Microsoft is talking to japanese publishers about acquisitions. Let's guess the next big Xbox acquisition.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
18.3 billion
-3.6 Billion from Bungie
-1.5 From zee entermaint
-1 Billion from a few smaller random purchases like an artist backlog and things like haven studios.

Im sure im missing some things but wheres the rest of the 12 billion at?
To be used in the next FY when ends the 3 years (aka March, 31, 2024).
BTW it left $10 million not 12... and it can be increased in the financials meetings.


22 Jun 2022
It is weird you say that when the own link you used have 2018 and 2020 examples... Linux case is from 2018 and it is true today... Outlook protocols is another recente case in actual 2022 Office 365.
And I just checked two links.

You need to read closer. They list a bunch of things as "Fears" that aren't substantiated.

In 2018 they released the Windows Subsystem for Linux which had "fears of EEE"... the article then links to the creator of Linux calling that BS. It then goes on to state that they've changed WSL to be better, having full support for Linux distros.. so all EEE fears.. are gone.

WSL has been a godsend for helping get better support for Linux binaries and WSL2 is basically just "Linux running inside WIndows." It's an example of modern Microsoft, who has basically figured out:

"Supporting actual standards makes more money" lol

Not even sure what you are talking about with 2020.

Most of the article isn't about MS actually saying they are using that strategy.. read the details lol


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
You need to read closer. They list a bunch of things as "Fears" that aren't substantiated.

In 2018 they released the Windows Subsystem for Linux which had "fears of EEE"... the article then links to the creator of Linux calling that BS. It then goes on to state that they've changed WSL to be better, having full support for Linux distros.. so all EEE fears.. are gone.

WSL has been a godsend for helping get better support for Linux binaries and WSL2 is basically just "Linux running inside WIndows."

Not even sure what you are talking about with 2020.
Office 365 issues about old email protocols is really 2022 but the link was from 2020.... and the Linux link is still true today.

In any case I was just curious... the methodology is fully in place at MS nodays.

So while I agree with you first comment... the part part I quoted were really weird because it is not about 2000s things... it is today.

Edit - About GITHub.

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22 Jun 2022
Office 365 issues about old email protocols is really 2022 but the link was from 2020.... and the Linux link is still true today.

In any case I was just curious... the methodology is fully in place at MS nodays.

So while I agree with you first comment... the part part I quoted were really weird because it is not about 2000s things... it is today.

Edit - About GITHub.

"and these blog posts prove it!"

AND LOL the second one is such fucking bullshit.. like fucking A man ROFL It's saying GITHUB did things before MS ever bought them... not that MS did any of that.

Give me a break.

Go google it real quick again and post more shitty links for me to make fun of.

Office 365 issues are 2022 because it's about a 30 year old protocol? Give me a FUCKING BREAK ROFL
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Sleepy Brown

Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
tone it down, snoopy
i can't believe you are not taking @Sleepy Brown's word as gospel, what next, you're going to tell me Uri Geller was a fraud?

Get the hell out of here.

Schitts Creek Hug GIF by CBC

The picture above might be the wrong type of spooning.
Some serious copium going on right now. Wait for the Activision-Blizzard deal to go through and then you will see. It's all about "who's next" for Microsoft right now.
With how strong the dollar is currently and Phil recently saying they want more studios outside their home country... they will go on an international shopping spree next year.
First Sega, then Capcom or Square-Enix.


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
"and these blog posts prove it!"

AND LOL the second one is such fucking bullshit.. like fucking A man ROFL It's saying GITHUB did things before MS ever bought them... not that MS did any of that.

Give me a break.

Go google it real quick again and post more shitty links for me to make fun of.

Office 365 issues are 2022 because it's about a 30 year old protocol? Give me a FUCKING BREAK ROFL
You just have issue to accept reality… MS brought GitHub in 2018.

Google is doing the same with Chrome and it new Manifest 3 but you won’t understand lol


21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
I won't understand huh?

More good laughs, thanks bud.
Let’s try I guess.

Google at start took the WebKit code and created it own fork that is base of Chromium… with that and being good with everybody they entered the Browser market with some open ideias and so got the market share.

Today over 90% of the market is Chrome based (even MS had to drop it own tech and embrace the Chrome with the Edge you see today).

That was all good and the Chrome was good. Manifest and after Manifest 2 were created that is the base of how extensions works today.

But right now there is the new Google card, remember that Google is an advertising company at core, and so they defined the Manifest 3 for extensions of all based Chrome browsers.

You know what Manifest 3 do? In simple words it blocks the ability of any extension to do Ad block in a proper way… to the point that even know players like uBlock Origin can’t do nothing against it.

