

Im sure im missing some things but wheres the rest of the 12 billion at?
This was before earning calls.

I can remember they allocated further 34 billion dollars for M&A and strategic investments from the fiscal year report 2022.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
Was never even said by MS themselves.. it's a vague at best concept being applied to standards that MS stopped doing in the early 2000s.
It is weird you say that when the own link you used have 2018 and 2020 examples... Linux case is from 2018 and it is true today... Outlook protocols is another recente case in actual 2022 Office 365.
And I just checked two links.

Unless the examples listed are fake lol
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