Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


22 Jul 2022
@adamsapple @peter42O do you know of this Discord?

@riky @catlady @bernad, get your alts in here and start answering.

im out GIF

Yes I've heard of this fabled discord, tbh it sounds like self-made persecution complex on behalf of some wacko Sony fans 😬


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
But that "toxic brand image" of Xbox still sells more in hardware than pretty much all of their Surface devices combined. Even if that number reduced by moving to a min-PC NUC-style approach, they would have most of the same userbase, who have already been conditioned to view Xbox as less and less as "just" a console with the PC Day 1 push and now Game Pass.

Most of them would still buy those Xboxes even if they costed a bit more, especially if it meant they could run Windows on them. Also look at it this way: if Microsoft shifted to that type of business model, they'd have little incentive to continue the type of messaging they are currently engaged in. So theoretically, a lot of the toxicity part would just fade away (you would still have those faithful to the Xbox brand but they wouldn't be doing it as something "against PlayStation" anymore, especially if MS making such a change with Xbox coincided with being more openly multiplatform than they currently are).
The buyout proceedings have made the Xbox brand into a joke.
24 Jun 2022
The buyout proceedings have made the Xbox brand into a joke.

I mean, I agree with that notion. But you can clearly see how many diehards still support the brand, even if revenue has been dropping.

Anyhow, I was watching Colin Moriarty's Sacred Symbols and he mentioned something Christopher Dring brought up which I missed, but hearing now is interesting. Apparently Dring said that if the acquisition were to go through, MS would be heavily inclined to get rid of the Xbox publishing side (and I'm assuming, most of the upper management) and replace it with ABK's.

I think that sounds both ridiculous and sensible at the same time xD. Ridiculous because Microsoft have floated that upper management at Xbox for years now and have had opportunities to rid of them before. Instead they've gotten promotions and backup from the CEO and President of the company. However, it's a sensible idea in that, ABK actually DO have the management which has delivered a very successful IP for many years now, and a pipeline that's very efficient in making games and content for that IP on a regular basis. Things that simply can't be said about XGS or Xbox upper management from the tail end of the 360 gen and onwards.

Keep in mind though, it's some of that same ABK upper management who were cognizant of the harassment issues at the company and did nothing to stop them, but I guess they learned that from Kotick. I know that aspect would make the idea of replacing the Xbox team with the ABK one very hard to do; it would make sense business & fiscal-wise, but in terms of optics would hit MS pretty bad at least for the short term given the jobs they've already cut, not to mention the optics of keeping at least some of the people who just let the sexual harassment persist at ABK, remain on board.

They'd have to be willing to forsake some of that "for the gamers/pro-consumer/progressive" image they've had Phil build up with the fanbase over the years, but at that point, they'd need to do anything and everything to actually have Xbox survive because honestly even IF they get ABK and get them on the terms they want, they could very well lose so much money through all of this, and see a shortfall in total company revenue (especially if cloud doesn't pick up, Surface sales continue falling, and the AI investments don't pay off) that they STILL make severe cuts at Xbox post-ABK and still decide to shutter the hardware altogether.

That could still end up happening even if the wild fantasy fanboys hope happens with this acquisition approval, comes true. Whether the deal goes through or not, I don't see Microsoft pumping anywhere near this much money into Xbox again for several long years, if ever. They'll want the division to finally start pulling its own weight.
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Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
I mean, I agree with that notion. But you can clearly see how many diehards still support the brand, even if revenue has been dropping.

Anyhow, I was watching Colin Moriarty's Sacred Symbols and he mentioned something Christopher Dring brought up which I missed, but hearing now is interesting. Apparently Dring said that if the acquisition were to go through, MS would be heavily inclined to get rid of the Xbox publishing side (and I'm assuming, most of the upper management) and replace it with ABK's.

I think that sounds both ridiculous and sensible at the same time xD. Ridiculous because Microsoft have floated that upper management at Xbox for years now and have had opportunities to rid of them before. Instead they've gotten promotions and backup from the CEO and President of the company. However, it's a sensible idea in that, ABK actually DO have the management which has delivered a very successful IP for many years now, and a pipeline that's very efficient in making games and content for that IP on a regular basis. Things that simply can't be said about XGS or Xbox upper management from the tail end of the 360 gen and onwards.