So they are basically blocking the ability of Ad blockers to block ads.

I wonder why? 🤔
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21 Jun 2022
Brasil 🇧🇷
It's like the gift that keeps on giving.
Well I’m right in what I posted and said… so it is a good gift to you guys ;)

I posted examples of EEE strategy done by MS recently and he denied even mixing dates… the GITHub change happened years after MS took place.

The Office 365 case with protocols is recent.

And even remembered another case outside MS that explained in the next post.
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Icon Extra
21 Jun 2022
My bet is on Sega. Maybe Namco or Capcom. Either for me will be way more of an issue then Bethesda or Activision. Too many classics and IP’s that shouldn’t be under Xbox.


4 Jul 2022
Yes 30 year old history from a company that has nobody from that era in control lol

And a concept that has literally nothing to do with consumer electronics / videogames.

That was used before MS actually did embrace standards, and stopped extending them (outside of the built in capabilities of standards to be extended.) AKA it basically only refers to HTML.

Right in the wiki:

Was never even said by MS themselves.. it's a vague at best concept being applied to standards that MS stopped doing in the early 2000s.
And yet they are doing something like this in this market, everyone knows xbox división its being viable with the money of the other divisións, they dont need to Apply the same exact method on every field, but i dont believe for a second this is a "new Microsoft" the havent changed a lot of tactics on the business side, fud, paying lobbys ok goverments etc

This is the future they want, having total control over the product

So no, im. Not buying the "its been a long time ago, its another People, its another Microsoft" they are always wolves in sheep clothes
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
Some serious copium going on right now. Wait for the Activision-Blizzard deal to go through and then you will see. It's all about "who's next" for Microsoft right now.
With how strong the dollar is currently and Phil recently saying they want more studios outside their home country... they will go on an international shopping spree next year.
First Sega, then Capcom or Square-Enix.
Totally agree with you, I mean why not just go for everything, and swallow it whole?

The world is not enough.

I wake up every morning, thanking Phil for every thing he is doing, he is simply incredible.

assigns thank you for that GIF


I think after the GTA VI hack we're going to (hopefully) see this insider cottage industry gradually fall off. Too many people trying to get clout off spoiling years of hard work of other developers who treat this stuff like art, like storytelling. And one thing storytellers absolutely hate, is someone else trying to spoil their story before they're ready to get to the next part themselves.

It's a bit different when certain platform holders seemingly want their games to be leaked so they can stay in the news cycle (Microsoft), but companies like Sony, Nintendo, Take-Two etc. aren't like that. They don't want nor need that type of stuff, but the insiders and leakers have been coming after them more and more these days.

All it'll take is the wrong insider/leaker getting a big access to something and that then falling into the (other) wrong hands, and all of this insider/leaker crap is just going to implode onto itself with serious consequences in terms of legalities for the people trying to get the clout off of, essentially, stolen information.

The GTA VI hack/leak was from someone stupid who'll probably be facing years in prison which isn't the same as insiders and whatnot. Someone like Grubb does what they do for a living and isn't just a tweeter or youtuber. He's far more credible than most regardless of who likes him or not.

Insiders aren't the same as leakers. Leakers will post copyrighted stuff or post pictures. Insiders are those who go based on their sources depending on if the percentage of probability is high enough for them to report/mention it. Someone like Grubb probably has a shit ton of info but if the percentage is low, he most likely just sits on it and keeps it to himself which is the smarter thing to do.

Gaming industry is so secretive which it's borderline ridiculous. I have no issues with insiders who'll mention stuff based on info that they have. Hackers though, well that's up to them and chances are, they'll always get caught which proves that they're not that good of a hacker to begin with and if anything, shows how poor most companies security really is.

But if they think the answer to being "asleep" is to just consolidate the industry, then sorry that's not something I can rock with. MS's problem has been lack of consistent quality of 1P titles. Outside of the Forza games and the Bungie Halo titles, the consistency has been lacking. In terms of any 1P games that have been industry-leading in terms of pushing visuals, game design, tech etc., they have been terribly lagging in comparison to Sony and Nintendo and, as a platform holder, I find that unacceptable.

However in order to resolve that, you don't need 30+ internal 1P teams. You just need a good enough stable of really strong, really well-managed 1P studios. So what does buying yet more publishers do for MS to address the actual shortcomings? Nothing, absolutely nothing. They have more than enough studios now to where, even if some fall by the wayside, they can produce enough high-quality AAA games of strong variety that are industry-leading in some way or another, to turn around the perception problem with majority of gamers outside their ecosystem...

