Microsoft's acquisition of Activison Blizzard


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
Can weebs stop deluding themselves into thinking capcom or square enix would match anything Activision puts out. They cost 69 billion for a reason, no japanese publisher is going to equal the pull they have with their titles. it's pretty much game over
Can Casuals stop dreaming of Sony spending $40B - $60B for a single pub. This has nothing to do with our preferences lol. You guys simply just look shallowly on what Sony could buy to get revenge on Microsoft. Sony is not just gaming, when will you finally understand this?
If Sony buys a big gaming company then it will be one where you can extend their franchise across Multimedia: Anime, Music, Manga, Movies, TV Shows, Mobile Gaming etc. Get it in you heads Sony is a Japanese Conglomerate not American. Sony CFO said himself they are looking to acquire Intellectual Property, this like I said Franchises which would provide Synergies. This is so arrogant to say that Sony wouldn’t gain mich by acquiring Square Enix and/or Capcom. Your view on things is shallow, Sony is doing so mich more than just Video Games. Screenshot/Bookmark this comment, Sony will buy a Japanese pub.


21 Jun 2022
Sony has a 2 fold problem buying a western publisher.

One is they don’t have waste amounts of money and secondly they will be outbid by others.

That’s why acquiring Japanese is realistic.
they can buy whatever they want.. EA? no problem. T2? no problem, etc.. Sony shareholders are mostly banks.
biggest question, what benefit them most. not if they have money to do it.


22 Jun 2022
they can buy whatever they want.. EA? no problem. T2? no problem, etc.. Sony shareholders are mostly banks.
biggest question, what benefit them most. not if they have money to do it.

Microsoft, Google and Co. won’t outbid Sony?

Sony had to overpay to get Bungie.

In a perfect world EA and Take2 would be a perfect response but realistically a Japanese publisher or two is more likely.
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24 Jun 2022
The obsession with Square is indeed brain dead fear. Pollutes all sensible discussion. Square won't do shit. People need to stop pushing for a Square acquisition.

The war is for the FPS, WRPG western audience, not the JRPG, weeb audience. Square and its IPs won't help in any significant fashion. But who am I kidding, won't stop weebs from pushing for a Square acquisition under the guise of "do something". So fucking stupid from my POV but ohh well.

It's about what IPs, deprivation of, hurts your competitor the most to ship consoles and makes your ecosystem less desirable. If MS was a full blown third party publisher with no console platform operation we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place. The threat wouldn't be high. But they do, as a direct Sony PlayStation competitor, and MS is also pushing PC, an indirect one. They'll do it through exclusion of IP's or suppression (first or better or whatever scheme).

There are a million ways to go about revenue - if it's just a coffer operation. So yes, it's all about the First Person Shooter (shooters in general) and Western RPG audience - thus a western audience of NA/EU and not weebs or the JRPG crowd.

End of discussion. Square has been a massive failure trying to compete for the western audience in those areas, thus the divesture and sale of their western oriented IPs and studios. How obvious does this have to be? They're one of the least adequate publishers out there that can provide any significant advantage to Sony in this regard.

Respectfully, I think you're being too dismissive of Japanese publishers here, especially Square-Enix. It can't simply be an end-game of consolidating big Western moneymakers for Sony because if that results in a shift of priority content straying too far from their gaming roots, a lot of enthusiasts will leave. And since many enthusiasts tend to be early adopters, and set the "mood of discourse" as it were to influence casuals and mainstream into which ecosystems to invest into down the line, this ironically would significantly hurt Sony with casuals and mainstream audiences as well.

Again, games like Final Fantasy XIV and Monster Hunter are big money makers. Not at COD levels, nor do they need to be. XVI's done 3+ million globally and I'd reckon a large majority have been in America, a Western market, so to say Final Fantasy, or games like Street Fighter for that matter, don't have Western appeal or are only for weebs is incorrect. Being known as the "FPS box" is what the 360 eventually became known for and coincidentally that was right around the time enthusiasts started looking elsewhere, such as the PS3, for a greater variety of AAA games (MS zeroing in on casuals with Kinect didn't help them either).

I'm not saying Western publishers aren't valuable, or that Sony can afford to ignore investing into publishers like EA or Take-Two. But that's exactly where I think it should stay: investment into them, not outright acquisition. They can get just as much out of those publishers by doing key financial investments and big share purchases as they would through an acquisition, and save on a lot of money along the way (as well as not needing to account for tons of redundancies). However, if they're going to try acquiring publishers, like others are saying, Japanese publishers would be more realistic and also more affordable.

And some in particular, like Square-Enix and Capcom, do in fact have a good number of Western-appealing IP as well as games popular in ROTW territories. More importantly, they have a lot of IP that do very popular for transmedia properties too, like Final Fantasy, MegaMan, Resident Evil, etc. Across film, television, animation, merchandise, manga, music etc. The same simply can't be said for pretty much any of the big Western 3P publishers in all honesty.

Deleted member 223

Lmao, if there is no way to acquire relevant studios, any money should be spent on building "organically". 3 Billion, 4 Billion whatever it takes to build the studios to make the IPs in the relevant genres and targeting the relevant audiences of contetion while still having those Japanese pubs as a + in your camp passively.

As for the post above me. Not too dismissive. Square themselves gave up on the western genres and its accompanying studios. They failed to compete.

No amount of spin can, pun intended, square that. Just let that irrational fear subside. Most are panic pitched - thus latch at shiny friend tight (Square).


