Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
One publisher no. But ABK was the biggest 3rd party publisher, no block on the deal means every other publisher will be gobbled up within the next 5-10 years. In 10 years if you want to play Assassin's Creed you're going to need to buy an apple device or subscription. If you want to play a blizzard game you'll need gamepass. If you want to play final fantasy you'll need a playstation. Every game will be carved out just like how netflix/hbo/disney/paramount have divvied up all the film and tv rights. You will be bleeding money if you want to enjoy the things you do now.

I don't understand why people don't get this are acting like this is some normal purchase. Far from it. The industry will change because of this and not for the better.

MS possibly has full control of Activistion Blizzard. Like the WTF.


14 Feb 2023
What if i don't want to? It needs to be said how ridiculous MS getting to buy Activision is and how useless the regulatory process has become (is).

And please stop that overused meme. Jeez. I ain't touching anything.
you specifically are the one that needs to take a chill pill, sounds like you're about to blow a blood vessel calling the judge a see you next tuesday. can't imagine being that invested in billion dollar companies when their is real life to worry about.

On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
you specifically are the one that needs to take a chill pill, sounds like you're about to blow a blood vessel calling the judge a see you next tuesday. can't imagine being that invested in billion dollar companies when their is real life to worry about.

I love when people make like arguments like this yet spend their time in the exact same way.

Shouldn't you be doing something better also instead posting on a gaming forum?

(see you next Tuesday? Huh?)


14 Feb 2023
I love when people make like arguments like this yet spend their time in the exact same way.

Shouldn't you be doing something better also instead posting on a gaming forum?

(see you next Tuesday? Huh?)
we're all on a game forum clearly, the difference is you're melting down like your life depends on the Acti deal not going through. After I thought about it, I honestly couldn't care less what people choose to get worked up over so continue.

Same goes for the corporate cheerleaders over on resetera who are cheering a deal as if they're going to be billionaires themselves, it's not that serious.
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On Demand

Icon Extra
30 Jul 2022
we're all on a game forum clearly, the difference is you're melting down like your life depends on the Acti deal not going through. After I thought about it, I honestly couldn't care less what people choose to get worked up over so continue.

Same goes for the corporate cheerleaders over on resetera who are cheering a deal as if they're going to be billionaires themselves, it's not that serious.

You're here telling me this though. So i can make the same argument about you. Why does it bother you i care so much?

I don't like anything about this deal and i have the right to express my dislike about it and MS. This is a hobby. One of my main hobbies. Of course i'm going to have strong opinions related to it. I don't really care what anybody feels about the way people are acting over this.

I cannot prentend to not care and not feel this deal is the worst outcome ever in gaming. Sorry.

(Difference is those robots over at trashera are thinking about themselves and not the industry. They just want "free" games cause they're too cheap and have a personal vendentta with PlayStation since 2013. It's all about payback with them.)


Active member
31 May 2023
Inappropriate behavior
A lot of copium here.
"Scared"... "no loyalty" dude, how old are you?
We're not talking about family members here. Or football clubs. It's about video games.
COD is too big to just "block" it. Minecraft is too big to just "block" it.
I already told you that Sony is trying to get more revenue. By developing 12 GaaS games and mobile games.
But they can't and won't block COD or Minecraft. COD and Minecraft are going to leave the PS ecosystem when MS says so. Which I guess is in 8 - 10 years. Sony now has the chance to go after From Software and Square-Enix or Capcom. Or they are fucked. Buying some no-name studios like Firesprite, Firewalk, Firehike, Firetalk and Firehawk won't cut it anymore. It's time to spend some big money or go home.
Sony is just too scared to go big. Bungie for $3.6 billion was Sony Group's biggest acquisition ever. It's time to change or they can watch how PlayStation becomes the next Walkman or Columbia Pictures (a Spider-Man company).

I know. But Sony is just too scared to go after big acquisitions.
Let's see if they learned anything from the Walkman or Columbia Pictures era.
Shut the fuck up troll. "Loyalty" refers to the loyal customer base which is by no means a childish wording but a real concept in business but I suppose you are too dumb to even know about it, even saying video games do not have loyal customers, like how old are you? Minecraft is an entire different compared to COD situation when MS is now showing its intention to buy many publishers to kill off Sony (clearly shown in Booty's email). No matter how big your gibberish about COD is, it still does not change the fact that COD is now owned by a rival and Sony will not out right ban it right after but slowly find substitutes for it. Sony definitely needs to be more calculated with its investments because its resources are not as plentiful as Xbox's ones. I am really curious why you are still not banned for your trolling behavior.

Sleepy Brown

5 Jul 2022
Shut the fuck up troll. "Loyalty" refers to the loyal customer base which is by no means a childish wording but a real concept in business but I suppose you are too dumb to even know about it, even saying video games do not have loyal customers, like how old are you? Minecraft is an entire different compared to COD situation when MS is now showing its intention to buy many publishers to kill off Sony (clearly shown in Booty's email). No matter how big your gibberish about COD is, it still does not change the fact that COD is now owned by a rival and Sony will not out right ban it right after but slowly find substitutes for it. Sony definitely needs to be more calculated with its investments because its resources are not as plentiful as Xbox's ones. I am really curious why you are still not banned for your trolling behavior.
Asks the fanboy who's mad and insults people here. 🤭
With "loyality" you mean fanboys. Fanboys crying on social media, Youtube and forums instead of playing games.
Microsoft acquired studios and publishers for almost $80 billion and literally owns the WRPG genre. Nintendo has a ton of monster IPs like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Animal Crossing and Mario Kart. Sony has Marvel's Spider-Man for a few years, a God of War IP with a terrible and annoying new main character (Atreus), a dying TLOU IP after killing the main character, a dead Uncharted IP and... Ghost of Tsushima & Horizon.