...only if the management, leadership and creative guidance are supreme, though. That's where having even 100+ 1P teams means absolutely nothing, if those things I just mentioned are still lacking. And you can't "buy" that type of talent; it has to be fostered and cultivated over years of experience within your 1P teams and network of teams.

No need to apologize bud. I don't see what Microsoft is doing as consolidating because they're not going into companies and taking over, the companies are going to them because they want to be acquired and you're not going to go to a company that has little money. You're going to go to the big companies that are rich because if you're going to sell like ABK did, you want as much money as you can possibly get in return. Everyone blames Microsoft yet no one blames ABK. Why? ABK went to Microsoft which is a fact and wanted to sell which is another fact. Why would Microsoft pass on this opportunity? Why, because little Jimmy who loves his PlayStation is going to be upset? Oh well. ABK being sold off to Microsoft is better for literally everyone excluding Sony and only because of money. Like you said, you don't care about companies bottom lines. Why do you think Sony is trying so desperately to get the ABK deal blocked? Do you truly believe it's for anything but their bottom line because it isn't. Sony didn't care about Nintendo or Sega fans back in the day when they were money hatting a shit ton of games. Sony didn't and still don't care about the Xbox gamers but Microsoft is what, supposed to care about PlayStation gamers? I don't fucking think so.

It's kind of difficult to be industry leading in anything when you only have 5 studios. I mean come on. You're excluding the big three of Halo, Gears and Forza so what's left? They had nothing. I disagree with not needing 30+ studios because their business model isn't the same as Sony's or Nintendo's. Microsoft needed to change their business model. Staying as is would have been stupid for them as a company and for Xbox. They needed to do something that separates them from their competition and that something is Game Pass which is subscription based and in order to keep your subscription at the level of paid consumers that you want, you need a lot of content and that's why they acquire publishers and studios and will continue to acquire more regardless of who likes it or not.

Sony's direction and business model if anything is the complete opposite. They believe that selling consumers a $70 game once or twice a year is the way to go for them. For Microsoft, that doesn't work with what the company does and looking back to even Xbox 360, has never really worked for Microsoft. Do they even have a single exclusive first party game selling at least 10m? As far as I know, they don't so coming off a horrible generation, why would they stay that way when staying as is would have made zero sense.

Changing the perception of gamers and consumers outside of their eco-system is something that won't happen until next generation. As I have said before, this generation is a transitional generation where everything Microsoft is doing and setting up isn't for today, it's for tomorrow. Building studios to have great talent and whatnot doesn't happen overnight. It took Sony generations to do this and I might add, their best studios outside of Santa Monica were all acquired. Majority of Microsoft's studios excluding ABK since they're not acquired yet are in a good or better place.

Granted, there's a few that have their issues but not every studio is going to run like a well oiled machine. We all know that currently, they have minimal to no exclusives. We know this already. But let's say for argument sake that 2023 brings Redfall, Forza Motorsport, Starfield and a few smaller AA titles and are all at least an 80+ on Open Critic. Then what? What's the narrative going to be then? 5 exclusives in a year isn't somehow enough?

It just seems like you're out of patience and I get it, I was there just a few years ago but when I see what they're doing and their investment into Xbox at the level of what the last three generations combined couldn't even come to close to, I tend to give them the time to let their direction and plan be put into place.

I look at Sony and outside of Naughty Dog for PS3, they didn't give me anything of worth until 2016 (Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted 4 and Alienaton) with PS4. The first 26 months of PS4 was mediocre at best for me when it comes to Sony's first party games. Sony gave me 4 exclusives in that time period. Microsoft will only give me 1 exclusive being Halo Infinite but it's worth much more than the combination of Knack, Infamous First Light, The Order 1886 and Until Dawn because agree or not, Halo Infinite campaign was and is the far better game of far better quality. It was also my 2021 game of the year and currently my #1 game of the generation based on how I rate my completed games.

2023 will be the equivalent of 2016 for me. If I get Redfall and Starfield to just hit my own personal 8.5/10 rating scale, then they already matched what Sony gave me in 2016. The point of this is that like Sony with the PS4 generation, I was never expecting anything great for the first half or so of the generation but their second half was excellent. I see Microsoft being the same. And I get it, you want to see results and games getting shipped instead of them just buying more and more studios. I do too but I know their games aren't ready yet and I sure as hell don't want them rushing them out just for the hell of it.

