Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
They're literally trying to make more money with new GaaS titles, PlayStation PC, PlayStation Mobile and PlayStation Productions. They are trying to grow with new live-service IPs. They know that they can't acquire publishers for $50+ billion. So they are trying some new stuff before it's too late. A new strategy.
So do some research troll.
You do know not every publisher is going to cost $50 billion+ right?


Active member
31 May 2023
Yes, because COD is huge. IT IS. Accept it. And Sony knows that there are millions of PlayStation fans who only buy PlayStation consoles to play Call of Duty. It's the same reason why Sony is allowing Minecraft on PlayStation. They even caved and allowed cross-play, cross-saves and they even published Minecraft in some countries. A Microsoft IP.
They won't block COD and Minecraft just because some fanboys are butthurt about the fact that Microsoft owns the IP. Both IPs are too big and too important for the PS ecosystem for millions of PS fans.
It is what it is. Microsoft has unlimited money and is buying one publisher after another, one famous 3rd party multiplatform IP after another. Accept it. That's the reality now.
So... "how ignorant can you be"?
I must say your trolling power is strong. Why do you not have a normal reading comprehension? I never said COD was not huge, you must have been wetting ever since the news was announced so I would be dumb to not know it is huge. But that does not contradict with what I am trying to articulate here. Sony would just accelerate straight to its own grave if it can not sacrifice losses to find a more sustainable way to generate revenue. Also, what part of COD foreclosure do you not understand? Sony will ripe COD money as long as it stays on PS, but what will happen if a sudden foreclosure happens? Sony fans are butthurt about COD being owned by MS because they understand COD is now a rival's child and that child can stab the shit out of PS anytime it wants. Also, why you xbots so butthurt about the fact that PS may abandon COD, are you a little bit scared, I assumed?

Millions of PS fans? You mean millions of casuals with no loyalty and will switch to whatever side has COD? Casuals are indeed very important to the PS ecosystem, but Sony needs to find new ways to attract casuals, not sticking to the old strategy that is clearly not functional now. The time that Sony can rely on 3rd party support is over and if it is stubborn then it will die, simple as. Nintendo escaped it, let's see whether Sony can. Finally, yes, MS will continue buying publishers and Sony will respond accordingly, I do not know how great of an impact its responses will be but that is for the future.
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Active member
25 Apr 2023
CMA wanted a full divestiture of Activision and to sell off COD.

So I don’t know what this small divestiture is about.

They selling off Lulu Cheng to me.

Jokes aside, CMA bending the knee is fucking disappointing.

Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
I must say your trolling power is strong. Why do you not have a normal reading comprehension? I never said COD was not huge, you must have been wetting ever since the news was announced so I would be dumb to not know it is huge. But that does not contradict with what I am trying to articulate here. Sony would just accelerate straight to its own grave if it can not sacrifice losses to find a more sustainable way to generate revenue. Also, what part of COD foreclosure do you not understand? Sony will ripe COD money as long as it stays on PS, but what will happen if a sudden foreclosure happens? Sony fans are butthurt about COD being owned by MS because they understand COD is now a rival's child and that child can stab the shit out of PS anytime it wants. Also, why you xbots so butthurt about the fact that PS may abandon COD, are you a little bit scared, I assumed?

Millions of PS fans? You mean millions of casuals with no loyalty and will switch to whatever side has COD? Casuals are indeed very important to the PS ecosystem, but Sony needs to find new ways to attract casuals, not sticking to the old strategy that is clearly not functional now. The time that Sony can rely on 3rd party support is over and if it is stubborn then it will die, simple as. Nintendo escaped it, let's see whether Sony can. Finally, yes, MS will continue buying publishers and Sony will respond accordingly, I do not know how great of an impact its responses will be but that is for the future.
A lot of copium here.
"Scared"... "no loyalty" dude, how old are you?
We're not talking about family members here. Or football clubs. It's about video games.
COD is too big to just "block" it. Minecraft is too big to just "block" it.
I already told you that Sony is trying to get more revenue. By developing 12 GaaS games and mobile games.
But they can't and won't block COD or Minecraft. COD and Minecraft are going to leave the PS ecosystem when MS says so. Which I guess is in 8 - 10 years. Sony now has the chance to go after From Software and Square-Enix or Capcom. Or they are fucked. Buying some no-name studios like Firesprite, Firewalk, Firehike, Firetalk and Firehawk won't cut it anymore. It's time to spend some big money or go home.
Sony is just too scared to go big. Bungie for $3.6 billion was Sony Group's biggest acquisition ever. It's time to change or they can watch how PlayStation becomes the next Walkman or Columbia Pictures (a Spider-Man company).
You do know not every publisher is going to cost $50 billion+ right?
I know. But Sony is just too scared to go after big acquisitions.
Let's see if they learned anything from the Walkman or Columbia Pictures era.


