Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Microsoft confirms something they have no power to confirm since timed exclusivity, if it exists, is a private contract between two entities not related to Xbox. If they had access to said contracts, which I doubt, Sony, Square, etc, can sue MS for corporate espionage.

Also, lol @ Sony holding Bloodbourne "hostage" when that game is co-developed by... Sony.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Microsoft confirms something they have no power to confirm since timed exclusivity, if it exists, is a private contract between two entities not related to Xbox. If they had access to said contracts, which I doubt, Sony, Square, etc, can sue MS for corporate espionage.

Also, lol @ Sony holding Bloodbourne "hostage" when that game is co-developed by... Sony.
I would love to see someone say MS has been holding Halo hostage since 2000, as it was a project started for other platforms, one of which never got a release of the game in ANY form...


14 Jul 2022

Jez Corden

A lot of the arguments coming from that camp are so easy to disassemble. In this case, timed exclusives are something both parties do and are doing. This constant need to draw attention to Sony seems like a fairly obvious ploy to draw attention away from MS' own actions. Jez there is probably sincere, but he's too biased to think critically when it comes to MS (plus he's a shill).
24 Jun 2022

Jez Corden

Well, I guess he and Miles Dompier went to the same 🤡school .

Microsoft confirms something they have no power to confirm since timed exclusivity, if it exists, is a private contract between two entities not related to Xbox. If they had access to said contracts, which I doubt, Sony, Square, etc, can sue MS for corporate espionage.

Also, lol @ Sony holding Bloodbourne "hostage" when that game is co-developed by... Sony.

That's an interesting point. It should be illegal for MS to know the terms of contracts Sony signed in private with 3P publishers for exclusivity deals, so they're either making an educated guess (which might was well be fiction, considering the narrative they want to set in order to appear weak and get the deal approved in their favor), or have just admitted to committing a crime.

Either that, or Sony have some of the dumbest lawyers on the planet and wrote bad NDAs in those exclusivity agreements. Which I strongly doubt to be the case, considering how long they've been in the business.

oh, so Sony has to stop creating games by its own studios and then is allowed to buy whatever they want? i am doing this right? 😂

xbots are retarded as fuck.

No see, Sony isn't allowed to acquire any publishers either because of the market share advantage they have by customers rewarding them for selling them a better product over multiple generations. They have to be punished for the market share they more or less earned by people deciding to buy their product.

If it's a problem Microsoft has? They can buy their way to a solution. If it's a problem Sony has? They have to somehow only make the solution themselves. Only one company is allowed to "compete", with some of these folks, apparently.

Imagine calling consumers voting with their wallet a "status quo" in a derrogatory manner.

Yeah, that's what really pisses me off with articles like these. Insinuating that the actual power consumers have in order to reward an open, competitive market by speaking with their wallets and buying the product that's most appealing to them, borderline disgusting, isn't too far removed from insinuating ideas like they're too "stupid" to have the power to decide what product should have the most market share, or that they're "voting" (with their wallet) against their own best interests (those "best interests" being the company whose product the person making the insinuation happens to prefer or shill for).

If you want some real anti-consumer stuff in action, just look at the way articles from people like this frame the choice of the consumer choosing their preferred product in the market because it happens to be a product of a competitor with a product whom your employer's website is named after 😲.

A lot of the arguments coming from that camp are so easy to disassemble. In this case, timed exclusives are something both parties do and are doing. This constant need to draw attention to Sony seems like a fairly obvious ploy to draw attention away from MS' own actions. Jez there is probably sincere, but he's too biased to think critically when it comes to MS (plus he's a shill).

TBH I think you're being too generous in thinking dudes like Jez or Miles are sincere in writing these articles. They just always happen to time these articles to narratives that we see Microsoft themselves relying on at any given point in time, in this case WRT ongoing investigation into the ABK acquisition.

"Where are the Japanese games?" "The monopoly of Sony's timed exclusives", ...those are all talking points that ironically line right up with what Microsoft are focusing on bringing up in their responses to regulators. Even the fact Jez somehow stupidly calls Bloodborne a 'moneyhat' (or something to that effect) when they KNOW that was a game co-developed between Sony Japan Studio and From Software (which Dodkrake mentioned ITT), shows IMO the intention with these articles is very much insincere.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
Well, I guess he and Miles Dompier went to the same 🤡school .

That's an interesting point. It should be illegal for MS to know the terms of contracts Sony signed in private with 3P publishers for exclusivity deals, so they're either making an educated guess (which might was well be fiction, considering the narrative they want to set in order to appear weak and get the deal approved in their favor), or have just admitted to committing a crime.

Either that, or Sony have some of the dumbest lawyers on the planet and wrote bad NDAs in those exclusivity agreements. Which I strongly doubt to be the case, considering how long they've been in the business.

No see, Sony isn't allowed to acquire any publishers either because of the market share advantage they have by customers rewarding them for selling them a better product over multiple generations. They have to be punished for the market share they more or less earned by people deciding to buy their product.

If it's a problem Microsoft has? They can buy their way to a solution. If it's a problem Sony has? They have to somehow only make the solution themselves. Only one company is allowed to "compete", with some of these folks, apparently.