But I do want more acquisitions because the issue we both have now which is lack of great first party games will be taken care off as the years and generations go by. Microsoft can't ever get in a position me and you want them in if they don't have the studios and man power in place to make that happen. And I get it, you think it's overkill which is fine, I can agree with that but at the same time, after the Xbox One generation, I don't want to see them stop acquiring because in my mind, once they do, that tells me that they could take their foot off the gas so to speak and could eventually not care anymore about Xbox and gaming which I don't want to see happen. I don't want there to even be a 1% chance of last generation being repeated by Microsoft and Xbox.

Except that isn't guaranteed. Like, at all. Look at it this way: MS have already spent ~ $80 billion on gaming acquisitions over the past four years. At some point, Xbox division has to start pulling its own weight in terms of covering those costs. How does it do that? How does Xbox do it, and not simply piggybacking off their more successful non-gaming divisions and their revenue? Because that's what it's going to come down to, eventually.

That's why people bring up the possibility of GamePass price increases, and other things of that nature happening in the future. Otherwise, I would think competitors have very good grounds to claim that MS are, in fact, price-fixing their own subscription service, leaning completely on Azure/Windows/Office to offset GamePass costs and finance gaming acquisitions, pricing services like GamePass to unrealistically low levels to make other competitors bleed out through money loss, etc.

Those claims become real if MS can simply keep buying up more publishers/developers, especially major ones, and yet there are no changes whatsoever to GamePass pricing, discount availability, Xbox pricing etc. Which are all things regulators have expressed concern about, btw.

None of it is guaranteed. Their gaming division already makes them money and once you add in King with their mobile shit and Blizzard with their mobile shit, hell, they'll make a fucking shit ton of cash. Even if they weren't making money, in order to do so, you have to spend it first which Microsoft rarely did when it came to Xbox. The people in charge never cared about Xbox or gaming. Spencer cares about Xbox and especially Game Pass since it's his vision and he has the backing of Nadella. Even Peter Moore never had the level of backing from Microsoft that Spencer has right now. And because of that, he needs to take advantage of that and is doing so which any intelligent business person would because who knows how things are going to go years and decades from now. No one knows.

Even if those claims are true, what difference would it make? It's THEIR money. Not ours. Not Sony's. Or anyone else's. Price fixing their own subscription service? WTF? This is every company because it's THEIR own subscription service. Why wouldn't it be fixed for what they want it to be? I don't understand this at all. Game Pass will increase in price eventually but I don't see it happening until next generation. When Microsoft gets to where they want it to be, that's when you'll see a price increase. Of course, people complain that it's so cheap now and then complain if/when there's an increase in price which just tells me, they can't win over some regardless of what they do which is why they should do whatever the hell they want to do.

Xbox consoles have stayed as is like they should. Microsoft SHOULD eat any extra cost in other regions and whatnot as opposed to being like Sony that despite saving money on console revisions decided to pass it on to their consumers. SMH. There's always discounts for Game Pass and games. How is this an issue? It's what they should be doing. Why the hell should Game Pass get a price increase when their subscriber count is still relatively low and they have no exclusive first party content on it? You don't raise prices when you're still building up and setting up everything. That would make no sense.

Regulators have expressed concerns over Microsoft bundling services in other regions in order to increase the total price and cost which is something I have said since like March. If there's any concessions, it's going to be cloud/mobile/services related which I can easily see happening.

Okay, let's say you got your wish and MS acquired WB/DC, EA & Ubisoft instead of ABK. We're already looking at maybe 80% of ABK's owned IP that are likely still not coming back even with MS now owning them...what are the hopes dormant legacy IP from WB, EA or Ubisoft come back bigger and better under Microsoft?

Otherwise, again, the only real benefits we're looking at are the same games you were already getting, just being "cheaper" through a subscription service. That's a change of the content delivery model, but why need consolidation to do that? I mean you've already mentioned Ubisoft have their own sub service, so they can offer that new content delivery model but still remain a 3P independent publisher, which is probably the best outcome. Nothing's really preventing WB/DC, or EA from doing the same.

In fact, if WB/DC did that now with the HBOMax and Discovery+ sub services, they probably would have a better marketing hook for those services and wouldn't have needed to cancel as many projects as they did. I'm just speculating, anyway.

Wait, do you think I meant all three combined? I meant WB with all of DC, EA OR Ubisoft in that order instead of ABK. Basically, a one for one trade because these three publishers have way more games im interested in than ABK which is only Diablo IV. Sorry about that.

The hopes of seeing dormant IP get resurrected is at 50/50 in my eyes depending on the IP, the genre and how successful it was back then. But even if not successful, could always come back because of Game Pass. The reason why games like Pentiment, Grounded and a few upcoming smaller AA titles exist is because of Game Pass. So I can see smaller dormant IP's that weren't very popular or successful coming back.