Keep in mind though, it's some of that same ABK upper management who were cognizant of the harassment issues at the company and did nothing to stop them, but I guess they learned that from Kotick. I know that aspect would make the idea of replacing the Xbox team with the ABK one very hard to do; it would make sense business & fiscal-wise, but in terms of optics would hit MS pretty bad at least for the short term given the jobs they've already cut, not to mention the optics of keeping at least some of the people who just let the sexual harassment persist at ABK, remain on board.

They'd have to be willing to forsake some of that "for the gamers/pro-consumer/progressive" image they've had Phil build up with the fanbase over the years, but at that point, they'd need to do anything and everything to actually have Xbox survive because honestly even IF they get ABK and get them on the terms they want, they could very well lose so much money through all of this, and see a shortfall in total company revenue (especially if cloud doesn't pick up, Surface sales continue falling, and the AI investments don't pay off) that they STILL make severe cuts at Xbox post-ABK and still decide to shutter the hardware altogether.

That could still end up happening even if the wild fantasy fanboys hope happens with this acquisition approval, comes true. Whether the deal goes through or not, I don't see Microsoft pumping anywhere near this much money into Xbox again for several long years, if ever. They'll want the division to finally start pulling its own weight.
Colon Moriarty is a moron with no understanding of business and a LOT fewer connections than he pretends.

I don’t take anything that idiot says seriously.

The LAST thing MS corporate culture will go for it essentially admitting an outside company did things better and handing chunks of itself off to that company post-merger.

For historic precedent, look at Nokia. They weren’t ruling the world, but they did better than they did after MS bought them and staffed them up with MS lifers to run it into the ground.

Deleted member 417

Valve can't afford it.
They can if they cut a deal with MS. Xbox games exclusive to steam. Xbox VR games exclusive to Steam (a big fuck you to sony) in exchange for Steam/Valve on the hardware.

Valve have jumped into the hardware market more than ever recently. From VR headsets to portables. It's only a matter of time before they attempt the SteamBox again.

And the best part? Valve will be immune to the 3rd console curse, because they can't count higher than 2.
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Deleted member 417

For historic precedent, look at Nokia. They weren’t ruling the world, but they did better than they did after MS bought them and staffed them up with MS lifers to run it into the ground.
MS conducted corporated espionage and some dirty, dirty tricks to run Nokia into the ground. They put their inside man from Windows Phone inside of Nokia (Phil harrison iirc), then ran the phone department of Nokia into the ground, so that MS could snatch it up (They wanted the IP rights) for pennies on the dollar. Then, Phil came back to Microsoft.

How they got away with that is anyones guess.


21 Jun 2022
MS conducted corporated espionage and some dirty, dirty tricks to run Nokia into the ground. They put their inside man from Windows Phone inside of Nokia (Phil harrison iirc), then ran the phone department of Nokia into the ground, so that MS could snatch it up (They wanted the IP rights) for pennies on the dollar. Then, Phil came back to Microsoft.

How they got away with that is anyones guess.
What do you think with Ybarra happening? 😂
  • they're_right_you_know
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14 Jul 2022
Yeah, I'm catching up on them now. I'd just encourage people to exercise extreme caution when reading them; most of these sources and perspectives are going to come from people who are generally favoring the deal to go through.

Meaning they are instinctively (in most cases) going to have a bias to speculate in terms that are generally favorable. That would coincide with the fact that Microsoft is the only company that has been sharing their arguments publicly since the meeting with the EC. If there are any sentiments among regulators at the EC less than favorable for the deal on the terms Microsoft want, you won't hear that from a lot of these folks :/.

It comes across, to me, that a lot of these lawyers/analysts are just trying to 'keep the hope alive'. In the meantime, they get to continue with their moment in the spotlight. I haven't been paying attention to a single one of them for that reason and also because, as you pointed out, they come across as MS lawyers and their "analysis" and "findings" continually reflect that. I'm interested in what the EC concludes, but will wait for their official decision. I have noticed there seems to be some hope being pinned on the EC for MS, but wish people would remember the CMA and FTC are also in play.


