Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


22 Jul 2022
You're the retards buying Xbox systems and then being shocked when there are no Japanese games of note released on the platform.

You mean when Sony money-hats them away from Xbox ? The same thing you and your friends still throw a hissy fit over when recalling the decade old Tomb Raider game.

Just a bunch of fickle crybabies 🤷‍♂️
  • haha
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1 Jul 2022
yeah no way in hell would I buy both a PS5 and Xbox, pay two subscriptions, and take up what little apartment space I have. Even if I had the space/time/money, it's just not that important to me.

Xbox is really not an option. Luckily they make it easy with no exclusives, inconsistent quality games, and being stillborn in japan.

Seems like a complete and utter waste to get both systems nowadays.


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
You mean when Sony money-hats them away from Xbox ? The same thing you and your friends still throw a hissy fit over when recalling the decade old Tomb Raider game.

Just a bunch of fickle crybabies 🤷‍♂️
Microsoft were the kings of moneyhatting from the days of the original Xbox until the end of the 360 era. They even forbid publishers who did exclusive content for PlayStation from including it on the disc.

The reason Xbox doesn't money hat anymore is because their marketshare has shrunken to the point where publishers won't accept the money, because it won't make up for lost sales when the game finally reaches PlayStation.

Continue being an ignorant asshole, and acting like you aren't carrying water for a shitty, corrupt company that wants to monopolize software and turn it all into subscriptions, you worthless clown. Your hypocrisy is legendary.


Active member
24 Jun 2022
This deal doesn’t affect me personally since I have a nice top of the line PC in addition to a PS5, and I still don’t want this deal to go through.

It baffles me that some MS fans are completely okay and fully support the idea of MS going around buying publishers like they are buying candy. Not just buying any publishers but buying some of the biggest in the industry with their games having a long history of being multiplatform. Not with the intent of buying these publishers and having their games everywhere (that would still be bad but definitely more manageable) but instead buying them with the intent to lock them up into their ecosystem.

If Sony was doing the same thing I would be pissed and that goes for Nintendo too. Anytime you mention this, some of these MS fans will bring up Sony signing up exclusive game contracts with third party or buying studios that were only making Sony games to begin with like it’s the same thing as buying an entire fucking publisher lol.

MS has bought studios in the past, and they’ve also signed exclusive deals with third party especially during the 360 gen. In fact, they were the ones who made timed exclusives a popular tactic during that generation. No one had a problem with that as that was just seen as normal healthy competition. People and regulators only started having an issue after MS started gobbling up publishers and it's very understandable why.

Look at how badly MS has mismanaged their 30 studios and people are very okay with them buying the biggest gaming publisher on the planet without even letting the ink dry on their Bathesda purchase. It’s every understandable why regulatory bodies are suddenly not okay with MS gobbling up publishers.

It’s clear to anyone that isn’t a corporate cheerleader that MS is trying to starve the competition by buying out every publisher possible and then throwing their games into GamePass. We can’t allow them to do this. It doesn’t matter how good the GamePass deal is. In the long run, this is a terrible future for gaming if MS is allowed to go free buying up everything because once they get everything in GamePass they’ll be then free to hike up prices and do whatever anti-consumer move they have thought up.

It’s not a question of being a fan of MS, Sony or Nintendo. It’s about being a fan of gaming. If you truly love gaming you should want healthy competition between all three companies and consolidation is the direct opposite of healthy competition.
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22 Jul 2022
Do people talk about tomb raider exclusivity in any other way but to laugh at how badly it ended out.

No idea, but it definitely led to a lot of salt and vinegar when it happened. Won't be surprised if some of the posters here were also present with other usernames in the legendary announcement thread.

Microsoft were the kings of moneyhatting from the days of the original Xbox until the end of the 360 era. They even forbid publishers who did exclusive content for PlayStation from including it on the disc.