It's not just about gamers though. Those who work at ABK will be far better off under Microsoft than Kotick by far. They'll also have to do less work due to them eliminating the PlayStation platform which again benefits all of those who work at ABK. It's literally better for everyone excluding Sony. Sony is literally the only one that loses anything because gamers if they stop being little bitches to be honest, can still play those games via at least 5 other ways and all cheaper than buying a PlayStation 5. And if they don't want to do that, then honestly, the games were never that important to them to begin with.

I hope EA offers their games day one for consoles but they probably won't. WB could do that after their merger with Discovery but who knows if they want to. Also, do they want to compete with Game Pass on the same platform? They may not want to do that and simply stay as is.

I never said that I want Microsoft to acquire WB with all of DC, EA or Ubisoft. I simply said that if I could, I would trade ABK for any one of them due to the fact that they simply have far more games that im interested in playing which in turn means I can play them day one on Game Pass.


No, I think what happened with Bleeding Edge is exactly the kind of thing MS should have avoided. Someone at MS (Matt Booty), should've seen the opportunity to make Bleeding Edge bigger and better. Delay it, give it more time to cook, position it as a game truly optimized for your new flagship console's launch, and give it a real marketing push.

That's the thing: they wouldn't have needed to buy ABK for an Overwatch 2. They could've already HAD their Overwatch with Bleeding Edge, if only leadership had more faith, creative ingenuity and daringness. That's ultimately why so many are still hesitant with MS and these acquisitions, to be honest. I don't honestly care what MC scores Pentiment; MC has lost much of its value to me given the flaws in how it handles review aggregations, but I've talked about that a lot before so not retouching on it again here.

Whether the quality is there with Pentiment or not, for a console brand that needs to do more in terms of showing off strength in the AAA space, a game like Pentiment isn't doing much for their optics in that regard. They can also blame insiders for getting people's expectations up as for what it was actually going to be, compared to what it's actually turned out to be. And WRT Grounded; again things like MC scores or player counts, I don't care about. Those don't really tell us a lot about how these games are faring in the zeitgeist of mainstream mindshare among gamers and people as a whole, which is what Microsoft actually needs to make some big improvements in as they are woefully behind Sony and Nintendo in that regard.

Maybe that's where owning COD comes in, but they've got themselves in a very weird position there because they can't do TOO much to try shifting brand association among the mainstream and casuals with COD to them instead of PlayStation, else that strengthens concerns among regulators. But just having "another Minecraft" where yeah this IP's bringing in money but honestly vast majority don't think of "Microsoft" or "Xbox" when they think of the game, isn't going to do much for MS's image and mindshare among enthusiasts gamers, mainstreamers or casuals either.

Perhaps. I just think that Microsoft wanted it to get released and however it went, it went. Either way, Bleeding Edge is dead and buried so it doesn't matter much now.

You don't know if Microsoft would have had their own Overwatch 2 with Bleeding Edge. Even if they delayed it, there's no guarantee that it succeeds whatsoever. Buying ABK has nothing to do with Overwatch 2 which im sure you know. I use and prefer Open Critic over Meta Critic but fair enough. I get that you and many others are hesitant with Microsoft but that's also because you're an Xbox fan like say, I am. I switched from 360 to PS4 because of their shitty direction in 2013 even though they ended up being very accurate with what gaming would eventually be and while I owned an Xbox One and later on, an Xbox One X, last generation was bad and just seeing the investment and backing of Nadella is more than enough for me to give them this generation to see how they do.

Microsoft will show off it's power with AAA games in the future but anyone expecting them to match Sony's first party games this generation is in my opinion setting themselves up for disappointment because it will take this entire generation for them to get to what Sony was with PS4. Also, they've never been the "visuals" publisher outside of Gears of War and their racing games. Sony's number one focus is always on the presentation - visuals, graphical fidelty and animations. That's not Microsoft's focus. Their focus in a way is the opposite because while some games may do that stuff, more than not, the majority of them won't.

Mainstream mindshare though is misleading because while God of War Ragnarok will be amazing and all that, the talk around the game won't last long because why would it? Once you complete the game, what's left to talk about? Nothing. But take a game like Forza Horizon 5 which has over 20m players as of June 2022. The game gets content, updates and expansions to keep gamers and consumers invested in the game for weeks, months and years. GOWR regardless of how amazing it will be isn't going to do that. There's a reason why vast majority of gamers and consumers play the Fortnite's, Minecraft's Roblox's, Genshin's and a bunch of other online games. It's because they're constantly being talked about due to the fact that they constantly get content and updates where as games like Sony's one and done franchises which also applies to most if not all publishers including Microsoft in some form or fashion become forgotten in time.