21 Jun 2022
EU Says It Won't Rush Decision on Microsoft-Activision

European Union Competition Chief Margrethe Vestager comments on Microsoft Corp.’s proposed $69 billion acquisition of "Call of Duty" maker Activision Blizzard Inc. after Britain’s antitrust watchdog became the latest regulator to challenge the deal. The EU aims to finalize its review by April 11. "We cannot be in a race," Vestager said on Bloomberg Television. "In Europe, we are the ones with sort of the the highest bar, the most heavy weights, legal obligations." (Source: Bloomberg)


16 Jul 2022
EU Says It Won't Rush Decision on Microsoft-Activision

European Union Competition Chief Margrethe Vestager comments on Microsoft Corp.’s proposed $69 billion acquisition of "Call of Duty" maker Activision Blizzard Inc. after Britain’s antitrust watchdog became the latest regulator to challenge the deal. The EU aims to finalize its review by April 11. "We cannot be in a race," Vestager said on Bloomberg Television. "In Europe, we are the ones with sort of the the highest bar, the most heavy weights, legal obligations." (Source: Bloomberg)
There was an idea being thrown around that microsoft may try and get a deal approved with the EU quickly and use that as leverage with the other regulators.

Assuming that is what MS is trying to do, which doesn't sound that farfetched then MS can't be happy here.


8 Jan 2023
There was an idea being thrown around that microsoft may try and get a deal approved with the EU quickly and use that as leverage with the other regulators.

Assuming that is what MS is trying to do, which doesn't sound that farfetched then MS can't be happy here.
Based on the current schedule, it still looks like they plan to announce their final decision 2 weeks before the others do.
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8 Jan 2023
Screenshot 2023-02-28 110925.jpg

I saw this on the other forum today. As the original comment suggest that all of the vocal Xbox fans wants is Free COD and Diablo on gamepass. Its not about if they strongly feel that MS should be able to own ABK or not. Its not about how taking a huge Publisher off the market can have an effect on competition or Not. Its a selfish need of I like this game but im too broke or rather spend my money on other things instead of buying this new version of X game every time there is a new version.

I swear, I hate this mentality of gamers that devalues the product and work being put into a game so they can so call get over on the industry. If this race to the bottom dont change soon, who's to say a new gaming crash wont happen anytime soon.

Deleted member 417

View attachment 691

I saw this on the other forum today. As the original comment suggest that all of the vocal Xbox fans wants is Free COD and Diablo on gamepass. Its not about if they strongly feel that MS should be able to own ABK or not. Its not about how taking a huge Publisher off the market can have an effect on competition or Not. Its a selfish need of I like this game but im too broke or rather spend my money on other things instead of buying this new version of X game every time there is a new version.

I swear, I hate this mentality of gamers that devalues the product and work being put into a game so they can so call get over on the industry. If this race to the bottom dont change soon, who's to say a new gaming crash wont happen anytime soon.
Modern day gamers aren't gamers. Like a poster on gaf said to another poster "If gaming wasn't an option you would be happy with a different medium" and he was dead right.

These politically charged, eternally offended, cheap-skate gamers don't give a rats arse about games, the industry or the hobby. They want everything for free, regardless of what it costs to quality. They don't care that games are always online because they don't care about the preservation of games because they don't care about gaming.

These are the parasites that I wish we could flush from the industry. They make up the vocal majority and companies pander to these fickle, feckless fanatics, who will disappear to the next fad as quick as they latched onto this one.


8 Jan 2023
Modern day gamers aren't gamers. Like a poster on gaf said to another poster "If gaming wasn't an option you would be happy with a different medium" and he was dead right.

These politically charged, eternally offended, cheap-skate gamers don't give a rats arse about games, the industry or the hobby. They want everything for free, regardless of what it costs to quality. They don't care that games are always online because they don't care about the preservation of games because they don't care about gaming.

These are the parasites that I wish we could flush from the industry. They make up the vocal majority and companies pander to these fickle, feckless fanatics, who will disappear to the next fad as quick as they latched onto this one.
I swear some of these vocal "fans" is either a gamer who just started gaming at the end of the 360 era or disgruntled Sega fanboys who's still blaming Sony for Sega's downfall. Their rebuttals always show they dont know their gaming history and always try to paint Sony as the BIG Bad. Its Sony and Nintendo who is carry most of the industry on their backs when it comes to the console market.