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
Some of y’all need to go outside and touch grass, it sucks we may have another publisher taken away from our preferred platform but the workings of these billion dollars companies will not kill you.
One publisher no. But ABK was the biggest 3rd party publisher, no block on the deal means every other publisher will be gobbled up within the next 5-10 years. In 10 years if you want to play Assassin's Creed you're going to need to buy an apple device or subscription. If you want to play a blizzard game you'll need gamepass. If you want to play final fantasy you'll need a playstation. Every game will be carved out just like how netflix/hbo/disney/paramount have divvied up all the film and tv rights. You will be bleeding money if you want to enjoy the things you do now.

Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
Let's see if Microsoft learned anything about effective brand management in the past 20 years, while at it ;)
They didn't. See Halo.
Which is the reason why they are going after publishers now. Because these publishers, especially Activision-Blizzard, know one or two things about brand management in the video game industry.
Probably Redrum, who apparently is (was) VFXVeteran 😂
Isn't (or wasn't) VFXVeteran one of the Icon-Era founders?


29 Jun 2022
Wisconsin, USA
I know. But Sony is just too scared to go after big acquisitions.
Let's see if they learned anything from the Walkman or Columbia Pictures era.

waynes world GIF


14 Feb 2023
One publisher no. But ABK was the biggest 3rd party publisher, no block on the deal means every other publisher will be gobbled up within the next 5-10 years. In 10 years if you want to play Assassin's Creed you're going to need to buy an apple device or subscription. If you want to play a blizzard game you'll need gamepass. If you want to play final fantasy you'll need a playstation. Every game will be carved out just like how netflix/hbo/disney/paramount have divvied up all the film and tv rights. You will be bleeding money if you want to enjoy the things you do now.
i know all of this already, again worrying about these billion dollar mergers is not going to improve your life in any way. i think it's healthy to step back and realize that. not you specifically but others who act like the world is ending now that this might go through.
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2 Jul 2022
i know all of this already, again worrying about these billion dollar mergers is not going to improve your life in any way. i think it's healthy to step back and realize that. not you specifically but others who act like the world is ending now that this might go through.
Yeah, we just have to let it go, at this point.
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Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
i know all of this already, again worrying about these billion dollar mergers is not going to improve your life in any way. i think it's healthy to step back and realize that. not you specifically but others who act like the world is ending now that this might go through.
Oh I don't worry about them. I just recognize that these acquisitions are terrible for the industry and gamers in the long run.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
Some of y’all need to go outside and touch grass, it sucks we may have another publisher taken away from our preferred platform but the workings of these billion dollars companies will not kill you.

What if i don't want to? It needs to be said how ridiculous MS getting to buy Activision is and how useless the regulatory process has become (is).

And please stop that overused meme. Jeez. I ain't touching anything.
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28 Jun 2022
A lot of copium here.
"Scared"... "no loyalty" dude, how old are you?
We're not talking about family members here. Or football clubs. It's about video games.
COD is too big to just "block" it. Minecraft is too big to just "block" it.
I already told you that Sony is trying to get more revenue. By developing 12 GaaS games and mobile games.
But they can't and won't block COD or Minecraft. COD and Minecraft are going to leave the PS ecosystem when MS says so. Which I guess is in 8 - 10 years. Sony now has the chance to go after From Software and Square-Enix or Capcom. Or they are fucked. Buying some no-name studios like Firesprite, Firewalk, Firehike, Firetalk and Firehawk won't cut it anymore. It's time to spend some big money or go home.
Sony is just too scared to go big. Bungie for $3.6 billion was Sony Group's biggest acquisition ever. It's time to change or they can watch how PlayStation becomes the next Walkman or Columbia Pictures (a Spider-Man company).

I know. But Sony is just too scared to go after big acquisitions.
Let's see if they learned anything from the Walkman or Columbia Pictures era.
No but they've learned from failed Zune and other products microsoft totally mismanaged and fucked :)