Only the hardcore PlayStation fans still talk about Returnal or Miles or Demon's Souls. For 95% of consumers/gamers, they moved on months and months ago. The only time they get a boost like returnal is when it releases on PC or gets new content. So this aspect completely depends on how you want to look at it. Sony gets the popular games and licenses but the staying power of them is minimal due to what kind of game they are.

I'm not 100% into live service games but I do stay with a few of them (Division 2 and Outriders) because they constantly get updated and give me new content to play. Once I play GOWR at launch and complete it, it gets traded in and while it will probably be my 2022 game of the year, im not going to talk about it once I complete it because why would I when there's new in the game to talk about? A game im into and hyped for is Redfall. It's my type of game but will be a live service looter shooter. Visually, I like the art style but it's not a visually impressive game. However, if the game itself is great and the post launch content and support is excellent, it will be a game I go back to every few months like I do with Division 2 and Outriders. This is what makes games truly mainstream because people constantly talk about these types of games. One and done games which don't get me wrong, I love them but once majority complete them and that's if they even do that which most don't, they simply move on.

We have to wait and see what happens with ABK and COD. I still believe that come 2024 it will be exclusive and I think Ryan passing on a three year contract offered for COD is going to blow up in his face. He should have honestly just accepted the deal because he's acting as if Sony owns COD when they don't own shit. Microsoft though will and they can do whatever they want with it. Sony can't accept the fact that Microsoft is going to be the one with the power, not Sony at least in this regard and when you dominate for 25+ years, it's extremely hard and difficult for them to become humbled.

Xbox fans only had to wait because Microsoft did not outbid Sony for the games. Heck, the chance is real that Microsoft did not put in a bid for the games whatsoever.

At which point it's almost impossible to blame Sony; I mean they are only continuing a strategy Microsoft themselves really honed in on with the 360 generation for MULTIPLE big Western 3P AAA releases, and even some Japanese 3P AAA releases. They helped perfect that blueprint even if companies like Sony, Nintendo and Sega dabbled in it here and there with past consoles.

When the contracts were announced which was June 2020, Microsoft was already very close to acquiring Bethesda and they figured, why pay for something that you're going to own anyway. Also, Microsoft stays away from AAA timed exclusive deals because of the backlash with ROTTR in 2015. Microsoft simply counters Sony money hatting games by acquiring studios and publishers because you no one can stay that they're taking away anything because first and foremost, the company has to be willing to sell and accept Microsoft's offer and second, Microsoft unlike Sony gives gamers way more options and cheaper at that in order to play those games. Sony wants their fans and consumers to pay a premium price while Microsoft just wants to try to get you back after the disaster known as teh Xbox One generation.

Sony has been money hatting games since the original PlayStation days. It's nothing new for them and yeah, Microsoft did the same. They all do the same. Both Sony and Microsoft have the same idealogy - exclusive games and content. It's just that Microsoft is finally putting their money behind Xbox. Microsoft gave Sony a 19 year head start. Let's be honest, it was just a matter of time until Microsoft opened up their war chest. It's funny, people wanted Microsoft to compete but NOT at this level. lmao. Which I do find hilarious.

This is where the big disconnect happens, then, because for roughly three console generations Microsoft have tried competing directly with Sony in having those big, theatric, industry-defining AAA games, they just did so through a mixture of some 1P titles and having lots of deals with 3P publishers for AAA content (especially in the 360 generation).

Now we're suddenly supposed to accept Microsoft going this completely other route, not wanting to make games to compete with Sony's marquee 1P AAA (despite purchasing devs like Ninja Theory explicitly for that reason), but then having this mixed messaging where MS CEO Satya Nadella says they want to "compete" with Sony (by buying 3P publishers), several MS executives openly associating with Xbox console warriors on Twitter who do nothing but talk about/attack PlayStation 24/7, market their new consoles on power metrics directly in comparison with PlayStation 5, etc...?

Nah, that's not doing it for me. They want to have their cake and eat it, too, but if that's the case, commit to one or the other. It's obvious Microsoft want to make games like TLOU Part 2, otherwise they wouldn't have launched internal investigations to meticulously analyze & review the game. Are we supposed to think that Microsoft want to be more like Nintendo, then? Well, they don't have any of the IP or cultivated developer talent that can realistically, consistently provide that type of content. Maybe Rare and Double Fine, but that's about it. They want to do their own thing? Well, fine, and that's preferably the best solution. But that doesn't mean MS won't be compared to Sony and Nintendo, and they still need a clear identity in game development ethos, some type of specialty or two they clearly excel in and can produce industry-leading content in consistently. Outside of niche simulators and maybe RTS games, MS have no such spaces, and they don't have anything in those spaces that appeal to the vast majority of gamers.