Ah yes, more outdated parity clause nonsense. What better to expect than bring up decade old things from y'all 🤷‍♂️

Continue being an ignorant asshole, and acting like you aren't carrying water for a shitty, corrupt company that wants to monopolize software and turn it all into subscriptions, you worthless clown. Your hypocrisy is legendary.

dam man, you real upset or something ? :ROFLMAO:

people, can we stop be so aggressive and name calling?

these clowns don't listen anyways 🙃

No no, please let them show how calm and collected these 40 year old adults are when it comes to the honor of their preferred plastic box 😬


8 Jan 2023
Latest meltdown is with this article

Specifically this bit

Have no idea how old this information is though with MS expecting CMA to oppose it.
If the cma has strong resistance as well, the deal will take longer than the deadline they had initially set if it goes through at all.


14 Jul 2022
In the next episode of the Icon-Era sitcom.

Sony paid for FF: They really had no other choice, you should have bought a playstation

Dean Winchester Reaction GIF

Personally, I look at the developer/publisher when these things happen. A large part of the issue with Tomb Raider was the majority of the audience were not on XBox at the time. And the sales ultimately reflected that, iirc. People don't want to buy a new device and invest in a new ecosystem due to such deals. The more people you ask to do that, the bigger the outcry.

In that respect, SE made a poor decision with Tomb Raider and good decision with FF - in terms of business. In terms of other criteria, I can understand why people get upset but also acknowledge these kinds of practices have been going on for all sides for years now.
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14 Jul 2022
I have been playing Bethesda games for decades and now because of Microsoft and their Greedy failed management dealings, instead of creating and investing in more quality studios they just go out and buy them, again with the intention of stealing them from people like me by making their produced content exclusive.

If it's any consolation, you and I are in the same or a similar situation. I too can only have one console and also enjoyed Fallout 4 quite a bit. Perhaps if things remain the way they are, you and I can commiserate when Fallout 5 eventually gets announced.

Although I secretly hope things don't remain the same and it will somehow not be exclusive lol.
  • fire
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Pro Flounder
20 Jun 2022
If it's any consolation, you and I are in the same or a similar situation. I too can only have one console and also enjoyed Fallout 4 quite a bit. Perhaps if things remain the way they are, you and I can commiserate when Fallout 5 eventually gets announced.

Although I secretly hope things don't remain the same and it will somehow not be exclusive lol.
i hear ya bud, it just plain sucks but you never know, things might change in the future. 😍


Cambridge Dictionary High Priest of Grammar
28 Nov 2022
Where it’s at.
If it's any consolation, you and I are in the same or a similar situation. I too can only have one console and also enjoyed Fallout 4 quite a bit. Perhaps if things remain the way they are, you and I can commiserate when Fallout 5 eventually gets announced.

Although I secretly hope things don't remain the same and it will somehow not be exclusive lol.
By the time Fallout 5 is in production, Xbox will be dead and Bethesda will either be multiplat or PC-only.
Darth Vader

Darth Vader

I find your lack of faith disturbing
20 Jun 2022
Seems like Microsoft's legal team is expecting the CMA to oppose the deal

The F.T.C. opposed Microsoft’s bid to acquire Activision in a lawsuit filed in December. Microsoft’s legal team also expects the antitrust authority in Britain to oppose the transaction, while it believes the European Commission is open to potential remedies, according to four people briefed on the matter who were not authorized to speak publicly.

Some of these people said that Microsoft was hoping to convince both Britain and the European Union to accept its concessions and approve the deal, which could make it easier for the company to reach an agreement with the F.T.C. before the scheduled administrative trial starts in the summer. If all of the agencies accept the compromise, the (perhaps wishful) thinking goes, none of them will look weak on Big Tech.

That logic also works in reverse: Any of the three agencies could instead put pressure on the others to oppose the acquisition.


8 Jan 2023


1 Jul 2022
great news! block this illegal deal and let's all move on with our lives. What a colossal waste of time this was.

Deleted member 417

Forgive my ignorance and if this has been discussed to death I am sorry to bring it up again. I just have to ask, what benefit will buying ABK bring to Microsoft?

I mean, really, outside of console wars, what is the benefit to your average xbox gamer who doesn't spend time on forums? What do they gain from this deal?