Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


28 Jun 2022
If MS get a favourable decision and they find out before the expiry date those extra days waiting are irrelevant really, they can get abk do grant them an extension, assuming abk still want to fight it out with the CMA.

Even with an FTC appeal extending things, i can see them pushing abk for an extension. They seem to just want some favourable outcome to drag this further.
Im just going off of what ive gathered from Ree and Fosspatents.


16 Jul 2022
Im just going off of what ive gathered from Ree and Fosspatents.
I don't disagree with what you originally said about the 5 day waiting after the judgement, but don't follow these people please
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12 Jun 2023
If MS get a favourable decision and they find out before the expiry date those extra days waiting are irrelevant really, they can get abk do grant them an extension, assuming abk still want to fight it out with the CMA.

Even with an FTC appeal extending things, i can see them pushing abk for an extension. They seem to just want some favourable outcome to drag this further.
Seems more to me that they want to make it so all the money they spent on lawyers and every other person that could make this deal happen wasn't wasted. I mean we know how much they would lose if ABK walked but how much have they spent on everything else during this whole ordeal.
24 Jun 2022
Im just going off of what ive gathered from Ree and Fosspatents.

Dude why are you listening to known Xbox corporate cheerleaders?

Their opinions aren't worth the toilet paper you use to wipe your ass with, and they damn sure aren't worth your clicks. They're irrelevant.

I had to post this here, because I couldn't believe how tone-deaf and deluded it is.


No wonder the moderation has hit rock bottom if this is the sentiment shared among the crew.

He knows their traffic numbers for most other threads (especially most things PlayStation-related that aren't vehemently negative in order to draw hate clicks) have died off massively, precisely due to banning almost everyone with even the slightest of criticism towards the ABK deal, letting Xbox fanatics like Yoga Flame, gremlinz1982, Redrum and disingenuous grifters like Sullivan and Shoot basically get away with antagonizing and diluting any positive PlayStation-related conversations across multiple threads, policing the PlayStation OT thread where criticism towards the deal was at least somewhat allowed, pushing multiple FUD articles and campaigns against PlayStation exclusives, etc.

So the only relevance ResetERA really has now is as a festering home for Xbox and PCMR extremists. And to a lesser extent, Nintendo fanatics. They're the only ones allowed to actually post freely on the gaming side. If you're a PlayStation fan and have criticisms towards the acquisition, you have to walk on eggshells in pretty much any gaming thread, even when the news is mostly about PlayStation.

The forum's basically turned into a hive for Xbox & PC fanatics protected by moderators & admin who have similar sentiments, and monitor any dissent with even slight criticisms towards Xbox, Microsoft & the ABK deal like a police state.
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I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
I had to post this here, because I couldn't believe how tone-deaf and deluded it is.


No wonder the moderation has hit rock bottom if this is the sentiment shared among the crew.

'To discuss the acquisition' doesn't he mean 'to shill for Microsoft and the consolidation of the entire industry'.

Also make them into the biggest hypocrites ever, going completely contrary to the values they say they are about.... fml


Icon Extra
29 Jun 2023
'To discuss the acquisition' doesn't he mean 'to shill for Microsoft and the consolidation of the entire industry'.

Also make them into the biggest hypocrites ever, going completely contrary to the values they say they are about.... fml
It's funny. Muh huh capitalism bad.

>Mods, admins and members astroturf for the mother of all capitalists.
>Forum got sold to a media site for 2 million. Their data and "free labor" effectively only worth a few hundred of bucks


4 Jul 2022
I swear if MS doesn't end up with ABK these dudes are going to try and hurt someone.
Most of them cant hurt a fly, i remember two years ago a prominent xbox troll from my city got into a convention, we share some friends and it was on a bar with us and ask him. If its that dumbass on Real life, he got redfaced and proceded to do the same routine all Twitter warriors do in Real life, ahh its was a joke, i dont meant bad, etc, most of them are little men with microscópical dicks who shit themselves when confronted on real life
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Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Most of them cant hurt a fly, i remember two years ago a prominent xbox troll from my city got into a convention, we share some friends and it was on a bar with us and ask him. If its that dumbass on Real life, he got redfaced and proceded to do the same routine all Twitter warriors do in Real life, ahh its was a joke, i dont meant bad, etc, most of them are little men with microscópical rocks who shit themselves when confrontar on real life
Well even douchebag could harm people with a gun…