When did Microsoft have Sony level games outside of their big three? What games? Alan Wake? LOL. Quantum Break? Really. What games, seriously? They've never been a visual focused company when it comes to their games. Their most impressive visual game released is still Ryse Son of Rome which isn't their IP.

Microsoft is going to do their own shit and that's it. You can either be into it and not into it. Thus far, im into their direction and I don't want them just doing Sony type games because while those games are great, at the same time, it does get boring after a while. I love the Sony games but after having so many between PS3 and currently, I don't get anywhere as hyped as I used to for them simply because I know what to expect after buying and playing so many of them.

I agree that part of Sony's reason for certain investments of late have been to cockblock Microsoft, more or less. I also think Sony & Tencent might be forming a sort of gaming alliance, and it seems Tencent want to seriously disassociate themselves from the CCP going into the future, which would make such an alliance more appealing to me, personally.

However, while I'm not gung-ho against Microsoft acquiring other publishers, I do think they need to slow down. Again, I'm going to keep pointing to Satya's own words. If it's about "competition" with Sony, they they will have more than enough by the time the ABK deal closes. Just focus on what you've got and actually bring some real competition, i.e bigger, better games, some industry-leading games, results that justify the strategy.

But that will take a few years and that's why I don't think MS need to actually buy anything else until a good 3-5 years out from now. Take some room and breath, and show us, the gamers, what you can do with the lot of resources you already have. Don't be too greedy.

Sony and Tencent could form an alliance. It would definitely help Sony since Tencent is one of the very few companies that can compete with Microsoft dollar for dollar.

Microsoft is focused is what they're doing but they learned from the past about just sitting around doing nothing. When you have an ABK fall into your lap, be honest, what would you do? You're not passing on them. Neither would I and outside of Diablo IV, I have zero interest in ABK.

More than anything, Game Pass succeeding or failing once this generation ends will be what determines if their strategy worked or not. If it succeeds, it's going to be because of great games. If not, it will be because it doesn't have the games.

But now you're denying the chance of that third console maybe doing better than the two you already have, just because they'd be the new kid on the block. I'm saying, if you want to shake things up for real, why not entertain Apple coming in with a console of their own? And since they'd be a new player in the console gaming space, I think them needing to "resort" to buying a publisher like EA would be expected.

I'm actually against Disney buying a gaming publisher because for one I doubt they have the money to buy an EA in the first place (not without taking out loans), and I also don't think they would have the money to finance typical EA gaming projects, new big gaming projects by EA AND all the Star Wars & MCU content they are already invested in. Keep in mind Disney's nowhere near as big as a Microsoft, Apple etc. in terms of revenue. They're slightly bigger than Nintendo and somewhat smaller than Sony in terms of market cap.

I'm not denying the chance for Apple. I just see them like Google and like Amazon. If they enter the console market and don't take off quickly, I think they bail out because I don't believe that they would spend the money required to really compete in the console gaming market. Because of their name (very similar to Sony by the way), they would expect to just come in, do amazing and surpass the rest because of their name and brand value. That's simply not gong to get it done. Also, depends on the console. What if it's a streaming only console? No thanks. So many PlayStation fans bitch about Microsoft taking away games which is such fucking bullshit to begin with and offering less options by removing choice which is also fucking bullshit but yet, would probably praise Apple and their console despite the fact that their shit would be similar to Google Stadia but with the additional cost of having to purchase a box.

If they were to enter console gaming and be great or have games and give them to me the way I want them, then great. I would definitely jump in but at the same time, I am happy with just two consoles. Fits in perfectly with my TV stand and my life in general. It just works best for me. Of course, this is all a "what if" situation. Who knows what Apple is doing. I will say that I did watch all the Stadia shit back then to see if it was for me and what they offered but they had nothing and I wasn't buying games for $60+ just to stream them. Fuck that.

I would prefer Disney even though they probably wouldn't have the money over Apple and Amazon because I know the licensed Marvel and Star Wars games would keep coming and since im into all this stuff, works out perfectly for me. But I do agree that money wise, Disney is highly unlikely to acquire EA. I just don't want my Marvel and Star Wars games from EA going away because im really hyped for them.

My thing is, you don't need EA being acquired for those games to come back. It's just that theoretically, an acquisition may slightly increase the chance of that happening but when it comes to Microsoft's gaming acquisitions, we haven't seen such things really manifest.