Dein Nomos
24 Jun 2022
That's a lot of assumptions to still fit the dream of an Square acquisition based on a lot of conditional ifs. Again, Square does nothing to combat the problem, except as a coffer operation. Opportunity cost comes knocking so absolutely fucking no.

WRPG studios - CDPR, Larian etc.
Shooters and impact IPs (Ubisoft, Warner Gaming). EA/Take-Two/Epic out of sensible $$$ range.
Konami IP acquistion now that it's garbage bin level. Castlevania for a W/JRPG hybrid. Metal Gear Solid for a TPS continuation. Contra as sleeper IP for a potential FPS/TPS.
FromSoftware - W/JRPG hybrid machine.

That should be the main targets. Bungie is already out the way.
I wonder what you will say if Sony announces to acquire Square Enix. Again your opinion is yours but it’s not a fact. Being in denial doesn’t mean it won’t happen dude.
It’s actually pretty arrogant of you to say Square Enix is just for weebs. Each major FF sold like 10-15 million units. KH and Nier are also on the way to become big sellers. This is on PlayStation Studios level. I don’t understand why you’re so heavily in denial. What the hell does it bother you if Sony buys a heavy hitter or a Japanese one?
PlayStation become successful because of their huge dependence of 3rd Party games. If Square Enix and Capcom would be gone, they would lose a massive chunks of fans. PlayStation is loved because of their huge variety of 3rd Party games. Sony is not Nintendo and they can’t become a second Nintendo. Forget it.
You will be proven wrong, when Sony announces their first major acquisition.
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25 Mar 2023
Lmao, if there is no way to acquire relevant studios, any money should be spent on building "organically". 3 Billion, 4 Billion whatever it takes to build the studios to make the IPs in the relevant genres and targeting the relevant audiences of contetion while still having those Japanese pubs as a + in your camp passively.

As for the post above me. Not too dismissive. Square themselves gave up on the western genres and its accompanying studios. They failed to compete.

No amount of spin can, pun intended, square that. Just let that irrational fear subside. Most are panic pitched - thus latch at shiny friend tight (Square).
Who cares if Sony wins or loses if to win they have to start making shitty games like MS and Bethesda?

Focus on quality, secure the games the core PlayStation audience like and let Xbox fuck itself trying to manage all these terrible studios and dead/dying IPs.

PlayStation has only two Japanese studios (one being pretty small), simply pathetic. Why wouldn't Sony leverage the fact they are a Japanese company and instead try to become Xbox?
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14 Feb 2023
The obsession with Square is indeed brain dead fear. Pollutes all sensible discussion. Square won't do shit. People need to stop pushing for a Square acquisition.

The war is for the FPS, WRPG western audience, not the JRPG, weeb audience. Square and its IPs won't help in any significant fashion. But who am I kidding, won't stop weebs from pushing for a Square acquisition under the guise of "do something". So fucking stupid from my POV but ohh well.


Icon Extra
10 Mar 2023
The obsession with Square is indeed brain dead fear. Pollutes all sensible discussion. Square won't do shit. People need to stop pushing for a Square acquisition.

The war is for the FPS, WRPG western audience, not the JRPG, weeb audience. Square and its IPs won't help in any significant fashion. But who am I kidding, won't stop weebs from pushing for a Square acquisition under the guise of "do something". So fucking stupid from my POV but ohh well.
It stems from them being afraid they'll lose Final Fantasy. I do think SE would be a great asset to SIE but you are correct.


25 Mar 2023
It stems from them being afraid they'll lose Final Fantasy. I do think SE would be a great asset to SIE but you are correct.
It come from the fact that Final Fantasy is a lot more interesting than anything that Xbox, Bethesda or ABK have going on for them. Sony doesn't need to emulate Xbox, they just need to outclass them one final time.

PlayStation has the wrong focus, this is not about beating MS as PC publisher or third-party GaaS publisher, it's just about protecting their dominant and evergreen console business. Once Xbox is dead it won't matter how big MS is, so all Sony needs to do is make MS finally give up on it.

All of Sony strength as a publisher comes from their console success. If they start acting like MS they'll be the next Sega. Sony is allowing their PlayStation to get choked out while outselling Xbox more than 2:1, now closer to 3:1, it's way past the time for them to make some big moves to save their console business.
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Well-known member
24 Jun 2022
Yeah, any updates on the CMA, or is there any gaslighting involved?
Everyone seems to think it's a done deal and that it's going to be solved with the CMA.

That is completely unknown right now.

Microsoft and Activision are reportedly leaning towards a merger deadline extension, sources tell the Financial Times. The news report was published before yesterday's big loss for the FTC, where the appeals courts denied the Commission's request to prohibit the merger from consummating until after a months-long appeals process was complete. The merger is now clear to close in the United States, but the FTC plans to start its internal administrative case next month.

That just leaves one more potential roadblock for the $68.7 billion merger: the UK regulators at the CMA. It's assumed that Microsoft and Activision will extend their merger deadline as the parties continue negotiating with the UK agency.

There's a Competition Appeal Tribunal conference dated July 17 and people are expecting them to announce the CMA's decision.

If that's not the case and they need an extension, then things are not going to be over and people might start to wonder if this thing is going to get blocked.


29 Jun 2023
Xbox really shows they are the combination of PSG and Man Utd.

Buying fucking AKB, Bethesda just like how PSG got Mbappe and Messi. But they got Ed Woodward and Glazers in charge meaning everything go to shit 🤣
  • haha
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