Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


25 Mar 2023
I would too but realistically I reckon only one is possible.

My heart says Square Enix.

My brain says Capcom for the sheer amount of IPs they have and the willingness to create new IPs.

FromSoftware is too dependent on Miyazaki.
If they have to chose just one it has to be Capcom.

Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Figther, it doesn't get more PlayStation than that.

Sony needs to be smart about how they spend their money, they should go after the Metal Gear IP and Castlevania as well.
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22 Jun 2022
That's just coping at this point. It's some of the biggest IPs in the industry. Jesus, it's time for a reality check.

The only games I have played belonging to the list are Crash Bandicoot, Halo 1,2,3, Fallout 3 and the original Prey.

Nothing I am losing sleep over.

Would be more upset if Konami, Capcom and Square Enix were acquired since I grew up playing their games.

To each their own.


25 Mar 2023
That's just coping at this point. It's some of the biggest IPs in the industry. Jesus, it's time for a reality check.
As far as my tastes go I don't care for a single on of those IPs at this point. THPS remake is pretty much all I cared for in many years.


25 Mar 2023
And it’ll devalue all of those 🤷🏻‍♂️
Just look at the state of Halo, Gears, etc. If anything that list just shows how bad MS was at creating and managing IPs in the past 15 years.

It will take 10 years for another Diablo and this one is already out on PS5. Modern Bliizard sucks, Bethesda sucks, Activision sucks and pretty much just makes CoD.


22 Jun 2022
If they have to chose just it has to be Capcom.

Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Figther, it doesn't get more PlayStation than that.

Sony needs to be smart about how they spend their money, they should go after ths Metal Gear IP and Castlevania as well.

Not to forget Megaman, Dino Crisis, Onimusha, Devil May Cry.

Theres a ton more.
  • they're_right_you_know
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22 Jun 2022
It's not about what you like or dislike. It's about the biggest industry shift since SEGA died.

✅ Call of Duty
✅ Halo
✅ Doom
✅ Diablo
✅ Gears of War
✅ Fallout
✅ Crash Bandicoot
✅ Forza
✅ The Elder Scrolls
✅ Overwatch
✅ Fable
✅ Wolfenstein
✅ StarCraft
✅ Hellblade
✅ Prey
✅ Spyro
✅ Perfect Dark
✅ Dishonored
✅ Tony Hawk
✅ Minecraft

Call of Duty, Minecraft, Overwatch, Diablo, Starcraft and Elders Scrolls are huge IPs especially on PC.

The rest? Come on.


28 Jun 2022
Yep Sony officially allowed themselves to be backed into a corner by not having any investment protection into the biggest games on their platform. In a fair world regulators would have blocked this nonsense and held firm but the world is ran by corporations, so Sony should’ve prepared for this
They should’ve been making stock buy investment in key partners while regulators were tied up with this and just kept their head down low. Now they run the risk of regulators being aware of how dominant their sales are to Xbox while not owning most of their key franchises they depend on. Utterly incompetent management top to bottom.

If the saudis of all people can buy 8 percent of Nintendo then there’s no reason Sony hasn’t buy like 15 percent of SE and capcom.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
Stop. Epic, Ubisoft, you guys want Sony to win buying trash.

Sony should buy quality publishers and studios. Capcom, SE, From Software, Take Two (and then sell Zynga).
Ubisoft has A lot of talent? They would align with Sony very well and definitely fill out all their weak areas.


24 Mar 2023
Outer Heaven
Since this is getting some traction, let me address some of the comments I've been seeing both here and at other places.

- This is not a big deal because I don't like COD.

This has nothing to do with your or my preferences. COD is one of the biggest IPs in the industry and is a HUGE money earner for Sony. Losing it will create a vacuum in income that'll affect the rest of their development. Sony's AAA games require a lot of money. A huge chunk of that comes from COD alone. This is the biggest industry shift since SEGA left the console business. This is MUCH bigger than Zenimax. You simply can't ignore this.

- Sony should just revive an old IP to fight this

Not happening. Even if Sony revived every single FPS they ever had, all of them combined wouldn't reach the same audience as COD does now. Recreating the success of COD is impossible. MS themselves have been trying and failed and at one point had one of the most successful FPS games in the industry, halo. And even that wasn't enough. There's no way Killzone or Resistance will do it.

People need to realize that this is the biggest deal in the history of the industry. One company now has access to some of the biggest IPs in gaming. That's not something that can easily be shrugged aside. This will create a massive shift that'll be felt for the next 10 years. This is not something Sony can cover by simply investing in their little GaaS studios.

- MS will mismanage their studios

They certainly have shitty track record with management. There isn;t a single first party Zenimax studio that doesn't have major issues. The problem here is that MS will simply be able to flood the market with their IPs. They can outpace Sony with releases easily. They have the capacity to release 4-5 big IPs each year, compared to Sony's, what two? Regardless of the quality, MS will be able to create a narrative that they simply have more games. And at that point it'd be a fact.

As someone who owns all consoles, this won't effect me the same as some of you. All I have to do is turn on the Series X and play these games. However, this level of consolidation is something I'm firmly against. I honestly believe only someone paid to shill would support something like this. I can't see anyone with an ounce of common sense seeing this as anything but something that'll hurt the overall industry.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
They should’ve been making stock buy investment in key partners while regulators were tied up with this and just kept their head down low. Now they run the risk of regulators being aware of how dominant their sales are to Xbox while not owning most of their key franchises they depend on. Utterly incompetent management top to bottom.

If the saudis of all people can buy 8 percent of Nintendo then there’s no reason Sony hasn’t buy like 15 percent of SE and capcom.
Complacency... This is the kick they needed.


28 Jun 2022
Complacency... This is the kick they needed.
Sony complacency has made them lose entire markets they used to dominate IE Walkman, tvs, cell phones. I’m sure there’s more. Missing out on the consolidation of the movie industry.

Sony as a whole is more known on squandering a lead then they are maintaining one now that I think of it. They’re way too conservative.


19 Jan 2023
✅ Call of Duty
✅ Halo
✅ Doom
✅ Diablo
✅ Gears of War
✅ Fallout
✅ Crash Bandicoot
✅ Forza
✅ The Elder Scrolls
✅ Overwatch
✅ Fable
✅ Wolfenstein
✅ StarCraft
✅ Hellblade
✅ Prey
✅ Spyro
✅ Perfect Dark
✅ Dishonored
✅ Tony Hawk
✅ Minecraft

Call of Duty, Minecraft, Overwatch, Diablo, Starcraft and Elders Scrolls are huge IPs especially on PC.

The rest? Come on.
Why do I always see forza sneaking into lists like this
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