Again, look at Rare. Playground were acquired in 2018 and are only now branching out into something besides Forza Horizon, and it's "only" with a dormant IP that maybe would've been better off under Obsidian while giving Playground the keys to, say, Crimson Skies or a new futuristic (F-Zero/Extreme G-like) racing IP open-world like the FH games.

If we'd have already gotten a Banjo-Kazooie 3 or remake, stuff like Scalebound and Phantom Dust not getting cancelled, a better Crackdown 3 etc., the vast majority of concerns over MS acquiring Zenimax, ABK or future publishers (especially Japanese ones), you wouldn't be seeing.

Gonna have to respond to the rest of that comment after my workout :/

Only reason I put Microsoft being more likely to bring back those old IP's is because of Game Pass. They're going to want content and lots of it plus I see this as a way to fund the smaller games and avoid the risk of what happens if they don't sell. Without Game Pass, I don't see a Pentiment or As Dusk Falls or Grounded existing. I just don't. It's the subscription based direction that allows them to take chances on these games because they will make up the money within the subscription or elsewhere as opposed to just being reliant on the game itself to sell a set amount of copies to break even and eventually turn a profit.


Imagine jerking off a trillion dollar quantity whose goal is to ensure the consumer has fewer choices. I'm sad for you if you're really 44.

I turned 44 today actually. Happy Birthday to me. What I was really hoping for was another Microsoft acquisition. Oh well. Can't get everything. lmao

Joking aside, the consumer having fewer choices is such fucking bullshit. Let's see -

- Consoles only. No PC day one. No Cloud Streaming day one. Can buy on disc or digital. Basically two options within one overarching option in a plastic box.

- Consoles. Two of them. One is the high end priced model and the other is the low end priced model.
- PC day one.
- Cloud Streaming day one.
- Games day one via Game Pass subscription on console AND PC via the Windows 10 store.
- If not already available, a TV app which requires no console purchase.

Basically, that's FOUR (soon, FIVE) options to ONE.

Sony offers you one way to play their games by restricting the consumer to their plastic box while the other company gives you multiple options and choices because they're NOT restricting you to a plastic box but yeah, Microsoft is ensuring the consumer is having fewer choices, all of which have a cheaper price point of entry. Come on.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
I turned 44 today actually. Happy Birthday to me. What I was really hoping for was another Microsoft acquisition. Oh well. Can't get everything. lmao

Joking aside, the consumer having fewer choices is such fucking bullshit. Let's see -

- Consoles only. No PC day one. No Cloud Streaming day one. Can buy on disc or digital. Basically two options within one overarching option in a plastic box.

- Consoles. Two of them. One is the high end priced model and the other is the low end priced model.
- PC day one.
- Cloud Streaming day one.
- Games day one via Game Pass subscription on console AND PC via the Windows 10 store.
- If not already available, a TV app which requires no console purchase.

Basically, that's FOUR (soon, FIVE) options to ONE.

Sony offers you one way to play their games by restricting the consumer to their plastic box while the other company gives you multiple options and choices because they're NOT restricting you to a plastic box but yeah, Microsoft is ensuring the consumer is having fewer choices, all of which have a cheaper price point of entry. Come on.

Happy birthday.

You know what I meant, but you stuck your fingers in your ears and pretended you didn't.

How the fuck does Microsoft buying a publisher that releases games on all platforms with the goal of gatekeeping said publisher's games to their platform does not restrict gamers choices? You can spin this as you want it, but what you advocate for is for a company to gobble up all the main publishers and franchises. Since you own that platform, you gain absolutely nothing, since you have access to those games, which implies your only goal and what brings you joy is to take games away from other platforms.

That's just sad.

And let it be known that I don't give two shits about COD, Starfield, Fallout, Doom, etc. But those franchises will (and are, in at least one of them) be removed from other platforms.
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23 Jul 2022
Imagine jerking off a trillion dollar quantity whose goal is to ensure the consumer has fewer choices. I'm sad for you if you're really 44.
Can you imagine if MS had 40 - 50 studios.

They'd probably make GamePass mandatory for all Xbox owners. Double the price of the bottom tier. And a lot of the studios would go to shit. It's far too many studios to handle, and they've struggled managing a far smaller number.

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Can you imagine if MS had 40 - 50 studios.

They'd probably make GamePass mandatory for all Xbox owners. Double the price of the bottom tier. And a lot of the studios would go to shit. It's far too many studios to handle, and they've struggled managing a far smaller number.

It's not about the size of the hammer, it's how hard it hits. Microsoft have the biggest, floppiest hammer in gaming.
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