Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


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I think this whole saga has shown how successful MS capture of the gaming media has been under Phil and Aaron's reign. That is a great success story in itself.

Sony has always known they have to do more uplift in this regard relative to their competition. Media in general is a whore to money/power - and will sniff ass accordingly. To see SIE's current leadership dial it down completely to barebones effort just compounded the matter even worse. It shows in moments like this and there is no one but SIE (and leadership) to blame. The pay-to-play model will always reign supreme in anglo-saxon markets - always. Old school, by the book marketing is an outdated fossil.


14 Aug 2022
It's probably because it will bite him in the ass in the future and in the cross examination.
Well all this arguments they been making for the past year and a half was for nothing then. Sony should have kept silent, and worked on T2 while MS was occupied with this. Now they in a position where their next acquisition because of their testimony and all the sealed and unsealed doc from this is just gonna make regulators give both them and MS a hard time on the next acquisition. Nintendo was smart staying out of this shit, they kept all their secrets and have Sony on record saying nintendo is not competition.


2 Jul 2022
Well all this arguments they been making for the past year and a half was for nothing then. Sony should have kept silent, and worked on T2 while MS was occupied with this. Now they in a position where their next acquisition because of their testimony and all the sealed and unsealed doc from this is just gonna make regulators give both them and MS a hard time on the next acquisition. Nintendo was smart staying out of this shit, they kept all their secrets and have Sony on record saying nintendo is not competition.
Doesn't matter. The deal is dead as is any future change of MS acquiring any big publisher.
Also, Sony shouldn't be allowed to buy any big publisher.
The same applies to Nintendo.
Fuck consolidation.


25 Mar 2023
Also, Sony shouldn't be allowed to buy any big publisher.
You can't allow MS to buy Bethesda and remove their games from PlayStation and stop Sony (or Nintendo) from doing the same.

PlayStation has pretty much double the market share, why must they be relegated to having a lot less employees and studios just because MS wanted to buy a $70B publisher to control the market?
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30 Jun 2022
Funny shit its only Playstation is under pressure and under attack in this court

They seems to ignore Nintendo for unknown reason

Why is Jim Ryan is here the one under surveilance

This court is about Xbox

Disgusting piece of shit


Active member
19 May 2023
Microsoft doesn’t have to do anything at this point and Microsoft keeps winning.

Until the deal is killed ultimately by the CMA.


25 Mar 2023
Xbox will probably win this court case because they’ve successfully made this a Xbox vs Sony thing instead of FTC making this about trillion dollar MS monopoly on cloud. I’ve yet to hear Jim explain how Sony can’t compete with Microsoft’s competitive advantage in cloud
Because MS has ran their Xbox business at a loss for years, is buying up PlayStation main third-party partners and directly benefits from being a major player in the general cloud market already (even approached Sony in the past to partner with them on Cloud while internally they were talking about spending them out of business).

Sony has been trying to get their cloud service going for longer than anyone else and it's just not viable to do it at scale unless you are a division from a massive trillion dollars company willing to bleed money to control the market. MS also already used their control of studios and publisher to sabotage NVidias cloud service in the past.
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16 Jul 2022
I’ve yet to hear Jim explain how Sony can’t compete with Microsoft’s competitive advantage in cloud
I think that will really fall on the FTC really. Jims only really been brought on to be cross examined and will only really answer what they ask him.

If the FTC don't capitalize on cloud concerns that's on them.

I'm still of the opinion FTC should not have filed for this injunction, just too risky.
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23 Jun 2023
What did you guys think of the FTC economist? Did the two models make sense to anyone?
24 Jun 2022
That economist expert was terrible 😐

Microsoft is really mad. They wanted to buy Sony and Nintendo. Wtf

View attachment 1731

Should just call it the Consolidation Set.

I mean how else is one to look at this and not come to the conclusion of mass industry consolidation? Imagine if they got no pushback from anyone on this ABK deal; they'd just engineer a means over 15-20 years to buy all of the companies on this list. Not in the order they're listed, obviously, but they (MS) would have loved to go unchallenged to get them all.

It's very concerning, that level of corporate greed.