Yeah, that's what really pisses me off with articles like these. Insinuating that the actual power consumers have in order to reward an open, competitive market by speaking with their wallets and buying the product that's most appealing to them, borderline disgusting, isn't too far removed from insinuating ideas like they're too "stupid" to have the power to decide what product should have the most market share, or that they're "voting" (with their wallet) against their own best interests (those "best interests" being the company whose product the person making the insinuation happens to prefer or shill for).

If you want some real anti-consumer stuff in action, just look at the way articles from people like this frame the choice of the consumer choosing their preferred product in the market because it happens to be a product of a competitor with a product whom your employer's website is named after 😲.

TBH I think you're being too generous in thinking dudes like Jez or Miles are sincere in writing these articles. They just always happen to time these articles to narratives that we see Microsoft themselves relying on at any given point in time, in this case WRT ongoing investigation into the ABK acquisition.

"Where are the Japanese games?" "The monopoly of Sony's timed exclusives", ...those are all talking points that ironically line right up with what Microsoft are focusing on bringing up in their responses to regulators. Even the fact Jez somehow stupidly calls Bloodborne a 'moneyhat' (or something to that effect) when they KNOW that was a game co-developed between Sony Japan Studio and From Software (which Dodkrake mentioned ITT), shows IMO the intention with these articles is very much insincere.
Remember the beginning of last generation, all the "journalists" bitching about PS Plus being required for online play on PS4 and talking about how much more expensive it made the PS4, while conveniently neglecting the fact that the Bone ALSO required a paid sub for online? Mostly because MS gives journalists free Gold? I remember reading about the Giant Bomb assholes flipping out on a live stream chat participant pointing that one out, which was especially egregious after Patrick Klepek being one of the biggest "SONY TOO!" dipshits when the outcry against Xbox' proposed DRM hit.
  • brain
Reactions: Kyoji

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
Either that, or Sony have some of the dumbest lawyers on the planet and wrote bad NDAs in those exclusivity agreements. Which I strongly doubt to be the case, considering how long they've been in the business.
During the Cell R&D, IBM shared related info that MS used for the Xenon. All because their contract failed to protect that information.
Don't be too surprised if Sony's legal team makes blunders.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
During the Cell R&D, IBM shared related info that MS used for the Xenon. All because their contract failed to protect that information.
Don't be too surprised if Sony's legal team makes blunders.
IBM actually settled out of court for breach of contract with Sony on that one, as there were patents involved that IBM incorporated elements of in the Xenon chip for the 360. Sony declined to press charges against the IBM employees responsible, as a criminal trial's evidentiary process would have required trade secrets to be made public in the course of the trial.


14 Jul 2022
TBH I think you're being too generous in thinking dudes like Jez or Miles are sincere in writing these articles. They just always happen to time these articles to narratives that we see Microsoft themselves relying on at any given point in time, in this case WRT ongoing investigation into the ABK acquisition.

"Where are the Japanese games?" "The monopoly of Sony's timed exclusives", ...those are all talking points that ironically line right up with what Microsoft are focusing on bringing up in their responses to regulators. Even the fact Jez somehow stupidly calls Bloodborne a 'moneyhat' (or something to that effect) when they KNOW that was a game co-developed between Sony Japan Studio and From Software (which Dodkrake mentioned ITT), shows IMO the intention with these articles is very much insincere.

I see what you mean, but I do think they sincerely believe MS is this consumer friendly, scrappy underdog fighting the evil powers of Sony and regulators. Hence why they parrot MS talking points without applying any critical thinking whatsoever. After all, MS would never steer them wrong. It's why you see Bloodborne being brought up as a point of conflict, for example. It would take just the tiniest bit of thinking to understand why it's never been ported to Xbox, but that would involve going against the narrative MS is trying to spin. I see this mindset in some of the more extreme fans and people like Jez. We see it as obvious astroturfing and shilling, but do they?

On the other hand, people like Jez 'rally the troops' so to speak and serve to obfuscate the real issues. Things like MS saying they had no incentive to make IPs exclusive with the Zenimax purchase and then doing exactly that when it was finalized. Or MS' past issues with anti-competitive practices and how their purchasing spree of developers and publishers is poised to be a continuation of that. So, you may be right. It's all a strategy devised by MS and carried out by their loyal shills. It was great to see the FTC see right through that and I can only hope they continue to do so.
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14 Jul 2022

Man where have I seen that name before.....OH RIGHT!

I have seen people unironically posting her Tweets as someone in authority we should all listen to. Also, the sheer irony of saying the FTC ignores facts while faithfully parroting the current MS narrative is incredible.

Old Gamer

5 Aug 2022
IBM actually settled out of court for breach of contract with Sony on that one, as there were patents involved that IBM incorporated elements of in the Xenon chip for the 360. Sony declined to press charges against the IBM employees responsible, as a criminal trial's evidentiary process would have required trade secrets to be made public in the course of the trial.
I stand corrected.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
The thing I get the biggest laugh out of is this insanely blinkered thinking that the buyout only effects gaming, so it should be allowed.

The two biggest software companies in America are trying to merge. That would get tons of scrutiny in any situation.

I also laugh at the notion that it is somehow unfair for MS to not be in first place because they’re so big and rich. Just WTF.


4 Jul 2022