Rival, gibberish, loyality, blablablah.
Sony now has a few years to either acquire publishers like Square-Enix or Capcom or it's time to be the new Sega and become a big 3rd party publisher, developing and publishing games for Xbox, Game Pass, Steam, EGS and Nintendo.

PlayStation - The new Columbia Pictures / Walkman
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Active member
19 May 2023
They won’t appeal. MS will just get another judge that they want. Just let it go and embrace the ALL MICROSOFT future. 🥰




14 Aug 2022
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Judge Corley, a Biden appointee, has just ruled against the FTC&#39;s bid to enjoin Microsoft-Activision, the largest tech merger in history.<br><br>The Opinion is laced with inexplicable disdain for the FTC, and replete with legal and factual errors. The FTC should appeal. 🧵 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Lee Hepner (@LeeHepner) <a href="">July 11, 2023</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>


Icon Extra
29 Nov 2022
you specifically are the one that needs to take a chill pill, sounds like you're about to blow a blood vessel calling the judge a see you next tuesday. can't imagine being that invested in billion dollar companies when their is real life to worry about.
Billion dollar companies ARE real life. Why do you think malls are dying? Billion dollar corporations. Why do you think it's impossible for mom and pops to compete with walmart and whole foods? Billion dollar corporations. Why do you think this country is the richest one (nominally) on earth and yet almost all major quality of life metrics lag miles behind other first world countries? Because corporations control every aspect of your life. You can't go 10 minutes without seeing an ad from a billion dollar corporation. You can't find any objective news source because they need to protect their billion dollar corporate sponsors. Why did the price of eggs go up by double? Because billion dollar agribusinesses price gouged the entire country.

When you say "go outside and touch grass" you need to understand that billion dollar corporations are looking to privatize every single square inch of public space and property. So if they had their way there would be no grass to touch unless you paid them to do it.


12 Jun 2023
Finally, someone speaking some sense... who does he work for?

How long till the Xbox fanboys start trying to get him fired? Or MSFT themselves.
What's even more intriguing is that there are legal professors and others questioning her decision. I'll quote what I grabbed from Reuters.
"In her 53-page order, Corley said it was not enough for the FTC to argue that "a merger might lessen competition - the FTC must show the merger will probably substantially lessen competition."
Several legal scholars questioned that standard, saying that the U.S. antitrust law required the FTC to prove the proposed deal "may" harm competition, not that it "will."
University of Baltimore law school professor Robert Lande said "'will probably' is not the same as 'may'" and the judge got the standard wrong."
Plus the jargon of her saying she found no definite proof of MS pulling COD from Playstation. Knowing damn well ink holds more weight then verbal promises.
So the FTC can more then likely attempt to appeal.


May contain Snake
6 Apr 2023
Microsoft realized something that has already happened in music, tv and movies and that Sony was late to get a grip on. “Ownership of media” is completely irrelevant to consumers.

The amount of people who actually care to own their games, is limited to a very niche population and collectors. The gloom of doom of “they can snatch the game whenever they want” falls on deaf ears because by the time that would happen, the game is way past its useful life for the vast majority of people and/or the servers are shut down anyways (for those that need internet connection).

The one thing that concerns me, is what happens to the quality games once revenue is no longer tied to direct purchases, because that future is coming.


16 Jul 2022
What's even more intriguing is that there are legal professors and others questioning her decision. I'll quote what I grabbed from Reuters.
"In her 53-page order, Corley said it was not enough for the FTC to argue that "a merger might lessen competition - the FTC must show the merger will probably substantially lessen competition."
Several legal scholars questioned that standard, saying that the U.S. antitrust law required the FTC to prove the proposed deal "may" harm competition, not that it "will."
University of Baltimore law school professor Robert Lande said "'will probably' is not the same as 'may'" and the judge got the standard wrong."

So the FTC can more then likely attempt to appeal.
Yeah the question is will the FTC have the spine to appeal. If they don't they are massively inept.

It's obvious the judge rushed her decision, and tha fact that she just admitted that the FTC actually managed to argue that "it may" lessen competition seems like they can capitalize on that by showing past precedents.
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21 Jun 2022
Microsoft realized something that has already happened in music, tv and movies and that Sony was late to get a grip on. “Ownership of media” is completely irrelevant to consumers.

The amount of people who actually care to own their games, is limited to a very niche population and collectors. The gloom of doom of “they can snatch the game whenever they want” falls on deaf ears because by the time that would happen, the game is way past its useful life for the vast majority of people and/or the servers are shut down anyways (for those that need internet connection).

The one thing that concerns me, is what happens to the quality games once revenue is no longer tied to direct purchases, because that future is coming.
30% on console is not niche when there is 9:1 more digital releases.
Consumers responsible for keep that as high as possible. Corpos don't care and they will push for digital to control masses. People bringing that shit on their backs. Good luck trying to get it back.


I don't get ulcers, I give 'em!
18 Jun 2022
What's even more intriguing is that there are legal professors and others questioning her decision. I'll quote what I grabbed from Reuters.
"In her 53-page order, Corley said it was not enough for the FTC to argue that "a merger might lessen competition - the FTC must show the merger will probably substantially lessen competition."
Several legal scholars questioned that standard, saying that the U.S. antitrust law required the FTC to prove the proposed deal "may" harm competition, not that it "will."
University of Baltimore law school professor Robert Lande said "'will probably' is not the same as 'may'" and the judge got the standard wrong."
Plus the jargon of her saying she found no definite proof of MS pulling COD from Playstation. Knowing damn well ink holds more weight then verbal promises.
So the FTC can more then likely attempt to appeal.

Yeah I got the distinct feeling that she was kinda combative and aggressive towards the FTC at times.... showing a clear bias in the case.